The Control | The XtremeAg Show, S1. Ep 12.
4 Jun 2430m 11s

Farming is about control. The more you have the more successful you will be. The XtremeAg farmers take every opportunity to gain control over pests, weather, natural disasters, technology and equipment to produce the most successful crop possible.

The XtremeAg Show is presented by Concept AgriTek.

Season 1 | Episode 12

Copyrights © 2024 All Rights Reserved by XtremeAg.Farm, LLC

00:13 This episode of the Extreme Ag Show is presented by concept Agritech Cowboy is the game changer, getting it in 00:22 through the leaves and into the plant circulatory system. That's why this product is 00:26 so effective at delivering both calcium and boron to plants at critical times when they need it the most. 00:45 Hey, there, we're talking about rescuing a crop from chemical damage. Temple Roads had this experience here in Maryland 00:52 where Jason Worley from Nature's Behind Us is a crop that he had to rescue. What happened? So it was, uh, it was kind of a combination of everything. 01:01 It really wasn't any one thing. It was a multitude of different problems all happening at the wrong time. So we, we put the, 01:08 we put our chemistry on our post application on, and the corn was probably V four, V five ish. Um, and when we applied it, the very next day, 01:20 or actually the continuing five to seven days is when the Canada smoke happened, and it got cool. 01:26 It was already dry, and it was already cool. So the crap was already kind of stressed at that point. There wasn't a lot of sunlight. 01:32 Well, when that smoke came in and it kind of covers us up for like five days, our problem was, is we had no sunlight. 01:39 And we a, we were basically asking that plant to, Hey, look, I need you to metabolize all this right now 01:46 with no sunlight, no furnace as synthesis, no nothing. And we didn't have any rain. So all of it happened at one time with cool temperatures. 01:54 And man, you won't talk about a funky looking cry. So this was just a chemistry that was put on and it, it, I've used it for five or six years 02:06 and I've never had any issue. It was just wrong time, wrong place, wrong environment. And I, I didn't know that it was coming. 02:13 Like we, how are you gonna look at the, at, at a map or a, you know, or a forecast and say, Hey, the next five 02:19 to seven days we're gonna get smoke from Canada. Like, you know what I mean? Like, it doesn't happen. There was nothing that I could look at 02:25 and I couldn't, I couldn't make that call. Well, I sprayed on a Friday, I went and seen, uh, Kelly, we went, um, out in Iowa 02:36 and I was there for four or five days and I got home and I was like, Holy crap, my whole crop's ruined. So immediately we came out here, we did some root digs 02:45 and we realized that at the bottom of the crown at these plants, it was dying off. So the answer was, is until you establish brace roots 02:55 and it makes it, it's gonna make the plant go get brace roots because those are dying off. 02:59 You need to feed it from the top. So that's what we did. It was a, it was a heavy load of foliar nutrition to, to get 03:07 that plant out of its funk, make it shoot more brace roots and make it go down and get the fertility that was there. 03:12 There was fertility there, it just wasn't be gonna be able to capture, 03:22 I don't know what crap we got out here, but right now I'm thrilled with the way that it looks versus the way that it had started out. 03:29 Now, there's one thing that we can't make up. What happens between V three and V six, it's determining the rows around. 03:35 Well, if it's determined in the rows around that happened at the exact same time, that's something I'm not gonna make up. 03:41 So did it reduce my yield? Absolutely. A hundred percent. It reduced my yield. I'm never gonna see 03:47 that benefit. Right. Okay. So you're not, you're not a, it's not a loser. No. It's also not gonna be record center. Maybe a 10% D dive. 03:54 I mean, looking at it now, is That what you think? I'd I'd say minimum of 10%. 10 to 20%. 