From Chicken Litter to Tailored Fertility
26 Mar 245 m 11s

Temple Rhodes shares his approach to optimizing plant nutrition and managing fertility using chicken litter. Addressing the challenge of unlocking legacy phosphorus and other nutrients in the soil.

00:00 So we're standing in front of a pile of chicken litter. We, at everybody across the country, you know, we're, there's a lot of litter applied, a lot 00:07 Of litter Applied. So I went to Rob Devin with the agritech, USA, with a, with an actual problem. 00:14 So the problem was, is I needed to, one, I needed to be able to release some of this legacy phosphorus 00:20 and some of the, I mean, legacy nutrition in general, you know, so I needed to, to release some of that. And then I needed to figure out a, you know, how 00:29 to make some of my fertility, trying to make it a little bit more efficient. So we, this is how I looked at it. 00:35 So I went along and I thought, well, as a craft stage in life, I needed certain things. 00:43 There was a certain amount of nutrition I needed at the beginning. There's a certain amount of nutrition I needed in 00:48 the be in the, in the middle. And then there's a slug of nutrition that I was getting in the end, and I was front loading a lot 00:54 of that nutrition and a lot of that nutrition is what we're seeing behind us. Yes. You know, when, when you came to me with this problem 01:00 and you said, Hey, how can we, how can we spread this out throughout the growing season basically is what we were wanting to do 01:05 because number one, you didn't like front loading it, you know, and we've often talked about, you know, what, what if, what if you went 01:11 and ate this morning, that was the last meal you got until a combine coming harvest you. Yeah. You know that, that's, that's, nobody's happy 01:17 With that. No. And, and that's basically what we're doing when we're front loading all this fertility. 01:22 And so we said, well, let's split this thing up. And, you know, you were, you were a big advocate of, of nutri charge. 01:28 You, you liked the responses, right? You were getting when we were front loading with it and, uh, you said, Hey, let's, let's, 01:34 let's put a low fertility out and treat it along the way. Well, I kind of wanted to step it up 01:38 because I, I, I knew that, you know, let's say that corn plant utilizes around 18 to 20% from emergence to, um, V six, 01:49 that's when I'm going to determine my rows around. Right? Right. So I knew that if I could do, if I did that, I didn't need a tremendous amount of, you know, 01:58 a product like your product or whatever that was gonna release a bunch of phosphorus and nutrition into that plant. 02:04 Because I realistically didn't need that. I needed a certain amount of it. So I went low rate on that end, 02:11 and then as I stepped, you did 3.2 Ounces. Yeah, I did 3.2 ounces. So I went low rate there, 02:17 and then I came back when I made my first sidedress pass and I jumped it up to 6.4 ounces 02:23 because I realized that I'm getting ready to step it up to get into my, um, my reproductive area, your Later vegetative early reproductive status. 02:33 You know, and, and think of it like this as a good example is, is you take a little kid and a little kid doesn't need much to eat. 02:40 No. Not near what you need to eat. I mean, I Don't need to eat a lot anyway, but, but you Do. Right? 02:46 And, and that's what we want a co a corn plant to do or soybean plant. We want, as they get grow, they need 02:53 to really pack on the nutrients to, to bulk up that grain and to get those grain and get the weight wheat. And 02:57 We were seeing, so think about it like this. So I kind of looked at it like, I know I need a slug of over 50% of the nutrition, phosphorus, 03:07 potassium, you know, nitrogen. Like I need all of those kind of ramp up at the, at the very end. 03:12 Right. I need to get that nutrition in at the end. Well, my idea was, is if I could release some of this fertility in the end, 03:20 because I wouldn't, I mean, I'm wide dropping with neurogen. I'm not wide dropping with phosphorus 03:25 and all that other stuff, but I thought, well maybe if we, there's No there, there's no telling what you're wide dropping 03:30 With. That's a great point. But I won't be wide dropping that kind of stuff this year. I'm gonna step it back a little bit. 03:36 I'm not gonna be a hashtag send it. It's gonna be a hashtag. Save it. Save it. Yeah. 03:40 So it's, it's more about protecting fertility for me this year, but I think that I've done a really good job of protecting my fertility 03:48 in previous years. Yeah. So what I'm going with is, I, I knew, I know I needed to get a slug of nutrition 03:57 and I needed to take a, you know, a withdrawal outta my bank account, which is what might be litter on, you know, from my case. 04:05 I think that one thing that I think one key point to bring to the table is that as we began to spoon feed this 04:11 and we were putting the layers of the polymer in the soil, we were starting to see your yield increases 04:17 with the polymer go up even Higher. Well, I, I got, you know, when, when we protect fertility, I was getting some protection. 04:26 You know, it doesn't matter what you're trying to protect your fertility with, but you'll get some reaction when you front load your 04:33 fertility and you'll get, you know, you'll get a yield bump. And I did get a yield bump, 04:37 but the, the tremendous yield bump for me and my situation was, is putting it on a side dress and then it wide drop. 04:45 I saw a tremendous increase Yeah. When we went into there. And I think it's because we were just running out 04:51 by the time that we got to reproduction. Our plants were just plumb running out When the demands were high, When the demands were high. 04:58 So, um, there's a little bit of my problem that I've, I've faced and we, there's a little bit of a solution that we've come up with. 05:05 So see you guys soon.

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