Adapting to Unpredictable Weather on the Farm: Managing Rapid Bean Growth
7 Oct 237 min 16 sec

In this video, Temple discusses the challenges posed by a staggering 29 inches of rain that hindered his ability to 'stunt' bean growth for optimal development. As a result, his bean plants flourished rapidly, boasting an abundance of vegetation. Temple shares his insights into modifying application techniques to re-stimulate and manage these rapidly growing beans, providing a valuable perspective for fellow farmers facing similar weather-related hurdles

00:00 So today we got John Chafer here, sales, um, agronomy for Ag Explorer. And what I'm gonna show you today, John, is, is this is actually your lab that you had us put in. 00:12 This was a 40 acre trial, um, that we did for you. And I shouldn't say 40 acre trial. It's more a, it's a, it's a lab and, and it's, this is real world scenario. So what you guys did for us is, 00:24 is we're you're, you're showcasing what you think ought do now over there on the other side there 40 acres across this irrigated, uh, field. 00:34 That's my grower standard practice. Mm-hmm. So, you know, to be honest with you, I mean, you know, beans better than anybody. I, 00:43 I can't see any difference. We'll, we'll obviously find a difference maybe mm-hmm. When we get the combine in it. But as at this point, I can't physically go out there, find the flag and, 00:54 you know, peeling the apart. I don't see any differences. Um, part of the reason that you're not gonna see any real differences is, 01:02 is my grower standard practice is a lot of your products anyway. Yeah. So you really, honestly, 01:08 you kind of aided a couple products that maybe I wouldn't, um, maybe I wouldn't use to. 01:13 And one of them was upward and some other ones and that, that, so it, it, it helps us to know that we got new products coming. 01:21 But one of the questions that I have for you and I wanna talk to you about is like what we came up with years ago. You know, we, every, 01:29 the new hot commodity is pgr, right? Yep. So I don't know how PGS exactly work. I just know, I just kind of know how to use 'em, you know? Yeah. And, 01:39 and your product has been pretty good to me and it's my grower standard really. But what we found was is we, when you get to a point, 01:48 so let's use this field for example. I didn't do a bunch of crazy stuff to it that I normally would do on our irrigated field where I'm trying to produce real high yields because that's not 01:58 fair. 'cause it's not, it's, it's not real world. Right? This is real world here. So what happened in this scenario was exactly this. 02:06 So we got a lot of rainfall right after I planted them. They were irrigated once prior to the rain starting. It was kind of dry before then, but to date, we've had 29 inches on this. 02:19 So it got wet, plants got outta control. We had plenty of fertility outta here. So these plants got up, they got vegetative. 02:27 We never set 'em back to kind of stun 'em down. So I needed some kind of, i I, I keep, I hate saying rescue application. Yeah. 02:36 But we kind of made a rescue because you look at these, so what, what we have is, so these, a lot of these beings, 02:42 they start to lay over and you get a lot of these. So look at this right here. So I'm gonna pull this plant out and this is what we get. 02:50 So when you get these plants that they kind of crush down and they fall down and once they lose that sunlight in there, 02:59 so you take these branches when they don't get any air and sunlight, look at all these fruiting positions that they lose on their branches. 03:07 So what good is this branch right here? We got one bean in it, right? I mean, there's one bean and that's terrible. 03:12 There is another position like on the same side. So I mean the, the, all the bottom branches, a couple things happen with me. 03:21 So in this scenario, they'll either lay on the ground, get real heavy, and they'll break off and snap off. Mm-hmm. 03:28 You get in a high yield situation or in this situation, they got too leggy too early and we get this right. That's a vine. All this is another problem of going through the combine. Yeah. For, 03:40 For One pod, For three beans. Yeah. Like one pod. Like what? That's absolutely no good to me. So what I do in a, you know, 03:48 in a situation where I get that, where we're not getting any air, when you look at this field, it's kind of all pushed down. 03:55 When you're not getting any air down there, you get a couple different things. You get disease problems, we know that's gonna happen. Yep. 04:00 'cause this is disease infested, it's going to be. So we are always trying to be proactive and be ahead of that 'cause it's got irrigation and we're putting, you know, fake water on or whatever. 04:10 So you're keeping the ground damp, but you're gonna be breeding these problems. So they pushed down on me. Um, I didn't control it, you know, a, 04:20 a fake stunning or whatever where we kind of make 'em squatty. So what we do is we use PGS along with a big, um, 04:28 nutrition foliar and we restimulate. So at the growing point, what I've seen is you can actually restimulate that plant 04:38 and make it re-bloom. So I can get at the growing point, I can put another cluster on. 04:43 Right. That top crop. That top crop. Because the bottom crop obviously I just showed you, ain't no good anyway. Right. 04:50 And the quality of seed at the bottom down here in that, you know, all covered up and shaded and yellow and whatnot, 04:56 it's not gonna be what the quality seed's gonna be up here. Right. Yeah. Yep. 05:01 I don't understand how it's working. So with that onward max that you ran for your late season, P G R Yeah. So what that's doing to the onward max is actually reducing the ethylene glycol 05:09 in the plant. Okay. That's the stress hormone for the plant. So when you reduce that stress hormone in the plant late season, 05:14 it gives that plant a chance to relax and then get that going again. Get that terminal point growing point alive and put more pods and, 05:20 and flowers out late season. Yeah. Because sometimes, you know, depending on, and I, and I've used it, you know, when I've really been trying to like push the envelope and I'm not saying that 05:29 it's r o i, 'cause a lot of times it's not a r o i, but you know, that's not that expensive of a product. You know, 05:35 when you add pgs and maybe like a micro pack or something like that. But if you can restimulate, not saying it always needs to be a rescue treatment, 05:43 it could be just a regular treatment on high yield and soybeans that already look well, 05:47 if you can keep 'em re blossoming and keep 'em alive and keep 'em going, that edge yield. 05:51 And if you can keep 'em alive and keep 'em from going the other way, you know that age pounds, it's just not, you're adding seeds, 05:57 you're adding more pounds and a bigger ver um, you know, more viable seed. That's, that's kind of where we wanna be. 06:03 And that those late season applications, when you get to the R four R five timeframe, you're not gonna put very many more seeds on or pods on. 06:09 You're just increasing the seed size with some of those products. And we've made 06:11 With, and we've made huge, um, jumps, you know, that really, really late season mm-hmm. With a, you know, a, a potassium acetate. Yep. 06:20 And then when you follow a potassium acetate up with a, with any micro pack that's like a high phosphorus, so that phosphorus like kind of drives a little energy. Yeah. 06:28 You throw a little sugar in that. Yep. And then you throw the P G R in there, we got this huge synergenic effect. And each one of, one of them has, 06:36 has has, they have a job, they have a plan job, they got a job to do. But when they do the job together, I've had huge results with it, you know, 06:44 and it's corn and beans. Um, all I I, to give you another one, I've had huge results with it in wheat as well. So I think, 06:52 you know, personally, I think we're giving up too early on our crop and there's probably not enough research done there. And if there's a outer limit that we're gonna find, 07:01 I promise you I'm gonna find out where it goes the other way. Yeah. So guys, good to know. You know, stay with us. We're gonna learn a lot from this crop. 07:09 More come and this lab.

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