03:58 D Yeah, it's, it was a, it's, it's still, it's not what I want, but it's a lot better than I thought. You know, what we damaged early on, it might have, instead 04:08 of being 18 rows around, you know, I mean, everything out here is 16 rows around now it's at 39,500. So I'm still good. So the only thing that I can do since 04:16 that, I've already gotten that taken away from me, only thing I can do is make up weight. So there was a late season application done 04:23 that was about a week ago. That was pretty heavy. I'd say that I've probably spent the extra of about 30, 04:31 maybe 32 max extra that I wouldn't have done. Yeah. To get it out of its funk. So if, if I did that and, 04:38 and I saved, you know, 10% of my, of my, of my yield, that that's a big number for me. Well, that's the Point I was gonna make is that, you know, 04:44 you're not supposed to go based on sunk cost, but to put this acre in behind me was already 700 and something dollars. 04:50 Yeah. So, I mean, a lot of people say, Hey, never don't, don't go out there and throw money the bad money. 04:55 But this wasn't a situation like I'm, I'm, I'm gonna get it out of this. And You've already got the money invested. 05:01 Yeah. Don't just don't walk away from it. Yeah. I mean, you know, and a lot of farmers will do that. They'll say, yeah, it's, it's, it's beyond 05:07 salvaging, you know, go away. But you come in, listen, say, Hey, we're seven days, you know, let's hit this thing hard. 05:12 And I think as a whole you're gonna be satisfied. Yeah. It was already 700. So I mean, at that point I'm like, 05:17 gotta risk it for the business. Amino grows an exciting new product put out by concept agritech. 05:33 What we've seen is an increase in fruiting sites as well as branching. And this has equated to yield 05:46 Spot less. Introducing the cleanup for tar spot, gray leaf spot, Southern Rust and more novel next generation at Astria. 05:55 Fungicide from FMC broadens your spectrum and strengthens your residual foliar disease control. Protect your corn fields with a proprietary combination 06:04 of three modes of action. Visit your FM c retailer to clean up this season 06:13 In the heart of harvest. Victory awaits. Introducing Dem CO's high speed all wheel steer. Combine header transport trailers crafted for strength, 06:24 engineered for speed, Demco tailored for victory. Some farmers I know swear by a name, say they'd never operate anything else. 06:37 Well, here are a few names for my Fent 900 Tractor Fuel Saver time maximizer game changer. 06:50 I like those names. BioHealth is a product by concept Agritech made up of a consortium of beneficial biology 07:04 that actually colonized the plant and boost the plant's immune system from the inside. So corn is an entirely human engineered crop. 07:32 It wouldn't propagate naturally. It's basically a piece of ancient genetic engineering. So the Indians in Mexico took a smaller grass known 07:43 as Teosinte, and they, through years and years of process and selecting the right seeds to replant, they built this 07:49 giant plant we've got behind us. Right now, we're hitting kind of a two to four week window. That is one of the most critical times 07:59 of the corn's life cycle pollination. So over 75% of yield is determined by how many kernels per acre you're gonna produce. 08:09 And right now is when we're finalizing that number and it's, uh, it's really easy to screw up. So corn is a manous plant, 08:15 which means it's got separate male and female flowers up. Here's our tassel and that's the male flower. 08:21 And down here's our silks. And that's basically the female flower. Every single one of these silks is gonna correspond 08:27 to a kernel on that ear. And up here on our tassel is where the anthers are produced, and they're gonna release pollen grains. 08:37 It's gonna produce millions of pollen grains, and we need a pollen to hit every single one of these thousands of silks. 08:45 So this is an incredibly moist material, and it requires water to push it out and elongate when it hits its peak. 08:55 It'll grow two inches a day, but it can only do that during the night and in the middle of the morning, 08:59 because in this afternoon it gets too hot and this can't get any water. If you think about it, this, this silk here has 09:05 to get water from the ovary, which has gotta get it from the cob, which has gotta get it from the stem, 09:09 which has gotta get it from the roots. It's the last in this long chain of water. And when it gets hot and it's underwater stretch, 09:15 it's the first one that doesn't get anything. This is the peak water demand of the corn crop. It's gonna use over three tenths of an inch of water a day. 09:31 So Just because you've got your pollen hitting your silt doesn't mean you're outta the woods yet. What that pollen has to do when it hits the silk is it has 09:39 to grow a tube into the s silk and then it actually grows a tube all the way down the length of that silk so that it can inject its male genetic 09:48 material into that ovary. And that's when the fertilization actually occurs. So just because a s silk gets hit, you're, 09:55 you've still got some to go. If it gets dry then and it can desiccate that silk and that falls off, that's a kernel you're gonna lose. 10:04 86 degrees is kind of the critical number everybody talks about at that temperature. 