Dragging Phosphorus to the End of the Season
13 Jun 243m 26s

Temple talks to Aimee from Sound Agriculture about utilizing their product to get more Phosphorus into his plants and help move fertility timing around dependent on field conditions.

00:00 Hey guys, temple Road from Mc Tree Mag. I'm here with Amy Breck from um, sound. Amy, I've got questions. 00:06 So last year I had tremendous response with Source your product because I believe that in my trials last year, 00:13 the foliar nutrition aided with the source. I felt like that was a, you know, kind of, we talk about this systematic approach all the time. 00:21 Mm-Hmm. And things work together much better. So this year my trial is gonna be just the source product alone without the foliar nutrition 00:30 and then I'm gonna add the foliar nutrition and then that way I have a couple different checks to go through. 00:35 I mean, I, I think that's the nice thing about the product is you can stack it with a couple different things depending 00:38 on what's going on in the field. So I was curious now, uh, with you guys, you know, how much precipitation have you guys had in right now 00:44 and like how is that affecting your decisions when you looking at fo your nutrition in season? We've Had like 30 some inches of rain since January one 00:52 until now it's been wet. And then we had a dry spell and we got a bunch of it planted up. And now we're kind of dodging raindrops right now trying 00:59 to finish up right now. A lot of my thought process this year was, you know, I was going to apply nutrition as I needed it, 01:06 as the plant needed it. And that might be another place where source comes in, you know, 'cause we talk about Dragon phosphorus to the end, 01:13 you know, we always put our phosphorus down up front and I'm trying to drag more to the end because the plant's new needs for phosphorus, 01:20 it's 60% at the end in the, our stages, which, that's where source follows right in. So how much more phosphorus do you think 01:28 I can drag into the plant? Well, I mean with, so with Source it's gonna be 25 pounds of phosphorus, 25 pounds, nitrogen. 01:34 And the nice part is you can go in early veg if you want, right. To give it that boost. Or you can go in at tassel 01:39 as you're going during that rain field time. I think last year when we were, we were messing around with timing. 01:44 You staggered the, uh, the applications A little bit. We did, I had one, um, in vegetative stages. 01:49 I had one in the OR stages and the, the double application is where we had the biggest bonus. 01:54 So maybe that's the, maybe that's something that we, that we trial again this year and we tried in two different situations 02:01 and we try to drag some of that phosphorus all the way to the End. So what are your phosphorus 02:04 levels like in, in your field sir? We're anywhere, I mean, our phosphorus levels are pretty decent. 02:08 We're anywhere around 47 to 57 PP m Okay. Is what we are on our phosphorus. So we're not low, we're not high. 02:16 We're kind of right there in the mid range. 'cause that's where we have to be within our nutrient management 02:20 Practices. And then with source, we're gonna be able to free up 25 pounds and get it to the plant. Yeah. Where, you know, if it's, if it's balanced up 02:25 and it's not plant available, it's just sitting there, it's like a piggy bank. You don't have acid. Well 02:28 It kind of comes back to what we've been talking about all the time. You know, every time that we make an application 02:32 with fertility, we wanna make sure that we are treating that fertility and getting the most out of every ounce of fertility we put out there. 02:39 Especially like this year, this year's gonna be tough on all of us farmers. It's tough times to be in agriculture. 02:44 We have to make every ounce count. It's time to get a little bit outta that piggyback. When We, when we talk to guys, we 02:49 really look at field placement. Look at your fertility program because it's all about ROI, right? 02:52 Yeah. So in situations where you might have be leader on fertility, say you've picked up some newly rented ground, right? 02:57 You're not throwing everything at it, that's where a source can come in and we could help increase yield, right? 03:01 You might have situations where you, you're under high fertility environments and you're really gonna start to tweak it a little bit 03:06 and maybe pull back 25 pounds of nitrogen. Or to your point, like we want to get that phosphorus available to the plant with source. 03:12 The nice part is that you have that flexibility to kind of move things around and you fertility program based on what's going on in the field. 03:17 Well, back to you guys soon. We're gonna let you know how this all works out this year. Again, this Temple Rose and this is Amy Burke. Thanks guys.

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