Podcast: Time To Build an Ark? Decisions After a Half-Foot of Rain
15 Apr 2433m 49s

Matt Miles pace of planting was looking good. 100% of his corn and rice is not only in the ground, but emerged. As was 45% of his soybean acreage. Then the rains came. A half foot of rain and it’s still not finished. As you might imagine, he’s got crops under water. Matt talks to Damian about wet conditions, past experience, adjustments he’s making, money, inputs, cropping decisions, and the mental aspect of managing through mid-spring weather adversity.

Presented by CLAAS

00:00 Is it time to build an arc in McGee, Arkansas? Maybe not. But what adjustments do you make when you get a half a foot of rain right after planting? 00:07 That's what we're talking about in this episode of Extreme Ag Cutting the Curve. Welcome to Extreme Ag Cutting the Curve podcast, 00:14 where real farmers share real insights and real results to help you improve your farming operation. This episode of Cutting the Curve is brought to you by cloth 00:23 where machines aren't just made, they're made for more with a wide range of tractors, combines, foragers and hay tools. 00:30 Cloth is a family business just as driven, demanding, and dedicated as yours. Go to cloth.com 00:36 and start cutting your curve with their cutting edge equipment. And now here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey 00:43 There. Welcome to the fantastic episode of Extreme as cutting the curve. You know what? Farming's a very trying mental game. 00:49 Sometimes it's stressful. You play the weather every day. Well, Matt Miles likes to get stuff out early. 00:54 We've recorded podcasts about that, about the reason to get out early. He's battled extreme heat, some pest, uh, problems, 01:00 and also, uh, some October hurricane pressures down there in the Delta region of Arkansas. 01:05 So here we're, we're recording this on April 10th. Matt is sitting in the shop, uh, he's got his guys playing pickleball. 01:11 Um, he's trying to keep spirits up because they've gotten, uh, essentially, I'm not exaggerating, half a foot 01:17 of rain in about the last two and a half days. So what adjustments do you make? You know, we're joking about building an arc. 01:23 What adjustments do you make? What do you start looking at? What, uh, things you're gonna have to replant? 01:27 What changes are you gonna need to make? Uh, we make cropping changes, inputs, uh, are they there? Um, what risk to pest are you going to face Now? 01:38 How's this changed the, the game plan moving forward? And I think a lot of farmers face this. That's why I said let's get you on while you're sitting a 01:46 sitting a rain out, out. Um, what adjustments are you making? Yeah, so, so first of all, you, you have to really 01:56 make adjustments prior to the rain. So we knew, you know, 10 days ago they were talking about, you know, four inches of rain, maybe six inches of rain. 02:05 You know, you see that, you see that as a week's building up. But do you really believe it? 02:09 I mean, you know, we don't know what the weather force forecast is going to be. Sometimes they're, they're 60% right. 02:15 Sometimes they're 30, sometimes they're zero. So you, you, you go on closer to that weather forecast and the, and the, and the closer you get to it, of course, 02:23 the easier it is to predict. We would've had to, when we first found out about, you know, what volume of rain looked like we was gonna get, 02:30 we would've had to actually quit planting a week prior to that. You know, if you looked at that forecast 02:34 and said, okay, it's a hundred percent gonna happen, then you'd have quit planting a week ago. Yep. Well, a week ago was the only plant we've had. 02:41 Right, right. But four days before that, and then here was a window to get, you know, a big percentage of my crop planted. 02:49 And, and like you said, that's why I was looking at my watch while ago. You know, it's already the 10th of April. 02:53 We're already, this time last year, I had 5,500 acres of beans planted. All my rice planted and all my corn planted. So 03:02 It have, we had, have, we had, I said a half a foot. And that's really true. I mean, didn't it, you started bracing forward over the weekend 03:10 and here we are recording it No, before, but, but it actually started coming, it started coming in the last three days. 03:15 Isn't it? Six inches in the last, and you weren't, you weren't parched before that, so now you got a lot 03:21 of ponding standing water, right? That's right. We were a little bit fortunate that we had a pretty good re week of dry weather, 03:27 which allows our canals and, and ditches and stuff to not be overflowing when the rain got here. So the first inch 03:34 or so, you know, it pretty much gets off the field. And surprisingly, I just came back to the office to do this podcast. 