11 Aug 226 min 48 sec

After harvesting his early planted beans at the end of July, Matt is now facing the next hurdle as he attempts to grow a successful second crop of soybeans in one year.  He talks through all the factors that led him to this decision.

00:00 Hey guys, this is Matt miles coming to you from McGee Arkansas again. And what used to be our we caught our February Bean field as you see behind it. We 00:09 harvested this on Thursday or actually laying horses on Thursday. I was I was going to add PhD field day, which he got 00:18 on my butt pretty good about that having to do this by itself. But at least I got back in time for the Bean planting. So we're 00:25 coming back now with a second crop of soybeans. We were looking at corn thinking about corn and I just had too many people tell me that you know, they didn't take our 00:34 corn whatever mature. This this late, you know, if it you know, if we did cut it it would probably be Thanksgiving and you know 00:41 around 40% and at that point, you know, my bins will hopefully be full and I wouldn't have any way to handle 40% moisture 00:47 corn. So now we're going back with a second crop of soybeans. This is a group three variety. We were looking at going back straight with a four one 00:56 like we planted before but you know, we got some other goals behind this the first hurdle we jumped it pretty decent on it 79.74 bushel. 01:05 So we were pretty excited about that with the heat. We had this year. I won't know till we get in our other beans. 01:12 If the yield was down a little bit because of of the Heat and the stress of the soybeans have been under if it was because we planted them in February. So, you know, 01:21 I have more information coming on that depending on you know, what the other ones what the other ones Harvest but you know right now 01:27 we're thinking that's a pretty good yield for February planet being in southeast Arkansas. Our next hurdle will 01:33 be will be the second second planning. So, you know, we're talking about these beans coming up maybe August the third something like that. We got 01:42 a chance of rain today 70% chance of rain. So we're kind of caught in the middle, you know, do we plan on and hope we get enough rain to sprout 01:51 them and I'm you know, take root. Are we gonna get a rain? It's two or three tenths at all. It does is Sprout them and then end up being, you know, 02:00 dry underneath them and they all die. We're setting up the Polly pipe. So if we get a two to three ten in trying today, don't get anything behind it the tricks 02:09 gonna be being able to get them irrigated up before. Sprout and die there's four sets on this field. So it'll take four days to get that done. So we get 02:18 a 3/10 frame soil temperatures are probably in the high 90s. We get the bean to sprout but you don't have anywhere to go after there that's going to be the problem. Can 02:27 we get the water on fast enough and soaked into the plant to get that plant to continue to grow and not die before it dries out. So that's 02:36 our second hurdle to cross if we get that done. Our next hurdle will be getting some size on these beans enough height on them to you know, 02:45 to to make some kind of yield with this particular plot here, you know, if I can just break even on a second crop we made some money on the first crop break even 02:54 on the second crop then we've got some research and some data to see, you know, can this be done? Could we take a even earlier material variety and plant 03:03 it, you know, the first week of March which is a little safer to do and and make this same thing happen. 03:09 So got a lot going on here. This is not gonna be the only year we do. 03:12 This we'll come back next year with an ultra early planning maybe with a earlier group being or you know, something like that. We hadn't gotten that 03:21 far yet. So then if that all transpires and we can get these beans off in time, you know, the the goal next would be to plant a wheat crop Behind These 03:30 beans that would give us three crops on one acre, you know might not be feasible long term in a in a ten year plan, but at least 03:39 we have the first step the first baby step but knowing that you know, this can be done, you know, you can get more than one crop, you know, even with a full season crop you 03:48 can get one more than one crop, you know off an acre at a time. So as I said earlier, you know, we we're just hoping 03:54 it, you know, at least break even at the worst on this plot one thing that that helps us with that is this 04:00 is July the 29th, and we're gonna have to control Palmer till probably somewhere around November the 15th. 04:07 So we're gonna have to put out herbicides to control Palmer and grass for the next what July August 04:13 September for the next 90 days, you know, so that's one cost that we're going to have incur regardless of whether we plant these beans or not. What we'll 04:22 be at risk at is going to be the seed and also the insecticides because before this thing's over with I think 04:28 every worm and dishay County and every stink bug and d-shape County will be right here as Chad says right here. I'm right here and that's what this soybean feels 04:37 gonna be saying. I'm right here come get me. So, you know, there's some residual insecticides out there we can use hopefully we'll 04:43 have some trials on that too to see what lasts longer than other fertility wise. We came in with a ton of litter. You know, I'm a litter freak. So I wanted 04:52 to get a ton of litter out here on this. This will give us some nitrogen to kind of get the beans leggy get them up. 04:58 Try to get some size on them. We may come in if we get the right weather and put another hundred pounds of nitrogen on them just to get that being growing and tall. 05:07 We want this pain to get as tall as it possibly get as quick as it'll pop possibly get there. Now that's gonna weaken the stalks 05:13 on so we're gonna have to have the right fertility in there to keep a stable root system to keep a stable plant to to 05:19 make sure all this works. So there's a lot of balls in the air. So I rake some of this dirt back just kind of show you what we're doing. 05:27 We're planting these beans somewhere around and I use my joints my finger a lot of people use rollers and and probably I should too but we're playing these 05:36 beans about a half a joint deep which is gonna be about a half inch day. What we're trying to do here is get 05:42 them in the in the dry And then be prepared for this rain. If the rain don't need to moisture, then we turn on the air gutter, 05:52 which come down this side of the bed, you know soak up to here on both sides and Sprout these beans we do have just a hint of moisture in 06:01 this ground. So, you know, we may have to turn our turn our water on a little quicker than expected. We may be out here laying piping irrigating tomorrow. We picked 06:10 up the previous pipe because it was at too much damage to it, but we're planting these beans also at 200,000 and 06:16 I know that sounds real high, but we need these beans to compete with each other and and try it out run each other and try to get some size on so although that 06:25 and you know, when you're getting a bean up with fur irrigation, it's it's very very tricky. So hopefully we got something to show you next week. We get 06:34 moisture to these beans and take them three or four days to come up with the soil temperature we have so hopefully you got more to 06:40 show you later and hopefully we have some pretty good love trying to get this to work.

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