Get Your Planter Spring-Ready: Essential Maintenance and Care Tips From Chad Henderson

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9 Feb 247m 56sPremium Content

Chad Henderson delves into a few of the crucial aspects of planter maintenance to ensure optimal performance for the upcoming planting season. He looks at maintenance tasks, including the inspection and replacement of wear items that are often overlooked but essential for accurate seed placement and crop yield.

Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag, and we're gonna run over just a little bit of planter maintenance. There's gonna be a few wear items in here that y'all all know about, but just don't overlook 'em. So we've got this piece here, that's the, that's the stationary singulator, and it's got the adjustment on it. Make sure it's free, make sure it's adjustable. Make sure these are not kind of disturbed. I don't, I don't really know how to say what the wear pattern is on them, but look for this. If you get to where you're not planting the right amount of seed that you should, if you're, if this seed falls off two, three, 4,000 seed, I would give you a suggestion of start right here. Start in this piece right here. In this unit here, we wanna make sure that these stationary fingers are in good shape. You know, they just kind of fold in there and lay the way that the plate has 'em laid, you know, but just take a look at those and make sure this setting is correct, whether you run it in the middle, the up or the down, you know, uh, make, just, just keep a good eye on that. You'll see that this one's got a new brush in it. We've, we put new brushes in the corn planter every year, and that's in the seed delivery tube. You know, I guess people say brushes, you know, a lot of times they think about this one here and we make sure that it's in good shape. Um, but make sure that this, the seed delivery, the belt is, if you would, that's a better lot better word for it. Make sure that belt is in good shape. Again, we'll put a new one in and we roll the other one into, kind of roll it into our bean planter. And, and now I, I know we need to ate beans and I understand all that. Like I get it, I promise you I get it. But this thing is run on, let's say an average of 30,000 on corn. You know, I wanna start with my corn in great shape and then I'm gonna fold it into my bean, my bean planter that I use to start with. The first bean planter will have new brushes in it as well. When I say I roll it into my bean planter, we have two bean planters, and the other bean planter does a lot of the double crop beans. And it's just not as important in the double crop setting because we have other factors that are limiting more than that. Brush, uh, delivery, uh, the seed belt as you will. So that's what I mean by I roll it into the, into that planter because I'm still getting a good use out of it. I just wanna start with a new one on this corn planter for the acres that this planter plants. This planter planter around 3000 acres itself. So that'll give you an idea of, of what wear is on that brush. Again, seed delivery belt. I keep saying brush. So that gets through the unit when we talk about this. Make sure that this is, these are not war. They'll get some wear on 'em down here to bottom. And when they do it, it, it, um, it definitely affects the way the unit plants. So make sure we're not missing any of these, um, strips down here, this rumble strip or, and make sure that it's, it's in good shape as well. Make sure the vacuum seal here. Make sure the vacuum seal's in good shape. It's not torn or anything. 'cause the vacuum is essentially the light, the starting point, uh, of this unit, you know, so make sure we have good ceiling and good vacuum. And again, the next thing is make sure that these strips here, these little poly strips, these wear strips for the plate. Make sure it's not touching. Make sure the plate hadn't wore these and is touching into the frame around this housing. So let's talk for just a second on the seed delivery system. Um, there's several things in here to keep this thing from planting correctly or planting it all. One is, you know, you can think of this unit as kinda like, I look at it as like it's a 15 or 20 amp breaker when load starts getting on this motor up here at the top then, and it gets so much load it's just gonna stop. And when it stops, you know, all, all y'all know that run these planters, the whole planter stops. So there's things in here to, that starts drag and obviously we'll start here at the bottom and make sure this roller's in good shape. If it's got any drag or you can hear it when you turn it, it might be a good idea to make sure you have some of these on hand and have, make sure that some of these, uh, are ready to get in the game. We keep about 10 of these on the shelf and we've just had, had 'em over the years to get, get some wear in 'em. So we just rebuild 'em, put 'em back on the shelf and we'll keep, it's a good idea to keep one or two of these, maybe in the tractor, maybe on the seed, seed truck, however you wanna do it because it's quick if you have any problems just to pull this whole unit out and then put a whole unit in and then you can really get stay in the field and get, get going. Good. One of the next things we look at is how much wear is on the bottom here on this stainless guide. It'll get a lot of wear to it and it'll cause damage on the belt delivery system itself. So we want to keep an eye on it and make sure that this piece here, as you can see, that leanna's already replaced it looks like, and I mean, it's in good shape, so we wanna make sure and keep an eye on that piece as well. Make sure it's where we need to be in the game. Um, the next thing is make sure all the time, if you ever start pulling this out, that it fits back in correctly. A lot of Ks will put that back in and maybe won't get all the way down where it needs to be and it won't Sit in the track correctly. And so it'll give off readings and, and not, not plant and just, just kind of give you a little bit of headache. This is how we store these belts. You'll see 'em sitting up here on a piece of PVC and they'll be stored inside. I just wanted to show y'all a belt that's worn and, and it, this'll probably get thrown away. These are just come outta the planters and we hadn't went through 'em yet, but you can see the trough in this. See it there, the v in the middle of it, that's a worn belt and it's just, it's just from placing the seed in it, you know, and seeing how the seed goes in and, and, and it's just pulling the seed out. That's, that's too much wear. So this belt will not plant correctly and it will let the seed, actually, the seed will tumble down here. If it don't stick this seed in the brush, real, real well, then they'll just start tumbling down through here and then all your uh, spacing goes, goes out the window. So here's what the belt looks like, that's almost new. See how this belt is? It's real flush and real wide across it compared to this one. See how much narrower it is and see the V in it, that's the wear pattern that you'll get. And that's just a belt that's just had a bunch of soybeans run through it, you know, so there's a new belt, there's a bad worn belt, so everybody gets to pull the planter in the shop and we get to tear these things down. You know, luckily for us two years ago we had a major tear down on this one, so we're in pretty good shape. We, uh, was just kinda routine maintenance items is what we had to fix on this planter this year. So this one got new disc openers on it and we also got new scrapes on this one and we had about six or eight rear bearings, which on, when I say rear bearing, it's be closing wheel bearings. When I say that we, um, we'll keep man, we'll have two or three of these on the truck, you know, where the baron will go out in one of these steel wheels or even one of these closure wheels from integrated Ag solutions. We'll have maybe one of those go out. So we'll just, you know, we'll be quick to change those and, and pop another one on and go at it. But for the most part, you know, run pretty good. You'll notice that this thing don't have the fertilizers out the back of it. That's just a system that we got from Temple Roads and it just seems to work really good. I mean, we just don't have any, I mean, you just don't see the plugging issues or it's just hanging out the back. It don't splatter on a, uh, unit as, as what bad or anything like that. And, and it just, it, it is done a great job for us. Last year we started out and we had another setup on this side of the planter and then this setup on the other half of the planter and we run the whole crop with it. I couldn't see it, I couldn't find it had I seen no yield advantage. So this year that setup come off the planter and temple's set up is a hundred percent in the game all the way around the planter. Do your testing, you know, make sure you know which one works for you because some work great for some people and some don't. So I know that was fast and there's any questions, y'all gimme a call. I'll try to help you with the things that we've tore up.