The Promise | The XtremeAg Show, S1. Ep 11.
21 May 2427m 16s

Farming can be immensely rewarding, however, it promises no guarantees. The only promise farming holds is that it will always involve a struggle. Fueled by their passion and resilience, farmers try to stay one step ahead in order to overcome the everyday hardships of farming.

The XtremeAg Show is presented by Concept AgriTek.

Season 1 | Episode 11

Copyrights © 2024 All Rights Reserved by XtremeAg.Farm, LLC

00:13 This episode of the Extreme Ag Show is presented by concept Agritech Cowboy is the game changer, getting it in 00:22 through the leaves and into the plant circulatory system. That's why this product is 00:26 so effective at delivering both calcium and boron to plants at critical times when they need it the most. 00:41 Yes, farming is a passion, but first it's a business. And when you run the farm, there's a lot of weight on your shoulders. 00:51 Wheat season for us is probably the busiest time of year. It's not like, you know, fall harvest 00:57 where you have a few minutes, like you're just getting out one crop, you know, so you're trying to hurry up and get the wheat crop out 01:03 and then you're gonna turn right around and you're gonna plant double crop beans behind it. Days are weighing on you, time's weighing on you 01:12 for every day after July 1st through the fourth. Every day that you're after that, guess what? You're losing a bushel a day per day that goes by. 01:23 So my emotions are high, my stress level is way up here. Um, it's, it's intolerable sometimes 01:33 With wheat harvesting, delayed by Rain Temple and his crew take care of some equipment, maintenance and repairs 01:41 Where you think, oh well it's a rainy day, farmers get off. No, that's not true at all. 01:46 We end up working our, our tails off on those days trying to get everything back. I'm going, so when we give back to the field, we're ready. 01:53 Well, I thought we were ready to go back to the field yesterday. It was our first day back and we weren't ready. 02:00 Hydraulic issues in a planter take temple out of his combine for an infield repair. Every minute that you're down, every hour 02:08 that you're down, if you sit down and you start doing that math on the loss of money per hour is something hangs you up. 02:16 You know, whether it's you're waiting on somebody, you're waiting on a load of seed, whether you're waiting on trucks to come back, 02:21 whether you had a shower, rain, it throws you out like it's a loss of money all the time. Shortly afterwards, a combine breaks down. 02:34 It is a broken belt, which he usually has on hand, but this time he loses valuable time sourcing a replacement. But in the back of my mind, you know, you get a piece of 03:07 that OCD in there and I'm constantly using them numbers in the back of my head and they're going round and round 03:12 and round and round and I'm like, I'm losing money. I'm losing money. I'm losing money For temple This day just went from bad to worse 03:23 Too. Too Much. Just too much. Just everything at once. Nothing was to work. Still Hurt my life. 03:44 Every day, every day you got equipment moving, you better have somebody in a service company somewhere. I don't care if it's new, used old junk, not junk. 03:56 You go over this thing 50 million times, it don't make any difference. Everything runs. 04:01 You get a rain, you get back in the field, you spend a little bit of time doing some mechanic working on it, going over it, and then your breakdown. 04:09 This is just the way it's, it's all part of it. You better love this 'cause there's days that it sucks, I promise you a lot of them. 04:25 So the air compressor has gone bad, which it puts them pneumatic pressure on each row unit back there to push 'em in the ground. 04:33 And with this heavy wheat straw out here, you gotta keep a lot of air pressure on it. So I guess the air compressor burned up, I'm hoping, 04:43 and it won't gimme enough air. It just constantly runs, but it won't keep the air pressure up. I thought it was a leak, so I came to work on it earlier. 04:51 Wooden leak, I can't find any leaks, but the air compressor is not pumping. So plan B, 05:03 While making repairs to his planter temple has the added stress of a phone call from a nervous landowner. 05:10 The smoke from the Canadian wildfires is affecting the crops. So that was the time where it was damaged. 