A Field Day in May
31 May 2310 min 59 sec

If you missed Chad's field day, Damian takes a look at the 4 plots that he showcased and talks about what the goal of each is with AgroLiquid.

00:00 I'm guessing every agricultural field day you have been to has happened somewhere between third week of July and Labor Day, 00:07 because that's when field days happen. But here we are, it's the second week of May. We're at Chad Henderson's, I'm with Stephanie ZinCo, head Agros for Agri Eliquid. 00:16 And I'm gonna ask the question, why are we out here having a field day when the corn is only this tall, it's like what they call it V4 or something? It's the second week of May. 00:26 Let's face it, you can't do all the dog and pony show and say, oh, a new rock here is gonna make you 70, you know, 70 pound test weight. I mean, 00:33 this is a different time. What are we doing here? Yeah, you're absolutely right. We very seldomly do these early season field days, 00:39 but we thought it was a great opportunity to take a look at how this corn plant is getting off to a start. 00:44 Cuz there's a lot of things we can learn looking at those early season differences and there's still lots of time to make adjustments to get that high 00:50 yield at the end of the season. Okay. So since we are gonna have people out here today and, and, uh, we are gonna be looking at this stuff, what are we looking for? 00:59 So we're looking for plant stand, trying to see how well those plants came up. We're looking at plant health, 01:05 so the color and then the consistency across the entire stand. So how do one plant look from the other? 01:11 Is everything looking exactly the same cuz that's gonna tell us how it's gonna grow through the season. Is it gonna pollinate at the same time? 01:17 Is it gonna dry down at the same time? So we have a nice even consistency come harvest. And then the thing that you said before we hit record was, hey, 01:24 the one thing naming and everybody needs to realize is the cool part about our field day this time of year is we can still do a lot of stuff. We can still, 01:31 we can salvage a mistake or at least, you know, salvage mostly a mistake. We can make adjustments on the fly and this is a good demonstration of that 01:39 versus, uh, yeah, it's August, we're about dawn here, you know, maybe one more little thing we can do. So it's kind of a cool, uh, shall I say, 01:47 juxtaposition. Exactly. And you know, Chad does a really good job looking at his soil test and addressing fertility according to that. But deficiencies can still come up. 01:54 Environmental conditions can still play a part. And so if we do see that nutrient deficiency, you know, come in, we have post applications foliar, uh, he has a couple wide drop passes, 02:04 there's lots of time to get out there and adjust. Have you done a field day historically ever this soon and in, and whether it's in Michigan where you're from or down here in Alabama where 02:14 you're at this stage of plant growth? I have never done a field day this early. All right. But we're excited to do it just because there's a lot to see early on. Yeah, 02:20 I was gonna say, because as I say historically, if you had, you'd say, well, you know what, last year we didn't one of this early and we found, 02:25 what do you expect to find? Well, I expect to find, you know, goodlooking crops. Those crops look good. So I'm hoping that we won't see any nutrient deficiencies because we've 02:33 fertilized really well Yeah. And addressed everything. Um, our plant stand looks good, so I, I think things look really, really well. Um, 02:40 but there's still things that we can learn, you know, looking for those individual pieces. And if you took a farmer is my last question. 02:44 If you took a farmer out here and they're like, Hey, I've never been to a field day this early, what are you gonna tell 'em? What are you gonna show 'em? What thing are you gonna show 'em that, uh, 02:52 that they're like, oh, okay, well This gives us a good opportunity to actually walk down the roast. You know, the corn's little you, you know, 02:57 can't lose people in the corn field at this point in time. So you can look at that plant stand, uh, 03:02 you can have the opportunity to dig it off, look at that root system, see how it's growing. You know, 03:05 a good healthy root system's gonna bring in lots of water, bring in those nutrients, um, 03:08 make sure it has enough to go throughout that season. Got it. Is there any other thing that I didn't ask you when it comes to a field day this 03:14 early that you're like, Hey, one of the learnings I wanna make sure that our guests get today is, I think the biggest thing is knowing there's still time. 03:23 So we kind of talked about that already, but that's the biggest thing is early on we're V4 V five corn, we have lots of time, lots of opportunities, and so, you know, 03:31 maybe tissue tests, you can still pull a soil test and see what's going on and make those adjustments. 