Why is Kelly Growing Beans on Beans?
The potential for renewable fuels in the future will make soybeans in high demand. That means that US farmers will need to produce more soybeans to keep up with demand. Traditionally, farmers have not grown soybeans on the same ground in back to back years, and there are some good reasons for that. Kelly and Mike from Garrett Land and Cattle talk about their 40 acre experiment to overcome the challenges of growing beans on beans.
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00:00 Hey, we're standing in a field of soybeans right now and it's appropriate because we're talking about beans on beans. That's right 00:06 soybeans following soybeans usually do crop rotations. Right? Well, there's a reason that we're trying here at Garrett Landing Cattle to go soybeans 00:15 following soybeans and he's gonna tell you why we're gonna talk about the pitfalls the problems and also the promise of this whole thing and of 00:21 course the agronomic adjustments we need to make Kelly Garrett. Why did you go soybeans after soybeans? You got you got wet. 00:27 You couldn't get in here plant corn. You couldn't you ran out of nitrogen? There's nobody to help you didn't have any 00:33 seed those are not reasons. Those are not reasons. It's purely research because of the potential for 00:39 the renewable fuels in the United States a huge movement as everybody knows and they are there are 00:45 enough soybean plants. Processing facilities being built right now that the demand a year from today. We could have the 00:54 demand for another $100 million bushel to be processed because we will have the ability to crush another hundred 01:00 million bushel last year the carryout if I remember correctly was only 140 million bushel. Yeah. So the ability to 01:06 crush another 100 million think about how tight that makes the market makes that makes the balance sheet really really tight. We're using up almost all 01:12 the carryover and all so that's just with the capacity that you say is coming online in the next couple of years. So it's a 01:18 renewable fuels play. Yes where Agriculture and we had this with ethanol but ethanol is mostly burning through Supply that we already had. We were sitting on 01:27 piles of corn everywhere which way to Sunday now, it's like wait a minute. Even though the Market's kind of tight and the inventory 01:33 is tight. We're talking about using up more of our crop for Renewable Fuel you feel confident enough that you came out here 01:39 and said I'm gonna do an experiment what if I had to grow more beans and not do the rotation to Corn. What's what's 01:45 that look like and this is what you're doing right here. Absolutely. I mean acres are we experimenting with real experimenting with 40 acres? 01:53 We live in a historic time for many reasons, but for this in this just this situation. 01:59 The soybean plants that are in existence today were built to to crush and get the meal and the soy oil was a 02:05 byproduct and it was sold, you know, and it was nice. It was fine. But now the demand is soy oil. Yeah, and you 02:11 know, I read one article I was involved with one Zoom call the demand for soybeans will be such in 02:17 the year 2025 2026 that the American Farmer will not be able to meet the demand. Okay. Think about the balance sheet. I'm talking about or the tightness of it. And that 02:26 kind of demand. What's that gonna do to the price of soybeans, right? Well, obviously when you got more demand and Supply Remains the 02:32 Same price goes up or Supply expands. All right. So here's the thing just in case the viewer or listener is like wait a 02:38 minute. This is already happening. We are recording this end of July 2022. If somebody pulls up this video or audio two 02:44 years remember like it's old news Garrett. No, this is kind of Cutting Edge stuff and we don't know we're not being predictive but we're preparing so you took 40 acres here. Tell me 02:53 Mr. Evans Mike Evans integrated egg Solutions business partner Kelly Garrett. What did you do different? You right here. Did you just come out and Seed soybeans like you normally would or 03:02 did you make some tweaks? Well on this field we're working with Nature's on a program doing the trial. So they've kind of built a 03:10 program. Tommy has built a program around some folier feeds and stuff really since this research. 03:16 We didn't do a whole lot changes from our normal sleeping practice just to see what that would do. We got a few check strips 03:22 in here to see What some of the other things are going to happen, but overall we hadn't changed a whole lot. 03:29 So we're gonna see what happens. Okay. So you your normal thing would be with soybeans last year. Your normal thing would be come in and no-till corn. Right? But you 03:38 also would have in the fall come in and knife in nitrogen. Clearly. You did not need to do that because beans don't ever need nitrogen right wrong, 03:44 but you didn't put in hydrogen. This field actually has some anhydrous on it because we plan on this going to Corn we bought the farm to the 03:54 east of it and that farm is in corn stocks took out the fence and I'm like we're gonna have Bean on being research. Okay, so that's how the whole thing came 04:00 about so as in hydros on these Acres that we're standing in right now