Do your Soybeans Have Enough Nitrogen?
26 Oct 227 min 7 sec

Mike Evans doesn’t think soybeans get enough nitrogen. He talks about what they are doing with their soybeans to increase the amount of available Nitrogen through a trial with

Sound Agriculture

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00:00 Hey folks, we're talking about late season pop how you can get the final big push out of your soybean yields by using products in your fungicide application 00:09 that also will then get you till the Finish Line Mr. Evans. You are here at Garrett Farms. 00:19 You're with integrated AG Solutions. You work very closely with Kelly Garrett and you're using a product this year called sound soybeans. 00:25 I'm sorry. It's Source soybeans from sound AG tell me what you're using and why you're using it. Yeah, we're using Source soybeans here on this particular field 00:34 and we're looking for late season fertility as these are starting to get into our three. Oh where they're starting to fill the pods and with beans, you know, we want 00:43 to get more fertility in there. So we're sending a really big bean. Okay, one of the big things I've talked to the sound that guys this is Chad siebold with sound Ag. 00:52 And that's Tyler Jones with sound he's a regional sales guy and he's the director of sales for this company. I've been with you a little 01:00 Bit you keep telling me. Well, we're all about, you know getting more nitrogen in the plant. I'm in the soybean field soybeans 01:06 or legumes. What's the deal with nitrogen and soybeans because I thought you know, why worry about it. Absolutely good question. 01:12 So as a producer myself not in agronomist. I can give you a little bit of an insight there for that late season pop same concept as what we use in Source corn different active 01:21 ingredient. But is that plant takes up the product stimulates back through the plant into the existing soil what 01:27 we see is a the root Zone. Attaching atmospheric nitrogen and making Foss more available. So what you'll see is a healthier plant and root zones 01:37 that are extended out to be able to pull up some of those nutrients and take in atmospheric nitrogen. So if you were to just pop a plant 01:44 you could see well for this had a tap right on it you'd see a deeper Tap Root and that was a tamper. It was yeah the 01:50 primary pulled it out you'd see a deeper Tap Root and a lot of these fibrous roots that are extended out even some new root growth too is what we see on that type of 01:59 application. All right. I thought like legumes like soybeans didn't even need to worry about nitrogen. You're telling me we put this product on called Source 02:05 soybeans say help with nitrogen. What am I missing? One of you Evans. Yeah, so soybeans actually need a lot of nitrogen. You take a lot of nitrogen on the ground to produce 02:15 them. So they fix their own nitrogen through the rhizobium. Yes. And so but they're not quite enough. You want High yielding beans a 02:25 lot of guys talk about adding nitrogen to soybeans. So this is one application. We're gonna try to figure that out because you're 02:31 gonna go across this field sometime the next few days and you're gonna hit it with Fungicide and you're gonna put this product in there 02:37 how much Tyler Jones is he gonna be putting in the mix and how much you're gonna cost me? Yeah, right. So sore soybeans currently are 02:43 used rates at 2.5 ounces an acre. So you get it roughly 120 acres and a 2.5 gallon jug right now on soybeans price wise 02:52 it depends on time of year that you purchase it and how much you purchase as far as volume. But right now if a grower was looking to apply it you'd be right around $10 you get 03:01 ten dollars an acre for the source. So I'm gonna spend 10 bucks an acre on this and so right now that's a little less 03:07 than one bushel of yield bump. Am I going to get that Mike? I will go with you first and then I'll hear from the company man. 03:13 Yeah, we're hoping to see that you know, I don't know what sound promotes I can't remember without my head. So you give me the give 03:19 me that turn on investment Tyler your money guy if I spend ten bucks on your product and it by the way compatibility issues with any fungicide. No, I put no hair with 03:28 anything. Yeah, I can dump this in with anything. I'm having compatibility, right? Yeah. Yep compatible with it all and a standpoint of timing 03:34 if I want to do it in June or July or August what looking for maturity of a plant-wise it needs to go on win. We're about our one our one our three 03:43 is what we want to see that's when you want to do this Source soybean and then I'm spinning ten bucks an eight ten bucks. Like I get out of it. Well right 03:49 now we're current data we're showing around a three bushel increase per acre on our soy story. So even if I do 14 dollar beans there, I am it. Yes 42 dollars 03:59 and I spent ten dollars do this my four times myself. That's right. Do you? 04:05 Do you have enough data you say I can pretty much pencil in and guarantee for a four to one on that. We do we've had 04:11 the product out for now. This is the third commercial year available. So we have enough data. This Tyler's in Iowa. We have a ton of data social 04:17 media. We definitely have that available through either Independence or local sources, too. All right. You talked about the other nutrients about helping files and all these kinds of 04:26 things. It's really your promise of this product is that it's it's bringing in. 04:33 Stuff that's already in my soil. That's right not bringing in. So it's helping it helps as it hits 04:39 the plant and translocates down into the root Zone got it. It extends out basically the signaling to be 04:45 able to pull in what we talk about is nitrogen or help make phos more available that plant to be able to actually turn it out inform a yield is probably the easiest way to talk about it. 04:54 Do you see any potential downside Mike? No, I don't. I mean we've got plenty of fertility in the Farms that we deal with. Yeah, so it's just 05:03 accessing those and sometimes the plants need a little help getting those nutrients into them. So this helps like 05:09 Chad just said signal that ridiculous system signals the soil and I want more and then so it can provide it got it. You have a neat thing that your company offers a 05:18 money back guarantee. You told me about it on another recording that we did tell me about the money back guarantee if I come out here and I don't get a bump 05:24 or I what are you giving me? Yeah, so we'll do a money back guarantee will pay for the product applied on 05:30 the field. So I'm not out anything. If I if Mike Evans put this on here you're at Landon cattle and it does not give him. Well, how do we measure to know the money in these come back what he 05:39 puts on says. All right. Give me my money back. What are we looking at? We've got a 5% of that field applied. 05:45 We need to be able to actually have some sort of map to be able to show okay application rate timing that kind of thing. We're doing a comparative. 05:51 We need to keep us a sample a sample apart that's back. We need to five percent check strip. Yeah. Okay, and and then we say, all right. It looks like there's no difference. Here's your money back. Yep. Absolutely. Got 06:00 it. Fantastic. What else do I need to know in the weather here Tyler about this product going on soybeans? Yeah, if 06:06 a girl is looking at a late season nitrogen boost Bump and they're looking for a product Source soybeans is a compatible with fungicides. It's 06:15 easy to use 2.5 ounces per acre for an affordable price at ten dollars an acre. So there you have it. 06:23 Damian Mason coming at you with Mike Evans and his name is Tyler Jones. His name is Chad Tebow there with a company called sound AG we're doing trials right here at extreme Ag 06:32 and we will keep you posted on what we discovered. You know, that's a great thing about when you tune into extreme AG we will tell you the 06:38 unvarnished truth come winter when all the results are in after the combines run across this field. We're gonna punch the 06:44 paper and punch the numbers we're gonna say, you know, what we got to return we didn't get return of our share that information with you. So 06:50 stay tuned for great information. In the meantime. You want to learn about this product. Where do they go Chad social media all over the place whether it's on Twitter Facebook, you 06:59 know, all the outlets check them out. There's a lot of different digs a lot of different things. You can catch online gotta stay tuned for more great stuff here at extreme 07:05 egg.