Trends Shaping Agriculture Today & Tomorrow
1 Nov 2231 min 43 sec

Are biologicals the next wave in the evolution of farming? Will drones replace aerial applicators? What’s the future of fertility look like? How did crop input shortages change production Ag? Trey Curtis, CEO of Concept Agritek joins Damian Mason to discuss trends impacting Agriculture today and tomorrow.

Presented by Advanced Drainage Systems

00:00 You know the world's a very different place than it was just two and a half years ago. The whole economy is being shut down the whole covid thing Supply 00:06 chains couldn't get supply stuff. Everything got really kind of messed up. But also what's shaping tomorrow? We got labor issues. We've got now High interest rates. 00:15 We've got input costs that are so all over the place trends of shaping today and tomorrow's agriculture. 00:21 Welcome to extreme ads cutting the curved podcast where you get a guaranteed return on investment of your time as we cut 00:30 your learning curve with the information. You can apply to your farming operation immediately extreme AG, 00:36 we've already made the mistakes so you don't have to managing. Your Farm's Water Resources is a critical component to a successful 00:45 and sustainable farming operation Advanced Drainage Systems helps Farmers, just like you increase their yields up to 30% with their 00:54 technologically advanced Water Management products visit ads to see 01:00 how they can keep your business flowing. Now, here's your host Damien Mason. Hey there thanks for joining us on another fantastic episode 01:09 of extreme Ash cut in the curve. It's me, Damian Mason, whether we're ready to give you a really cool discussion on the outlook for our industry. We're talking 01:18 to trade Curtis. He is the CEO and founder of company called concept agrotech. He's been around this game for quite some time. He started his company 12 years ago, but 01:27 he's also Farm kid from I think Missouri, but maybe Arkansas I always get confused. Either way. Last I saw Trey was in Arkansas. We're at Matt miles farms. And 01:36 so, you know what your sharp dude, let's talk about the trends that you see that are shaping our industry today and 01:42 then obviously for tomorrow also watch change from just as recently as one decade ago trade Curtis. Thanks for being here. 01:49 Hey, thank you very much, Damien. Okay, we in our preparation you came back and said you give me a nice little email. You said I'm thinking about three things that I 01:58 think are really different today. And then they were just a year or two ago. Let's start off with Biologicals man. They're all over the place. We talk 02:07 about it you and I I think when we were in the field there and wege Arkansas said, you know when I was a kid if you just said, oh 02:13 got this stuff called bunch of bugs right here and dumping on the field you'd be like what the hell is a bunch of bugs. What is this? And it's one 02:19 of your biological products. They sell they work we use them. We've trialed them here with extreme egg. So what's that whole world look like 20 years ago. We didn't have Biologicals like this. 02:28 Yeah, I know Damien and and first I'll correct you I am from Arkansas. I just happened to live in Missouri. So I'm I'm a 02:37 northern transplant. but now, you know, it's funny. We started the company in 2010 and 2011. We 02:48 actually launched started testing our first biological product and at that time even myself, 02:54 you know being a farm boy from Arkansas working in ag retail working for some of the basic manufacturers. 03:02 The first thing I've told the guy that introduced me to was like this is a bunch of snakehold. I'm not selling this junk and he said well just try it need and 03:11 he gave me the science behind it and I'll never forget Daniel Hensley. Who's our Our VP of agronomy. And also now he's become our 03:20 president the first time we ever even tried it we pulled some soil test and lo and behold we were just shocked 03:29 at the phosphorus the available phosphorus on the sole test almost doubled and so we called the biologist and go. Hey, you're not gonna believe this the 03:38 phosphorous level almost doubled he goes. Well, yeah you dumb dumb, what'd you think was gonna happen when I had in 12 phosphorus releasing bacteria strains and 03:47 we're like Maybe we're under something. So, you know 11 years ago. We really launched that bunch of bugs product really got 03:54 more into the organic acids and the things that I always call a snake old personally, but at the end of the day if they work they worked the thing about 04:03 it is is for years, you know, people kept calling our stuff snake gold made fun of