Choosing Varieties
16 Apr 234 min 51 sec

Kevin talks about what he has seen in three years of research with Integra Corn Seed and the factors he uses to choose varieties.

00:00 So we're going to talk about an Integra Seed corn. We've had three years nowaday to 00:06 doing a test variety plots for it. So what we've learned we put it on our dry land acres and our River bottoms and then we put it in our irrigated Acres 00:17 as well. And then last year we had to replant the plot that was planted in May you got a big rain and we replanted it in June and 00:26 still was able to obtain some 300 plus bushel numbers, which was Pretty dead going impressive to be a late 00:35 plant date like that. We did fungicide it, but it was very it's very healthy crop. So what you've got to think about when you're 00:44 choosing which varieties of Integra seed that you want to use? Or any seed for that matter, but you want 00:51 to you got to look at your challenges on your farm and operation. And I mean we get tired of going to look at variety plots we go to field days and we see all these variety 01:00 plots. And you know, this is the race horse. This is the Workhorse. This is the get you by guy and but you got different challenges and 01:09 then you got some areas of the US where they really don't pay attention to what the varieties are. They they can do pretty good with most any varieties and that's 01:18 always interesting but that's just us agriculture. It's amazing what the farmers can do. so 01:25 this particular field right behind me is a that's a creek bottom field and it's got some pure beach sand in it or creeks and here down on the river. It's 01:35 more like beach sand but and then it's got some really good stiff Congaree saying or Congaree dirt and chewaca on it that really I mean, 01:44 it's it's 200 plus bushel dry land corn ground, but you hit that sand out there and sometimes you might not make 80 bushels. And so, you know, you filled average come down. 01:53 But so what we look at is we're looking at our diseases and we want corn that's got a good disease tolerance. 02:02 For gray leaf spot Northern Leaf blight and Southern Leaf blight and then we also you know, we want something that can handle Southern rust but you know, 02:11 that's that's asking a lot out of variety some are a little better than others. But then you guys up north you need 02:17 to think about your varieties where your tar spots so, you know, I don't have much experience with that. So I'm not 02:23 going to get into it much but that's the challenge you guys have and ladies that you need to be thinking about which varieties perform. 02:29 Well get you a trial on your farm get you some Integrity seed and do like we did and get out there and see which ones will yield the seed quality that we've 02:38 seen has been Top Notch. We've not had any issues the plant abilities been very good. It's blowed to our Central commodity hoses 02:44 from our tanks to our road units. It's done a great job at meters out. Well, we've not been getting any real lightweight bags. It's all 02:53 good 48 to 56 pound bags of unit bags of corn which is what I like if it's 40 and under I check that I won't I won't even plan it. That's just 03:05 my preference. You may find that that's not an issue for you. but 03:10 Think about the challenges you have on your farm and then find a right variety and write maturity date. You also need to be thinking about your weather pattern. 03:19 You know, what is your temperature is going to be during pollination. When is it? When are you going to reach black 03:25 layer? What kind of weather forecast are you seeing? Maybe you need to change that maturity up a little bit to 03:31 gain you a few extra days and but there's there's many products to help mitigate that kind of stress but eliminating that stress on that product whether it's disease 03:40 the environment that you're planting it in is the key But be sure and get that seed in the ground good you want a good firm row 03:49 that the seeds planted in you get all that, you know get all that excess air moved out, you know pushed out of that seed trench that way 03:58 it sealed off real good and you can maintain those nutrients and that moisture and get proper germination and 04:04 proper emergence because you need to remember him germination and emergency two different things one. Axwell may not emerge too good. So you 04:13 need to be thinking about that. They've got all the scores out there where you can look at they do a really good job working with 04:19 you and and work and finding that right score for you. But anyhow, I hope this is helps you out on some decisions that 04:28 that you guys and ladies are having on trying to figure out the right variety for you, but the corn is performing exceptionally well 04:37 for us and we look forward to trying more varieties and and you know, just continually improving that bottom line. Thank you.

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