Foliar Rice Trials
Robb and Agroliquid Agronomist Molly talk about the needs of a rice crop and the foliar trials they are conducting with FertiRain™
00:00 Hey friends, welcome to a rice field in McGee Arkansas. We're going to talk to you about some cool stuff. We're doing with rice here at extreme AG. I got Rob Deadman 00:06 ultimate AG Consulting also a business partner to Matt miles one of the founders of extreme AG at Miles Farms, you know, we were in this field a bit ago 00:15 recording another video and I learned something pretty neat. You don't have to flood rice to make it grow you flood rise 00:21 for weed suppression turns out it's just, you know, a field of of rice and it looks to me like a wheat field. In fact, 00:27 I've actually, you know, kind of said looks like wheat, but Rob correct me because he does that Rob you have a trial 00:33 you're going to do with Molly Alexander. Who's this fine a fine representative of Agra liquid right here Molly. What do you got going on? You're the Southeast Regional agronomist for 00:42 aggro liquid, you do some cool stuff with our extreme AG folks and you've got a cotton trial going on. You got two cotton trials going on. It turns out 00:51 you're also gonna do a rice trial. What are you doing? So we're actually gonna take two eighties and split them and we're gonna look at a 00:57 folder fed application of mp&k and Nutrients so just be a replicated trial. Okay. So the trial was this one of your ideas around nice 01:05 actually is one of Mark Douglas's ideas. Mark's been wanting us to try the further rain product on the rice and he's just keeps telling me you know, how we're gonna 01:14 get some positive results out of this. They're gonna be great and all that and I was like, okay. Well, let's just do it on 01:20 our eyes to make this time. Let's get it down here. Let's go with it personally guy. and Mark wants to see more stuff with furter rain furter Reigns 01:27 proprietary product Agri liquid, and I know you told me in another recording but I've already forgotten what's in further rain so far rain has an 01:32 EK package, and then it has sulfur iron manganese and zinc, which is all requirements of a grasses rice crop. Got it. And you said before we 01:41 hit record one thing about rice nitrogen nitrogen nitrogen, right? And in the old days I'm guessing we mostly did that but now we're doing nitrogen and all the other goodies that we didn't 01:50 even think about in the old days like sulfur and zinc, right? So, you know, we were talking about flooding earlier and how 01:56 surprised you were that it doesn't necessarily have to be flood. So in the past we thought okay, we have water standing. 02:02 We don't necessarily want to apply any nutrients and if we do we have to hit it just either here or here and so now 02:08 that we have different ways of doing this like they were saying where they could take the water on and off we have a lot more opportunity to get micros 02:14 out and spoon feed these and monitor the progress. So this is a much better way to test a folio on rice and in the past when it was just at a single application on 02:23 a flooded field rob. You told me in a previous recording when we're in this real Sandy ground that they're growing cotton in that the one thing about the Delta and some of 02:32 the lighter soils. If you go all your nutrition out there planting time, it's going to get leached down through 02:38 the soil profile or go with the irrigation sideways. And then it's a lot better practice to spoon feed it 02:44 to put nutrients out there as the plant can use them. Same thing with rice. Yeah a little bit. I mean up the rice is not grown on the 02:53 Your souls it's grown on more clay type Soul. So to hold the water so it holds the water. 02:57 But what happens here is like we talked about earlier is we're trying to grow this rice in such a sustainable. 03:05 Way, yeah, we're trying to reduce inputs. While maintaining yield that's the cool thing about products like vertebrain. 03:13 fertile rain is a The availability of that product to the plant is so high that we can produce the amount of nutrition 03:21 that we're having to put on his crop while maintaining the yield expectations that we have. They're gonna flood this field here in the next week or two right there. 03:30 So okay. There's really fun. There's there too. When do we use the furtherain do we do it when it's been flooded. We know we can't drive out here and put it 03:39 on in. When do we do it? So we don't want to add any extra input costs anything that anyone's already doing. So we recommend any 03:45 furthering that we put on with her set application and that's gonna happen because you told me sorry we do 03:51 a thing when this zero great zero grade where we we plant it then we flooded after it's about four to six inches, then we take the water off then we put the water back on 04:00 and you told me in a previous recording that helps bring nutrients up to the soil profile our top soil profile. 04:06 When do we hit with herbicide? So the herbicides go out prior to the first flood actually, this bill has already been sprayed. Yeah. So we the it's 04:15 out here. We're the test is is done. So this herbicides on so we're not just doing we're not just doing a contact at times where we're doing. Something's got a little bit residual. Well, I mean 04:24 the residual as far as herbicide. Yes. The first rain is a residual because the plants absorbing it sure. All right. We doing this once twice 04:33 So I believe we discussed doing it one time in this test one time in this test. You're not just doing further rain, you're doing another product and part of 04:42 this rice trial tell me about that. Um, actually we're doing Ferd rain only in this one, but we do have another product that could be geared towards rice which would be a foliar fed phosphorus application 04:51 as well. Our Pro germinator can be fed Foley really safely with no risk of burn or any problem like that and rice sometimes when the phosphorus gets 05:00 depleted, that's our way that we'll be able to get it back in not as much of a problem with that as there is within the Beast he 05:07 is the big problem the p is a little bit of a problem. He is a pretty good. It's up there fairly. Well potassium is 05:13 not really limiting factor too much on Rice we're in npf. So the pro germ is is heavy on phosphorus and that's what we're gonna do but we're not 05:22 we are not going to do that in this particular trial. No, no this particular trial is strictly a part of rain, but one of the true 05:28 benefits of the program is is where on yours like this year, you know, we're looking at 800 to $1,000 phosphorus products and 05:36 on these Farms that have sufficient phosphorus in the soil per the soil test as we discussed earlier, you know, we look at it. Okay, so we come out here and 05:45 and as a consultant I look at this field and I said, well, you know Matt we've got just a little bit of phosphorus deficiency 05:51 going on instead of spending 40 or 50 dollars on phosphorus. We can go to a much more economical product like 05:59 You know progerminator and apply that foliar. All we solving the problem long-term. No. Oh we fixing the problem this year with a great Roi. Yes. 06:09 Can you explain what so like if you're scouting out here, there's so many different deficiencies that look like when you're coming out to look at the phosphorus. What do you look at first? So 06:18 primarily on all these grass crops corn and all when I'm looking at these phosphorus, you know, I'm looking for stunted plants. Yep. I'm looking for a purple color in 06:27 the leaf. Okay, and when I see that purple color in the leaf, that's my key indicator. Okay that and that stunted plant in those areas and those random areas now, we've not seen any purple in 06:36 this stunner would mean you're talking about smaller than that smaller than the average got it. And then the other 06:42 thing that you're talking about then on money your pro germ that you're gonna experiment with down. The road is very cost effective at feeds a plant. This other 06:51 thing we are doing as a trial where we're going to use the further rain. without without you know, getting all into the actual 06:58 pinching out by the by the penny we're saving money on fertilizer by using furtherain. Yes, and we're going to get our bump. What's your 07:08 hopeful Roi on this? What would you like to see? You know, Molly I'll let Molly answer that you know, this is our first time to use the product. So it's kind of it's new to us. We'll see what 07:18 we get our money back. We certainly we're gonna earn money. So we've done trials in the past and over the course of a two year average. We were 07:24 increasing yield by I mean exponential amounts which hard to sell because some people don't believe that but we do have backed up trials on this where it has proven time and again 07:33 that it definitely pays for itself over and over. Okay, so and it's fairly inexpensive application very expensive. 07:39 Um, and one of the coolest Parts about the pro germinator we talked about and the furterain is it contains a flavanol polymer technology so not 07:49 to get very technical you are chemistry major. Remember I was an agricultural economics flat Flava. No what? 07:55 All right. I mean did they teach you that when you were Ninth Place in that soil judging currently not apparently not my if you know 08:04 Give me a flavonoid. Okay, so it is a plant-derived molecule. So it's naturally found in the plant sure. So we have taken 08:12 that technology and combined it with our liquid products this way the plant recognizes it it wants 08:18 to utilize it it wants to take it up and then it acts as a long term sort of slow release of the nutrients. 08:24 So then that again talk about Roi slow release means that fertile at fertility input is gonna hang around and hang around and it's gonna feed it all the way up through the critical 08:33 stages of the crop needs it. Yeah, then we're gonna Harvest this and on September you told me and what do 08:39 you hope to see? What would be what would make you happy? Like, yeah. I'm really glad we did this, you know, yeah 250 to 50. 08:45 No social Craig, you know, what I want to say is I want to say I want to see a positive or on what we do on the farm, right? You know, whether it's 08:54 I fart around application did did we increase enough yield to to pay for the extra products that we put out there over what we 09:03 would consider a grower standard practice, you know. Did we spend less money on this field and get an increase yield. Did we 09:12 spend a less money? Maybe not necessarily getting an increase yield but having a greater Roi got it, you 09:18 know sometimes Roi doesn't always equate back to increase yield. Sure. Well good, but it can mean you're still making money. You try husband. Are you 09:28 optimistic? You're gonna see it for the right. You got to be, you know, so many of the products that we look at with agril liquids and previous trials have 09:36 always been positive. Why would I have a reason about this one? First time first time? We're making a big change on Rice part. Well, 09:42 you know, it's not a big change. But yes first time we've used this type of product and rice got it. Molly last closing thoughts all we're 09:48 talking about furtherain Trial you're doing at Matt miles farm and Arkansas on rice. I'm just excited to 09:54 see that we can help increase their sustainability and get the art of looking for anything else on the way out the door. 10:00 You know, that's the like I said the increase the ROI spend less money God. This is the year. I think that is with fertility or for the price of 10:09 fertility fertilizer being what they are. So it's exciting to see this. All right. His name is Rob Deadman. Her name is Molly Alexander. She is a Southeast Regional 10:15 agronomist with our friends in Agra liquid. My name is Damian Mason. I very much appreciate you tuning in here to extreme AG dot Farm, you know, we got 10:24 hundreds of other cool educational videos just like this sharing with your friends go and check out stuff in the archives until next time. It's extreme 10:30 AG. Thanks for being here.