the name. And then slowly it trade shows 04:12 you started seeing another biological company and another one and another one and and 11 years ago. It was like us and maybe one other company now 04:21 when you go to commodity classic Farm progress show, you know farm machinery show any of them. 04:29 There's 20 or 30 biological companies there. Yeah, even the big boys have gotten into Biologicals. I just you know, you go back, 04:38 you know the old days, you know, it was you had more chemical companies back. Then there has been consolidation in that and there was a you know, it all chemistry. And 04:47 so we heard about biological. I don't know we back win about the same thing that like what the heck is this. This is all made up, right? 04:55 So there's a level of acceptance now because again when the when the big companies then are trying to buy small companies to take to 05:04 to acquire their technology. There must be something to this. Right. So all of a sudden there's an acceptance that maybe not some of 05:13 the real close-minded types but the progressive smart, you know people Listen to extreme AG they're like, hey, man, there's something here. There's some real thing here. When did 05:22 that happen five years 10 years ago, you know, it really happened about six or seven years ago in Montana bioag came out with the first 05:31 biological. They bought a biological company and started pushing and it literally took us from 05:37 This crazy snake a bunch of nut, you know jobs over to hey, these are the most Progressive guys out there, right? And you know, unfortunately it 05:46 took one of the big strategics to really put biology on the map and you know, and I still think it's really funny today. You'll 05:55 have someone that goes all that biology is a bunch of Hocus Pocus and then I'll go look college. Did you 06:01 go to nobody saying Texas A&M? Did they have a biological Department? Yeah. Yeah, once you go tell them they're a bunch of crazy nut job, please so 06:10 so I think there's probably not completely accepted. I mean is there's some there's some people on AG that probably still don't believe it but I'm we're seeing results. Obviously. That's 06:19 what we're doing here extreme, right? We're traveling this stuff and these guys must know what something, you know, they're pretty successful the thing 06:25 about it is I actually think it's the next wave of AG. Okay, we stumbled around for 06:34 9,900 of eggs 10,000 year history. Without making a whole hell of a lot of forward progress, right, you know and in about a hundred years ago, hybridization mechanization, 06:43 you know instead of a guy on the end of a hoe you had machines and then we hybridized stuff and then 06:52 came chemistry. So it's like we did a whole bunch of stuff just starting about a hundred years ago to today any Biologicals then are the next thing, you 07:01 know mechanization hybridization chemical then biology. Am I right? Oh, absolutely. Absolutely, you know when I was farming, you know, 07:11 it was 48 40s and 47 60 John Deere tractors and 49. 4600 combines and if you compare to those 30 years ago 07:24 to the combines and tractors we have now, it's not even if difference in daylight and dark but when you compare fertility products, 07:30 you know up in just until a few years ago there basically the same that's really when what we did a constant dagotech is how do we 07:39 bring technology to the for fertility business? And yes, we created Technologies for npks and 07:45 micronutrients to make them more efficient and effective but also bringing the biology into the organic acids 07:51 the pgr and and so on because you know for you know, I find it funny that everybody now has a nitrogen fixing bacteria and 08:00 they can decrease their nitrogen and We've been doing that for 11 years. Yeah, right. So not news to us. It's just news 08:08 to everybody else. Your point is is well taken that we've got when you think about it. Yeah. If you said all right go out there and use the same machines that 08:17 we use to just 20 or 30 years ago. Like oh my God. Are you kidding me? I mean again, like you said a John Deere 44. I saw John Deere 08:26 4400 combine sitting somewhere and my travels here in the last week and it it reminded me of like going to the antique tractor parade, you know what I mean? It's that 08:35 it's that foreign and so we've got so these advancements but on Crop inputs. Maybe we haven't evolved nearly 08:44 to you know, the way the machines have and that is where Biologicals come in. So in the future will we end up seeing consolidation as 08:53 the question then does all sudden biological sort of be like chemistry where there's four great big