Evans. Yeah, we did get hydross on here. All right, did we wait? Is that 04:06 a waste? I don't believe it to be we'll find out. I mean these beans look great. Some people get concerned that the crop will 04:13 get too vegetative. Yeah, and not worry about putting pods on right looking at them today. I think we're setting pretty good. 04:19 So the concern there is if you did have nitrogen here because you were planning on going to corn and now a sudden we just grow a great 04:25 big old plant and never puts pods on it but it's a tree. Yep. Okay. So what do you think? Well, so there's two things 04:31 here that I'm excited about number one the bean after being number two, the anhydrous the best beans that I feel I Ever 04:37 Raised or in 2017 and actually on hydros dose, but I didn't know I didn't have the calcium research that or education that we have now right didn't have the pgr education 04:46 that we have now. Okay, and we we weren't planning them. We were planning them thicker. Those beans are at 110. The average 04:52 out here is probably closer to 90. So you saying the population? Okay. Thank you. 90,000 population is what we did here. Yes. So the pgr the 05:01 calcium and approximately EGR for the person that's never watched growth regulator. Okay, you did that. I'm a planting we there's a pgr on the seed at post 05:10 Cam and that fungicide time there will be pgr. Okay, and then you spoke about calcium in previous videos, but you said something 05:16 really smart watch calcium. It helps build the skeletal skills so that when why do I care about that? 05:23 Because those Laura branches tend to we've found it tend to be break off because of the weaker skeletal system basically, so that's important. 05:29 We went the weaker with the lower branches remain strong to hold up the pods. Okay. All right. Now the thing 05:35 here Mike Evans we talked about fertility. And you said you actually did have some nitrogen in here you're gonna use a different mix on this and you would have had gone to Corn you're saving money, 05:44 right you're using less money unfertility in this field than have had been corn. I won't be about the Same by the time we're done with 05:51 fertility. Okay, so the soybeans that are in here as this experiment then we'll have more of a disease issue because without the 06:00 rotation parasites and bugs and nasty stuff that kills soybeans remained from last year, right? Yes. Okay. So answer me. What did you guys do to mitigate that we worked 06:09 with a couple different sea treatments on this year and I think this year we put it more of it a typical normal, but we 06:18 also added a spray Tech has their seat treatment which is more nutritional based to give it a good nutritional start. So we got that out here to help mitigate that's 06:27 disease is a treatment on this other than a variation of some products you're saying that's a product you would not have normally used if it was a cruise as a rotation soybean. We've tried it on dry other 06:36 Acres normal rotations, but we kind of what are you doing different here than on the field over there? That is just rotated soybeans when we 06:45 put we put that here for that reason. Okay that we're Right on some other fields just to see what happens. But here we knew we needed to put some different mitigate some of that disease got it. 06:54 You were getting ready to say something. I really like spray Tech's perspective on Disease Control and plant Health. It's from a nutritional a nutritional 07:02 perspective diseases come into play or insects can come into play when we are nutritionally out of balance in the plants. Not healthy spraytech coming from 07:11 Brazil to Tropics. If anybody should know about plant Health, it should be them and I really like the nutritional perspective instead of trying to put a Band-Aid on it or something like that. Does that 07:20 make sense? And I it's a new partner of extreme mags and new company to us, but the direction that they're coming from I think has a lot of Promise. Yeah 07:29 spray Tech we talked about the Chad Anderson. So if you happen to be watching this or listening to this and you want to know more about the full Tech and some of the 07:35 other products that they offer go back and see what we did with Chad Henderson and Madison, Alabama. 07:40 When we were kids there were different times continuous corn continuous corn and that's been throughout maybe even 07:46 from the 1950s instead of the rotation continuous corn and we know that we've burned through more fertility issues because 07:52 obviously very nitrogen intensive, etc, etc. We don't do continuous corn anymore. I guess if you had a need for corn silage you do but out here you 08:02 haven't really done that is continuous beans gonna be the thing that like you're saying. Oh, why remember we used to do that with corn is it gonna be a thing? Here's now 08:11 continuous corn is still the safer play because it's predictable you kind of know what's gonna happen with with the renewable fuels and the potential that's there beans after 08:20 beans I think could become that way just because of the financial realm of vacations of it, but we we've got a research and and again we got to make 08:29 it that safer more predictable play and we're not there yet. What adjustment these things look great. By the way, they