2022 Results and Impressions: Concept Agritek - Kevin Matthews

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21 Dec 222 min 40 secPremium Content

Kevin Matthews discusses the results of his 2022

Concept Agritek


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KM - Concept Agritek1

KM - Concept Agritek2

our concept agrotech We did a corn trial. We did a soybean trial and when I sat down with Kyle and our concept rep, and I said, you know, I want to do something that you see in. Southeast is something you really want to focus on and work and instead of just trying to do it NCGA or you know, shoot the moon kind of deal. Let's do a dry land. Let's do just like a average grower practice deal something that can make us money and we can make our neighbors money with and that's what we is after and and Mr. Tray Curtis that owns the company and and Mr. Kyle just awesome at letting us do this so. the key thing with the concept products is They can they can't hone in to your environment to your farm and they done that for mine. We've seen some pretty good returns. This week's success. Product as y'all heard me for years. I've been using that for years before we started extreme AG the total Foss since we've been with extreme Agate. That's the product. I've learned that I've made that standard on my corn in for an hour. And that product does a great job. Compatibility mixability of all the products I've had pretty good luck. I've had a couple products over the years that didn't do well and then they they fixed them or else they chose to go a different route. That's the kind of company they are they want to make sure you got a product that's going to work and and they pretty well if I you know, that's we like that part and some of this stuff when we start throwing everything in there and Chad Henderson wants to send it. You can get a mess but work good the soybeans research. We did this time pretty daggone cool. We did it on double crop soybeans because that's our biggest lowest yield crop and the one that needs our biggest amount of attention because we feel like we can change bushels faster on that lower yield than we can up at 100 bushel and we picked up about seven bushels 72 bushel double crops soybeans in our area. Per day going good. You just don't do that often. My goal is to average 70 bushels used to if you average 50 to 55 bushels on double crops. That was pretty good. But then we got full season beans that were sitting there averaging 80 to 90 on so that's why it's hard for me to plant many double crops, but I want to get that to 70 bushels and then we start making a little money.

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