05:17 That's the time where it was sickly as hell. They don't, nobody knows what, what the yield damage is. Like we don't know 05:30 Temple's, equipment problems are not over yet. The next day another combine problem. What should be a straightforward repair becomes anything. 05:41 But while repairing the combine, a bushing gets dropped, disappears on the ground, 05:54 the clock keeps ticking as they look for it. It's a constant struggle in agriculture. It doesn't matter what you do, 06:06 it doesn't matter where you're from. It doesn't matter your soul type, it doesn't, none of that matters. 06:12 It is a struggle all the time. Like hashtag the struggle is real. Amino grow is an exciting new product put out 06:30 by concept agritech. What we've seen is an increase in fruiting sites as well as branching. 06:37 And this has equated to yield Spot less. Introducing the cleanup for tar spot, gray leaf spot, Southern rust and more novel next generation at Astria. 06:54 Fungicide from FMC broadens your spectrum and strengthens your residual foliar disease control. Protect your corn fields with a proprietary combination 07:03 of three modes of action. Visit your FMC retailer to clean up this season 07:12 In the heart of harvest. Victory awaits. Introducing Dem CO's high speed all wheel steer. Combine header transport trailers crafted for strength, 07:23 engineered for speed, Demco tailored for victory. Some farmers I know swear by a name, say they never operate anything else. 07:37 Well, here are a few names from my Fent 900 Tractor Fuel Saver time maximizer game changer. 07:49 I like those names. BioHealth is a product by concept Agritech made up of a consortium of beneficial biology 08:03 that actually colonized the plant and boost the plant's immune system from the inside. The Piedmont area of North Carolina, 08:24 where Kevin Matthews Farms is a unique and beautiful landscape prone to regions of micro planets, which affect a crop's ability to grow and ward off disease 08:34 and the battle for keeping yields high. Kevin must keep a watchful eye throughout the season to catch disease early. 08:42 So this corn right here is actually replanted. Uh, we had a heavy rain we had to replant and so we got a late planting. 08:50 When we have a late planting, we really have to stay on top of the disease. So we've done put fungicide on this corn prior 08:58 to tassel these lower leaves, which is where your disease starts at. We've already got some lesions from gray leaf spot in here. 09:07 I mean, they're dead. They're no harm, they're not no further up. I stopped them down young, 09:13 but this was a pre tassel application of fungicide. But we will spray this a a second time, so it'll get two applications on it. 09:24 What happens is, as these diseases get on the lower leaves down here and then they just keep migrating up the stalk, 09:33 what's scary is when this disease comes up and it gets just below the ear leaf and then it starts hitting your ear leaf. 09:42 All these leaves up through the stalk are extremely critical in putting the nutrients to build this grain on this ear. 09:52 And when you start having damage to these up here, it gets really bad. Our wildlife decided they wanted to eat. 10:07 Um, I don't know whether the a bear got this or a deer. We had bear on camera right here, uh, last week. They've eat the ear out, so the ear is gone. 10:17 So it's kinda like roasting air corn to 'em and there's nowhere for all the nutrients to go. So they're getting all took up into leaves 10:24 everywhere on these plants. The prophet's done gone, the wildlife's done eat everything, but uh, just a common call we get landowners will call 10:35 and they'll want to, they'll say, you know, the corn don't look right on the edge of the field, what's going on? 10:39 And you'll go over there and they'll, their ears pulled off the stalk. And uh, and we do get a lot of city folk that like 10:47 to come out and they'll pull off the side of the road and pull a bunch of ears thinking it's roach sne corn. And they don't realize it's, it's for 10:55 animal feed and it's not. It ain't that good sweet corn. It's pretty hot out here today. 11:06 But what I want you to notice is the difference in the leaves. Look at when you look at my hand, it, 11:14 it just barely covers that leaf up. Then we come to the ear leaf and the ear leaf is much larger in 11:22 width than my hand. Whereas the other leaf he was looking at was much narrower. That's the difference. This, this side 11:30 of the field here is gets sun, it gets so much sunlight. We talk about solar panels and capturing the energy. 