What's New and What Does It Do? at the 2024 Commodity Classic: Seed Treatment for Enhanced Phosphorus Uptake
19 Mar 244m 12s

At the Commodity Classic, Damian learns about a new seed treatment designed to enhance phosphorus uptake in-furrow.

00:00 Asking the question from Kani Classic 2024, what's new? Here I am with James Paterson of Agritech, USA and our friend from the Delta Region of Arkansas, 00:07 Matt Miles, you're going to have Nutri Charge, which he was a pioneer in using. He and Rob Deadman recorded a podcast 00:14 with me two and a half years ago. Hey, we found this product that helps us extract phosphorus that's already in the soil. 00:20 You and I was one of the first things we recorded. Very exciting stuff, but it has to be used in furrow. A lot of it we just talked about today. 00:26 A lot of acres don't get planted with in furrow technology on a planter. So you answered the call and 00:31 how he's gonna use it is a seed treatment. Talk to me. Yeah. So what exactly right. We had a number of growers, even growers 00:37 that had inpro units on corn. They see the results on beans. They can't use it. So we needed to figure out a way to get along. 00:43 We know that if we get UltraCharge around the root system, you've seen the results of what happened. 00:47 How do we do it? Challenge is all the liquid seed treatments take up a lot of space. Yep. We need to find a way to do it. 00:53 We took UltraCharge active ingredient, formulated it as a dry powder with some coating agents and it basically allows downstream treatment of your seed, 01:01 allows you to plant in the field and see similar things to nut nutri charge. You excited about this? Oh, Absolutely. But 01:07 You have in furrow technology on all your planners. You're, you're one of the most forward thinking persons when it comes to planning. 01:12 This isn't necessary, but maybe it makes life easier for you. I'm thinking. Well it does because that's one less 01:18 product you gotta put in the tank. Right. Or you know, we're hoping at some point in time through the agronomy 01:23 and different studies that, that we'll get to something that's just all seed treatment, popper box type treatments or whatever. 01:29 So nut nutri charge, they went and made the extra step to put it as a seed treatment. That's gonna be a big deal to me. 01:35 Even though I do run infra, I don't run infra on beans. I don't run infra on cotton all the time. Rice, you know, rice is a big phosphorus user. 01:43 If we can get it in and treat our rice with it, that's my big deal. This is How silly I am. I'm just 01:48 sitting here thinking, oh, seed treatment corn. No, No. He's gonna put it on Everything. I mean the research we 01:54 did last year in Arkansas was on rice. Yeah. And that was our main target because how do you, you don't have infer options on rice. 02:00 You put your pea out early. That's right. In a flooded environment. Phosphorus dynamics change. What we wanted to do is we said if we could put it on seed 02:07 and get it in the early and get that activation, we drive more pea into the plant early and, and it and it showed out on rice. 02:13 All right. Does it have any limitations? I mean sometimes you ask, okay, it sounds too good to be true. 02:17 It just made my life easier because he's already got four or five things he's putting on in 02:21 furrow at the time of planting. He's got a lot to do. He is got several planters going. He is got man manpower to manage 02:26 and now this made my life easier 'cause it's already done. Once that seed gets to the planter, whether it's corn, 02:32 beans, wheat, yeah, rice, whatever, it's, it's treated. Now what I would say the only limitation is 02:39 probably an equipment related one. You've gotta have a dry powder, but most guys apply some form of talc 02:43 or some type A finisher to the seed. Just Gonna, is just going, uh, be something you have to buy new equipment to do? 02:48 No. Okay. No. Uh, is this have compatibility with any other kind of seed treatment you might be doing? 02:54 I think it's gonna go on, from what we've seen and the research we've seen, it's gonna go on, on top Of anything that we're already doing 03:00 with other treatments you've already got. So there's no compatibility issues. It's Not gonna replace anything. It's 03:04 aer that goes over the top. It actually helps dry down the seed so you have less issues when it flows. 03:08 Yeah. Let's say I don't have a phosphorus problem, you know, that's how the whole thing came up. You and Rob discovered, uh, neutral charge 03:14 because you had phosphorus in the soils. Litter, legacy fertility as temple calls it, it was not getting in the plant. 03:20 Let's say I don't have that problem. Or maybe everybody has that problem. They do. I mean, at the, at the end of the day, 03:26 whether you think you have a phosphorus problem or not. Yeah. When your efficiency phos is pho uptake, We should say phosphorus uptake. 03:32 If you are phosphorus, 30% efficient of what you're putting in the ground. Yeah. You're creating an issue downstream. Yeah. 03:38 Anyway, it's just an, it is inefficiency and, and it's not a silver bullet. It's a technology platform 03:42 that takes the least efficient thing you do on the farm and moves the needle a Little bit. I have availability 03:46 issues. We've been through this before Product rock side, but Oh crap. Can't get it. You gonna be able to get this 03:51 stuff? Yeah, we've Got some available issues. Some available, yeah. What I lots, well, It could be addressed. It could 03:56 Be addressed as an Open-end Question. James Patterson take USA Matt Miles stream Ag Farm. 04:00 We've been asking the question, what's new in 2024 from the floor of commodity class of 2024. 04:05 Until next time, I'm Damien Mason.

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