19 Sep 2211 min 33 sec

Water, oxygen and biology help break down and move nutrients into the root zone for uptake by plants. But it is not always a free flow of nutrients throughout the soil, in fact it is often not.  So how do you get the nutrients that are below the root zone into the root zone and into the plant? Kelly and Mike talk about how they are "unstratifying their nutrients" with some help from Concept Agritek's Shaun Guthmiller.

00:00 On stratifying your nutrients that is what we're talking about here today. You're saying wait a minute. What are you talking about? There's a soil horizon, right and 00:09 within that Horizon a lot of different stuff is going on biology or nutrient flow your water flow infiltration porosity issues, 00:16 etc. Etc. But what you're telling me is Mr. Evans that within that soil horizon stuff gets stuck. That's what we're going to talk about things how to 00:25 unstuck the nutrients within your soil. I'm Damian Mason, you know me, that's Kelly Garrett one of the founders of extreme at he's Mike Evans business partner with Integrated Solutions and 00:34 partnering with Kelly Garrett. And that is my friend Sean goth Miller. He is with Concept Agri Tech in a previous episode. We talked about using subsurface drip irrigation 00:43 at 16 inches of depth to put biology Biologicals out there into that field and we talked about all the benefits, but the one thing that we'll cover right now is unstratifying the resource that's 00:55 out there in your field. What is happening in the field that we're even talking about? And then we'll talk about riveting it. 01:02 My drip irrigation from that of him is 16 inches deep which means there's every 60 inches across the field. There's about a 7/8 water line 01:11 16 inches deep and we not only apply water but we apply nutrients through that. Yeah, and because of the lack of oxygen or potential lack of 01:20 oxygen down that deep we talked about stratifying the nutrients and making them potentially unavailable. We are 01:26 using concept agortex bunch of bugs to try to Make that soil come alive. If you will make it become you make them become usable nutrients make it 01:37 unstratified. All right, concept aggro tax a bunch of bugs people. Listen to this are saying wait a minute. I've never watched this other extreme AG stuff. What 01:43 the heck are they talking about? What's bunch of bugs bunch of bugs are Consortium biology. We got 500 different species 01:49 micro but microbes. It's a biological product that you've taken 500 different things and thrown into a jug and 01:59 And it's it's helping break down these nutrients. So when you get down there that deep and he's releasing in there. We're 02:05 able to break down some nitrogens phosphorus potassium and all our microbes that Mike micronutrients down 02:11 there to help release them for biology to get it or bug corn plants to get or soybeans. I might have my buddy might Evans and he's a sharp 02:20 dude, and I like talking to him. It seems like half the things we do around this Farm we get rained on while we're talking about Evans. I 02:26 don't know if you're like, you're like the bad luck Schleprock. That's an old reference deer viewer bad luck Schleprock. Go 02:32 back to Old Flintstones. Anyway bad luck Schleprock. What we're talking about, is it really that big of a problem? I mean, we've talked about compaction layer and we talk about plowshare layer. 02:42 And now we're talking about stratification of resources. Hey, if it's good in the top six inches what the hell difference to 02:48 make well didn't start raining until you guys showed up. So that's exactly right. But yeah, it is a concern. I mean do we 02:54 need do we need resources deeper than six inches. Yeah. I mean once you get down there the plants made man. All we need is that that 03:00 deep root? Right? What's the difference? Well, we know with the soil pros and everything The Roots get down to what 40 48 inches. Yep guys. So there's there's searching for 03:09 water and what those roots that down for theirs they can pull up nutrients. So there's some need to be able to amend or unstratify those nutrients deeper 03:18 down. All right. So is it a big problem? Do you think that the average farmer has a stratification of resources issue in their soils and they don't even necessarily realize it. Oh, yeah. 03:27 I mean how many guys how many Growers? This is kind of a question for anybody how many Growers sample for the sixth to 24 depth? Let's don't even turn nobody problem. 03:37 Let's turn it as lost potential. Okay, there's nutrients that deep in the soil especially in Iowa the great soil that 03:43 we've yeah, you got six feet of Topsail out here exactly. So why would you not want to reach the potential of what you've got? Right? So 03:49 it may be as a problem because you're still getting 280. Well our friend over here barely 280 bushel corn. 03:55 You just fling the seed out the window and your F150 up there and Yankton and 280 bushel corn talk to me 04:01 about this issue. They've decided it's a problem or at least they're not finding they're not getting a hundred percent. You know, like we're like learning that we're 04:10 missing out here. We could have done better. Well, I mean you take a look at our beautiful corn plants over here look at them. They're peaced out a 04:16 fist blank the way so you're you're only got this much room for the roots to grow. Why and you got this much you can go 15 inches out. But the rest of it straight 04:25 down got it. So we need to get those roots going deeper down so we can get more access to nutrients because 04:31 Roots they're great in the top four inches, but you got all that space to work with. So one thing that they're doing here is through the subsurface drip irrigation to 04:40 put in your product bunch of bugs through here, which the biological 500 different things in it and it's going out there 16 inches. What's it do 04:46 then? What? Well, it's releasing all these nutrients and we're helping get more the biological goes 04:52 out there in the water flow at 16 inches. And then it does what it's we're helping break down all the nutrients that are down 04:58 there. We're helping get earthworms down there. We're getting up other activity of everything that's in the soil. We're 05:04 getting release of so we want more activity down. There is basically the general theme of it. We got the Consortium there to help with whatever the plants looking for 05:13 that deep down and mostly it's water but why not use those roots that are already down there to get nutrients. Does it work? Yes, I believe does it work. Yeah, we've 05:22 seen results. Okay stratification. Where is most of the problem? It seems like we're really good in that top four inches, and then you're telling me you're putting water. 05:31 Under 16 inches. Where's the stuff hanging? Where is this? Where is the layer of stuff hanging and stop? 05:37 Where's our resources like banking right there and it's like man if we could get them to move up or down it'd be better for everything. Are they at nine inches eight inches plow level. Where are they? 05:46 Typically most operations you'll see about four to six inch later. You'll get into a layer that's compacted tight. That's where it kind of gets a block and you get a stratification 05:55 layer there which will be really it'll be a bunch of stuff there. Yeah, that's where it went and stopped. Yep. Okay, so 06:01 that's where so at six it on the average farm and we're not bashing anybody. It's just what happens through practices Etc most of 06:07 the farms at that four and a six inches down is where the whole bunch of resources and in our case with the drip irrigation. It would 06:16 be safe from six to 16. Yeah, you know that water is percolating up and those those nutrients are just kind of left in 06:22 there. Yeah when we on tap this and maybe we will are we going to see that next level like oh man. We used to think getting this yield was one thing 06:31 and now we realize that we didn't have enough flow up and down and boy, we just 20% of ourselves we 20 percent ourselves. 06:37 Do 30% ourselves what happens when we untap this? I mean, honestly the potentials undetermined yet. 06:43 We can you can see a hundred percent return on this as long as we're de-stratifying those nutrients. The biggest problem is we have no no knowing of what we actually 06:52 got down there. We're so new to the biological realm any right now that we don't know what we have till we kind of start unlocking what's in 07:01 the soil. All right answer me this Mike Evans. We talked before we hit record. I don't have subservice drip irrigation. Most Farms don't 07:07 I can't put stuff Biologicals out there 16 inches. What can I do as Plan B? Well, I mean really, it's Broadcast application 07:15 over top and working it in. But if you're in a hotel environment, it's pretty difficult. You're gonna have to figure out a way to inject it 07:21 in. I'm in the ground and then the the water you are a no tiller if you don't have this on all your Acres, which you do not how are you going to get this biological activity assuming 07:30 that you're really happy with the work and saying man, I really bought into this idea of unstratifying my resources. I don't have 07:36 subservice drip irrigation on all my Acres, but I'm gonna maintain my no-till practices. How are you gonna get it on other Acres? 07:42 You know if we determine it works here as well as we think it will yes, you could knife it in. Yeah, and and is that gonna be a problem when you're in hotel guy? No, you 07:51 you know, you're still knifing in nutrients or you're inhydrous things like that. We could knife it in alongside. Oh different products. Do you in a very minimal way? Yeah and invasive way 08:00 minimally disturbing way. Yeah. So okay, you put his biological at six inches where you're in hydras goes does it get down Sean? Does it get down to 16? 08:09 Yes, that's what we're exploring. We're gonna go as far as the soil will let us go. So I mean where the roots go, that's what we're attaching to because our biology is 08:18 going attaching to these root hairs and going after what the roots want. Yeah, we're gonna wrap up here with something. You said. 08:24 It was really smart during lunch. You explained everything is going on down here. You talked a lot about porosity and air space and news race and you you know what 08:30 I was sitting there and awe, I think me and Kelly Evans was acting like he's old half for him sort of 08:36 agronomic competition, but the rest of us, we're not going to close me out with that. Well, I think the biggest thing is when you 08:42 get Your soil flipped up down. I think we talked about like chasing France as he used the half mobile plow where he would flip that soil on the sides. You're getting that 18 08:51 inches the top soil 18 inches down. I think that's the whole goal of it. I got I want to inject manure deep down so I can get all my nutrients 09:00 deep down there. So the roots have more air more everything going down there. I mean, the biggest 09:06 thing is I got guys trying it on strip till so minimum till or like he was saying all the new thing in no till is in line ripping. I'm trying to get convinced 09:15 a couple guys to inline rip and run a little line down the bottom there and leave a leave the bugs down there because we really need to 09:24 explore that space because like we said when you have those plant Stacks so close together. We're fighting for root space. Yeah. So you 09:33 think that this is gonna be the future and you think unstratifying those resources doesn't have to be done through a number 09:39 of ways to get down there and it will move the Biologicals. Move and then with it they carry the nutrients. Yes. We 09:45 are attaching to the root here. So when you attach to the root hairs because realistic what Biologicals are doing is they're going they're eating the sugars that 09:54 the plants are exuding. So when your roots growing deep down there, they're exuding sugars to asking the bugs to 10:00 bring the nutrients that they want. So that's one of the benefits of using a Consortium is those bugs will go after 10:06 what the plant tells us. So when you get that much biology activity going down there you have untapped potential of nutrients deep down that we need to be accessing to 10:15 get this is the next Frontier. Yeah. I really think it can be the next Peak because there's a whole bunch of stuff that we're on we're not tapping stuff. That's 10:24 in that different Horizons. Yeah. I mean, there's a lot of nutrients down there that we can't get because the biology life probably isn't as high down there tying it with one of your common themes since the first 10:33 day I met you we probably have enough fertility out there. We're just We just can't we can't maximize it we can't use it Shawn's 10:39 description of Francis. Child's mobile plows the great description by using bunch of bugs. We're trying to do what Francis was doing in a no-till way. Yeah, that's 10:48 fantastic. We're doing what Francis did with tillage without the tillage. That's right. We're talking about stratification issues and how to unstratify your soil more great information 10:57 from extreme Ag and all of the and all of our videos that you've seen and we really appreciate you doing this share this with somebody that probably doesn't realize they have a stratification of nutrients problem because guess 11:06 what our opinion is most every Farm in America has a stratification problem of resources, and you know what, it's not that they're not getting yield. It's just 11:15 they can get a whole bunch more by unlocking that. His name is Sean Guth another with Concept anchor attack. If you want to learn more about bunch of 11:21 bugs and other biological products go to concept day or take that God. His name is Kelly Garrett. His name is Mike Evans. You know me. I'm Damian Mason 11:27 until next time. Thanks for being here.

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