The Results Are In and Residue Cost Kelly Yield
8 Nov 2215 min 57 sec

Twice this season — in spring and during summer — we checked in with Garrett Land & Cattle Agronomist, Mike Evans about residue problems on some of their fields. This time we hear from Mike as well as Kelly Garrett with harvest results. Turns out residue build up in certain parts of the farm cost them yield due mostly to poor emergence and a thin stand. You can’t change the weather but you can adjust your practices and your product line up. Mike and Kelly share their takeaways and strategy for residue management in 2023.  

Presented by AgXplore.

00:00 You know, what? If you have a residue problem, which they did they were hopeful in the first thing that part of the spring that it wasn't going to impact him. I 00:06 was there in July. We saw the impact it was in corn and soybeans again the contrary to what you might think. So yeah 00:12 just growing concrete and they certainly can't grow through layers and layers of residue welcome to extreme 00:18 mags cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the place for insights. You can apply immediately to your farm operation for increased 00:27 success this episode of cutting the curve is brought to you by AG Explorer. With Innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency 00:35 protect yield and reduce stress. AG explore helps maximize field potential find out how AG Explorer can help you get more out of your 00:44 crop at Ag And now here's your host Damien Mason the reason welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme airs cutting 00:53 the curve. We're talking to Kelly Garrett Mike Evans today about a topic. We've already visited twice and now you're getting the results. We're 00:59 talking about residue problems and residue management, you know, I had Mike Evans on way back when meeting like at the early part of this season, I'm 01:08 talking about the 22 22 crop season and we talked about a residue problem, you know, you got a lot of res do out there corn gets really 01:17 big you want to have high yield corner. You have a bigger stocks thicker stocks, etc, etc. And they've been working with that at Garrett Atlanta 01:23 for quite some time even got some products. They're gonna be using more of to take care of their residue issues. But this 01:29 year they had high winds which deposited Us do in large volumes in certain parts of the field and it does now we found out 01:38 have a negative impact. They were hopeful in the preseason that it wouldn't have an impact Mike Evans when I last talked to you. We were in a bean field 01:47 in Iowa and we looked at spotty stand issues. I want you to tell about that result here. I talked about a corn on corn result Kelly. So Evans 01:56 you told me back in preseason. We're hopeful it won't have an impact. What was the impact turns out it was not it was not it was not unseen. There 02:05 is a new cost you yield, right? Yeah, I did mostly due to stand plants weren't as thick as 02:13 we want to do and we hope that we can manage them. Maybe have those spaced out plants produce more but they just couldn't overcome the lack of 02:22 stand that we had from that residue issue. We looked at the soybean field when we were there and you and I 02:28 were shooting a video in fact started to rain on you and I and will and we could look out over that field and see thin spots. 02:34 What would you say the result was what expected or anticipated yield versus what the actual yield was? Did we lose 10% on that soybean field? 02:45 Yeah, I mean. We knew there was gonna be a drag. I was hoping maybe you know 40 to 50, you know, we were 02:52 probably 10% off of that. I would assume and those thinner spots, you know, 40 50 02:58 what? Bushels you were thinking 50 bushel soybeans and you ended up being less than that. 03:04 Yeah, so spots, you know, the beans were the beans were the beans in the in when this beans were there the product was a good product right? I mean 03:13 it was a good it was a good soybean. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah there you know the guys in the car, you know, my brother-in-law and my son burn running 03:19 the combine where the beans are standing good. They're in the 70s, but you get to some spots that are there a zero. 03:27 Because you know we the the corn residue is so thick that there just is no stand and those those aren't big spots but it doesn't take many zeros to 03:36 bring it out 10% Exactly. Right? So, you know, we always think about that, you know consistency when you're going across there on a combine and it's like, hey man, we're the 03:45 where the proper where the crop is, it's good. But again, you take out some bald spots. 03:50 So as you question, it was about where the wind blew the stuff happens and that's on soybeans. Then there's another issue with corn you had a 03:59 corn on cornfield that residue absolutely ate your lunch on this and you're talking in excess of 20% yield. You'll drag on that. So 04:08 tell me about that. So typically, you know, we look at a corn on cornfield versus a rotated, you know Bean stubble to cornfield and 04:16 you know that there could be a five 10, maybe 12% yield deficit just from the corn on corn penalty. But our first planet cornfield 04:25 was a corn on corn and it made 165 and the corn across the road to rotated feels making two ten. You know, that's a 25% penalty 04:34 20% penalty. So we very much feel that the residue caused that because it's a stand reduction the ears that are out 04:45 there are great. They're huge but there's just not enough of them ends up with 165 bushel yield. We've not had a cornfield make that since 2014 when 04:55 the disease Northern Corner Leaf blight was bad and the residue is very much rearing. It's ugly head right now the first week the first 05:04 week that we planted the wind blew a lot and you know, 40 50 miles an hour. We had some weather and we had about a