11:37 Well also look, we got two nice ears on this stalk here, and this is at a population of 34,000. 11:45 And you know, it's, that's pretty interesting. This is an outside road, so it's gonna be more common to see double ears in that situation. 11:53 But if we go into the field pretty deep, we're, we've actually got a lot of doubles on this, this as well. This is irrigated ground. 12:03 This here was a original plant date. This corn was planted on time. You remember I told you the late planted corn was 12:11 affected more by disease. You can't find any lesions on this real good ear set. Real, real thick ears. 12:20 Most, most of these are, um, 18 to 22 around. And uh, We'll just see what we got right here. This One pretty well pollinated 12:35 all the way out to the end there. Real good. Nice ear. Should be an even number. So we're at 40 kernels there. 12:45 So that's 306 bushels acres. What that right there? So if I push by pushing these later foliar applications, 12:54 the larger kernel set will take at 300 and I can be up in that three 20 range, three 30 range by really filling those kernels out. 13:05 But like I say, we're still feeding this crop. It ain't over yet. So we'll give it a foliar feeding as well 13:12 and see if we can't push it. We're not even at 50% milk line yet. So there's still a lot of yield potential left right here 13:20 that I can pack in basically about two bushels a day at this yield level I can add by filling 13:29 that milk line and putting more energy in that plant. So I, I still got a lot of yield left on the table, yet Adding Raytheon into your infra application 13:45 or even an over the top application round V three V four can do wonders in helping that plant 13:52 navigate tough soil conditions. As far as nutrient tie up is concerned, Control the toughest weeds with overlapping residuals. 14:01 Lock in the longest lasting control for your soybean fields authority brand herbicides such as authority, edge herbicide 14:07 and authority Supreme herbicide combine the industry's most effective group. 14 and 15 active ingredients for a clean start 14:14 and long lasting residual control. Following up 14 to 28 days later with a post application of Anthem max herbicide 14:21 through V six establishes a heavy duty economical, overlapping residual program. Claims are good and all, 14:31 but I'm more interested in results. My Fenton momentum planter delivers them the only planter with automatic tire pressure adjustments, weight 14:41 transfer across its frame and inline center tandem wheels that eliminate pinch rows. It's just another way I know fence got my bottom line. 14:52 Top of mind. Sweet success has been in the product lineup of concept agritech for a while. 15:01 We've seen it do a lot of things that you wouldn't think a black strap molasses product would do. 15:06 Anytime you can increase the bricks content of your plant, the more healthy it's gonna be. 15:21 Crop rotation can sometimes be tricky Business. Chad in northern Alabama is harvesting wheat. This field isn't quite up to his usual standards, 15:31 but there's a reason why. So we're cutting a little wheated out here and this is just average wheat. 15:39 It's got some spots in, it's got a little bit of disease. And uh, basically a lot of it is primarily 15:45 because we went, uh, wheat behind wheat on this. And what that means is most time this side of the farm was in corn, the other side was in wheat 15:53 with switch and bang forth. We was a little short on our wheat acres, so we decided to, um, put this back in wheat. 16:00 So we planted wheat, planted beans, double crop beans. When we gathered them in the first November, we turn around and plate it wheat right back on it again. 16:09 So sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes a year it catches right, you'll take a penalty old man 16:14 and I mean, it'll take a penalty but it's, I mean, it's still good wheat, you know. So we will manage, we'll manage just to get the farm. 16:23 Sometimes you gotta do those things, get the farm back into rat rotation. When it comes to overall dirt quality, 16:37 you can't beat Kelly Garrett's, Iowa soil. But Chad's determined to take the red clay soil that he has and make the most of it. 16:48 Everybody has their own issues, you know, I mean it's where, you know, Kelly's rolling to rain and, and and as to, you know, plant on contours. 