companies that are the monoliths out 08:59 here. Is that what is that what happens because tends to be less. 09:03 Shall I say list Innovation come out of the great bigs, right? Yeah, they're really is to be honestly and I do think you'll see 09:12 a lot of you can't continue to have 30 year. Plus biological companies in the United States all competing for the same thing. The ones that have 09:21 the best stuff will probably end up being gobbled up if they desire to but you know, it's it's also 09:27 about, you know, then the next Innovation. I mean we came out three years ago with a biological Fungicide and the Madison side and insecticide and 09:36 and now Here comes another one or two or three of those, you know, it's always kind of following suit. So I do think you see a 09:45 lot more but also the acceptance of it has to grow just because of you know runoff from phosphorus over 09:51 fertilization and things like that specifically you get down into the Gulf of Mexico how poxy down there we had the same thing in the Great Lakes, you have 10:00 the same things and and regulations of of how much dry and PK you can put out specifically in waterways. And those those regulations are only 10:09 getting tougher and tougher for the farmers the farmers going to have to find ways to reduce his inputs 10:15 of draft fertilizer and luckily biology gives you a really good biology Source will give you a great tool and the tube toolbox 10:24 to be able to do that. All right. So that's another one of the point you want to make and you know, you just talked about one reason why we're 10:30 gonna see this it could be because of a regulation and and we don't necessarily like that. But you 10:36 know, we all we're faced with Waters of the US, you know. The years ago lots of things that impact agricultural production for 10:42 a regulatory environment and we would prefer to not have too much of that. But that could be the reason also just raw cost. 10:51 You know for a long time fertilizers were so inexpensive. The answer was fling more on it. You know, you got good soil samples. Oh no matter just put more stuff out there. And 11:01 when we started talking here a couple of years ago about doubling of the price of fertilizer, you got to get more judicious and that's ultimately better 11:10 for the environment and it makes you a better farmer when you have to be more judicious with your fertilizers, you're putting awareness to 11:16 be, you know, more more shall I say concise and precise? What's that going to do to your business? What's that 11:24 going to do to all of us if these prices remain elevated on fertilizer? You know, I literally got this question last week on a 11:31 conference call is how has the high, you know fertilizer prices affected your business. To be honest with you. It's affected in a 11:40 very positive way our business, you know, Damian is up 70% this year for a company. That's 12 years old. That's a pretty 11:49 good increase. Yeah, and one of the things is is just just brand awareness, but the other one is guys are literally this year we're going how do 11:58 I decrease my input cost? How do I control my costs? Well, our customers just take nitrous nitrogen for example for years 12:07 and able to use point six point seven, you know pounds and nitrogen per her bushel of corn. Yeah, well 12:16 forever. It was like one to one point two some of the University still recommend 1.2 right. Our people are using way less than yeah you 12:25 have that you have that and still Sacrificing yield so that's actually our yields are going up because to be honest with you when you 12:34 get too much nitrogen specifically nitrogen and put tattoo potassium and I don't want to get too technical here. I'll let my grammas do 12:40 that. But what we found out is with if we could put more potassium on specifically liquid available potassium in the 12:49 biology, then we were able to reduce our nitrogen inputs and increase our yield and that 12:55 was just really cool but it's it's greatly helped our business out. Yeah, so that's and then you'd say Okay, that was cost that 13:04 did it not regulatory. But then you also mention things like the Great Lakes. That's a big deal. I'm in Indiana. I'm not too far from the Ohio border that whole thing 13:13 started about a decade or so ago that like years old algae bloom and it's because of over usage of phosphates out here in the in the agricultural area. 13:24 Um AG did get the blame it probably rightly. So and I'm not I'm not certainly, you know, blaming anybody but it's it's where to come from and so we're going to see 13:33 this probably all over the country, aren't we Trey a or get a bullseye put on our back whatever there's an environmental issue and then it's like okay, we're gonna 13:42 have to react, you know, our friend Temple roads out in Maryland says we've been doing this for 30 years with the whole Chesapeake Bay Watershed. No. 13:48 Yeah, absolutely and and the more we've grown specifically up in the upper North East up around the Great Lakes, you know, the customers 13:57 the new customers are going so you've got something that can increase my phosphorus availability because at the end of the day like if you get a Ohio, 14:06 you're close to the the Lakes if your parts per million or over 20 on phosphorus, you can't put that down. Yeah. Well if you're 14:15 trying to make 300 bushel corn, you need more than 20 parts per million normally or you're gonna suck a bunch of it out. So the neat 14:21 thing is when you're using a whole bunch of strains and biology of Fosters releasing biology and you can increase that level on 14:30 the soul test will automatically you're dry recommendation goes down so it's been it's 14:36 been Win-win for us. It's been a win-win for our customers and in the environment we talked about the John Deere 4400 combine of 1970s to 14:45 today and how much advancements we've had there and we've said some of the crop inputs haven't evolved nearly as rapidly 14:54 we still revolved or not to wear like the machines have but there's one area that is pretty neat to me about the machines automation is 15:03 coming and you and I both probably agree on that. And then also I've been saying forever equipment's going to get smaller and more precisely deployed and 15:12 that brings me to drone technology company like yours probably uses it obviously agricultural input people use it big Trend shaping tomorrow is our culture drones. Where 15:21 do you see it going? Oh, yeah, it's it's been a game changer for us. You know, we've always talked about what our products can do, 15:29 you know, but seeing is believing. So if if I have a product that say take biohealth for example, which you know 15:38 gives you season long plant health so that that plant can actually defend itself against stresses because we always talk about stress mitigation. You 15:47 know, I always hear that on Extreme act about stress mitigation stress mitigation, but when I can take our our drone 15:53 and gets you know in DBI imagery of plant Health our climate for example, or other other ways of doing that satellite imagery. I meant proofs in 16:05 the pudding. I mean, you know so I can take this map that shows. Hey must my side is healthier than 16:11 the competitor side or an untreated check and you know, and in the year I can overlay that with the eel map. It is just been astronomically 16:20 fun for us to To be able to see those it's help sales. But also another thing it does it helps efficiencies. So say we have a new product coming out 16:31 which we always do and we're not exactly sure what the rate is. Well literally we have we're getting a brand 16:37 new spray drone. So we get this spray drone and we can go just spray every five acres across the field at different rates triple replicating them untreated 16:46 and then we can come back with satellite imagery on top of that and no we can come back and do yield checks on top of that. It just is 16:55 a again a great tool for us and a great tool for the farmer to see what's working. You know it because I know when farmers get busy harvesting they're 17:04 harvested right? I mean, I know that's you want to do that's Harvest as fast as we can maybe A hurricane's coming maybe when we're events coming we have Harvest and 17:13 you darn it. I forgot to check that or maybe they don't have your Maps or maybe they don't get to the yield map. So it gives us a really good side into 17:22 what's going on out in the field and make sure that we're spinning. 17:25 Money wisely to make sure we're spending our Growers money wisely. 17:29 So in the future and I've talked to one of my clients that I did some speaking for is in the aerial application, you know 17:38 crop dusters. I've done some work with those different groups. And one of the guys says I'm gonna be one of the first people started 17:44 selling yellow planes because I think that we are going to go to autonomous sprayers as far 17:50 as the aerial kind. You know, when you think about it, you're putting a guy in a little machine. That's like the size of 17:56 a Volkswagen Laden with all kinds of Chemicals and pesticides whatever else and they go up there and fly around it to try to not hit power lines pretty dangerous job. Well we 18:05 see Spray drones replace. I mean are we going to get to where we don't have people flying around in yellow airplanes it all done automatically. Do you see that? They come in here the next decade or 18:16 so? You know, I think technology always you know, I think about the first flat screen TV on what was that thing $3,000 and now 18:26 you can go to Sam's and get it for like 200 bucks right better and nicer and prettier. So I 18:32 do think that time as the technology develops and the price actually probably comes down like, you know, everything else. I think 18:41 that you'll see the ability to do that. The problem with spray drones right now is they're capability of just getting over the acres and so specifically we 18:50 get down and to the Mid-South where every acre almost spring with an airplane, you know, they've got to cover Acres now again, when you 18:59 get up into the Upper Midwest where the feels sometimes are smaller or you know, the middle Midwest Northern Missouri some places like that Kentucky 19:08 where you got lots of small feels. Oh, yeah, I mean, hey, well one of those places in the north, they can't even get an airplane to get up there. Yeah, so 19:17 Drones were really helpful. I know several people that have started their own spray drone companies and I do think it's coming. I think it'll be a slower at adaptation 19:26 specifically on the larger Acres the larger Farmers where they really got to cover ground, but you know every year maybe in from Arkansas and 19:35 you know any one time you'll see three four or five planes in the air every year we lose a pilot, you know, he has a crash 19:44 and we lose one and it said to see so I hope that's all she's there because it is dangerous for those guys to be flying. I agree 19:53 the technology will get there and for all the reasons you just mentioned and this matter it's matter of then once it 19:59 gets critical mass then it obviously becomes more affordable. I mean you talk about your flat screen TV. I just free stuff and grab my calculator that I went to Purdue 20:08 with 1988. That's my calculator. And I think it was expensive. Obviously. It's getting everybody's got a calculator on her phone right now, but you know, this is the scientific 20:17 Calculator they told you to get to starting at Purdue in 1988. And I think it was like a hundred dollar calculator back then but we'll 20:23 keep it on my desk. All right. So if you're listening to this driving down the road, you have to check out the video so you can watch this dear listener. Um, big Trend 20:33 shaping agriculture today. We went through never ever did we have this issue of not being able to get stuff and you're in the crop input business 20:42 concept Agate you make stuff that we put on our field to put on our crops. You don't make everything you Source stuff 20:50 and then combine it Etc. So there was this thing of not being able to get wrong ingredients. There's a thing about I heard some point we're gonna be able to get jugs. I mean, it was just all kind 20:59 of crazy stuff and I'm not sure we're through the woods on that yet. What do you think that does as far as a trend for our 21:05 industry? Yeah, well, I'll be honest with you. I got to give a lot of credit to Donald Hamby our operations manager specifically on 21:13 you know, our inputs our roles that we bring in to manufacture products specifically the jugs and the totes like you you mentioned, 21:22 you know, we got on it early last year. We bought a year supply of totes and jugs what we thought we would 21:31 need a year in advance. I mean right now if you go down to Charleston, we have a five acre, you know manufacturing facility and probably an acre 21:40 of it is filled with jugs and another half acres still with totes and boxes because if we hadn't done that we wouldn't run out and it adds to 21:49 some inefficiency, you know jit was the big thing 30 or so years ago the whole concept that Japanese manufacturers pioneered many 21:58 years ago just in time and that's what everybody decide to do. Why would you sit on an acre and a half worth of plastic stuff your business being a warehouse? 22:06 Businesses selling crop inputs. Well, if you don't if you don't sit on the stuff, you ain't got it. So it adds it. 22:13 Well ties up some of your money and it makes it so you're maybe not as efficient, but you got to have the stuff and I think that's gonna probably be the case for a while. Yeah. 22:22 oh, absolutely, and then we're already, you know have have everything that we think we're gonna need for the entire year based on 22:28 our sales estimates and increases We've been buying raws, you know, just three years ago and we didn't 22:37 buy rolls in advance hardly at all. Now, we're Bond wrong ingredients almost a year in advance at least six months in advance and you're right it it's a 22:46 tough talk with your Banker when you go hey, I know this is tough on cash flow. But if we don't go ahead and get it, we're not 22:52 gonna have the inputs to be able to create products that we need and a timely manner and and I 22:58 think Farmers understand that too now, I'm not you know, we're just getting in just getting into getting ready for 23:04 2023 and I've never ever in the 12 years we've been doing business will be our 13th year and more Farmers say I won't 23:13 pricing. Can you give me pricing what you know, they're ready to lock stuff up. They're ready to buy they're ready to take delivery. I've never had this happen. We 23:22 normally ever put our price out till October and here a few weeks ago. We were working diligently on trying to get 23:31 Out, you know by the middle of September and so I think Farmers understand as well. And so they're sitting on more stuff and they're tying up capital. I mean 23:39 same old thing but you've got to do it. She had the stuff do you think this trend is with us for I mean, is it just here 23:45 and in a year from now we forget about or is this where the trend is taking us? We're gonna be here. We're gonna be worse. We're folks 23:51 like you and then Folks at the farm level have to sit on more inventory of stuff because it's a 23:57 dicey. It's a dicey world out there. Boy, I hope not. It is not fun to have to do that. It's not fun for cash flow, you know, 24:06 but if you think about it. What about you know, even before this tractors right combines even 24:15 before covid they got to where you basically had to order your combine before you you know a year in advance. So so the equipment 24:24 industry was doing this even pre-covid. Is it going to set a precedence for the fertility business for the seed business and all that? 24:32 I don't know. I hope not but but it definitely could but one thing about it is once you get into that phase of of cash flow and 24:41 doing that and then it kind of becomes a cycle. Then it's not the end of the world. But you know, I can promise you from our perspective. We are going to 24:51 be very proactive and ordering early making sure we have supply for our customers and that we don't run out when the 24:58 When when it's time to go? Yeah, talk about Trend shipping agriculture today and tomorrow with Trey Curtis. We talked about Biologicals. We 25:07 talked about drone technology. We talked about what the increased cost of dry fertilizer gonna do, you know animal manure is 25:16 another concept on that it always got used but I seems like it's definitely being viewed more as a vital important valuable asset now 25:25 because of that is that gonna state is it we just we're gonna have a new appreciation for that with this whole elevated fertilizer costs. 25:31 Oh, I think so. I definitely think so. We've always seen great results, you know being from Arkansas. We are we love to take feel 25:40 flat so we can water them and then put chicken manure and chicken manure and chicken manure. And and one of the neat things is going back to biology is 25:49 if you put a very active biology on the manure, you'll see a lot better response for the manure. It really releases it and so instead of 25:58 taking three years to some of Least in a year and a half most all will be released. So so it's really helped you guys bump up their yields, but 26:06 I think there's gonna be different Alternatives, you know, everybody's looking for a new alternative to fertility and 26:12 stuff like that. They're just going to be more Innovation. There's a lot of money going 26:18 into it right now as I talk to a lot of people and in and outside our industry, they're really interested 26:24 investing into agriculture because they really believe that it's a it's a great spot to stick your money. And I don't 26:30 know if you've seen the stock market and this year, but it's been a visible. And so I think you have a lot of companies and 26:39 outside investors saying hey, let's get in on this technology Let's Help do this and I think there's also a 26:45 demand too from environmentalists or environmental groups or just people that are wanting to help with the you know environment of how can we be more 26:55 friendly? Well, that's gonna take technology. I mean, yeah, I just read an article this weekend on a 27:00 Were we controlled boom then literally sends electrical impulses when it sees a weed and kills the weed. It doesn't hit the 27:12 hit the plant it hits. I mean just hits the weed. It doesn't hit the crop and you're like wow, that's that's really neat. That's that's no herbicide at all. Yeah, and 27:21 and you know, there's a lot of money poiness. This is the one trend is has not go with you talked about the trend. There's more companies that are here nipping at your heels, 27:30 you know, you've been around 12 years. There's probably been a bunch of companies that have just come online in the last couple years that you can you you 27:36 would be familiar with because they're out here trying to steal your steal your mortgage here, but you're still growing the biological trend. 