A Pivotal Stage For His Wheat
Kevin gives an update on his wheat crop just days after applying a head scab fungicide and a dose of fertility in this member video.
here in our Wheat Field if you remember last time we was putting Palisade out with a little bit later with a palisade than what I wanted to be at and so We had some sprayer issues the wiring harness issues on the sprayer and kept us out of the field. So we didn't get that as timely as we wanted to still very effective because we've not got no down weed anywhere. It's kept it shorter. It's kind of keeping the flag the flag leaf kind of up with the head. The head's not growed on out past it, but it'll it'll elongate a little more get on above it, but we're flowering now, we're completely full flower. We got flowers from top to bottom of this head. And so last week on or actually this week on Monday. We went to the field and Tuesday and we put our merivas Ace fungicide out on this on this wheat and our goal is to protect this. Protect this grain from getting a what's called scab and that's it Toria gets in that wheat and it's just no good. It will not. It won't make flower quality and we're going to make crackers and pastries out of this wheat, so we need really good quality grain to do that and are falling numbers need to be good. We want all them crackers and people we call them nabs here, but we want our naps all them Squire crackers to fit in that pack when they bake out Squires if they got a real good falling number and good quality weed. Our Miller's our Bakers can take that product from the meal that we grow here and they can make at NAB at Cracker feet in that path in that path packet. To make the NAB fit into the wrapper and the wrappers always the same size. So that Cracker has got to fit in there. And so that Cracker these Fallen numbers is the consistency of the dough and how it bakes out and that's how we control it in the field. And that's what this last application we just did. So we used a product from Nature's called Finish Line. And we ran a quart of it to the acre and it's got boron in it and some other stuff and that's to help make a heavier test weight and the better quality grain. That's what after we use Sweet Success which is a sugar molasses base sugar from concept agrotech. We run it at 12 ounces per acre and that was to get it down into the plants and it's also a drift control agent as well. It works good for that. But it really lets the plant absorb and translocate the fungicides and the full fertilizes better doing that. Now we also come back and we did some test this year with a pace Setter. We laid out about 80 40 to 80 acres of Pacers to see if we could really push it because we really been able to push that yield. Typically we've seen that biggest yield bump for the it when we're about 20% flower. And so when we're about that much of the flower and on the wheat head and the bottom of it, but this is full. We had big rains coming this weekend. So we actually went before the piling come out and got this fungicide on you can see a little bit of tip damage and that was from the freeze and temperatures that we had and the frost it's kind of hurted a little bit and got a little bit of disease in here. I would like to got that fungus. I should have put a fungicide on back in February when we did our first top dress, but I did not that I had it ordered and the product didn't show up. So that was Kind of was my control. It really aggravated me, but I knew the fertilize had to get out there. So we hit the field heart running hard. We ran 10 gallons of water to the acre. As a carrier and then we put all the products in there that I just mentioned to you. We used our high pro Pen Air Ultra low drift nozzles because it was very windy when we was doing this and we wanted that extra Sweet Success here down. We also used a product from spraytech called Full Tech, which is an adjuvant and it's got drift retarded as well. So we was fighting winds. We was fighting the fact that we had to get all the wheat sprayed in a day and a half before the bad weather come in. Luckily the weather got delayed but when it did come in we ended up anywhere from three to four inches of rain since today Saturday and since Thursday afternoon, we've had three to four inches of rain and it's been cloudy and overcast like you see today that's this disease loves this kind of weather and scab loves this kind of weather and it loves attacking the head so Mistake I made I should have got a fungicide on back in the winter. It would have made a big difference on this but at the end it's really coming around and I think we're going to be okay. I don't think it's as good a wheat crop as what I thought I had a month ago. I think that we I think we've lost some of it the disease is going to cost me some money. I think I think anytime you get damage to the flag leaf, which is just a very tip. So we're still going to get a lot of a lot of good photosynthesis from that flag leaf, and you can kind of tell here. try to keep weeding through it getting piling all over me, which has good thing. But so this is our flagly. So our flag leaf right here, that's what we're really after. It's pretty healthy. It's good. It's good healthy. Got just a little bit of tip injury right there a little bit of disease. You'll see in some of the plants. but heads, you know good and long. It's pretty good long head and we'll see how it pollinates out and see if we can get three we call them three matches. So if we get three seeds in each one of them head right there, that'll be a pretty good wheat crop, but and then you always got to hat test you can throw out and if you hat don't fall down in the wheat, you know, it's pretty darn good wheat, but we got to get that Harvest hunting colorful. We start doing them kind of test. Y'all stay safe.
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See All GrowersKevin Matthews
East Bend, NC