03:36 Yeah, it's not, it's way too early to panic. In fact, it's exactly, it's, it's actually kind of like comforting to know that right now you could still do 03:43 a lot of things in salvage or, or even attain huge yield, right? Accidently, 03:47 By the way, she talked about the good thing is we're gonna lose anybody in a corn. I gotta tell you, 03:50 I gotta get freaked out by corn mazes the last time I saw the Shining and, you know, that whole thing of being lost and amazed, I won't do corn mazes, 03:58 but if it was like this height, I think I'd be safe. I think you'd be safe for sure. All We're gonna now take a walk down the lane here and talk about all the cool 04:05 things that we are doing at this field day, why Chad did what he did and what Stephanie wants to learn and share with our, uh, grower guests here at the field day today. Okay. All right. 04:16 So Chad and Stephanie, I'm told this is the check, this is our, uh, our control. Tell me what we're looking at here. 04:22 This is my grower standard practice. So anybody that wants some of his witches brew, there it is right there. You know, but this is, 04:29 this is what it takes for me sometimes to get the things we need into the system, you know, so this is where we start at. So this is, 04:38 this is ground zero. This is if you're, if you're building a house, this is a pad right here. 04:42 And then we're going from there on what we've changed and what they fix to run this lab. And there's 04:47 Four additional ones that vary from this. Correct? Correct. This is our foundation on our, 04:51 This is our foundation. This is our, by the way, uh, I'm guessing this was not your foundation, uh, a few years ago. This was Not my foundation. 04:57 So it took experimentation with people like Stephanie in agro liquid to get to this point. You 05:01 Know, when you Yes, that's a hundred percent correct. And, you know, to understand this, like, this is our foundation, 05:05 this is our grower standard practice. Well, not a lot of people's grower standard practice has that many things on it. So when we look at that point of it, you know, it's a very difficult to show. 05:14 You see these wind rates and we see the products that we're using and we see the products that Aly is brought to the table. 05:19 This is not just a regular grower standard practice. This is, this is a, a re I mean, 05:24 this is a really defined program that works for us on all our acres, you know, so we gotta keep that in mind, you know, that this is normal. 05:31 It's not always normal. We've weeded through a lot of things through that we've needed or not needed. And so this is a pretty dange good. This a not that, I mean, 05:41 it's a pretty good deal. All right, We're gonna go to the next, we're gonna go to the next plot and we're gonna add some stuff to it. 05:45 Stay tuned. Okay. All right. So now we're in corn treatment, two of our trial here with agro liquid. And you added, uh, you said two things. 05:54 Tell me what you added at, at the Yep. We, We switched out two on the infer. So we switched out to, so we're always evolving and changing this grower standard. 06:02 That grower standard didn't just poof come out. You know, we, it is took years to, to define that and redefine that. 06:08 And that's what we're doing here. We're trying to redefine that. It's not reinventing the wheel. 06:12 It's products always coming along that agro liquid and other companies are bringing to us, you know, and, 06:18 and that this helps us as farmers to redefine this. So we changed out two things in the infer and then we added one in the tuba two, you know, 06:25 so we're trying to dress something that Stephanie's seen that she thinks I need to be addressing. And 06:30 Then at the herbicide pass, you added at least one thing. Yes. Well, we'll, We'll get to that when we get to it. We ain't done that yet. All right. 06:36 Yeah. So what we did is we just looked at that soil test, looked at what Chad was doing, 06:40 and tried to fit a liquid products in the best place possible. So we're looking at what products we have that are positioned in the right 06:46 application, in the right timing, And so on the, uh, things are yet to come. The herbicide pass hasn't come yet, and then of course, the FO air pass hasn't come, 06:53 and that's where some of your stuff's gonna go in. And that's a variation from plot number one. Yep. Got it. Let's plot number three. 06:58 Let's go. All right, we're on plot number three now at our trial. What did you vary from number two to plot number three? Chad? 07:07 Okay, so number, as you've seen in number two, we changed two things in in first. So those two things are still here in number three. 