Balancing Liquid and Dry Fertilizer Strategies
24 Jun 248m 25s

Matt Miles talks to agronomist Bert Riggan about balancing liquid and dry fertilizer programs. They explain that liquid fertilizers like KTS (potassium thiosulfate) ensure more efficient nutrient uptake by targeting the plant's root zone, thereby improving parts per million (ppm) nutrient levels in plants. They emphasize that liquid fertilizers can reduce waste and improve cost-efficiency, though dry fertilizers remain essential for maintaining soil fertility.

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00:00 So guys, I've got Mr. Bur Riggins here today from, uh, concept agritech. We've been running around looking at crops 00:06 and seeing what kind of damage we have as far as having notes on and plenty of rain and some things we could do to maybe fix that. 00:12 I got a funny story for you, so that I've gotta tell. So this winter, bur and I were sitting in the office and, and we've been talking about this probably 00:18 for five years or so. You hear people talking about replacing a ton of chicken litter with some liquid litter, 00:24 like a gallon liquid litter, and people talking about, you know, replacing a hundred pounds of pot ash with five gallons 00:31 of KTS and something like that. And Burt's been telling me that for a long time. And you know, I basically let it 00:37 go in one ear and out the other. I'm like, there's no way you can take five gallons of a product. 00:41 That's what, 24% potash? Is that right? Yeah, 24% potassium and equal a hundred pounds, this big a hundred pound sack, 00:50 you know, that's gonna go on the same acre. So we've been going through this for a while. So again, we go back through this, 00:54 this year he's been wearing on me, you know, different partners we have been wearing on me. We had a meeting not too long ago with a, 01:01 I guess a competitor of yours and he kind of, you know, turned the light on a little bit. Everybody's thinking the same thing. 01:06 If I'm getting into it with everybody, I finally decided, may it be maybe me if I got five people 01:11 that think I'm a butt hole and I think I'm doing right, you know, you gotta start looking at those five people. 01:16 So this has been happening with the fertilizer the whole time. So asked Bert the same thing, probably December. 01:20 And I said, how many gallons of KTS would it take to equal a hundred pounds of KCL? And he said, about five gallons. 01:27 And I, my face all started grunting up and he could see it. He said, before you start hollering, lemme tell you why. 01:33 So I'm gonna let Burke tell you what flick the light on for me. So essentially you cannot compare pounds 01:40 to pounds if you've got a 24% potassium analysis on a gallon and it weighs 11 pounds, you know, that's essentially two 01:48 and a half pounds of, of product, of product. Two and a half pounds of products not equate to 60 pounds of potash, right? 01:55 Do low 60, but it's not the pounds per acre that make the difference. It's the parts per million in the plant. 02:01 And so when you sling dry fertilizer out, let's say you put a hundred pounds of oh oh 60 out there, it means you're getting 60 pounds of actual 02:09 that's being spread across the whole field. It means it's landing in places where you don't have crops growing. 02:15 And we all know that depending upon weather conditions and whatnot, you might not get all of that simply because either it solubilize is too fast and moves 02:23 or takes too long to solubilize, especially if you're in a dry land when you're using the liquid product, that efficiency goes way up as far 02:30 as the amount available to that plant because you're targeting that area where the plant's growing, whether it's a a two by two 02:36 or whether you're making a foliar application with something like a, you know, a, a potassium acetate. If you want to really start doing your due diligence, 02:44 if you're doing tissue samples, make the comparison and see what a hundred pounds of pot ash gives you in parts per million in 02:51 that plant versus what, five gallons of something like a KTS or even a, a potassium acetate does. 02:57 That's the argument. You're never gonna be equal in pounds. But plants don't operate off of pounds, 03:03 they operate off of parts per million. And as long as you can keep that positive curve where you don't have a crash, which happens a lot 03:10 with dry fertilizer applications, you can stay ahead of the curve and you'll actually spend less time and money maintaining that level then you will, 03:19 if you're trying to play catch up. Or god forbid you put all your dry out up front. I'm just gonna summarize what went 03:25 through my P brain after you said that. Number one, you don't care how much I throw on the ground, you care how mu how many ppms are in the plant. 03:32 So if you're taking five gallons of a KTS or a potassium acetate, several products that you sell another cell also, right? 03:38 You ban that on the, on the row, your plant's basically gonna pick up in, in about an eight inch circle is where most 03:44 of the nutrient takeup is. Yeah. If you throw it over here, you know, 30 inches from the plant, you may have one feet of root 03:49 or something go over there and catch one. You may not, it may go down the itch. So number one, we're worried about ppms in the plant, not 03:55 how many pounds per acre we're putting out. Number two, we're concentrating it in the actual root zone of the plant so we can pick it up. 04:02 And what would be number three? Number three generally comes down to, to, you know, cost the return on investment. 