John Deere X9: Top 6 Advanced Harvest Technologies Revolutionizing Farming
We look at six advanced harvest technologies designed to improve efficiency and yield outcomes on the John Deere X9 combine. Key innovations include the Combine Advisor, which automatically adjusts combine settings in real-time to reduce grain loss and maximize efficiency, and Machine Sync, simplifying grain cart operations with auto-steer and precise movement coordination. In-Field Data Sharing ensures accurate yield data across equipment, while AutoTrac Turn Automation simplifies end-row maneuvers. AutoPath creates a season-long guidance plan from planting to harvest, optimizing field passes for efficiency. Finally, the G5 Display integrates all machine and yield data into a seamless operator interface, enabling on-the-go adjustments and long-term analysis.
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00:00:00 Harvest time technology to help you farm better. That's what we're covering here today in Maryland with my man Temple Road, Chestnut Manor Farms. 00:00:06 We got a bunch of really cool stuff, and I think you're going to see it and hear about, I got Mike Rus, 00:00:11 the local John Deere representative, combine advisor. What is Combine advisor and why do I need it? So combine advisor is a way 00:00:17 to most efficiently run your combine. It takes measurements as you're going through that field and automatically adjust that combine so 00:00:23 that you have less grain loss and you're more efficient as you go across that field. So how much capacity is this utilizing? 00:00:29 I mean, it's basically opening up the machine and letting us maximize what we have behind us. Oh, yeah. And 00:00:35 It, you can do it on the, on the fly. So there's no more stopping, changing a setting and then having to start up 00:00:40 again and maybe getting it right. The combine's doing it for you as you go. And we don't Have to worry about it. Mike, there's so much technology 00:00:44 in these machines. Let's get to the number, the number two things you told me. There's six things that I wanna know 00:00:48 that's gonna help Temple Farm better. Uh, the combine advisor is the big one, the second one, so We talked about machine sink. 00:00:53 So machine sink is a way of, especially with, uh, with younger or inexperienced drivers of your grain cart, all 00:01:01 they have to do is drive. Wait minute, did He just bash on the grain cart Operator? He did. But that, but 00:01:04 honestly, everybody bashes the grain cart guy. We have a, a large problem in ag and that's trying to find good help. 00:01:10 Um, we have some people that have been in the industry for a long time and they're running that combine and their grain cart operator tends to be our, 00:01:17 our least experienced operator. What this allows you to do is all they gotta do is drive in a big old box and hit auto steer and that takes over 00:01:24 and it automatically puts them in the same spot. And then that more experienced combine operator can then nudge that tractor forward, backward, left 00:01:31 or right, create their piles, and that person just then has to drive off and unload Simply. He showed me on 00:01:37 the screen there about the nudge because we got a grain cart that's 1,012 hundred. I mean, these things are massive. So the point is, 00:01:43 even if it's going the same speed as you, you might want to get the front field, the back field, all that. 00:01:47 So nudge might add what, two tenths of a mile per hour or something? Or backing off? Yeah. Yep. 00:01:50 So we're, well, we typically allow, uh, tell the operator to do is drive past and then let it bring you back. 00:01:56 Yeah. So you can set in that home point, we usually set it about three feet so that it moves you and you'll have a couple piles, three feet. Is it 00:02:04 Using, uh, a camera at the end of the augur to, to, Hey, this is my pile. 00:02:09 I know that you're getting full, I need to move. No, you're gonna look at that because your your camera, you're gonna look at the camera yourself. 00:02:15 Okay. And then nudge, it's not gonna automatically nudge yet. Okay. By the way, as a, Is that common? 00:02:20 That sounds like something that could be but possible I said But said yet. That's 00:02:24 all I'm saying is I said yet I'm Gonna tell you that as a volunteer grain card operator, I am deeply offended by your insults 00:02:30 about the inexperience, but okay. Number, listen, Listen. I've seen him drive. He's not, 00:02:33 he's not good at anything. Number three, He's good at number three. Piece of technology is gonna help 00:02:36 us farm better out in the fields Of America. So one thing that I love is infield data share. 00:02:39 When we're out in that field and we've got multiple pieces of equipment Yep. That are running at the same time, all of 00:02:44 that data is being shared between each piece and so our coverage is correct. So let's say Temple goes out first 00:02:51 and he does all my turn rows. When I come back through with that combine, I'm not calculating a zero yield on that turn row. 00:02:58 It already knows it's been picked and we're good to go and that yield should be correct. And if I don't have two or three 00:03:03 or five combines, I still want this infield data share because, Because we're still sharing that even with a grain cart. 00:03:10 Um, one thing that, another thing that I love is when you're in that grain cart, you can see grain bin level. 