Exploring the Fendt Ideal 8T Combine
Lee Lubbers gets a comprehensive look at the Fendt Ideal 8T combine before he trials it in the fields of his South Dakota farm.
00:00 Hey everybody, it's Lee Luber, the Extreme Ag here in Greggy, South Dakota. And behind me is the fent ideal eight T. 00:06 We've been waiting all season to get behind the wheel of this. Oh wait, it doesn't have a steering wheel. It's ideal drive. 00:12 We're gonna go through a lot of key features that make this machine so unique. Let's go take a peek. 00:26 Hey Steven. Good morning. Morning. Glad you could make it out. Thank you. I've been hearing a lot of buzz about this combine online on 00:33 social media and how state of the art it is. And uh, can you tell me about what makes it so unique? So, Lee, being down here in Central South Dakota, 00:41 you have multiple crops. What's important to you in a combine on your operation? Uh, we need a combine that's gonna perform, 00:50 uh, well in the field. Uh, be a good machine that can get us the most bushels, maximize our efficiency, keep it in the combine, 00:59 not put it out the rear on the ground. And we also need grain quality because we have all on farm storage. 01:07 We have, uh, about a million and a half bushels on farm storage and we can store for months at a time. 01:13 So it's all about grain quality because if we have cracked grain, if we have damaged grain, that can really hinder us in storing it 01:21 and getting a premium months down the line. It's probably also important for you to have a very comfortable cab with great technology, right? 01:29 Absolutely. Uh, I ate enough dirt growing up before we had cabs and air conditioning, so it's all about comfort. 01:35 You want to get out at the end of the day and feel good. I mean, I want to go home to my kids and not be grumpy dad. 01:41 I want to be happy. Dad, there's Some really key features of the ideal combine that'll show you 01:46 that this combine can really meet the needs of not only yours but growers across the country. Let's start learning. Sounds Good. 02:03 So Lee, I wanted to bring you back here. You know, we talked about harvesting efficiency. It's not just about throughput and loss, 02:10 but it's also about setting the stage for next year. I know down here you're a no-till operation. What's important for you on residue 02:18 discharge and spread quality? Uh, since we're no-till guys, uh, it's do or die residue management, that's 02:26 what will make you a break you the next year. If we have an un uneven spread, uh, we end up with poor stands. 02:33 Uh, we end up with insect issues. It costs us a lot of money. Uh, doubts has been the biggest struggle in becoming a 02:41 no-till operation has been residue management over the years. And we know it starts in the front, but it all ends here. 02:49 And so we know this is critical. Yeah, Lee, and that's really what Fent went to the drawing board on this. 02:53 Um, on the ideal combine, this spreader is designed, a lot of guys have seen the videos this summer of 03:00 that 62 foot draper head on the fent ideal combine. This combine can efficiently spread residue out past 50 feet. 03:08 So as the operations grow, you go from 40 to 50 and then possibly 60 feet, we're able to spread that mat evenly across the entire header width. 03:19 Well, that's incredibly important for us because if we can't attain that on the rear end of the combine, uh, it doesn't matter 03:27 because, uh, we're setting the stage for the next year. Yeah. So everything back here is all set from the operator station. 03:35 You can adjust the thin angle, you can adjust the motor speed so that you can watch as conditions change throughout the day 03:43 or as conditions change in the crop, you can make those finite adjustments and get that perfect spread across the header width. 04:03 As farmers we're sitting in these combines 12 to 14 hours a day, it's very important to be comfortable. So that day in and day out 04:11 of this long harvest season, it's easy on you. And when we look at the cab on the ideal combine, we have, you know, great visibility. 04:21 You know, we don't have a steering wheel. Um, having that ideal drive allows us to really visualize, see things on our head, you know, see things that might, 04:31 you know, might be of concern. Um, it's a lot easier on you as well. You know, having that lower engine RPM on this machine 04:38 really leads to a quiet operator experience. And then the ride we're sitting in front of the largest track in the industry, quiet cab, 04:46 great visibility and great ride really leads to a very great operator experience. You know, for years and years. 04:53 The only way to tell what was actually going on in the combine was doing a kill stall, getting out, looking mm-Hmm. Where the materials flowing. All 05:01 Right. We've done, we've done a ton of power shutdowns and that's the way we've done it. That's the way we've always had to do it. 05:07 Shut down the machine, stop, flip up the chopper and there goes 15 minutes just to make sure you're doing a good job. 05:15 Yeah. So the technology in this machine, we have acoustical sensors throughout the entire process of the harvest. 05:23 And we can tell exactly where material flow is actually coming through in the machine so that you don't have to stop for 05:30 that 15 minutes and do a do a shutdown. Um, being able to see, you know, how that crop is threshing, how far that material's walking back on the shoe 05:40 is very important when we talk about, you know, how fast we wanna run the machine and you know, if we're getting lost out the back. 05:47 That's interesting that you mentioned acoustical sensors because uh, I know they're available a uh, aftermarket, 05:54 you can put 'em on different brands of air seeders and we've seen how advanced they are. And our next air seaters, we're actually switching 06:01 to acoustic because the one thing we figured out the way conventional sensors work is it's all based off of load or else even on an air seater, 06:11 you're actually plugging before it catches it. Where acoustic it's so precise is catching it before it's a problem. 06:19 So the acoustic part really sounds interesting to me. Yeah, it's a, it's a, it's a sensor you really can trust. We look at, you know, hey, 06:27 am I getting lost out the back of the combine? Is there money going out the back of the combine? And you can really trust that sensor to dial in the combine. 06:35 And then we use our technology of ideal harvest and put the automation factor to that. So then you as an operator are allowing that combine to use 06:45 that acoustical sensor to actually set the machine and make sure that it's running as efficient as it can and not throwing any grain out the 06:52 Back. The combine's gonna, it's gonna learn from me. Yes, it's gonna learn as the harvest process continues throughout the day. 06:59 So as conditions change, it's gonna make those adjustments in all the process of the machine so that we're the most efficient 07:07 and we are not throwing dollars out the back of that Combine, as I always like to say. Let's do it. Let's give the ideal eight TA go on corn 07:16 and let's see what it's all about and stay tuned to everybody because there's gonna be a ton of videos coming 07:22 right from the combine seat in the corn field. Let's check it out. Sounds Good.
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See All GrowersLee Lubbers
Gregory, SD