03:40 You know, I gauge is kinda on my field day plot that's right here by the shop. And it's, it's in pretty good shape. 03:46 You know, you can see the corn. I've got a stand of corn in the, in the field day corn plots, and they're still flood. 03:51 The, the soybean land is still flooded, but not completely over the top. Yesterday afternoon they was probably 18 inches over the top 03:59 of the beds where the soybean plot's gonna be. So we, we we're at about six inches, uh, right now, which you, you know, is exactly a half a foot. 04:09 When it becomes reality, then you're like, okay, what happens from here? You know? But, but I guess my original story was, you know, 04:18 my, my goal is to always quit planting 24 hours before a rain event. Now, I don't always observe that, and that's the problem. 04:26 Do it. But you want the seed to, in vibe the moisture from the soil. You don't wanna see 04:32 to invi moisture from the air, if that makes any sense. It'll come up better to do better. Alright, so then you got all these fields 04:39 and I, I was talking to a guy today and I said, how long can, can these crops stay underwater? Completely submerged, 04:45 no oxygen underground haven't emerged yet. How long can they stand it before they start, you know, before they, you know, start not coming up 04:54 or not even having the opportunity to come up. Right. And he's a pretty smart guy and he told me probably two to three days 04:59 and I said, well, we're at two days right now. Mm-Hmm. You know, so I said, maybe I've got another 24 hours. 05:05 And we're not talking about, we are in some spots, but the majority of the fields we're talking about in today, in today, right now, today, a third of the field. 05:14 So if you planted, you know, 10 thou, I ain't planted 10. If you plant a thousand acres, you got about 300 acres 05:20 that's at major risk, which is completely submerged under water. And then you've got the other 600 acres 05:26 that's just been beat down with this rain. You know, it, the difference is the different, you know, maturities of where the plant is. 05:33 So some of it, when when I got the rain out, all edges of soybeans, some that are just starting to crack the ground, you know, some that are emerged 05:40 and been emerged, I think they'll be okay. And then some that we had just planted, actually, I went out and did something crazy. 05:47 I planted 300 acres. I dry planted it because it was on my heavy clay that we probably 05:52 after this rain would be another three weeks getting in. Yep. Prime opportunity to plant it. 05:59 I just was not, if I went into moisture with it, I know after this I'd have never got it up. Couple of things here. 06:05 So obviously this is not, most people in agriculture have, uh, gotten to where they manage rains, et cetera, et cetera, 06:14 but you're a little different situation. Everything, every acre you farm pretty much is irrigated because of the climate, uh, where you are. 06:22 Um, you've had West Springs before 'cause you actually putting in drainage tile. We shot episodes about that. 06:29 So if you're a listener to this or you're watching this and you're like, Hey man, I wonder why this light down there and, uh, Delta reaching, 06:34 you go on the extreme Ag Farm website and you can type in Matt Miles, Matt Miles, Damian Mason, Matt Miles, Arkansas, whatever. 06:41 And you'll find a bunch of the episodes we've done down there. So this isn't, it is not like 06:45 you've, you've never seen this before. Now, maybe one of the things that I'm thinking that might benefit you is a bunch of your stuff is 06:51 ridge plant twin rows on top of ridges with in furrow irrigation. So a field that floods if the water's down in the, in the, 07:02 in the irrigation roll, uh, furrow it don't, it's, it's good. That's where you're putting water anyhow. 07:09 So maybe does your, do you hold up better when you say a third of the fields underwater, doesn't that still hold up better 07:18 for you than it would for somebody that's just planting flat rows? Well, and in my opinion, once the water comes off 07:25 or comes down to the point that the, that the crop is sitting above the water, which would been raised bed, which is yes 07:34 and no, I mean today, no, because it's, it's way over the bed anyway, as the water starts coming down, say I get an extra 12 07:41 to 24 hours that my, my crop is above that water and the water line in the pg in the, uh, irrigation furnaces. 07:49 Yes. I think that makes a difference. You know, being on a bed, that's one reason we plant on a bed. 07:54 A lot of people plant on a bed here in the delta, even if they're dry land, because, which there's very little dry land anymore. 08:00 Yeah. We used to at least kept the, the bean in the lower ground out of the, out of some of the water you got about, you got about four inches of 08:08 of bed there, that water can be standing on and the crop be above that. Or I say the crop when the crop's in the ground two inches, 08:15 you know, you're still, yeah. It helps you as much when it's planted as much as it does when it's emerged. 08:21 All right. So I wanna talk to you about replanting and we got a whole bunch of other questions we're gonna get to. 08:25 But before we talk about replanting, what was planted here we're recordings on April 10th. You told me before we hit the record button, 08:31 you were almost half done on soybeans, planted and soybeans, the ones you go out first with. So it's an interesting thing. 08:38 You went out early, you did an experiment, you put beans in the ground in February 1st of March, which is early even for you. 08:45 But then you're only at 45% planted on beans, yet you're a hundred percent planted on rice and and corn. So talk to me about that. 08:52 Just 'cause other people in other parts of the world are always curious as to how somebody goes about their planting schedule. 08:58 Well, we've learned in the past through the data that is that you're, you're way better off 09:02 to plant beans early than you are to plant corn. Uh, beans are more resilient to harsh weather than corn is. Yep. We thought in the past you plant your corn 09:10 than you plant your beans. I'd say in the last five years there's a lot of producers now still a lower percentage. 09:16 Right. That plant their beans when they do their corn. I do it at the same time. So I'll have a couple planters running in beans and a couple planters running in corn. 09:24 Reason why I'm through with the corn is I didn't, I'm not having a lot of acreage of corn this year due to prices. 09:29 So my acreage is down on corn. It was easy to get that finished up quicker. You know, same amount of planters planting both. 09:36 I had 1200 acres of corn, so it's planted and we're at about 2200 acres of soybeans planted. Um, my rice is not on beds, you know, part 09:45 of it is row rice, part of zero grade. So right now I'm sitting looking at rice that looks like catfish ponds. 09:51 I mean it's, it's, it's solid water from end to end. The good thing about that is if it don't last too many days Yep. 09:58 You know, we can plant rice in the water that's, I'm not near as worried about my rice. Yep. With three days with it underwater. Three days. 10:05 And I am my corn and beans. Okay. So rice, your rice will hold up. I mean, it's, it's you, it's it's water's part of 10:14 what you do when you plant Right. And all that. So it's fine. You're 0% planted on cotton 10:18 because, uh, it's cotton tends to be your lay at last harvested thing anyhow, down there and where you are. 10:27 And so you weren't worried about that. Um, your corn is probably sounds like the biggest risk. Well, after talking to a g 10:35 after talking to agronomists today, they think what's underwater today will be more risk to the soybean. 10:42 You know, soybean will rot pretty fast. Corn, corn seed is more resilient. Now the, the emergence 10:47 of those two crops in the cold weather, I take the corn, the beans every day, seeds setting in the water. 10:54 I mean, you've seen where beans are spilled. It rains one time and they all swell up. Yep. You know, so I, you know, I think 11:00 that's my biggest risk right now. The big deal about that is you say you got a hundred acre field 11:06 and 30 acres of it don't come up. What do you do? Do you go in there and back in that 30 acres and, and re because you can with rows. 11:13 I can't just lower in the field and plant long ways that 30% I've got a literally back in that row or drive through that road 11:22 to spot plant's. What we Well, that's what I was gonna ask you about how you go about replanting. 11:26 You know, in my part of the world, you see things happen. If it's one of those springs where a third 11:30 of a field gets flooded out, they'll they'll, but you're, even if you went down the row an eighth of a mile and you had to turn around 11:39 and come back, you're just gonna create another turn row in the middle of the field. Well, you actually, You can't, you can't do that 11:45 where you are because you have furrow irrigation. We don't have that where I am. And most of the world doesn't really have that. 11:51 And most of the, you know, people listening to this don't have that. So yeah, you, you're gonna plant from the wet end 11:57 that's been destroyed up. And then what? Pick up your planter and drive across stuff that's already 12:02 four inches out of the ground. Yep. That's all, that's the only choice you got. 'cause you can't go crossways. No. 12:07 You know, you got a, a rectangle field and the lower 30% don't come up in a Midwestern population when it dries up enough. 12:15 You just go to the lower third and run east and west if you've been running north and south. Yeah, Right. 12:21 You know, there's no way I can do that. So what I've gotta do is when it dries up, I've gotta drive that planter just like I'm planting the whole field. 12:29 Now I can pick up and, and you know, get a couple of gears till I get to the upper end, turn around, 12:34 get a couple gears coming back and then set it back down. And then we'll do that based on the water line. 12:40 You know, in one part of the field it may have went up in the field, you know, 800 yards 12:45 and then another spot's a little higher. It might have went up there 300 yards. So you just gotta go back and survey that. 12:51 And the guys don't like doing that 'cause they don't know when to pick the planter up or when to set it down because the last say 30 to 50 yards, 12:59 maybe a hundred is a judgment call. Is that enough or is it not enough? Yeah. 'cause then it's like, okay, this, this was flooded, 13:06 but looks like there's plants there. Those plants might be making it. So, and then you're planting into plant, 13:11 you're plant planting into plants that already are there. Now you've just doubled your population, 13:16 which unnecessarily. And then obviously you've got the other issue of you've got now two maturities. 13:23 You've got two weeks between maturities, which nobody really likes to deal with. Does that mean you harvest off two thirds of the field 13:30 and come back and harvest off the stuff that was two weeks later, three weeks later planted. That's a really, a really, um, probable co cause Now 13:39 what I would try to do myself is I would try to replant and match that maturity with a earlier material and variety. Right. You less, but where I can go in 13:49 and cut that field together and blend it. Yeah. But you're going back with the same variety and sometimes you have to Yeah. 13:55 Yeah. You can run a combine across the, across the lower end of the road. You just can't run a planter. Yeah. 14:02 So I could go in there and cut me a turn row out and cut the top end and then cut the bottom end. But man, can you imagine how much moving around 14:09 and crap that is to try to do that? Well, You could, but soybeans and not so much a corn corn, you're gonna have to run down the row more than, yeah. 14:16 So you got, I I wanna hear about your, um, what you're deciding to do. The decision's not made yet 14:21 because the, the skies haven't parted just yet. You still got rain coming down today. So I want to hear about the cropping mix, the decisions, 14:28 the inputs, and uh, obviously more importantly than, uh, well in the, in the past issue. 14:33 But then also, uh, the mental side of it because everybody goes through this. So I want to hear some of your tricks 14:39 and tips for getting through the, the stressful aspect of it. Before I do that, nature's is focused on providing 14:45 sustainable farming solutions. So nature's, you've heard of 'em, if you listen to our stuff, Tommy Roach 14:49 and the gang over there at Nature's, the Great folks, uh, we were just a commodity classic. 14:53 Me and Matt were in their booth. We did, uh, learning sessions, panels. It was great. Uh, if you missed a commodity classic, you know what? 15:00 You won't have to next year because you could become an extreme Ag member, seven $50 a year, you could become an extreme Ag member. 15:06 And for that seven $50 the last two years, the friends at Nature's have paid your way into commodity classics. 15:12 So think about that. You're basically getting your membership for free. Uh, okay. Thereabouts Anyway. 15:17 Uh, nature's is, uh, not only a business partner, but they're a company that helps you put, uh, fertility where it needs to be at time of influence. 15:24 So Nature's Bio. Okay. That's right. Fertilizer is powered by Nature's Bio. K can be targeted at specific periods 15:32 of influence throughout the growing season via precision placement techniques. As a means to mitigate plant stress 15:37 and enhance your crop yield and boost your farms return on investment. That's why you're in the game. Check out nature's dot com. 15:44 Um, alright, so crop inputs. Uh, you talked about fertility. We just had you on talking about stuff with Tommy 15:52 and the gang and you know, our friends over at Agri Liquid, all that you've gotten past putting all your fertilizer out 15:58 three months in advance, and this is a good year that you're glad you didn't because all that fertilizer would be down the canal. 16:04 So this isn't gonna change your fertilizer game too terribly, it's just that maybe you've lost what's there. 'cause you've also lost the plant that was, 16:12 that you fertilized early on. Well, the, yeah, if I lose the plant, then yes, the, some of the fertility will still be there, 16:19 but we'll have to adjust a certain percentage that we know we've leaked through the ground. The beauty of that is what fertility we've put out 16:26 that hasn't been tilled in the soil back early. You know, my litter goes in early and then we incorporate that. 16:32 So let's just say nitrogen on my corn. The beauty of that is I didn't have half my nitrogen out in the middle between the plants. 16:40 It's all banded right against the, uh, right against the corn plant. So the efficiency of that is gonna help me lose less 16:48 than I would have if I broadcast it. Okay. So, uh, fertility then you're not, you're only, you're out the fertility that went to a plant 16:57 that's dead clearly. Yes. That fertility, that fertility is not gonna hang around the soil probably. 17:03 And, and obviously he is got some leaching issues and all that. So you're out some you're out fertility 17:08 inputs for the stuff that's dead. You're out the seed, but usually there's seed. What other fertility, what other inputs are you going 17:15 to have to make adjustments on and and how bad has it become financially? Well, on the fertility side, 17:21 even if the plant's not there, what percent fertility we feel like is still in the soil will be there when we go back and replant. 17:27 So we won't have to use additional fertility on that dead plant. Now what we'll have to do is we'll have to figure, 17:34 figure out, and I'm gonna say right now off my cuff, I've lost 20% of what I put out there due to leaching or runoff. 17:42 Shouldn't be much runoff except what soil erosion I might have during this. But I will lose 20% because of leaching 17:49 and just going back down, you know, further into the, into the soil profile. So we'll add a, we'll add a 20% buffer this year to that 17:57 as of this one rain. Now if we get two or three more of these, we almost do that each time. 18:02 Uh, input wise, seed, you know, most of the seed we have, uh, replant coverage on, that's usually gonna be 70 to 80%. 18:10 Some companies are a hundred percent. You've got your seed treatments that are on there. You know, those, a lot of 18:15 what I planted is not warranted on the seed treatment because I did it myself. I treated my own seed use generic products. 18:22 So I'll lose that for sure. Um, you know, and then the cost to go back over the field again, the biggest thing's gonna be the maturity. 18:31 I would, if somebody said, here's a rain fee. If you'll pay $15 an acre for this rain field and that 30% of your ground you 18:38 planted, it's not gonna come up. I'd pay the rain fee to get it up. I mean, that's what it's worth to me to, 18:42 because of the maturity, like you said, having to come back with combines, uh, past wise, 18:48 the only thing past wise I would say is, is if that crop is normally our later crops have more insects, so 18:55 that could get an additional treatment of an insect side that the field wouldn't have normally gotten. 19:00 So when we talked about your strategies to early season planting, uh, and why you do it, you talked about, 19:08 because you missed some of the bugs. Okay, now you're not gonna have that. You might miss some of the terrible weather late season. 19:16 Well, it happened, it was early season this year, so you didn't gain anything on that. Um, you talked about obviously the heat. 19:23 You, you, you know, this heat, uh, you talked about more daylight on your soybeans. Well, you are missing some of that now. 19:29 Um, also we talked about spreading out your labor. Um, you're, you got a lot of acres cover, so you got hired guys. 19:38 Now when the water recedes, you're gonna be back to ball busting because you got a bunch to do before while it's still fit and once it gets fit. 19:48 So the, the tough part is all the things you talked about a few weeks ago when we recorded an episode about early 19:54 season strategies. Now that's out the window. Could be, I mean, you know, I think there's a, there's a 75% chance that we'll get a full stand. 20:05 I mean, you know, you've gotta be a little bit optimistic just because we got, you know, six inches 20:10 of rain, we got it in three days. Temperatures make a lot of difference in that. You know, if it's, if it was boiling hot, 20:16 that makes a difference in that on how, how quick the seed falls. So we've still got a chance. 20:22 I I I hate to say today we're gonna have to replant any, maybe we won't, I'm sure. 20:27 We'll, but, but you know, you just gotta hope for the best and, and, and plan for the worst. 20:33 Yeah. You may not, you may not replant everything. You might replant much less than it, you might end up replanting far less than 20:41 it looks like right now. Yes, yes. Or far less than what your mind wants you to go to, to think that you, you know, but we couldn't wait. 20:48 You have to, you know, that's the thing about farming. If you wait on the perfect day, you'll never get planted. Right, right. Uh, pest problems, it's always an issue. 20:57 It's way an issue where you are because of the heat and the humidity. Uh, you talk about seed treatment, all that stuff. 21:04 And you might need to put another application on stuff because it's going later into the season. Is that pretty much the only two things 21:12 or is there anything else about pests that you manage in a year like this that other people would not think of? 21:18 No, right now that would be the biggest thing on a pest. Now I do wanna say this, that early planning where I planted 21:24 that 130 acres of beans in February, I'd give anything in the world had I planted 1300 acres of those beans because a bean that's alive and up 21:33 and growing in the water it with the temperatures as cool as they are when the water comes down, 21:39 those beans will still be okay. They may lose a little yield on the bottles, but they'll still be okay. 21:44 I think I might have more, and that's what I said. I may not have said in an earlier podcast, but a lot of times, you know, 21:49 people think I'm in a super risk factor when I'm planning way outside my window when a lot of times 21:55 during the normal planning date is I have more trouble getting a stand then and I do in February. Yeah. So you think it's better. 22:03 It is better to take the early season risk of a early frost, which is what we talked about, and then get the thing up 22:09 because a four inch plant and with a little bit of water around it, way better than, than, uh, what, what's worse if it's just a seed, it rots. 22:19 If it's a seed just starting to sprout, it's in pretty bad shape also. But once it gets to be a few inches 22:24 tall, it can hold up better. Right? I think so. That's my opinion. As long as the temperatures aren't hot. 22:29 Now when we've gotten these flooding rains and it goes over the top of growing soybeans and it's 90 degrees and the water's 90, it's like, 22:36 it's like cooking it, you know, putting in hot and molding it. So, but our s have been around 65 for highs. 22:42 It hadn't been, it hadn't been. The good thing about this rain is it hasn't been too cold and it hasn't been too, too hot. 22:49 It's been kind of just right, like the three bearish porridge. All right, so let's talk about the, the management side 22:55 of it and then the mental side of it. So the management side of it, we've just gone through most of it. 22:59 You're not gonna decide right now, you're gonna wait, you're gonna scout the fields after that. So what happens? 23:04 It stops raining tonight, tomorrow you get in your truck, you go and start scouting. 23:08 Tell us, tell us the management side of it and then, uh, the mental side of it. Well, we won't, we won't be able 23:14 to start scouting probably for at least 24 hours after the rain completely stop. So let it all get off 23:20 and then there's really, uh, we can go to the fields we planted the earliest before the rain got here that wasn't emerged 23:26 or what, you know, wasn't emerged from Seoul. And we can start looking at those first and trying to make, it's just gonna be a daily deal 23:33 of going out there and seeing what you think's gonna happen, you know, and, and looking at the forecast to come. 23:39 You know, all those things will go into that, into that scenario. But we'll be, I mean, and, 23:45 and you know, I say this all the time. The reason why I plant a higher population, this exact reason. 23:50 So we planted this, just say we planted a bean field last Tuesday, right? 23:55 Right. It should theoretically come up Sunday, which, so it was coming up Sunday, Monday, Monday's when the rain started Monday afternoon. 24:04 And so if, if now I'm, wait, so, so it rains and now I'm waiting another week to see if I got a replant or just say where I'm not planted. 24:14 I'm waiting another week to let it dry up. Well then, then you plant again. There's no guarantee you're gonna get second crop up. Yeah. 24:21 If you go in there, have planted isolated spots three times before because of these same kind of weather scenarios. 24:29 So you just keep going to the ba uh, batter's box and hoping you get a hit. I don't know, man. Uh, uh, the, a couple 24:36 of my farmer buddies, uh, around my part of the world said, if you go into plant it the third time, you've 24:41 as well just go ahead and park the planter and go drink. I, I don't know. I'm not sure about planting a third time. 24:46 It's not, it's, it usually, it's like something God's working against you at that point, um, the management side of it, 24:52 then you've already talked about some decisions. What about the money? Because you're gonna have to come up with new inputs, um, at, 25:00 at some point do you say we're not doing this anymore because I just, I'm putting too much into inputs too late in the season. 25:05 I don't think I can get my money back. You know, it's good money after bad. That's real easy to say on the ground you own. 25:11 It's not real easy to say on the ground. You either pay cash, rent on, or share rent on, especially share rent, 25:16 because if you don't make a crop, they don't make a crop. You can theory plant beans up to July, 25:22 so you're not gonna have a landowner saying, Hey, don't worry about planting my farm this year. You know, I know you've had a bad time. 25:28 They're gonna say, Hey, I need you to plant this crop. If we make 25 bushels, you know, I get 25% of that. So they, they're gonna get, you know, six bushels, 25:37 $60 an acre. So you, you don't, that's the pressure is you don't have the option. That's when pressure and farming in general is you don't 25:45 have the option to throw up your hand and quit. Yeah. But land la landlords that are getting a, a piece of the crop, uh, uh, definitely want there to be a crop. 25:54 Uh, what about prevent plants? See, that's the thing where you are, you can still do something until July. 26:00 My part of the world, and certainly you start getting into the Dakotas in Minnesota, if they stay wet 26:05 and cooler until June, then all of a sudden those acres don't get planted because the crop insurance says your past prevent plant. 26:13 That doesn't happen where you are. Right. There's, we, we get, we have the option for prevent plant. You know, there's certain dates that we go on which are, 26:20 are, are later than normally it would be a problem. But if there's some prevent plant opportunities and some places, but you know, if I've already planted it, 26:28 I can't get prevent plant, I might can get some kind of, uh, crop failure on the lower end. 26:33 Yeah. You know, really checked on that because that's not the direction we like to go. No, it's not prevent plant, 26:39 but there could be just lost crop. Um, and, and that could still end up happening even if you replant all that and then you end up with eight bushels 26:48 where there should have been 80. Yeah. Yeah. So you still have insurance, you still have the insurance component to it, uh, 26:55 even, even down the road. Okay. All right. And the mental part of it is the last thing. Uh, the, the guy's joke, I always defend you 27:04 that damn Kelly Garrett wise apples, uh, you couldn't even get through the first s in the word stress. 27:10 He's doing that because it's three S's. In case he understand his joke there, as Kelly believes he thrives under pressure. 27:16 And he says that Kelly Kelly says he thrives under pressure and poor Matt just festers 27:21 and festers you festered a little bit because you wanna do a good job. Same with, you know, you and I have that. 27:28 How do you keep from festering during this? Because I'd be, I'd be in one nervous SOB. Well, 10 years ago, it, 27:35 I probably wouldn't have been in shape to do this podcast. I'd have been so nervous and I'd been looking 27:39 out the window the whole time. And you know, it comes with age. I've had 35 crops. I I know I'm gonna have a crop. I always have had a crop. 27:47 Never been a year where I didn't have a crop. You know, I've tried, this year we did something yesterday, kind of unique. 27:53 You know, Kelly Garrett talked me into this pickleball deal that I made fun of until I went out there 27:57 and played with him and his crew. And so we painted a pickleball court on in our showroom from the old John Deere place, 28:03 and they're out there playing right now. If you hear something keep hitting the wall, it's the pickleball hitting the wall. 28:09 But what I told Lane yesterday, I said, go get some butts and ribs and, and uh, we'll put the pickleball net up 28:15 and just do, try to do something to keep your mind off of, uh, looking out the window. We got a lot of windows here in our office, 28:22 and if, you know, in the past, I would've just sat there and stared out the window and tried 28:27 to keep my myself tears from coming in my eyes. Yeah. I damon and this, I'm glad you brought this up because it took a lot of years to, to adapt 28:36 what I'm fixing to tell you. So I'm the pot calling the kettle black, and I've been a hypocrite and be before, but, 28:43 but I'm getting better control the controllables and don't worry about the uncontrollables and make lemonade outta whatever lemons you get. 28:50 That's my new motto. Yeah, it's tough. Uh, it it's, it's tough Sometimes. I sometimes you may have noticed, I I, I've, 28:59 there've been some criticism of me because I, I want everything to go, uh, perfectly. And uh, then, then, uh, it doesn't, 29:05 and I, uh, I fester over such things. But there's the middle part of it where, uh, you know, staying up all night, uh, 29:13 stressing over stuff isn't, isn't good for you. Uh, so I know that's the deal. So you, uh, your, your, your, 29:19 your tip there was you sent laying out for some barbecues. You was told the guys, let's have some fun. 29:25 I gave imagine you gave 'em a little, little time, uh, off. 'cause there's no reason to have 'em working 12 hour days 29:29 on this kind of weather. Oh yeah, they were working. Well, we run the rice drill the last night, 24 hours just 29:36 to have it done before the rain. So these guys were beat down bad. And that's the way we run this operation. 29:42 I mean, we'll beat ourselves down during planting season. We get a rain, we let 'em go home, you know, 29:47 we find 'em something fun to do if they wanna stay and the ones that wanna go home, go home because they spent their, 29:53 they're working two days in one a lot of times during the planting season. Yep. 29:59 All right, there we go. Build an arc. What adjustments do you make when you get a half foot of rain in a couple three days time? 30:05 That's what we're talking about with Matt Miles. Uh, again, there's all kinds of great stuff from him and the other stream AG guys, extreme Ag Farm, 30:11 we've recorded hundreds of these podcasts just like this, cutting the curve. Also hundreds of videos on, 30:16 on site at places like Commodity Classic and after field days. Speaking of field days, I've gotta promote all the field 30:22 days, our field days this season, May 16th at Chad Henderson's in, uh, Madison, Alabama. We really would like you to be there if you're a member, 30:32 if you are a member of Extreme Mag, remember I told you for seven $50 a year, you're invited each evening before the field day, there's going to be a member's dinner 30:43 where you can come to the field day early and hang out with us and the, our business partners and talk shop and see stuff behind the scenes. 30:52 Every field day we're gonna do something like that. So on May 16th is our first day, field day, the evening before we're gonna be at Chad's place. 30:59 If we're members only, everybody can come to the field day, but members only for the special thing the night 31:04 before, we're gonna be at Kelly Garrett's on June 13th. We're going, uh, and that's in, uh, area in Iowa, Dow City, Iowa, if you will, on June 13th. 31:12 That's an afternoon, uh, field day. Uh, Chad Henderson's is a morning field day from eight to noon. 31:18 Then we're gonna be June 27th down in McGee, Arkansas at this guy right here. And Sherry and Lane and Ryan 31:24 and all of the crew of McGee, I'm sorry, of uh, miles Farms and McGee, Arkansas. And we're gonna be there for their field day. 31:30 Uh, that's on June 27th. Your starts in the morning also. So we're gonna do the, the, uh, 31:34 members event the evening before. So tell us what to expect at your field day, because I think if you're listening to this, 31:39 you should really put it on your calendar. Yeah, I think we, you know, on our corn plot alone, we've got 10 different infra 31:45 and 10 different Tubby two, um, configurations out here along with a my grower standard practice against the local 31:52 grower standard practice. So what I did is I've got what we normally do on our crop, and I got what's normally done in DHA County. 31:59 So we'll be able to compare all these things together. We'll have a lot of John Deere equipment here. They're, they're a, they're a sponsor. 32:05 This too, also some deco equipment here. Uh, we'll have a panel discussion with Damon doing the panel discussion. 32:12 I'm not sure what that topic's gonna be yet. Uh, we're gonna have fried catfish gonna be catered with fried catfish with some good southern 32:19 farm raised catfish. And, uh, we're going to beat the heat if you do get hot, if it's a stream hot day, uh, we end up with a rain out. 32:27 We've got a building that will house everybody that is air conditioning, which is very important on June 27th. 32:32 And we're gonna have a good time. That's his field day. And then if you want to keep on going, August 8th is the field day in North Carolina at, 32:42 uh, Kevin Matthews. And that's an evening afternoon one. It starts at 4:00 PM and then Temple Rhodes Field Day is the 32:48 last one to wrap up our stream Ag Field Day season, August 22nd out in Centerville, Maryland. So you got five field days to choose from. 32:55 Uh, and that's not counting Johnny Burrell's, which, uh, is in early August in Tennessee. 33:00 So anyway, uh, you just heard it from this guy right here, fried catfish. They don't get any better. All right. 33:05 Check out all of our episodes of stuff like this awesome videos. Hope this was helpful. I'm sure it was. 33:09 You know what, if you're going through a weather event, uh, remember what Matt Miles said. 33:13 Uh, age makes you better at tolerating the stress. Uh, make lemonade outta the lemons and control what you can control. 33:20 I like it. So next time, thanks for being here. He's Matt Miles. I'm Damian Mason. This is extreme ag cutting the curve. 33:25 That's a wrap for this episode of Cutting the Curve. Make sure to check out Extreme Ag Farm for more great content to help you squeeze more profit out 33:34 of your farming operation. Cutting the curve is brought to you by cloth where machines aren't just made, they're made for more. 33:41 Visit cloth.com and start cutting your curve with cutting edge equipment.

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