00:03:15 If you're sitting there and he gets, so that Grain cart can sit there and see my level as I'm running Yep. 00:03:19 The whole time. So he knows when to come to me. I don't have to, I can quit scream screaming on the radio, hurry up on Threequarters. 00:03:25 You're realize the temple's kids have actually sought me out for counseling and said, why does dad yell at scream 00:03:29 This? So you could stop yelling. I didn't say it would make you stop. Number Four thing Mike Rush, what number four piece 00:03:33 of technology that's gonna help us farm better at these fields. So The next thing that we're talking about is 00:03:38 auto track turn automation. Yep. So what that allows you to do is when you get to the end of that row, it's gonna 00:03:42 turn you around automatically. So currently in currently I don't have the steer when I'm driving down the field 00:03:47 and now I don't have to turn at the end. Correct. So more time for you to be on your phone. I like texting. There you 00:03:53 Go. Fifth piece of technological advancement that's gonna make my harvest more efficient and more enjoyable. 00:03:58 So the fifth piece, uh, kind of starts when we are, when we start with our planning. So auto path is a way of creating a guidance plan 00:04:05 for your entire farm and your entire season. When you go out there with that initial pass of your planer, it's gonna record where every single row is 00:04:11 and then create a guidance plan for the rest of your season. Whether that's your sprayer coming back, 00:04:16 whether you're using the field cultivator or your, when you're coming back with your combine And it's taking the most efficient path 00:04:20 to get you done the fastest because It's gonna, it's gonna know your exact width you're working with and then adjust those lines based on that is 00:04:28 This big. That's pretty big. It helps you like efficiency is everything with us. 00:04:32 Yep. And when you talk about something that is, you know, it, I've, I've heard guys friends of mine that are using 00:04:37 that and they said, you're going to, you're gonna change the way that you farm a piece of ground. And I'm like, there's, I'm not changing anything. 00:04:45 I know that my straight line is on that edge, blah, blah, blah. And they're like, no, no, no. You don't understand. 00:04:50 It's gonna take the most efficient path. Well, the bigger thing to keep, to get you done quicker Is this also ties into putting 00:04:55 the nutrients where they need to be. If you're gonna be cutting back, we got low commodity prices. 00:04:58 Correct. Every, every nickel. Every nickel per, per a hundred square feet or whatever we can save. 00:05:02 Okay. Uh, the last thing, last technological advancement that's gonna help Temple Harvest more. 00:05:07 Happily. And by the way, happily, I was talking about your kids. Right? So the last thing kind of wraps it all together. 00:05:12 Uh, that G five display is the newest display that's available from Deere. Uh, and that's what makes everything possible. Okay. 00:05:20 So we take all the information that's generated within your combine or your tractor and then it displays that to the operator 00:05:26 and then also sends that back with our modem, um, to operations center so that we have that data to look at later as well. 00:05:33 How many screens are in these combines now? Couple, two Or three? Yeah, it's got a couple, but I mean, it's kind 00:05:37 of like a split screen like you guys talked about earlier. You know, you're looking at two different things. 00:05:41 You're looking at the function of the combine. You're looking at your data that you're, that you're collecting the whole time. 00:05:46 So it's kind of important to have a couple different screens in there for, for an operator 00:05:50 because you're staring at what it's doing, you're also staring at your yields and you're sending all this stuff back to, you know, 00:05:57 home base, you know, the cloud, whatever all the time. Yep. And then we're still using our phones to also manage our, our farms 00:06:04 'cause we can now change, uh, our combine settings right from our phone on the go and manage. 00:06:08 Really what Tim's doing is he's letting the combine steer itself, do all the work and he's on his phone 00:06:12 with his buddy Chad down in Alabama. Anyway, we're gonna go inside the cab, we're gonna check, check out this G five screen 00:06:17 and we're gonna see how it works and how it affects you and the interface for you, the farmer. We're talking about help helping you harvest better 00:06:23 with our friend Mike Russ 00:06:24.745 --> 00:06:27.285
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See All GrowersTemple Rhodes
Centreville, MD