2022 Results and Impressions: AgXplore - Kevin Matthews
Kevin Matthews discusses the
trials he conducted this season.
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AG Explorer this past year. We had a corn trial on the soybean trial. I kind of like the way we did the corn trial. We did it in a instead of trying to just shoot the moon kind of deal work with Adrian Boyd our local guy down on the coast he come up and he was hired kind of in the middle of the trial so we might would have done things a little different had he started on the front side. But Adrian, I've known him a long time with his former employer very sharp guy and he walked the field a lot with us. And it had a hail storm hit that field we still was. 212 bushel corn 211 bushel corn just tickled to death with it our grower standard in there. We was just right at 200 Bush we picked up about two about 12 bushels, but every company's got products that I call them grower standards and for us the the onward Max product and as a one that we pretty much as a grower standard across our corn and our soybeans we like the octane product. It does very well. It's a carbon sugar type product actually like it really well. All right, so our soybean trials, you know. You're always looking for that next one, two, three, four, five bushels and soybeans on that. We had a 40 acres that was given to us. We did just no question about it. It was about a four bushel yield increase on this versus the grower standard and You know at $15 a bushel. Price we we definitely made a little extra money on this program right here. What a whole lot. But we did make some extra money and it was dry land. You know, we're 70 for 75 bushel yield environment and for our place holes, that's pretty dag on good. I pretty I'm pretty happy with that. I will say all these products that they recommended really had good mixability. They was no issues with it is easy to handle didn't have no collaborative mess in a jug or anything like that. No, nozzle stuff UPS no problems with a planner everything went pretty good and that's pretty important because if it ain't a good experience you don't want to do it.
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See All GrowersKevin Matthews
East Bend, NC