10:09 Your corn basically goes into neutral. It, um, it stops going forward, stops trying to push and basically enters survival mode a little bit. 10:17 It goes into defensive mode At 86 degrees. Your proteins start to denature, which a protein is basically a ball 10:23 of amino acids all folded onto each other. And at that heat they start to expand and unfold and then they can't operate properly. 10:30 Also, your hormones start to degrade cytokine and degrades at about that temperature. All these different things that are pushing us into this 10:36 reproductive strai stage when we're gonna build the actual corn that's gonna get combined, 10:41 all these different things can kind of fall off and that that becomes a huge problem. And at 90 degrees you'll start to see stress on 10:50 both our reproductive parts here. Mid nineties is when it really gets to be a problem. Your pollen doesn't operate as well. 10:56 It starts to get damaged. And your silks above 95 actually they can desiccate and they'll just become too dried out and die off 11:03 and they won't be viable anymore. Once you hit a hundred degrees, you can actually kill the pollen 11:07 grain and it won't be useful. So that's just a couple of the different things heat can cause to happen to this crop. 11:18 One of the things we're looking at as farmers now to help this corn through the stressful time, we use different stress mitigation products. 11:25 Uh, we apply a salicylic acid product on there, which basically acts as an aspirin. You know, it, it gives the plant some defense mechanisms. 11:33 It ramps up some different things, some amino acids and some different things that the plant will do defensively to combat this heat 11:40 and put that in it already so the plant knows that it needs to crank up and get ready. 11:44 'cause the heat's coming. We're here in the western corn belt here in Western Iowa and even though this plant was really built down in Mexico 11:55 near some tropical regions and a lot hotter regions, we brought it up here to this temperate region and it's really kind 12:02 of hit the perfect conditions here. We've got great soil for building up fertility and uh, big plant like this can really take a 12:08 lot of that and it sucks that up. We've got really perfect temperatures. It gets a little hot in July 12:13 and August up to nineties and stuff. But really throughout most of the year, we've got the temperature that this corn wants to be at. 12:18 We've got great water here, a lot of water supply. We don't have many irrigated acres at all around us. It takes 250 tons of water to produce one ton of corn. 12:29 And really all these factors have built the perfect agricultural state in Iowa and it's kind of perfectly centered on corn. 12:37 And you can see that its corn has grown all across Iowa as the top corn producing state. Adding Raytheon into your infer application 12:49 or even an over the top application round B three V four can do wonders in helping that plant 12:57 navigate tough soil conditions. As far as nutrient tie up is concerned, Control the toughest weeds with overlapping residuals. 13:05 Lock in the longest lasting control for your soybean fields authority brand herbicides such as authority, edge herbicide 13:12 and authority Supreme herbicide combine the industry's most effective group. 14 and 15 active ingredients for a clean start 13:19 and long lasting residual control. Following up 14 to 28 days later with a post application of Anthem max herbicide 13:26 through V six establishes a heavy duty economical, overlapping residual program. Claims are good and all, 13:36 but I'm more interested in results. My fent momentum planter delivers them the only planter with automatic tire pressure adjustments, 13:45 weight transfer across its frame, and inline center tandem wheels that eliminate pinch rows. It's just another way I know fence got my bottom line. 13:57 Top of mind. Introducing Dem CO's newest dual auger grain cart design now equipped with the front folding auger 14:15 and available in right side or left side unload options featuring Dem CO's quarter auger design for optimal visibility 14:22 with a 22 inch vertical auger unload at speeds of 600 bushels per minute. Demco outpace harvest time every time. 14:32 Sweet success has been in the product lineup of concept agritech for a while. We've seen it do a lot of things 14:37 that you wouldn't think a black strap molasses product would do. Anytime you can increase the bricks content of your plant, 14:44 the more healthy it's gonna be. Modern farming means state-of-the-art equipment from autonomous tractors to drones. 