Double Crop Corn: How to Capitalize on Existing Nutrients in Wheat Stubble
16 Aug 233 min 13 sec

He never intended to grow double crop corn in this field, so he didn't fertilize the field beforehand for corn. Now he wants to make the most of the nutrients present in the wheat stubble. Johnny Verell and Brian Adams talk about their method for breaking down the wheat residue.

00:00 Johnny Rell with a extreme ag. I'm out here in the cornfield. This is actually the double crop cornfield. I'm out here today with Brian Adams. 00:06 Uh, we're gonna look a little bit about the structures of the roots that we're seeing, what's going on under the ground, 00:10 and also what we're seeing above the ground. So, Brian, when we, when we planted this corn here, you know, 00:15 we did a lot of things to really stimulate the root growth and try to see what we could really push. So Sure. The crop into, and, you know, we got, 00:22 we like what we're seeing. Absolutely. There's a heck of a root structure, especially in my opinion, for a corn plant that's pollinating that hasn't been in the ground two whole 00:30 months yet. Um, as, as Johnny as Johnny showed, I mean, you can see really good root penetration there. Excellent rooting depth. Um, a lot of, uh, a lot of secondary roots feeding off of that, 00:42 able to grab these nutrients. Um, these nutrients here that are available, especially after this, uh, first crop of wheat that we've got going on here, uh, 00:50 Johnny's got a handful of the stubble. What exactly are you doing to help try to break down some of this stubble, maybe release, uh, release some of these nutrients out? Yeah, 00:58 We're, we're, we're playing with several different stubble digesters to see which ones are gonna get the stubble breaking down the fastest for our, for our location. 01:05 'cause there's several companies out there that are, you know, got their claim to fame or their new one coming out. 01:09 And so we're using one that we've been playing with a couple years. Um, it, it seems to be doing a great job for us. This, this residue is really, 01:17 really brittle and you can hear it crunching. And this is first thing in the morning when we got a heavy dew. So anytime you start getting that residue breaking down and actually falling 01:24 apart, that's what we're need to do because this corn was planted and I didn't, uh, 01:28 I didn't know last fall when I planted the wheat that I was actually gonna plant corn here. So I actually fertilized for a double wheat bean crop, 01:35 not a 200 plus corn crop. So we're really needing the residue to break down and release the nutrients that are there. 01:42 Yep. So, like Johnny said, we've evaluated several and we're kinda most focused on one that's, uh, consortia biology, 14 speciess, um, 01:51 as well as combining that with hemic acid to feed these microbes. There's a lot of phosphorous, solubilizers residue digesters, 01:58 and even a couple of in fixtures in this product. Um, and as you can see, I think we're, I think Johnny's definitely getting what he's paying for. 02:06 When you look at the bottom of this canopy, again, you start to look down at the ground and, and yes, there is a lot of stubble out here, but if, 02:12 if you're raising a hundred plus bushel weed crop in the south, there's gonna be a lot of stubble. Like Johnny said, I think the, uh, 02:17 acceleration of breakdown is definitely, uh, moving into high gear now. Um, those microbes are just, you know, just like us when it's really cold outside, 02:26 folks in Minnesota don't wanna go out in the winter. It's just like a microbe warmer. It gets, the more active it is, it's starting to break down. It's starting to feed this back into this crop. 02:34 And I think you're seeing an an excellent example of that here. Wouldn't you agree, Johnny? I, I 02:40 Agree a hundred percent and not only does it help break down the residue, it just really helps stimulate that plant throughout this year too. 02:44 So lot of things going for us. And you know, the corn that we're seeing, we shuck several ears of corn back, you know, 02:50 is in that 18 around probably going to be 36 to 40 plus long, just depending on how the next, next day or two go. 02:57 But we got the cool temperatures helping us and uh, you can really see there's really no light penetration going down in the canopy. There's a little bit here where the sun is shining down on us, 03:05 where we made a hole in the corn, but it's really capturing everything we needed to capture.

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