week off and then the 05:13 wind settled down and everything. We planted that first week via beans or corn. We're having residue problems. I'm just 05:19 glad I'm just glad it only persisted that week. Mike when we were there and you you know at the end of the whole video we talked about 05:29 the first time we talked about before when the stuff was just being planted. You're hopeful that it wasn't gonna have an impact then we stood in 05:35 that soybean field was obvious was gonna have an impact because again, the combine rules across the field and there's areas with nothing that that 05:41 equals zero the yield monitor looking back at it. Now you were hopeful that it wasn't gonna have an impact you did have an issue with emergence. Yeah an issue 05:50 withstand period what's your resolution? Well avoid 90 mile an hour winds if you can go. Yeah, but I was been I 06:03 was been bad you had a ratio a few years ago and now you got this so okay. You can't avoid you can't avoid the win now what? 06:10 oh, yeah, man's residue and managing that is breaking it down quicker. So, you know we run to Devastators on the corn heads. So we'll continue 06:19 doing that. Now, we're at in a product that we still here called recycle that helps break the residue down quicker starts digesting it 06:28 faster first off. What's the thing on the corn head that you just said? It's called the edit yet or debit stock 06:34 Devastator. So it's a roller that's attached to the head that crimps the crimps the standing stocks and by crimping 06:40 the stock, then it creates more service area for water and air to get to it to break the thing let's 06:46 talk about then the other issue in the old days. You know what Kelly's Grandpa did to get rid of residue and they went after the moldboard plow and put it down underneath the 06:55 layer of dirt. Then you got no residue issue. Why aren't we doing that? But I was just gonna say Roshan's a big 07:04 thing and erosion and and that great smell that you have when you turn to Earth over is all the carbon being released. Yeah no-till is 07:13 the only path for us in my opinion. Like Mike says conservation erosion, but also the more carbon I can put in the soil the better my yields are gonna be so tillage 07:22 is not an option and you're getting paid for carbon credits, which is something we've talked about deer listener. If you are new to the extreme AG podcast and video series, 07:31 please go back and look at it. We've covered this number of times with Kelly because he's one of the absolute Forefront farmers 07:37 and United States of America getting paid for carbon. So go and check that stuff out and I was being facetious. Of 07:43 course, I've been in your Fields. I if I come there in the winter time, I'll pack my skis because you got 40% slopes of 07:49 some of those fields. So yes plowing is not an option because you're feeling up down in the bottle of the draw. 07:55 Recycle there are a number of products out there that are supposed to be degrading the residue and we work with a few of them. Why you excited about recycle Kelly. 08:06 We've been looking for a product that will really make a difference for a couple three years and we've tested half a 08:12 dozen of them probably. But nothing has had the effect that rest cycle was the problem is we discovered at 08:19 this spring and tested at this spring. What's great results. If we had discovered it a year ago, then we 08:25 could have had it all last fall and maybe I wouldn't have had that 165 bushel cornfield and I wouldn't have had the 08:31 zeros in the bean field, but we put it on this spring and showed great results. Okay, is that brings me in the next question? We 08:37 know we got residue out there. We like the residue residue holds the soil residue. 08:42 Is you know, it holds carbon it? It's it's not it's natural. You know, it's it's natural. It's it's resources fertilizer. We have a stat somewhere 08:51 isn't it? Like 30% of the fertilizer you put on last year's crop is still in the residue out there. So we want that stuff to be out there, right? Yeah. When do 09:00 you all put this product on because you put it on the spring and it worked for you. Are you gonna put this in the fall? Yes, and that's one of the exciting things for me about red cycle 09:10 the plant food byproduct that we spray. That's our main source of fertility res cycle will live in that acidic environment of the plant food. So we're saving a pass. We're 09:19 putting you know, it's 1.75 gallons per load of plant food that goes out and it's all getting applied with the fertility. We're and it's ready to go. 09:29 So you would you see yourself using this twice Evans is a product. We should use twice. Should we put it in the spring which in the fall to begin the process and then the spring or is 09:38 that Overkill? Of things some areas. We will use it to pass method if it's really heavier residue heavy, you know, we have great yields 09:46 in one field. We're probably put it on Spring too to help keep moving out along, you know standard practice probably just 09:53 one pass either fall or spring but you know and those heavy residues scenarios. We want to break it down fast, right we can and you know, 10:02 I quit it to like, you know tillage pass, you know guys is still You know the rip in the fall yeah on heavy 10:09 ground and then they'll come back and feel Calvin from the planner. You know that cost money too. So for us it's kind of that same realm 10:15 I I would look at it as Answer me this then the person that's listening to this says all right, I'm not gonna have 90 mile an hour winds where 10:24 I have a bunch of rescue piled up. Do I need to do something like this? Your answer would be 10:29 My answer is yes because if we go out there and degrade those that corn residue what stocks whatever you want to call it. Number one 10:38 in 200 bushel corn stocks in my opinion. There's about a hundred dollars in fertility. I'd sure like to go get that make it available to the next crop also the 10:47 disease that overwinners in those corn stalks in that in that the the red cycle is gonna use that as a food source. 