16:58 But yet we can plant straight lines, not in put as much contour. And, but I don't know if his dirt's whole lot, 17:05 whole lot better than ours. It's just the fact that he's got to hold him past him. You know, the moisture, he hold moisture. 17:12 I mean if you put, you know, you put water on our dirt and it's, we bake just as good a corn as they can make, you know, but it's, uh, 17:19 but it's just all about not having enough water. We get twice as much rainfall as he does a season a year, but we can't hold it when we get it. 17:30 So that's, that's the big problem. It ain't as much the dirt. It's what the dirt can hold and it Now talking about nutrients, 17:35 we're talking about water. 'cause you know, we're sitting here with a plant and we wanna talk about nutrients. 17:44 S nutrients. Well nutrients is just a small piece of the puzzle to grow in a crop. You know, you got sunlight watering mother nature is 17:53 the biggest part of the puzzle. That's the huge part of the puzzle. It ain't fertility, I think it's 17:58 fertility, it ain't fertility. It's mother nature. Go long for season long. Foliar disease protection that starts at plant. 18:19 Active ingredient flu. Triol moves through your corn plants as they grow for inside out protection from roots to tassel. 18:26 A single at plant application provides comparable performance in corn yield protection to that of vtr one foliar fungicides against diseases like gray leaf 18:34 spot, northern corn leaf blight, common rust and more. Some farmers I know swear by a name say they never operate anything else. 18:51 Well, here are a few names for my Fent 900 Tractor Fuel Saver, time maximizer Game changer. 19:04 I like those names. Late season application of fertility products on corn. Kevin Matthews, one of the founding fathers of Extreme Ag. 19:59 Jason Wood with nature's, uh, you've changed some things, which I think is really cool. 20:03 Watch it is always fun for me to see what the extreme ag guys are doing. Changing it, changing it, changing it, 20:07 tweaking it, trying new things. Now you're going out there pretty late in the game and putting on a fertility treatment like at R 20:15 four or something like this. You know, you're pretty late in the game. So talk to us about 20:19 what you're doing late season fertility on corn and how late is too late. Well, you know, we, it is kind of like a relay effect. 20:25 We st we start out with the planters and you know, we run, uh, certain products into planters and we really, we want 20:31 to make sure the plant never runs out. We want to, we want to get to that finish line as hard as we can. 20:38 When this thing goes into black layer, we want that kernel round and fat, you know, we want as big a kernel as we can possibly get, kinda like these right in here. 20:47 But that's not easy to do. We'll be within 200 growing degree units of black layer and we're still putting out stuff and uh, 20:54 but then you wonder, you know, the question that you had for me was wind's too late. 21:01 We got ground rigs that can get over the corn. We got drones, we got aerial aircraft, we got options we never had before. 21:07 Oh, right, You're doing stuff at R four, R five. R Five, okay. Yeah. And the neighbors think, boy, this is kind of crazy. 21:18 He's going out there absolutely. And putting, he's putting fertilizer out there when that crop's already made. 21:21 Yeah. He's just wasting his money. And you say, Well, so far the research is showing it pays. The trouble is getting enough time to get it all, you know, 21:29 and, and that's the critical part. But we're, we're still pushing the envelope and we need that late season fungicide application. 21:35 So we're getting two birds with one stone. But you know, you look at these shucks, then when that shucks still green, uh, you, you're still playing ball. 21:45 Yeah. I mean the game's on and so Yeah. So the point is this is clearly not dead and dry. 21:52 I mean this doesn't look like the, the corn shucks here. You're on, you're on, you're in the final stages 21:56 of the ball game, okay? And when you're going out our five, what are you putting on? So what I'll do, I'll run a heavier load 22:02 of potassium when I say heavy load gallon two gallons, you know, that's a very heavy load. It is two gallon for normal. 