Controlling Root-Knot Nematodes
Initially skeptical, Matt Miles talks about his experience with a solution for controlling root knot nematodes in cotton. After a 40 acre trial proved beneficial last year, he is expanding the protection to over 3,000 acres this season.
00:00 So Extreme Ag uh, formed a new partnership this year with a company called Vive. You know, when that was presented to me, you know, I've, 00:06 I'm like, I, I don't know who Vive is, you know, never heard of Vive, so wasn't real sure what was going to go on. 00:12 And through the conversation, I was told that, that they have a product that will control root knot nematodes. 00:17 When that word was said, root knot nematodes, my ears perked up like a dog. And I said, I'm, I, I'm in 00:23 for whatever test they wanna do on root knots. Jeremy Watts, the five representative came down and met with us and we were supposed to do a 40 acre trial. 00:30 We got to talking about the rates and the prices after finding out what the price is on this product. Uh, we did a whole lot more than 40 acres. 00:38 We probably have about 3000 acres of, of Alan, the product's called Alan, and it's basically a liquid avic type, uh, product. 00:47 And we run it in furrow. After everything was said and done, we end up with about 3000 acres of it. You know, there's about a $20 price, cheaper price versus, 00:56 you know, what we've been running as, as a competitive product or the product we've been running 01:00 as grower standard practice. I did kind of walk off on a limb and, and try a large amount of acres for the first time, 01:05 but with the difference in the money, I didn't see it was gonna take a whole lot of yield to make up the difference in the, in the money 01:10 and, uh, and the product. You know, and that's a whole lot of money, which is a song that my daughter-in-Law kinda likes, 01:16 which is a pretty cool song. But back to the original story, multiple tests. So we put this on our cotton and we put it on our soybeans. 01:23 That's the two, the two that we fight to root knot nematodes with in our beans. 01:27 When we planted root knot resistant varieties before the seed companies would tell me, Hey, you don't really need to overtreat that, that you know, 01:34 this beans good enough without the treatment on it. I proved that wrong. You need a nematode treatment, even with a nematode bean. 01:41 Most of the root knot nematode varieties that we have in a group four are subpar yield to a, what we call one of the big boys. 01:48 You know, our high yielded beans that we make super high yields on. So this year we did some multiple tests. 01:53 We've got Alan on a root knot, bean against velum on a root knot, bean against nothing, you know, in the same field. 02:01 And then we also took that another step and we took the big dog, you know, one of the more higher yield varieties. 02:07 And we put that with the root knot treatment only. It too, because if we could take that higher yielding bean, and when I say higher yielding, it's gonna be somewhere 02:14 between three and seven bushels higher yield on these varieties than it is on the root knot bean. So if we can take that bean 02:21 and put it in a root knot situation and capture the yield from that higher yielding bean and not decrease the yield 02:27 because of the root knot nematodes, then we hit a home run. Anyway, cotton the same way. 02:32 We've got some really high numbers of root knot nematodes down south on our south farm. We have two new farms 02:37 that we rented that we don't know about. So we stayed with our grower standard practice there, but also embedded this everland in, 02:44 in the supply down there. So we've got, we're looking at it at multiple different ways. 02:48 We're super excited about the price. I think the price is, if it did yield less, uh, and the data shows, you know, it versus Vellum 02:55 or tip for tap, you know, maybe it went in more than, than the Vellum does, but if it does yield less, it's gotta yield way less 03:02 to not be a better ROI than the other product. So, and I'm not bashing Vellum because velo has been something that's been a mainstay 03:08 for us and worked for us. Very good. So if you're using Vellum, I'm not telling you not to use Vellum, 03:13 I'm saying this is another opportunity we have to maybe capture the same amount of yield or more and have less, less cost in it. 03:20 And I went as far as talking to some agronomists that don't sell the product sold by a competitive company. They said it works fine. 03:27 I talked to, you know, some people in Alabama. I talked to some people in, in the Carolinas that's been using this product. 03:33 You know, I didn't just go start pouring it in the tank and saying, okay, let's go. Let's see what happens. I did my homework on the product 03:40 and got nothing but, but good results out of, out of my homework. So we've got it this year. 03:44 We're gonna try it, we're gonna keep up with it. I promise you, for my pocketbook, this is one of the biggest tests that, uh, 03:50 we'll have on the farm this year.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR