Podcast: Why Sam Coutu is Reallocating His Fertility Spend in 2024
XtremeAg’s Canadian affiliate Sam Coutu is giddy about how spring is shaping up for his Quebec farming operation. Sam went to the fields this year with refurbished planters and a different mindset. The money he’s saving on wasted fertility at time of planting he’s reapportioning to seed and late-season Y-drop fertilizer applications. Sam discusses the positive changes he’s making in 2024 on his much expanded farm.
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00:00 What a difference a year makes. We're talking to Sam Katu, or as we call him, Sam of the North, 00:04 how optimistic he is about his crops for the year 2024 compared to last year in this episode of extreme Ag Cutting the curve. Welcome 00:12 To extreme Ag Cutting the Curve podcast where real farmers share real insights and real results to help you improve your farming operation. 00:21 And now here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey there. Welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme Ag. 00:27 Cutting the curve. I got Sam of the north. We like this guy. Okay. He's Canadian. Okay. 00:32 He's kind of slow, but you know what? We still like the guy. Anyway. We love Sam Cchu. 00:37 Um, he's, uh, extreme ag Sam Cchu Sam of the north as we call him. He's a Quebec farmer. He's been on, 00:42 uh, a number of times with me. And the reason he's on right now is to give us an update because, you know, we love 00:46 to hear what's going on in farming operations around the country. Well, also we like to hear what's going on farming 00:51 operations out of the country. Sam is our extreme ag guy of the north, and he's got some really cool news for us 00:57 because last year at this time, uh, he was singing the blues. I had to explain to him what that meant. 01:02 It didn't translate to French very well. But I said you were having a really bad time last July. Uh, you had like 30 inches of rain 01:09 or some crazy thing in two months time. Well, this year, different story. The crops were looking great. 01:14 Uh, he's off to a really good start and I just wanna know, uh, tell me what's happening up there, man. 01:19 You're excited. I like that. You're excited, Sam. Yeah, so this year all the corn went in before, let's say May 22nd, which is pretty good 01:33 for a year. Um, I'm not finished with beans yet, but 60 acres to go the stands are stands are awesome. 01:47 The crops came off the ground in like five to six days this year, which really, really nice. Okay. Say, say that again 01:57 because with your accent, you said at first I thought you said crops game like you were going to Las Vegas. 02:01 You said crops came out of the ground within five or six days. I think you're talking about emergence. 02:05 Yep. Emergence, yep. Emergence wise. Yeah. Really Good. And we usually associate emergence with, obviously you have 02:10 to have adequate moisture, can't be wet, but, and then soil temperature. So what you're telling me is for being in Quebec mm-Hmm. 02:20 Um, your soil temperatures sometimes struggle on a cooler spring. You guys really must have had some great weather 02:27 to give you the soil temperature for emergence in May of five days. I mean, that's, that's ahead of the schedule, 02:34 Right? Oh yeah. 'cause we were in the seventies and the eighties, which is unusual for a year, for this time of year. Yeah. 02:42 So, uh, about your operation, because somebody may not remember that you were on here. Uh, you've been on a number of times. 02:48 Uh, just less than 2000 acres I think it is. Right. So this year I jumped from 1600 to 2700, 2700 acres. 03:00 Okay, good for you. Boy, you just, you just 50% of yourself. Alright. So you, you 50% you grew by 50%. 03:07 Um, what's your mix look like? Uh, I would say 60, 60% of beans, 30% of corn, and 10% of oats. 03:23 Uh, not oats. I got some little bit of oats, but some barley. Barley. So curiosity, barley, curiosity on that mix. Okay. 03:32 You said you're all done. Here it is. We're recording this on June 9th. Um, you're all done with the exception 03:39 of 60 acres of soybeans. That's pretty damn good for, uh, where you are. Uh, by June 9th, I'm thinking. Yes. 03:45 Yeah. And for the team that I got were two guys in the days and my son came after school to help. 03:55 So I'm pretty, pretty proud of what we had composed for the small team. Did you have to buy, did you have to buy a bunch 04:01 of new equipment to jump yourself from 1600 to 2,700 acres? Uh, so I, it begins last year 04:07 with the wider planter I bought in the four row. So this year I could take the more acres that came to me, you know? 04:17 Yep. By the way, if you're, uh, if you're curious, you can go back and find an episode. We talked to Sam about his planter and, uh, 04:25 and that we did that last fall, I think. Didn't we? When you talked about you upgraded, you found a, found a used, a new used planter 04:31 and saved a whole bunch of money and then refurbished it. Yep. And this planter, the, the, the old plant 04:36 that I bought this winter went really well, planted like 1500 acres of beans with it. Got it. So tell us about the operation. 04:45 Okay, so 60% soybeans. Um, a guy like Kelly Garrett is cutting back on soybeans because he says he can't make money, but somehow you can. 04:52 How can you make money on soybeans in Quebec? And he can't make money on soybeans in Iowa. So we have, I think I have the same 05:03 or a little bit better average than he have. And are You getting competitive? Are you getting competitive? You know, Kelly, Kelly doesn't, 05:11 uh, he, he, he, he likes to fight. So, uh, you're getting competitive with him. You tell him I get better yields than you on soybeans. 05:17 No, but you know, he said he's like around 57 and I am in the sixties, so, Okay. So you've got decent 05:25 yields Yeah. And beans and you know, here, what's, what is not a problem, but with corn drying costs. Yeah. Uh, that's, 05:38 Yeah, because of your latitude, you struggle to get corn dried very much before harvest. And so then you've got a expensive drying. 05:47 Yeah. So we, we always harvest around 22. All right. So answer me this, where do those soybeans go? You got 60% of your 2,700 acres is going into, 06:03 so you're talking, uh, you know, you're talking about significant amount of acres here, what, 1800 acres or something like this that's going into, uh, 06:11 that's going into soybeans. Where do they go? They go to the, the elevator by the river, the St. 06:19 Lawrence River. Okay. That's what they're gonna do. Okay. They, they stay in Canada, export. They stay in Canada. 06:25 Uh, export. Export like Asia. Export. Like Europe? Yeah, Europe. Okay. We have a big company, G three Canada. 06:35 Um, I am, I do all my, not all, but bunch of my sales with them. Tell me about the agronomics. Okay. 06:46 Since soybeans are your biggest crop, uh, tell us how you plant them, how you go about doing this, and how you end up with 62 bushel yield, uh, up there. 06:53 Um, because I'm sure that inquiring mines one Oh, here in the us So it begins with a soil test. 07:03 You go from there, watch the, I watch the K levels levels and my soils really important. And then when I, 07:15 all my beans are planted in 20 inches this year, mainly 20 inches. Okay. 20 inch soybeans. Got it. Yep. Why not fifteens? 07:24 I thought our guys do fifteens. Yep. I was 15, but when I got the opportunity to buy this planter, and I, I know I think that Kevin Matthews bring that 07:37 before it's the same with a planter, but you got eight units less. So it's less expensive to repair 07:48 and it's also less weight to carry in the field. Okay. So eight less, eight less planting units on the, across the whole width of the planter on twenties 07:59 versus fifteens. What about coverage? What about, you know, I know we've done population, uh, analysis. 08:06 Kevin's done a lot of population analysis, uh, Matt a little bit. Uh, Kelly's done a ton of them. 08:11 What are you doing in population? So for, we begin at 150. Okay. You put a lot, you put a lot in. 08:21 Yeah. If I would plant early May, I would cut it back. But since I planned it, like, or later in May, I, I cannot, 08:34 I will have lost of, uh, no, no counts on the, on the length of the beans. So that's why I put a little bit more population. 08:45 Okay. So you go heavy on population 150,000, 20 inch rows. And then do you, do you go out 08:52 and analyze what your germination rate is? I mean, obviously you've got, usually in your part of where you've got some colder nights, 08:58 you could have some frost damage, some things like that. Do you end up having, uh, a population analysis now, 09:03 like June 9th and you say, okay, 91% emerged. What are you at? It's gonna be done this week. 09:09 What's your anticipation? Yep. Uh, it's pretty good. It's, uh, what I've seen so far. It's pretty good. 90%? Uh, 90, 95? Yeah. 09:23 Okay. All right. So your soybeans looking good. And then what's your treatment going to be, uh, from here on? 09:29 What are you going to do to make sure that your soybeans thrive from Here? So all my beans 09:33 got while I was planning, got in forrow. So I got a phosphorus source. I got, uh, nutri charge in. I got, uh, some PGS in. 09:45 And then when I would be my first post application or of herbicide, might have a micro pack with, along with another PGR. 09:58 Okay. And that'll happen here, uh, in probably in the next week or so? Yes. Uh, for my beans, I would say a good two weeks. 10:06 Two weeks. Okay. All right. So moving on the corn, you're not supposed to grow corn in Canada? 10:13 I keep telling all my Canadian friends this. You're not supposed to even grow corn up there. You're supposed to leave that to the corn belt. 10:18 That's why we call it that. Yep. The corn belt here where I live. What are you doing on corn? What's it look like compared to last year 10:26 you were, you were screwed last year. What's it looking like so far? Pretty excited. So I would say that's my best corn stand ever. 10:34 Ever. When did it, when did it go in the ground? Uh, from May 12th to May 22nd. 10:45 Okay. And so you're talking about what, uh, 600 acres, something like that? Uh, more like, I planted like 1200. Oh, okay. 10:55 But for myself. You set that up? No, but 900 for me. Oh, Okay. And 11:00 300 for other people. Okay. All right. All right. So you planted a lot of corn. All right. So your corn situation, you're excited about it. 11:07 Uh, and is, is it just the luck of the weather or is it something you did? Are you taking credit? Are you taking credit 11:13 or is it not really credit? I'll, I'll take, I'll take some, I'll take some credit. Okay. For what? Uh, what, 11:20 What'd you do? Uh, I, oh, small details. I a lot of hours on the blender. Preparing the, the planter 11:32 before going to the fields was really, it pays really well, I think, to take the hours. Well, we talked about this when you bought your, 11:46 your new used planter. So what'd you do to it? You retrofitted it, you're on 30 intros. 11:53 Um, so yeah, this, but the corn planter is on 30 inch rows. Yes. What I did from last year, we, I got a lot of struggles 12:03 with the, the two by two pumps, the fertilizer pumps. So this year I bought new pumps for it, two for two by two and for inro. 12:14 And the two by two got, uh, row shut off on every row so I can manage, because last year on all the acres, 12:28 I put like $25,000 Too much of fertility. Yeah, because it wasn't cutting. It was always putting the, the, the fertilizer. 12:39 Alright, so you wasted money on fertility last year because you were over applying because your planter was not dialed in. 12:47 Yep. Okay. So you dialed in your planter, brought your planter in the shop. So what you're telling me is you're gonna take partial 12:52 credit for your amazing corn crop in 2024. 'cause you brought in the planter retrofitted, it redid the two by two setup. Is that what I'm hearing? 13:00 Yep. The two by two and the, in last year, I got some pipes of my infer that Brooks, so we rethink all the way it was going through the in forrow. 13:16 So now this year looks really good. So all every rows got inro. So it, it, it really, it took stupid, 13:28 but if you, if there's a couple rows missing the fertile, it's, you can see it. 13:34 You can see it by, by your eyes. Right. Okay. So you're taking credit for your extent, your amazing stand of corn 13:39 because you brought the fertile, you brought the planter in it redid the two by two. What else did you do to your planter? Retrofitting it. 13:45 And, uh, and, uh, I changed, I the, I changed the corn meters. Okay. Yep. 13:51 So the singulation was really better this year also. Okay. Population that you do in Quebec on your corn is, So this year I went from 27, which we never do. 14:02 We never go that low. On my senior year ground, I go to 27, and on my best ground, I go to 37. 14:10 37. Seems a little heavy, Sam. I think all the money you saved on fertility, you're spending on seed, 14:18 You know, we got some, uh, interesting discussion with Chad on that. And, uh, Okay, what did Chad say? 14:24 Uh, when he came last, he said, oh, you are too high. And you know, this guy's always thinking. And, uh, he said, you know what, since you don't have 14:37 the same length of, of growing, your season is short, since the season is short, you have, we have to put more, a little bit more seeds. 14:51 So you think, you think you make up for, uh, duration for lack of season By Yeah. Lack of, 14:59 By lack of sunlight, by lack of warm, by lack of growing degree days. Yeah. You lack growing degree to make up 15:04 for your lack of growing degree days. You make up for population. Does it work? Uh, I think so, yeah. 15:11 Because from experiments from last year, I did the field, I planted the field on B 28 last year, um, 15:19 at 38 80, 30 8,000 population, and it was 200 bushels. Oh, okay. So, uh, by the way, I think you're shocking a lot of people in, uh, in, 15:31 in the United States, you talk about 62 bushel corn and 200 bushel bean, uh, soybeans, sorry, 200 bushels soybeans, 62 bushel soybeans, 200 bushel corn, 15:40 62 bushel soybeans. Um, did your neighbors get that or are you this good and that's why you're with extreme ag? 15:48 Uh, I may be on the higher end of the, on the soybeans, but there's, if you un on corn, the eyes are pretty good. Okay. 16:00 All right. So the next thing you said, you've got a little bit of barley. Um, nobody, uh, nobody that I've, I don't know, uh, anybody 16:07 that I could even drive to their farm, that's how far away the nearest barley field would be for me. Where's your barley go? 16:14 So my barley goes to, it's lo it stays local and it's going for, uh, small breweries. Breweries. Okay. I like that. 16:22 Alright, so tell me about growing barley. Um, By the way, does it look as good? So you're bragging on your corn, 16:31 you're bragging on your soybeans. You just sent a video the other day that you had to have an organic farmer come over with a mower 16:37 and mow off the volunteer wheat that was in your barley. So I'm guessing this is gonna be one 16:42 that you're not too excited about. No, this one is not exciting. This, this, this field is not, I got some that are, 16:49 but not, not this far. Okay. So what's the problem? What happened? So it's the, it's a farm. I take from another guy. 16:59 And, uh, common practice around here in the fall, guy will go with spreader, fertilizer spreader. Yep. But they will spread wheat in the soybean, 17:11 in standing soybeans. Okay. You establish the next crop. So it's not, it's not just for a cover crop. 17:19 So you're saying that a common practices, you broadcast, you broadcast wheat seed into a standing soybean field. 17:25 Yep. And then what? It just frost itself in, Uh, with all the rain in the, in the fall, it didn't, in this field, it just didn't survive. 17:36 But nor I'm saying this is a normal practice that normally for you go, you go wheat after soybeans 17:41 and you do so by broadcasting them into standing soybeans, they frost themselves in or something. 17:46 And then it, you get a stand and it's actually then yeah. A wheat field next year. Yeah. 17:51 But I, I don't like that personally. I don't like that, that practice It seems, it seems, I'm gonna be honest here, 17:58 it seems a little 18 hundreds. It seems a little, it seems a little yesterday, You know, it's really easy. 18:05 So you go over with, you broadcast it and that's it. I it sounds very easy. Yes. It sounds like something you, you know, that, uh, 18:12 you'd have done with a, when, when you still farmed with horses. But it works, you're telling me. 18:16 Yeah, it works. It works in some situation on, on the North Shore, it's kind of, it's still got more, more snow and it's, it's harder 18:28 to get a good stand of wheat. Okay. So anyway, what's going on on The south shore? On 18:33 the south shore? It works. Okay. So tell me what happened, uh, with your house. So it didn't survive. 18:41 So I decided to go and replant it this spring with barley. Right. And, uh, I say, I said to myself, 18:52 I got to go and destroy the wheat, but when I was ready to go destroy the wheat, the barley was as emergent. 18:59 And I, it was like just the, Well, by the way, you, a lot of people are listening to this. He just held up his fingers and showed me about an inch, 19:07 or since he's from Canada, uh, two centimeters. Okay, go ahead. Yeah, so I'm screwed. 19:14 So from there, I got to find a find to find a, something to do with that. Okay. So That, that's why I came with the, 19:25 that special mower. All right. So help me understand this. So you had wheat that you wanted wheat, 19:30 and then it, it's, it didn't come in. So then you went in and put barley in and you went off the wheat. 19:37 The deal, I, I made the deal on renting those farms uhhuh, after the guy plant seeded this. 19:46 Okay. So there was wheat, there was wheat out there, but it didn't amount to a crap. And that's when you said, I'm gonna do something different. 19:54 Nope. Got it. And you then went to barley. So the newly rented fields, a few of them, you went to barley. 20:00 Yep. And barley went, got seeded when? Uh, early May. Okay. Early May. So then you're just terminating the wheat that's there. 20:10 Is that gonna affect the barley? Is the barley gonna end up, uh, mounting to a good crop, or is it gonna struggle? 20:16 Uh, it surely the wheat was staking the fertilizer from, from the barley. Yeah. It was the barley's gonna make it. 20:25 Yeah. But it, it won't be the best field, but we're going to go with it. It's gonna cost me a little bit more on 20:33 fertility in this field. Okay. So you're gonna spend a little bit more on fertility, but you're 20:37 confident you're gonna have a good barley. Yeah. Okay. For your barley to go to local brew, it doesn't have to be organic or any 20:43 of this kind of thing. It's conventional. Yeah, it's conventional. And they, they want local called ground barley. Yep. 20:50 Okay. So, uh, take me, uh, forward, I want you to tell me what to expect, what we can, what we think is gonna happen, 20:57 um, how you see the year shaping up. Before we do that, I want to, uh, tell our dear listeners about nature's 21:02 or up in your part of the world. It's not nature's it's called Alpine. Alpine. 21:07 There you go. Thanks. Sam. Nature's a focus on providing sustainable farming solutions and helping maintain all of your crops potential for today 21:15 and for your future generations. Nature's high quality liquid fertilizers, powered by nature's bio cake can be targeted 21:21 at specific periods of influence. Every time we talk to Tommy Roach and all the folks there at Nature's, they're great people. 21:26 Nature's we'll talk about targeting specific periods of influence throughout the growing season via precision placement techniques as a means to mitigate plant stress, 21:34 enhance crop yield, and boost your farm's. ROI. 'cause that's what it's all about. Go to nature's dot com 21:39 and Yes, if you're in Canada, it's also known as Alpine. There you go. Alpine. All right. 21:47 So what are you looking forward? Tell me what, what happens from here on? What do you gotta do? Just coast, hang out, 21:53 get your 60 acres of soybeans planted, then go to the beach. Is that what you're gonna do, Sam? 21:57 I don't think so. Uh, so, uh, well love to side dress, 'cause I'm side dressing all my corn. Uh, spray my corn, sidedress my corn, 22:08 then spray my beans. And I also have some, uh, custom tiling works to do. Install some tiling, some tile in the ground. 22:18 Got it. You're gonna install install tile. When does that happen? After the barley and wheat come off? Because you can't be out there now. Uh, 22:25 I would, uh, if, if all goes well in the next two weeks just before they're gonna plan them to, uh, to small beans for, 22:39 um, frozen. For the frozen market. So wait a minute. There's, there's, uh, in Quebec, there's a, there are fields that get planted 22:48 to human consumable beans and they don't get planted until like late June or early July. 22:54 Yep. Yep. And they still make a crop before freezes. Yeah. 'cause it's like, I don't know if it's like 60 days. Okay. Yep. 23:04 Okay. So you're going to, you're gonna be, you're gonna be popping drainage tile in fields that are gonna go to human being, uh, 23:11 Production. Yep. Got it. Uh, yeah. Small green beans. Yep. Okay. Tell me what else you're gonna do then to make sure 23:16 that you get, uh, this crop finished. Because, uh, last year you got screwed on weather. Assuming you don't get screwed on weather, what else do you, 23:24 do you do anything different? Uh, we'll see what the weather throw threw us. What kind of balls are gonna throw us this, the season 23:34 and we'll, I'll just adapt to, to the season, you know? So I want a little bit lighter on what I apply upfront to adapt to the weather and season. Did you, 23:46 Did you learn that? Did you learn that from the extreme ag guys go lighter up front and then you can just go ahead 23:51 and take things through the season and then make your adjustment? Yeah. 'cause here the easy way is to, you go all up front 23:58 and you are done for the season. Yep. But you know what, I know some guys that put the area last weekend when it was 85, 90 degrees 24:07 for all the old week, and on Friday afternoon there was no area left in the field. Yeah, right, right. They put out the urea 24:16 so they could all just be, uh, ized and gone. Yeah. Yeah. So that seems wasteful. All right. So you're, you're doing a lot 24:22 better job about spoon feeding. We talk a lot about that. So if you're listening to this and you haven't heard any of our past stuff, 24:27 remember we've done a lot of episodes where you talk about spoon feeding. In fact, we did an entire webinar on the art 24:32 and science of spoon feeding. And that's what big Sam's talking about here. Alright. What else you got going on? 24:36 What excites you about the year to get you outta here? What, what are you gonna do differently this year than last? Besides you changed your fertility, uh, you cut back on the, 24:46 at time of planting, you saved money because you, uh, rearranged your two by two, you increased your population on corn, you stayed. Uh, 24:54 Not, I, I didn't increase on, uh, in all the fields. Some I decreased and I, no, I, I just managed from field to field 25:03 and I adapt the variety. I know my variety better than last year. So I know that some are doing better at 30 25:13 and some are doing better at 36, 37. Got it. So I know I can push which one I can push and which one I cannot push. 25:21 I like it. Okay. And then, uh, the soybeans excites you. The corn excites you. The barley is okay. 25:27 You said you've got some oats. Why are you fooling around with oats? You got a horse? No, I got a, a landlord that's, 25:35 or sharecropping, and, uh, he's got a contract for, uh, seed, seed contract. Oh, so it's oats for seed? Yep. 25:48 I see. So you are essentially his operator. You're not, you're doing, you're doing this because he, he needs you to grow oats 25:55 for his contract. Yep. Got It. Do you know anything about it? About oats? Yeah. Personally, I hate oats. 26:04 You personally hate 'em? They're dirty, they're dusty. I thought the, I thought the oats were supposed to be growing out in the prairie provinces. 26:10 You got no business doing that in, in, uh, Eastern Canada. Uh, it's good. Uh, it's good straw, you know, 26:14 and it's good to, if it don't go to the seed, a lot of it goes to Quaker. Okay. In Ontario, 26:22 Are you making money on your little patch of oats that you're doing? Or is this just a favor for your 26:26 Landlord? Uh, you know, since it's going to seed it's better money. So are you doing that farmer 26:31 thing like they do in America? You won't admit that you actually make money? No. Farmers ever admit they're making money. 26:36 Sam, are you making money on SI didn't, I didn't did any last year. I hope to do some this year. 26:42 You wanna make money on the oats? Uh, we'll see. Got it. Last year we didn't. Uh, yeah, we had a tough year last year. All right. 26:50 Get me outta here. What excites you? The crops are good. What else? About 2024? Because this is kind of your outlook. 26:55 Um, what are you excited about, Exciting about? I'm excited about all the changes I made and I, I want, I also want to try some, 27:08 I might, I might be able to wide drop this year. Oh, you've not done wide. You've not done wide drops before. 