14:58 These advancements are bringing efficiencies and higher yields, but it comes at a price. Is new equipment worth the cost? 15:08 You know what it takes to clothe America? It takes a million dollar machine that runs 30 days a year and to feed America, you have to have machines like this 15:18 that are upwards of $850,000. I have a mix of old and new, you know, Matt has all new temple 15:28 and Chad will have some older equipment, things like that. But what we're all after is the best. ROI 15:39 We are taking five tractors, uh, two sprayers and it's second year equipment. There's a large farmer that gets brand new stuff 15:48 and then we're taking his second year equipment and putting more hours on it and then we're trading it again. 15:55 I look at my frontline equipment, what's, what's the things that I need to be the most dependable on they can be 16:01 and gimme the least trouble that are going to make me the most money. That's when I'm gonna consider a more late model 16:09 or something in very good shape. If you have odor equipment and you have downtime, your efficiency's going out the 16:17 window every day and we don't have all new equipment, we run some odor cord heads just because to me the court has given us very little issues. 16:26 The tractors, the planters, the sprayers for us is something that we try to keep updated, uh, every year if we can. 16:33 It just rarely maintain no maintenance. Have, you know, basically have zero costs in repair bills and stuff like that on these key pieces of equipment 16:39 because if a planter tractor goes down because it's several years old, it's a big deal. If it had not been for used equipment, 16:54 older equipment, some absolute junk that I bought and fixed up and made really good, dependable equipment out of, I wouldn't be farming today. 17:07 You know, you lose a planter and you lose one or two days 'cause of a tractor's gone down or a planter gone down. 17:12 That really does affect everything that you have going on. The sprayer and the planter are the two pieces 17:23 of equipment on your farm that are the utmost imported, the most profitable piece of equipment you'll have on your farm. 17:30 Yes, I did not mention a combine. Yes, I did not mention a tractor. I guarantee you if you get in a bind, 17:37 you can find a combine to rent. And I guarantee you, if you need to borrow a tractor, you can go borrow a tractor somewhere. 17:42 But you are not going to go borrow a real good corn planter and a perfectly good excellent shaped sprayer 17:48 because when you need to spray, whoever's got that good sprayer's running it when you need the plant, whoever's got that good planter is using it. 17:58 But we're trying to put together an equipment line that gives the best return at the end of the day. That is the philosophy. 18:13 Matt is the extreme business guy and everything has to have a huge return on investment and that's what makes him so good at his job. 18:23 You know, not only does he always have, uh, the nicest equipment, he does rag on me about my junk a lot. You know, you got junk equipment. 18:34 I don't know why you're running that. I'd have this, I'd have that. Well, I'm not in debt to John Deere. Maybe you are, man. 18:46 So to feed and clothe the world today is so much different than it's been in the past. It takes a tremendous amount of investment. 18:53 You know, if you take input costs alone in the last, since pre covid, they're probably anywhere from 50 to a hundred percent higher than they were grain prices, 19:03 cotton prices, they've went up but not near at the rapid rate that the input costs have gone up. 19:08 That's not even considering a fact of availability of pro products and, and inputs that we need today that are, 19:15 that are basically non-existent. Where you could walk, walk in a park parts store and pick up five different parts. 