04:07 You know, if you've got your own equipment and you've got your own spreaders and all that, then you might could get 04:12 by a little bit cheaper. But if you have to rely on somebody else to do that, not only are you getting charged for the product, 04:18 but you're also getting charged for that labor. And generally it's higher than what you pay your own people. Yeah. The other thing is, is that those individuals that do 04:25 that custom spread and get paid on acres, and I'm not trying to make this as a ding, but we see this a lot 04:31 where applications aren't necessarily done the best way they can be simply because they've got 04:37 so many acres they've gotta spread today acres per hour instead of Right. That's what temple says about me. 04:42 He said, you worry about acres per hour, you don't worry about doing it. Right. And I said, well, how you don't 04:45 know, I don't worry about both. Well, you know, the big, the big takeaway here is like I said, 04:49 the plants operate off parts per million mm-Hmm. Don't let anybody ever tell you that going to a hundred percent liquid program is 04:56 sustainable because it's not. There will always be a need for dry fertilizer. That's just forever and ever gonna be the pro, you know, 05:02 a way to maintain that soil. But if you want to feed that crop and give it targeted nutrition, liquid is where you need 05:10 to look at because like you said, you can put it at the root zone or you can come up over the top of the plant 05:15 and that plant can absorb it through the leaf and take a hold of it. If you're slinging dry pellets, 05:20 they go anywhere and everywhere. So you really need a combination of both. That's kind of what we do with our litter program. 05:25 You know, we've got, you could consider that granular and then we come back and we bandaid what we think we need for a yield goal that we wanna be. 05:32 Now what we're doing, we got 200 acres of plot. So we're doing this with the KTS. A lot of the reason you know, is 05:37 because you put that light on them ahead and what we're doing is streaming, well we did a variable rate, 05:41 so we were anywhere from 10 gallons to five gallons depending on how we wanted it to relate to the, to the KCL. 05:46 You know, we'll have some data this year. I don't know if this year show us a lot. It may be two to three years 05:51 before we really get to seeing it. One thing that's always scared me is just say, this program works and I make the same yield or even more 05:58 and I save, you know, five $10 an acre or whatever my soil levels, you know, I worry about if I've got 80 pp MA phosphorus in the soil, 06:06 I want to keep 80 ppm of phosphorus in the soil. I don't know that that's a good thing. I mean, I know it's easier to maintain than build, 06:13 but my biggest scare is losing my soil fertility levels. Right. I wanna, I've always told anybody that I worked with, 06:19 I don't care what we do as long as my level stay at least the same as they were when you got here. 06:23 What's your opinion on that? So depending upon, you know, your soil type, what latitude you're at, all these different things, 06:28 building soil values come with their own challenges. The biggest thing, like you said, is to never mine it. Never pull it down so low 06:37 because any amendment that you come in and make, it's gonna take a while for that to actually get broken down so 06:44 that you actually have an available form of it. You can build phosphorus a lot easier and you can something like potassium. 06:51 Exactly. That's why we say there's never ever gonna be a time where you won't have to consider dry fertilizer, 06:57 but it's gonna be easier for you to make a maintenance shot of that, to maintain your levels 07:04 and then worry about feeding your crop with a liquid. If you're really wanting to build those levels, then you need to consult a qualified agronomist and sit down 07:12 and let 'em do a deep dive on what your soils are, what your practices are, and see the best approach in order 07:18 to get those levels built up. And sometimes it's gonna take a multi-year. Yeah, that's why I was gonna to say you, you go out there 07:24 and you pour out three times more fertilizing, you need to build the soil the next year. It takes soil sample, it looks the same. 07:30 It's not always gonna happen overnight and it may not happen in some soils in some areas period. True. And if you do that scenario you just mentioned, 07:38 where you put out more than what you need in order to try to jumpstart everything, 07:41 you could actually be shooting yourself in the foot because now you have an overabundance of one cation and you throw your soils out of balance. 07:50 You know, we all know that. You know, like calcium and phosphorus, they're antagonistic, zinc uptake, there's so many other things that are tied 07:56 to one or the other. So if you overload one of those, it's gonna inhibit something else. That's what you call too much of a good thing. That's right. 08:04 You have heard it from the horse's mouth, Mr. Long Beard himself, good friend of mine from Mississippi works 08:09 for concept agritech concept That is correct. If I wanna get ahold of you better give you a cell phone number. 08:15 If you need to get ahold of extreme Ag, you probably got our numbers. If you don't, they're readily available. 08:19 Y'all have a good day. I.

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