Seed Treatment: An Alternative to Liquid on Your Planter
15 May 241m 31s

Kelly talks about a new seed treatment he is trialing from AgroTech USA that could be an option for farmers that do not have liquid on their planter

00:00 I'm standing here in front of the seed treater in the integrated Ag building. We just got done treating the beans to go out 00:05 for our agritech trial. Nut UltraCharge, as we've talked about many times, is a grower standard practice for us in furrow 00:11 with our liquid system on our planter. But the reason that I'm standing in front of the seed treater is 00:15 because there's a new product from Agritech called UltraCharge st, which is a seed treatment and just replaces the liquid portion. 00:22 So it's a great option for a grower that doesn't have liquid on his planter, which is about 90% of the people across the United States. 00:28 Here in my local geography, I don't even know if it's close to 10% of the people that have liquid on their planters 00:33 with the soil we have here in the practices we have here just isn't a common used practice. 00:37 But what is our biggest yield limiting factor here and our biggest challenge, my number one priority is addressing the base saturation 00:43 problems that we have in these hills here that we have in Western Iowa. The base saturation problem that we have 00:48 with calcium is my biggest yield limiting factor on the river bottoms. The base saturation problem 00:53 of magnesium is the biggest yield limiting factor, and I take many steps. The biggest step I take to address these problems is sulfur, 01:00 and I have said it before that I really didn't know that nutri charge was gonna work for me because of all the things I do with sulfur to try 01:06 to amend my base saturation. Well, I, you can go back to my earlier trials. Nutri Charge has worked really, really well for us 01:12 for a couple years as a Grower Standard practice, and now with Nutri Charge ST coming out, which ST simply stands for seed treatment. 01:19 What a great option for other growers to adopt this practice and try to address the base saturation problems 01:25 that exist in our soil.

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