19:21 Today you can go in there and pick up one of those five and the other four have gotta be ordered. So it's, we're farming in a complete different world than 19:29 we've ever been in the past. Go long for season long foliar disease protection that starts at plant active ingredient flu triol moves 19:48 through your corn plants as they grow for inside out protection from roots to tassel. A single at plant application provides comparable 19:55 performance in corny protection to that of VTR one foliar fungicides against diseases like gray leaf spot, northern corn leaf blight, common rust and more. 20:12 Some farmers I know swear by a name say they never operate anything else. Well, here are a few names for my Fent 900 Tractor 20:23 fuel Saver time maximizer game changer. I like those names. Farmland is constantly becoming more scarce 21:18 and more valuable, pushing farmers to find innovative ways to do more with less. 21:24 For farmers that have cattle like Kelly Garrett, it's a constant question of whether it's better to use land to feed the herd or to grow crops. 21:33 It's something Kelly thinks about a lot, but he's found an innovative and sustainable solution. The cows are producing very nice income. 21:43 The soybeans not so much so like this year we're 80% corn, 20% beans, and we've even taken of a hundred acres 21:50 that was gonna be soybeans and put it into this rotational grazing research project because we know we're making money on cattle. 21:56 Then we will cut that a hundred acres into probably about five different paddocks. So five 20 acre paddocks 22:04 and you'll move the cattle, you'll graze it down till it's about four or five inches, then 22:08 you're gonna move them to the next one. We don't want to graze it all the way into the ground. So we'll move 'em from paddock to paddock 22:14 and rather than letting 'em graze the whole thing, they'll get better use out of the ground. And you can up the stocking rate with rotational grazing 22:27 Austin TIF and Toler and Austin would be my dealer for cover crop seeds. Uh, TJ is who produces the seed in Southern Minnesota 22:35 and I lean on them. They're a great resource. What we're doing is something our grandfathers did well, it's a little bit of a lost art working with TJ in Austin. 22:45 I'm trying to put three cows on one acre. So we're talking about a stocking rate that is three to six times heavier than what we're doing 22:55 on a typical pasture that's here. The, the species of grass would be called Broome. There's some vetch, there's a couple different kinds 23:03 of kale, there's some sorghum things like that. That's a warm season mix that will grow throughout July and August. 23:09 Whereas the Broome kind of goes dormant and you just hope you have enough. I don't like hope. I wanna have control 23:15 and I don't want hope and, and so I could never get to the stalking rate on cows that I'm trying to get with bro. 23:22 That's what this a hundred acres is all about. So this is an irrigated field. There's 16 acres in this paddock. 23:39 Obviously the rye has come up and the oats are coming, the peas are coming. Um, it just isn't as tall as I had hoped 23:47 for the date that we are. However, it's obviously been a cold late spring Before you do the planting, graze it really aggressive, 23:54 let 'em take it all the to the dirt. Right? That Was our plant. Take it dirt down to the dirt and then come in three, three 23:58 Or four Inches. Yep. Because otherwise if you're just gonna graze it, move them, you wanna leave it three, four inches tall. 24:03 So you're getting re rapid regrowth. Right. That's what we talk about to the, we don't want to graze it in the ground when we're rotating because Yep. 24:08 Every plant is like a solar panel. Yep. And the smaller the solar panel, the less energy, less photosynthesis going 24:14 in, the longer it takes to come back. And the shorter you grow it, it becomes an exponential problem. 24:17 Yep. So we don't like to graze it into the soil at all. Right. But when we're gonna plant, we Will. Yep. Then you take it 24:23 down to the soil Because we gotta give that, that new seeding, we gotta give it a chance. So the summer mix aggressively move it even at 24:28 six inches, move 'em off. Yes. Because it's just gonna rapidly grow back for you. And so the great part about this is you'll get an early 24:34 cutoff from this or early graze off from this. Some of this will keep kind of growing back as the year goes on. 24:39 And then we'll figure out in the fall, do you want us, do you want to keep this paddock going on this, do we put a fall mix over winter again 24:45 or do we say, okay, this is gonna go back to corn and we just let it terminate Out. It's a little bit 24:49 frustrating waiting on this because the Broome pasture is already taken off. But I keep telling myself the B Broome pasture is 24:57 about like the rye. It's about done. Yep. And the reason we're doing what we're doing here is to try to sustain this throughout July and August. 