This Corn is Really Hanging On
22 Jun 231 min 17 sec

Kelly is excited about how this Integra 5529 looks considering the tough year they have had so far. Here is why he likes this varietal.

00:00 Hi, this is Kelly Garrett, Mike Windrow. We're standing out here in the field of Integra 55 29. I'm excited about this corn because of the way it looks with the tough year 00:07 we're having. We had some rain early, but we had some really cold temperatures. This corn didn't come outta the ground for three weeks. 00:13 It was planted on April 12th. The reason we planted it so early is we cold germed it at Iowa State. The cold germ score came back very well. It emerged very evenly. 00:23 I'm excited about this because of the September date we can take it out on and the base play that's there 00:28 With Integra 55 29. There are obviously a lot of agronomic benefits to planning this number. Um, a couple that we are focused on, 00:35 we've had wind here and the area last couple years. The green snap rating is very high and you dig up a couple of these plants. You got strong root systems, so we believe that later in the season, 00:46 if we get a wind storm, we're not gonna have green snap. It also responds to high intensive management to help with plant health and 00:53 stress mitigation. It's obviously been a stressful year around here this year, and the corn looks great. I'm excited for the way it looks. Obviously, 01:00 we always wanna take everything to yield, but I think this corn this year will be one of our, our best. I, uh, I sure hope it rains. It'll get even better. 01:08 Some of the other corn around here looks tough, but the Integra 55 29 is really hanging on.

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