27:15 So this is gonna be your first year of doing that. Yep. And uh, I also going to do some trials with drones. With 27:22 What? Drones. Okay. What are you gonna use them for? Uh, later season application in form. Okay. Of, of foliar? Yep. 27:32 Oh, wow. You're gonna use a drone application for foliar feed on late season corn? Yep. I wanna try that this year. 27:41 How many acres can we, how many acres can you get over in one pass? Uh, it's a French drone, 27:49 but I don't know if it's five or 10 acres. I don't know. Okay. But we're going to do, do some, some patches try. Okay. Yep. 28:00 Okay. That'd be exciting. And then I think it's pretty cool that you're, you've made a bunch of changes, uh, and you, uh, you, you changed, uh, some, some, uh, 28:07 things on the cropping. All right. He's Sam, last word. What do you got for your last word? Last word? Yes. 28:20 I don't know. I You're gonna be at the Miles field day. You're gonna be joining us down. Oh, I, I would like to, yeah. 28:28 I, I hope to be there. Okay. Big Sam, Sam of the north is gonna be joining us at Miles Farms. I'm wearing the Miles Farms hat right now to show my love 28:37 for Matt and Lane down there in Arkansas. Uh, their field day is on June 27th. So if you're listening to this, 28:42 I'd really like you to mark your calendar. They are free to attend everybody, anybody can come to these field days. 28:47 Here's what you can expect at the Miles Farms Field Day. You're going to be able to get there 28:52 between seven and eight in the morning. We're gonna kick things off at eight. After registration, you're gonna be able to look at plots. 28:57 You're gonna see what Agro Liquid is doing. You're gonna be able to see what all the other business partners are doing. 29:01 The trials. Matt and Lame will explain what they're doing. And, and one of the big ones there is, 29:05 uh, a different prescription. They did this kind of fun thing where they said, here's the prescription I'm gonna put on this plot, 29:10 and here's a prescription that Stephanie's gonna put on this plot. And so they're gonna compare different rates 29:17 and spend on the acres. There's a whole bunch of other cool stuff we can show you from eight to about noon. 29:21 And we're gonna break for lunch. We're gonna have a panel. The panel discussion is led by me with other farm folks. 29:26 You're gonna learn a lot free to attend. You just gotta go to Extreme Mag Farm and Register. If you're a VIP. 29:31 If you are at a, a paying member of Extreme Mag, you get invited to the VIP evening before. That means on the night of June 26th. 29:38 You can come there, shake hands with the business partners, talk to all of us at Extreme Ag 29:42 and get some warm on one time. And also enjoy at dinner. So check it out. Extreme Ag Farm, we have another field day. 29:49 It's right around the corner. It's June 13th at Kelly Garrett's Garrett Land and Cattle up in Northwest Iowa. 29:54 It's gonna be a big, it's starting in the afternoon, June 13th, starting at 2:00 PM Registrations begins, uh, at one. 30:01 Same thing evening before. If you're A-V-I-P-V-I-P member, you can come to the dinner, shake hands with all of us, talk to us one-on-one time. 30:08 All the Extreme Act guys will be there. And also our business partners June 13th and area in Iowa. Uh, in the afternoon. Big Sam's not gonna be at that, 30:16 but Sam of the North is gonna journey south to Miles Farms. I'm saying it now. So you have no choice. 30:21 You have to be there. Yeah. Love pressure on me. That's right. But every time you show up at one of our field days, you learn stuff. 30:28 Take it up to Quebec, and all of a sudden you're like a better farmer up there. Yep. The envy of Quebec. 30:36 You're right. Well, There's a re there's a reason why you picked up 900 acres of farm ground or 12, 1100 acres of farm ground. 30:43 Some, something happened. You know what, I don't, I don't have to go see the guys guys calling me. 30:51 So, so, so you're doing a good enough job that people came to you and wanted you to farm their ground. 30:56 Yep. That's the testament right there, my friend. Yep. His name is Sam Co Chu, uh, or as we call him, Sam of the North. 31:04 I'm Damien Mason. Thanks so much for being here, big buddy. Yep. Thank you. Till next time, 31:08 this extreme ag cutting the curve. That's a wrap for this episode of Cutting the Curve. Make sure to check out Extreme Ag Farm 31:15 for more great content to help you squeeze more profit out of your farming operation.