25:04 Yep. So like this though, you don't want to, we shouldn't put the cows out on this year. I would wait another, like I said earlier, 25:10 I'd wait another good week here. I think it's great 'cause you're trying to diverse yourself out to be profitable. 25:15 Sell the carbon, keep the cattle going and you have a better row crop. And I think that's clean your soils. Yeah. 25:20 Clean your soils up. I think that's great. Well thank you for coming today. I Learned a lot. I appreciate it. Appreciate 25:25 it. No, I love coming down here. I I like to be in the hills. Once in a while I realize we're living 25:28 some flat ground where I live. See you later. Big day today we got all the cows out of the timber, out 25:38 of the grass, off the hay. And they're going out on the rotational grazing that we put in on the ground going to Beans St. 25:44 Stove. They have been turned down here a little bit when we were first calving, things like that. 25:47 But then we got 'em all in to allow it to a grow. You know, TJ and Austin were here last week. We looked at the stand coming up and everything. 25:53 They said, wait a week, today's the week. So the cows are going out, we're gonna push 'em and we're gonna start rotating it. 26:00 We'll have to have, see how it goes. Can I get to three cows per acre? I uh, I've never been able to do that before. 26:07 But with TJ's help, I sure hope we make it. After you move 'em three times, it's not a hassle. They're ready to go. They're working with you. 26:15 You have to be smart enough to work with them. Sometimes I think the cows are smarter than we are. It changes everything. So says Indiana Corn grower 26:58 Nathan Davis about innovative XY way LFR fungicide from FMC Xw brand fungicides are the first 27:04 and only at plant corn fungicides to provide unprecedented season long inside out foliar disease protection. 27:12 Precision is understanding the potential hidden within decoding the specific nutritional needs of your crop, maximizing every nutrient 27:26 and getting the most out of your yield. We break down the science in a way that works for your crops and for you apply less 27:37 and expect more with precision crop nutrition from agro liquid In the heart of harvest. 27:43 Victory awaits. Introducing Dem CO's high speed all wheel steer. Combine header transport trailers crafted 27:52 for strength, engineered for speed. Demco tailored for victory. Copper's a micronutrient that we've learned 28:13 quite a bit about in the last couple years. Really it, you always kind of knew about 'em, but these micronutrients, um, we're really beginning 28:20 to focus on 'em and learn more. So copper's probably up there. I always like to think of copper 28:25 as a defensive micronutrient. So it helps plant in its defense state, uh, immune system, so to speak. 28:39 The better copper you have in the plant, the better the plant typically has for its own immune system. 28:45 So it's important in the conversion of CO2 into O2 or oxygen, so to speak. So in that chemical reaction, 28:53 when you split apart the CO2 to get the carbon, the plant wants to create energy. It uses copper as the last time to move 29:03 that electron transfer to O2. So it releases oxygen back into the atmosphere. So kind of a little nuance to copper, 29:09 but that's one of the little ones. It's also important in lignin formation, like we talked about in manganese, helps 29:15 with cell wall strength. And when we got a good cell wall strength in a plant, it's like our skin, like the tougher skin we have, 29:23 the harder things are to penetrate it. So the, the pests we deal with, the diseases, uh, the bugs. So if we have good copper content, we have strong cells, 29:33 the harder it is for those bugs to penetrate those cell walls and do the damage they do. So coppers in that realm is very important to us. 29:42 Uh, as a plant health aspect, we use a lot of fungicides, uh, to fight and insecticides. 29:49 And what we're trying to learn is, is can we use copper as a natural defense mechanism and use less of those synthetic, uh, fungicides 29:57 and insecticides to help have a better, healthier crop?

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