Colonizing The Roots
12 Apr 233 min 34 sec

Damian talks with Kevin Matthews about a new biological fungicide from FMC that he will be trialing this year that contains multiple strains of protection and a mode of action that colonizes the root.

00:00 Hey there with Gail stratman at fmc's Booth commodity classic announcing the trials that we're gonna be doing it. Kevin Matthews farms 00:06 in North Carolina. I've been to a field day. Kevin has a great job puts out really cool stuff. Lots of learning. What are we doing? Two different products on one kind 00:15 of crop? Yep, we're gonna work in corn this year. We're gonna look at a product called zero Noir and corn which is a newer biological 00:21 product that FMC introduced in the last couple years and seeing some very positive responses in court. This product 00:27 is a biological fungicide as well as provide some nematodes suppression and biostimulant activity. So we're looking for some for some responsor trying to get get this 00:36 in hands a Growers and look at this across different Souls different environmental conditions just see how it responds and see, you know, 00:42 look at the consistency in the yield response. We see out of that Kevin. Do you have a need for fungicide products down there in North Carolina be it? 00:48 We are Ground Zero for trying out fungicides. All right. Here's the thing. You said something interesting. You said it's a biological fungicide. We've had this thing and some 00:57 of the products we've worked with their biological product. Don't necessarily say they're a fungicide they say they're crop enhancement thing. 01:03 What's the difference on this one zero and are you called it? It's called zero nor and so, you know, it attacks kind of goes after the 01:09 the crop protection will the different way it it colonizes and coats the roots to help protect 01:15 that root from being infected versus trying to kill the pest. You know, I don't care if the pest is there as long as the the pathogen doesn't attack 01:24 it. It's to stay there all at once. So what we're trying to do is is provide a level of protection for that root system and and 01:31 allow the the plant to flourish without under the stresses of the diseases and the nematodes and that sort of thing Kevin. What do you want to see you want to 01:40 see that you something like this and it lessens your Reliance on traditional fungicides. Do you want to see just results in terms of more yield? What is it would what is it? 01:49 You would see this as hey that was a big successful trial but more yield is more. Obviously. It's what 01:55 we're after but the biggest thing is that the compatibility the user friendliness and anytime you got to help your plant. 02:01 You're gonna have more yield and this is one of the products that we can use to help contribute to 02:07 that healthier plant. You know, that plant can't have a bad day. Is there anything that's so different about this from 02:13 other products we've done in the past. I guess that's got a mood of action. That's different or it's a it's a different makeup chemistry 02:19 wise. Is this the future what would you say when you're talking about this to the person on the street like me? Well, it's multiple 02:25 You know a lot of our biological products we're using one strain trying to Target one thing. This is kind of a 02:31 quote unquote of pre-mix where we've got multiple strains in there kind of working on different parts of it, you know, like so we got a biostimulant to 02:37 help that plant give a little more bigger and we're also got the in the the nematode and the disease protection piece of that in your 02:43 combined together. So get a little more efficiency in that application. How are you going to apply it? How are you going to use it Kevin? 02:49 By the label. Alright, how's it gonna use? So he's gonna go in Furrow with this at planning time. Yeah gonna go in his liquid fertilizer application and starter 02:58 mixes right in with that lay it down. Like I said colonizes that root as that root begins to grow and then it continues 03:05 to colonize as that product or that is that root system grows in that early part of the period. So we're looking at you know anywhere from 30 to 60 days worth of activity out of 03:14 that out of that product. That's that's colonizing that root phone got it. Stay tuned. We're gonna keep you abreast of 03:20 the results of what they feed back we get from Kevin and the field during the season and obviously when the combines roll. We'll 03:26 keep you posted. He's Gayle, he's Kevin. I'm Damian from the FMC Booth the commodity classic.

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