do look you talk about the solar panel 08:35 size leaves and we can go on and on, you know, this is a really big leaf size. I'm just going and 08:40 What would we have done? Should we have done differently right now anything? Is there anything you're saying boy if we're gonna do 08:46 this experiment we should have One thing we're talking about before we kind of camera here was you know, we had the calcium Trail down at the almost farming looking 08:54 here. We should have had that here done the calcium theater. Okay so short in that plan up get better structure at the bottom. Got 09:00 it. Are we gonna learn there was a disease here that we didn't know about it. We gonna come through here with the combine and say man what the heck happened and 09:06 we'll say oh it's because this I don't believe so these beans look incredibly healthy. We get the fungicide 09:12 on or the fungicides on these they'll be done today. Yeah the fun side to be on here later today got it, and there's no disease 09:18 here and I don't believe any will come and frankly. There's less insect pressure out here than there was at the other field we're at I traditional rotation advice 09:24 to somebody else to do this. Mike Evans. Should they I I would okay if they lose money if they lose money then they're gonna come back on you and you're gonna make it right. Well don't 09:33 change your 40 acres. Like what we did here was perfect. You know Kelly came to me and I was all excited. It's something a little different. It's a little different. Yeah, I was go for your advice is go ahead 09:42 and experiment this because you think it's a it's viable. Yeah. I mean if it all plays out, I mean it's gonna be very viable. And then what's your advice? My advice 09:51 is that not just beans after beans but 10% of your farm needs to be research. Yeah, and you are short-changing yourself if you don't try different practices on your farm. Yeah, 10:00 and so it's also make the market case for this because I think I'm an agreement with you. But also we've been we've seen different alleged what's coming down the road scenarios before that didn't 10:09 materialize is this is this soy renewable diesel for real? I believe it is. Yeah, and then we are gonna have the demand Factor. We're gonna have the demand Factor one analyst 10:18 stated to me that you know, right now we have about 180 million Acres of crop ground in the United States. That's right, and he you 10:27 know in the 2026 what if there's the demand for 120 million Acres of soybeans only 60 million acres of corn. Can you 10:33 imagine the ramifications of that and if that's the case we better get darn good at growing soybean after soybean. That's right. And 10:39 I and the great thing is it doesn't seems it's going to have any disease any real disease. In fact corn on corn might be harder to 10:45 do. It's just that it's been more acceptable because we've done it for so long. That's right and 10:51 We really as the American Farmer doesn't pay attention to soybeans the way they pay attention to corn and I believe if we pay attention to soybeans the 10:57 way we do corn we can make it that safer more predictable play. I've heard of said that soybeans are just the thing you planted in between your corn years, but you made a good point 11:06 during the drought year. You didn't even vary that much on your soybeans and you give that example real quickly because if we start paying attention to this we can go soybean after soybean and 11:15 rock and and pull the chain. I had an agronomist tell me in like 2014 that we're really bad at raising soybeans the whole country and I I'm 11:24 like you you think so and he's like well in 2012 the worst drought and two or three generations, what did you raise and I said well 43 and he 11:33 said in 2012, what would you have considered successful? And I said 55. Yeah, and he said so you lost 11:39 12 bushel, and you don't think that we don't suck. He said we don't we don't have we haven't scratch the service. So do you think that 11:45 this kind of demand structure we're looking at is gonna make people really understand and then again and by doing it being after being 11:51 Around but if it's every year I got to get better at this people will get more educated because there will be more value in it Jason Sly. 11:57 He said it used to be that wheat was his favorite crop. Now, he's told me beans are his favorite crop because there's so much low-hanging fruit. 12:03 There's so much improvement that we can make because we really don't know. We're really not good at it. Yeah, maybe we can 12:09 get better quickly because we're pretty darn good at the other stuff. Yes. His name is Mike Evans. His name is Kelly Garrett. I'm Damian Mason stay 12:15 tuned because we will give you the results. Remember, we always do unvarters truth here at extreme AG will tell you what happened on this 12:21 40 acre experiment. I mean bushels we did what we learned what we did wrong what we did right and we'll give you a lot look for how you can do the 12:27 same thing. If you want to experiment with soybeans on soybeans. Oh never did that before kind of a new thing kind of radical. That's 12:33 what we do here at extreme Act. Tune in for more stuff extreme. Agbot Farm
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See All GrowersKelly Garrett
Arion, IA