10:56 And so the rest Cycles gonna eat up all those stocks all that residue and destroy the food source for the diseases. We'll have to evaluate this 11:05 next year at this time, but we very much feel that we're gonna have better plan Health by getting rid of the food source for the disease. Yeah. So the point is 11:14 I knew your answer is gonna be to the person that doesn't have a wind issue or even a person that might do some tillage. You still say you something that's gonna begin the 11:23 process of getting that stuff eating down and putting it back into your soil. Yes my 11:28 Yep. Yeah. I pulled the stat by the way from our friends at agerson and they say that they're findings are your corn stalks 11:36 retain up to 80% of the potassium 40% of the phosphorus and 30% of nitrogen that you applied to last year's corn crop. So the better we can do 11:45 about extracting those nutrients and putting them in there answer me this if you're putting soybeans in the corn stalks people say 11:52 asked soybeans can grow about anywhere. It doesn't matter if there's Rescue out there or not. So your answer to those people would be still you 11:58 better manager, right? Yeah. Yeah. I used to be that person, you know, just throw them on a concrete, you know grow. Well that prove 12:04 this year that we need to we need to pay attention to a lot better. We saw a lot of Bolt spots in that field is actually very telling to 12:10 me because it was not a soil issue. It's not your best part of you know, Iowa Crawford County and we still couldn't get soybeans to grow and I I thought for god sakes you can throw soybeans 12:19 out the window now, The person that does a lot of tillage you say still do this. The person is gonna do the crop rotation. Does it personally has the 12:27 wind does it? Is there any reason you would never use this as any reason that you're like, hey, it's just it's a money wouldn't need. Is there a perfect 12:33 scenario where you're like, we don't need to spend the money on a product that melts down the residue because it's just not necessary. 12:39 Is there a time when you're like don't prescribe it. I don't I don't think so. I think if you look going forward of what guys are paying for fertilizer, why wouldn't 12:49 you want to be reusing the nutrients you already got you know and you know, you talk about tillage guys. I think temples got a video of He's a 12:55 little mortgages and Kelly is he's been using rest cycle too and 13:01 Seeing great results and intelligence so you can visually see it in temples Fields where he's using tillage. I mean Disease Control releasing the 13:10 nutrients that you have available. So you have to use less synthetic. It's a no to me. It's a no-brainer. There's 13:16 there's not a reason to say no to the idea. What goes back to the new Kinsey thing too of like, you know, once a plan just the nutrient it's 10 times 13:25 more available the next nutrients. So why not use that that efficiency of the the plant already digesting those nutrients got it. And then last question 13:34 for you. If you head into a situation next year where you've had a tremendous amount of wind that you got big areas like that and you having this year's 13:43 results where you only bumped on 65 yield when you know, it's a 210 bushel type of a field. Do you go out there and get 13:52 crazy you're gonna do like Matt miles and take the incinerator out and burn it. What are you gonna do next year if you have residue probes? No, I 13:58 don't want to burn it. I would just continue to I'd find a product that works for me and I would consider to spray that on the residue to get it to erode. You 14:07 want the fertility you want the Disease Control, you know, I don't want to burn it because I don't want to be without those nutrients. 14:13 I don't want to till it because I don't want to be without my carbon. This is the only Optimist but we said you wanted to erode you 14:19 want to do great. You don't want to do great. Yes. No, I don't want it to erode part one of those. I wanted to be great most scenarios too 14:25 guys. I've talked to a few guys about this problem this fall already and you know, 14:30 They always ask we what could I add and you can add some nitrogen some uan some sulfur in there to help accelerate that process and help that degrading process. It's gonna 14:39 cost you more but if you're really concerned about it, I think it's worth the investment to throw that on there to get that jump started 14:45 smart statement. That's why we keep you around Evan. So basically you can heat it that you can heat this stuff up. You can make this you can make this red cycle or 14:54 a product like it hotter is what you're saying. Mm-hmm. Yeah, you can just jump start it get that, you know get those bugs more active. 15:02 And we you know, the plant food has a fair amount of sulfur in it. So we feel like we're heating it up, you know, the plant food goes out at a rate of 400 gallons 15:11 per acre. It's got a fair amount of sulfur phosphorus some nitrogen in it. So I feel that we're heating the rest cycle up 15:17 and I'm expecting great results. Got it. That's Mike Evans. He is the agronomist at Garrett Atlantic cattle. That's Kelly Garrett one of the founding members of extreme egg. 15:26 I'm Damian mace until next time thanks for being here. Thanks for listening to another edition of cutting the curve for more 15:32 information that you can apply to your farm operation. Visit extreme are your 15:38 crot stressed out AG explore as you covered with a full line of products to help protect your crop from environmental stressors such as cold and wet or heat and 15:47 drought check out and start protecting your yields and profit.

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