Disc Filtration for Drip Irrigation
8 Oct 234 min 5 sec

Damian and Kevin take a look at the different types of filtration available for drip irrigation systems while at the NutraDrip booth at Farm Progress Show. In this segment we learn about disc filtration.

00:00 Alright. Second type of filtration system. If I'm gonna put in subsurface drip irrigation disc filter and Kevin's holding what looks to me like a bunch of little plastic rings you'd call discs. Yep. 00:10 Alright. How do they work? So they are multiple layers of discs stacked together. So basically this is the actual filter assembly here. 00:18 These red discs or stick together. What Kevin's holding the different colors are different levels of filtration. So the red ones, for example, are 120 mesh. 00:27 So similar to the sand media where there's depth filtration. You can see there's little grooves cut in here that interlock. And so the water 00:34 Is going through this? Yeah. These are more coser of course they're so, that'll make it easier to see. Yep. So the water goes, 00:42 so they're mashed together and you can see the little holes. There's enough, there's enough, uh, 00:47 porosity that water goes through there and these things spin. That's correct. When they back flush, they spin, 00:52 they separate apart and then they spin during back flush to really clean 'em off. 00:57 And then the gooey, the gooey gumpy stuff that I don't want doesn't get through there. That's correct. 01:00 So Based on what I'm trying to filter out, if I'm trying to keep rocks out, this is enough. I'm trying to keep silt out. I need to go to this red one. 01:07 'cause it's, it is like core sandpaper. Fine sandpaper. Yeah. But We, we hope you didn't run rocks through your impeller, you pump. 01:13 That could be bad, but, uh, you need a good screen at the, at your water source, you know, to, to get it ready for this. It is a systems approach. Damien, 01:22 with our, with our system that we have, we, we have an older style. These are new ones. I really like the design of them a lot better. 01:29 But it's the same concept as what our older ones are. But you want to do everything you can to have it as clean as possible before it gets to here. Yeah. Um, um, 01:38 I have very limited experience with the sand filters, but it's still the same principle. You're filtering out water and that's why the, the center, 01:46 what'd you call the center fuse? The center fuse? The hydrocyclones? Yeah, The hydrocyclones is a way, it's like a pre-clean. Okay. You know, 01:54 like on your, in on your tractor you get a big turbo two pre-clean on there to get a little better air for the air filter. 01:59 So you got a screen obviously to keep rocks from getting to this point. You're talking about really fine particles, 02:04 so you'd probably wanna screen on the end to prevent rocks and all that. But this is for the finer particles. 02:08 There's still gonna be some wear on these things. How often am I replacing this? Probably every five to 10 years, depending on how much you're back flushing. 02:15 And how, how dirty of Material. I've been doing it all wrong man. I just replace 'em if I break one when I'm cleaning them. There you go. 02:22 It works fine. Yeah, it works good. And uh, speaking of cleaning, you know, I don't know the general prep on this, but I'm always asked, you know, 02:30 what all kind of maintenance do I have with this? So once a year at the beginning of the season or at the end of the season, I wish we could get it done at the end of the season, but we're harvesting corn, 02:38 getting winterized and it kind of don't get to be priority. We take all these off and we put 'em into the canister, 02:47 the cover here. Okay. Yep. We'll put 'em in here and we duct tape it over because we do not want to lose these disks. We want the same number in and then we wash these, uh, 02:58 with different solutions that we got. They're real easy to wash and we actually do it in a trash can. Oh yeah. And, um, get 'em real good and clean and when we start the season, 03:05 they're perfectly clean, ready to go. Yep. But you always wanna make sure you get the same number on and you want to torque us down correctly. That's about the only maintenance they are to it. Yep. 03:14 And you've had yours how long? Uh, one system, 14 years. And never had to replace these. Just clean 03:20 'em. I've had to two replace A couple of brokens, A couple of 'em. It's broke and it was mainly because of the pressure washer. Got it. This is the disc filter system. We saw the sand filter system. 03:29 This is the disc filter system. We're gonna move on to the next one. Anything else before we move on? 03:33 Interesting story about disc filters. So disc filter technology is not a new technology. This was developed in World War ii. 03:40 They put these on the military equipment during World War II because the guys could wash 'em in the field. So it's like a fuel, they use 'em for fuel filters. 03:48 Ah. And where they could just take 'em, spin 'em out, clean 'em quick in the field and get back to war. Got it. So it's a, it's a, an inter a simple technology, but works really well. Got 03:57 It. Let's move on to the next one, which is The, the non-corrosive sand media filters. Got it.

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