2022 Results and Impressions: SprayTec - Chad Henderson
Chad Henderson discusses the
trials he conducted this season.
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Hey y'all, this Chad Henderson with extreme Ag and we're gonna talk a little bit about spray Tech products, man. We just got our feet wet with them things this year and we use some Boron got some stuff coming back for me it use some other K and also their their other packages that come together and I like it. I like it. It's one of those deals to where we can you know, it's they got everything box in a 80 acre load and that's really interesting, you know, and then the best part about that is to be three to four things in the box and then they tell you the order that it to put me in in the tank. I really like that because too many times us as Farmers just go dumbest stuff together. I promise you I'm the world's worst. I promise you will said man, you don't even own a measuring cup. So, you know, when we go to mixing this stuff together a lot of times when we get it out of order and that may be some of the problem. It ain't that's products. It may be how we're using it. So with them doing that we're treating the water first then we treating the next one next one to make the pH right. So it's things to go in to stay up that we've learned on how to make things to get it correctly. And that's what they've already done for you. So look for some good things coming out this spray take lunch, you know, and they're getting their feet wet down here in the South and they're gonna be coming on strong. So they're gonna be something to reckon with and it's got some really good products have some good service good behind it, you know, so Stay tuned on the spray Tech.
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See All GrowersChad Henderson
Madison, AL