What's New and What Does it Do? Elevating Efficiency with The Sprayer Lift Kit
29 Mar 243m 29s

From the 2024 Commodity Classic, farmers Johnny Verell and Chad Henderson talk about a new innovation from Simon Innovations that has the potential to bring application timing back under farmer control, by enabling ground application even in late growth stages.

00:00 Last time you saw me standing underneath the sprayer was just like this one rigged up here at Commodity Classic 2024. 00:06 We're asking the question, what's new and what's it do for you? Simon Innovations booth 00:10 and I've got Johnny Rell, Steve Simon and Chad Henderson. You know what, I was at your farm 00:15 and I came walking up underneath one of these because we're like a good foot taller or more than a normal sprayer height will take you. 00:22 It's because of an innovation from our friend Steve Simon that basically is a lift kit for sprayers. 00:27 So Johnny, why do you need a lift kit on your sprayer? Yeah, so we won't be able to have the time of the applications back in our control. 00:32 So for us, we use a lot of aerial applications and they work great. Right? We got a lot 00:37 of residential developments coming in around us. People are always worried about what, what we're spraying, what we're doing. 00:41 It lets us do it when we need to and put out the products we want, where we want. Well, other thing you talk about using, 00:46 replacing the last season aerial application, Chad, uh, you're not against play paying a uh, an aerial applicator, but if you can do it in house, you might save you, 00:56 I don't know, seven or $10 an acre of aerial application. Yeah. It doesn't take long to pay for a lift 01:00 Kit. That's exactly right. And you know, I got, and I got a good custom spray. Like I got, I got a good aerial applicator. 01:05 He does a great job. You know, they put out five gallon of water. You know, I mean I, I, I have a great guy, 01:09 but still the being able to do it ourselves and get to control, get it where we want it, it's still a huge, it's a huge factor. 01:16 Steve, you invented this. I don't remember. You told me when we were at Johnny's place how many years ago? I 01:21 Developed it nine years ago and have been in the market for seven. Okay. So it's like 16 inches is 01:26 what I get. Versus factory. This Almost 20 inches taller than Factory, 20 inches taller than factory. 01:30 And you say, does that really matter? Well that's like an extra three weeks of growth, isn't it? Yeah. So it gives you three 01:36 weeks, buys you three weeks of season. Well, I mean if the corn gets so tall, you know, it's good to go like it. 01:41 It don't really buy you anytime you can run this, Johnny can run this as black layer. I mean, you know, wouldn't run that today, 01:46 but you know, black silt. Yeah. Toward the end of the season for us, We push a button, the sprayer drops right back down. 01:50 We're back to spraying soybeans. We don't have to do anything in season. Once the lift's put on, it's all by at the top, at the tip 01:57 of your fingertips on when you want To do it. I know you're an engineer type and I 02:00 know Chad is a mechanic type. You're wrenches on his race car and all that. I'm not a mechanic. If I have a good sprayer 02:05 and I'm like, I could use this thing. Is it something I can put on or I need to send this to you in Canada we're not. No, 02:10 Absolutely. Uh, we have 50% of our owners put it on themselves. The other 50% might get the dealer to install it 02:17 or get help from somebody else. Does it take a month? Does it take a week? Is it take an hour? 02:21 Like, like two days is what we suggest that we have guys that can put it on in less than a day. This 02:27 Big lift kit, is this something that you think more people could absolutely justify the expense on? Yeah, 02:32 So, so what we're looking at here is, you know, we are on a time crunch on corn. It's trying to grow outta the gym all the time, you know, 02:38 and it gets us where we, hey, we gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go, we gotta go. Let's just get that window larger 02:43 to make a better investment on what we're trying to spray. You know, our fungicide timings, we get it exactly right. 02:48 Hey, we wanna wait three, two, or three more days. It just, it's another tool in the toolbox and I think it's one we'll use a whole lot. 02:54 Got it. Chad Henderson, Steve Simon of Simon Innovations. If they wanna know more about 02:58 this lift kit, where do they go? Yeah, Simon innovations.com. Simon innovations.com. Johnny Rell the first place I saw it in action and, 03:05 and the guy that was operating it standing right over there. So anyway, I've seen it in action. 03:09 I think it's a pretty cool thing. Anything else? I think that's it. I think you're right. Damien Mason coming at you 03:13 with these awesome dudes from the floor of Commodity Classic 2024. Ask the question, what's new, what's it do for you? 03:19 Lift kits, check it out. Simon innovations.com, check out everything else at Extreme Ag Farm.

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