22:09 But uh, then I'll run, you know, put some nitrogen in there as well and some micronutrients just try to, 22:15 any little thing that's left I want to get in there. But the key is when you look at this shuck and don't get caught up on 22:23 that one little brown tip right there. Okay? It takes a long time from this point to black layer. Okay? So there's more, Unless it's weather impacted 22:31 And if we get a hard frost and it starts, well That or more so I'm thinking from where we are is uh, uh, it turns dry and hot okay? 22:40 And it cooks the corn. Yeah. You know, it just cooks it. Right? And, and now you know, this shuck right here, 22:45 we just shuck this ear. Uh, so we're not going to keep, we're not going help this. This is done happen, right? This done happening. 22:53 But what we can do still build the weight in that kernel. Yeah. And so we want to finish strong, okay? 22:58 Is what we want to do. Now if you go to the field, your plants are all green and you got brown, shucks, you're done because 23:06 The plant, the plant looks like it's still working. But this is done. But you've actually won the battle 23:10 because the corn plant matured properly, okay? Because you want your shucks to dry before your fodder starts turning. 23:19 So when that shuck is all dry and the ears dropping down in the low twenties and the stalks completely green, top to bottom, 23:28 you've done a lot of things right? It changes everything. So says Indiana corn grower Nathan Davis about innovative XY LFR fungicide from FMC Xw 23:47 brand fungicides are the first and only at plant corn fungicides to provide unprecedented season long 23:53 inside out foliar disease Protection. Precision is understanding the potential hidden within decoding the specific nutritional needs of your crop, 24:08 maximizing every nutrient and getting the most out of your yield. We break down the science in a way that works for your crops 24:18 and for you apply less and expect more with precision crop nutrition from agro liquid. 24:45 So irons, I think it's a pretty neat little micronutrient. They call it micronutrient. But actually 24:50 for our studies here in Western Iowa and the research we've done, if you look at the soil, one of the biggest mineral deposits in the soil, 24:57 it's actually iron, but it doesn't mean it's plant available. When we get in the soil, it can be kind 25:03 of a negative, so to speak. 'cause iron's a strong positive charge. One of our key nutrients we look for in the plant's. 25:09 Phosphorus, well it's a negative charge, well iron and phosphate tied together 'cause they're opposite charges and bond together and create iron phosphate. 25:17 And that's one of the big things that ties up our phosphorus in the soil. ATPs and adeno tri phosphate. 25:23 So that's main energy source in the plant. So if we can't get phosphorus into the plant, we don't have the energy to, for the sun 25:30 to be converted through the plant. If we get high phs soils that are high and calcium or magnesium, they'll drive iron outta the soil 25:42 and make it less available in that you can get what in soybeans. Um, if you go east of here towards the center like Des 25:48 Moines, Iowa, Ames, Iowa, if that we call the Des Moines lo of soil, you'll get yellow spots on the field 25:53 and we call it IDC, which is iron deficiency chlorosis. So the planting get enough iron in it to, to do the functions iron does 26:00 and it'll actually be a negative to the plant 'cause it's, the soil is suffocating the iron, so to speak, probably the best way to say it, and affecting the plant. 26:10 So iron's actually kind of a hindrance in the soil at times because of its soil characteristics. 26:16 So we deal with that in different ways. Uh, we use products to help break that bond, get that phosphorus plant available, 26:23 and even get that iron available too. So it, so that's how we deal with it in soil. Uh, once it gets into the plant 26:29 and as one of, probably the key things it does is help assimilate nitrogen in the plant. It's part of key reaction phases in the plant, uh, 26:38 to convert nitrogen and protein. And protein turns into sugars, all that stuff that are important. 26:44 And for the growth of the fruit or the seed or the things we harvest basically out of crop soybeans or whatever. 26:50 So we have a lot of iron in the soil and we struggle to get in the plant. So we're really starting to learn how 26:54 to manage nitrogen in the plant by small doses here and there for foer applications to help us use that essential micronutrient 27:02 and the key phases of the growing of our crops.

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