27:45 How long does it have how long does that I mean, I think it's the new I think it's the new thing. Where are we I guess what? Are we on? The 10 yard line? Are we the half field? 27:54 Where are we on the Biologicals in terms of that trend? Oh, I can tell you it's just starting. I mean the the amount that we know of Soul biology and I don't 28:03 care who the smartest people in in the world are is very small. Yeah, you know when we do tests and we find new new strains of biology that 28:13 are in that are native to the the grasslands and the trees and things like that and we bring them back in and we we grow them and we put them back in the field and then we 28:23 see what they do. You're just like wow that that's really needed and it's just, you know, you're just 28:29 now getting this influx of a lot of money in and money's gonna read create results. It's just like when they started say we don't 28:38 need it needed tube TV anymore. Let's make a flat one and then everybody through their money into making a flat screen and look what we have now on that, you know, it's just absolutely amazing. 28:47 We're at the beginning of it, but the things that we've learned in the last 11 years, I think it's really concept agric ahead of the Curve. 28:56 Yeah, and that's good for you. And and you know, there should be continual growth because you're an area that I think is the New Frontier for AG and that's 29:05 one of our big trends. So anyway anything we didn't cover we're talking about Trends in agriculture today from your perspective. 29:13 Um, you know, there's there's tons of other things that we could talk about. I really think the Forward Thinking of people these days just from what we've gone through the last 29:22 few years. I mean you and our talking about it a few years ago. I didn't know what the word force majeure was, you know until I had a bunch of product. I thought 29:31 locked up and then they go. Oh no Force majore. I'm like, where's my French dictionary? Yeah same there's a whole bunch of people. You know me included. I I we had 29:40 I had contracts for people were paying me to go and deliver speaking engagements at large corporate events, and they said yeah, we're not obligated that I said, 29:49 well you got a contract. Yeah. Well, you know for sure we all had to learn what that word meant. And yeah, like you said 29:55 stuff that I thought was it I thought we had a contract though. Those are done deal. Um, that's not a trend that we're gonna probably still 30:01 be that was a that's a time frame. I don't think it's a trim the shapes. Tomorrow's egg. Do you? No, I don't think it's a trend but I do think it's something 30:10 that people are now aware of and and we'll have another hiccup here there something will happen, you know, and yeah, it'll create a similar, you know, history always repeats itself, 30:19 but hopefully we'll be ready for it when it does happen, you know, but again technology in in the biological space 30:28 is coming. It's here. It's exciting and we just want to make sure we stay on the Forefront of it. I think that's that's a good one to just 30:37 talked about right there was getting through all this so Trend shaping tomorrow and today mostly tomorrow's agriculture 30:43 talking with trade Curtis if people want to find out more about your company, they go to where 30:49 Go to and that's agrotech with a K on the end of it. Not a CH concept Agri Tech with a k at the end of it calm. He's trained. 30:58 My name is Damian Mason. So next time thanks for being here train. Thank you till next time thanks for tuning in 31:04 to cutting the curve and reminding you to please go and share these episodes all these awesome podcasts and videos that 31:10 we've done on farms and at the different events share them with someone who can benefit from this. That's why we're here to help 31:16 you up your farming game and shorten your learning curve till next time that's a wrap for this episode of cutting the 31:22 curve, but there's plenty more check out where you can find past episodes instructional videos 31:29 and articles to help you squeeze more profit out of your farm cutting. The curve is brought to you by Advanced Drainage Systems the 31:38 leader in agriculture Water Management Solutions.