07:14 And then on the tuba two side, we added one thing. Yep. So we picked up one thing in a tuba two right here. Yep. So on this one we added the enhance. So that's a nitrogen enhancement, 07:24 so it's put in with his u n application there. So we added that product in there just to get a little bit more efficiency out of that nitrogen portion. 07:31 Okay. So this is about getting more bang for your nitrogen buck early in in the season. Exactly. Actually at time of planning. Yep. Got it. All right. 07:39 Let's go to plot number four. All right. Here we're at plot number four on our agri liquid trial with Chad. You changed just one thing on plot number four from three and two, correct? Yep. 07:51 Um, the two by two stayed the same and we added, added liberate count. That was one of, uh, I think that was prior to Kelly Garrett. You know, Kelly, 07:59 I think that was his request. You know, I don't know. Stephanie probably talked more on That. All right. 08:02 So infer you added liberate ca I've heard more liberate ca talk from our buddy Kelly Garrett. Then I, I mean, like this guy, 08:09 like he's almost obsessed the way he is with boron. You know what I'm talking about? Yeah. Why do we put liberate ca in fur this time? 08:13 So liberate ca is a calcium source. It can be safely combined with other products in furrow. So that's one thing that you don't see commonly in the calcium market and in the 08:22 soils that are just lacking calcium or even ones that have pretty decent levels, having some readily available calcium there right next to the seed, you know, 08:29 helps that plant overall health and structure. Got it. All right. So we're about four hours away from go time on the field day that's happening 08:36 today, May 11th, which we already talked about with Stephanie, why we're doing it so early. She explained why we gave you, uh, 08:42 standard and then we gave you the control, if you will. We gave you 1, 2, 3, 4 variations from this. So, uh, tell us a little bit what you're excited about. 08:49 This is not just a 10 foot by 20 foot plot. This is the real deal. You know, we won't, we, we doing a lab here with, 08:55 with Agri Liquid and we want people to understand that this is not a 500 foot deal. This is a 40 acre trial. These things, 09:01 what you see on this board is replicated four times. It's like eight and a half to 10 acres in each one. And we'll cut all this whole field using the date off the machine using weight 09:11 wagons as well to get all the information as correct as possible and average in a big field setting. 09:18 So this is not something that we're doing in a hundred foot strip on two rows. You know, 09:22 this is a whole large farm because we're trying to build practices here and we're trying to build stuff for next year and the years to come on what works 09:30 and what don't work. We're Getting better at these trials and labs, aren't we s Oh, we're getting better at 'em. Definitely. We have learned, 09:35 we have definitely learned what not to do. We could have a whole segment on what not to do in a trial. Exactly. Appreciate it. 09:40 Alright, Galen, uh, tents going up. Field days go about to commence. Uh, what are you excited about seeing or demonstrating to customers today? Well, I 09:48 Think what customers are gonna see is that we're looking at how corn starts as well. Yeah. 09:52 And they can see the different programs that we're trying to Chad's point earlier is, uh, what you're gonna do with the plant is a processor refinement. 10:00 So that's all we're looking at here is what do we add or take away that gives him a better return on his dollar in the, 10:05 and so treatment form might be his grower standard someday. We don't know that. Yeah. 10:10 Or treatment three, or we might stick with one we have, but that's not likely because he is after all the Sendent twin, uh, uh, I wanna put all of 'em together, like just, 10:19 All right. So anyway, stay tuned. The great thing about extreme ag is we always share these results at the end of the year or the beginning of the following year. 10:25 And it's a really cool thing is if you're a member, is you get access to all the data. That's one of the things you get if you're a paying member. 10:31 You'll get a actual all of the crunch numbers down to what this all amounts to. So stay tuned. Uh, end of season. 10:37 We're gonna tell you about how these things turn out. Obviously, Chad's out here, we're doing it very methodically. Tent's going up. 10:41 We're excited. Field Day. Stay tuned for all the results. Thanks for being here next time. I'm Damien Mason. 10:45 He's Galen Beer with Agro Liquid. She's Stephanie Linco, uh, agro Liquid and he of course is Chad Henderson, 10:50 the Send It twin extraordinaire with his field day.

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