Can we combat soil born disease in a different way?
7 Nov 234 min 34 sec

Mike and Kelly take a look at the root structures of two different wheat seed treatments.  Their hope is that they can find a way to control diseases in the soil and plants without using traditional synthetic chemicals.

00:00 Hi, this is Kelly Gear from Extreme Ag. I'm here with my good friend Mike Evans. We're standing out here in the winter wheat field. This flag is the trial line. 00:08 Below here is the industry standard. The OEM, if you will, of seed treatments. Above us is the Stoller seed treatment. 00:15 Mike's gonna explain to you the difference in what we're trying to find out here. So 00:19 Really we're looking at the Fung side. You know, we plant, plant these mid-September typically, and it, 00:23 we get a lot of temperature variations. It gets cool, it can rain, so we get a lot of opportunity for soil-borne diseases and stuff. 00:29 We kind of wanted to compare that to what we had been doing with some of the solar stuff. Um, some of the nutritional based stuff that they bring, 00:35 bring to the table, um, with one of their products specifically called Bio forge advanced on the seed and just see the difference. See if, 00:44 if we can combat this in a different way versus just doing it with synthetic chemicals. We got the shovel here. 00:49 We're gonna do some root digging and just see what different roots, um, and see what we can find and see what differences we see. There's moisture. 00:55 We got moisture. What is this Weird, wet stuff in the soil. Yeah, so here's the standard, standard treatment. Um, 01:08 it's just starting to tiller out, uh, for the most part, but we're really looking at the writ system at this point. It's, 01:15 it ain't too bad, really. It looks pretty decent. Um, stand looks pretty good. That's a little thin in spots, but it's not too terribly bad. But overall, you know, 01:35 it's hard when it's this. But seeing new white tip, I think right there, new root growth, crown roots are starting to come through, 01:46 getting a lot of good good root action on these, um, and good tilling. So looks pretty good on this side. Um, nothing to complain about anyways, like Kelly said, 01:58 way better than we were last year. So Last year we didn't even know if it was gonna come up. Oh, Last year. Yeah, we didn't even know anything. So, looks good. 02:08 We'll just go up the hill here a little bit and look at the solar stuff. Ground softer mount is so, 02:16 so this is the first roots we dug up just down the hill about 10 feet. Here's the solar roots, 02:21 Here's theto roots And there is no comparison. Look at the length on that. So we got a lot more root mass developed in these. Um, 02:32 just a lot of more white roots. Look at that one really going down, really driving in. Um, 02:41 Say it's tillering probably just as good, I'd say better than what this is. Um, but it's, it's substantial difference just in the root here. 02:51 You know, just the root mass alone. Well, you're just getting these, there's another earthworm in this one. 02:57 We didn't see any earthworms in the other one with what bio forge advance is made up of. For one, it's got cobalt in it, 03:03 so the cobalt is helps with drought resistance. Mm-Hmm. It also helps with some, some defense mechanisms. Naturally it's got some other formulations that really help, uh, 03:14 the plant induce its own defense capabilities. And then it obviously it helps with root generation and driving roots and, and, uh, 03:25 but it's really all about plant health and helping the plant fight off natural things in the soil. So it's, 03:32 this is coming from a nutritional standpoint of looking at it and really happy with what we're seeing. Yeah. 03:38 Versus versus what we've seen over here. Yeah. There's a substantial more root development. Mm-Hmm. You know, we're early still. We gotta make sure that this translates to yield. 03:51 But, uh, you know, I've heard other people say this before. At this point all we're looking for is roots and chutes. Well, we've got roots, 03:58 you know, so I mean at this point this is all we can hope for. But obviously July's a long ways away. 04:04 Hopefully we can raise some better wheat this next year. Last couple years it's been so dry in the fall, 04:09 we received about three and a half inches of rain in the last couple three weeks. The wheat looks really good right now. Uh, 04:15 should get some snow cover this winter. And, uh, we're really trying to up our wheat game because we've come in last both years of the wheat wager and I'm looking to beat Matt Miles this year. Yeah, 04:24 Chad Henderson doesn't stand a chance. And I would say Temple never heard of him.

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