Podcast: Side Dressing Corn With A Liquid Diet
3 Jun 2437m 30s

After the corn is planted and emerged, it’s time to plan your next several fertility passes. That is, unless you are flinger of dry fertility using the “one and done” approach, which as it turns out, doesn’t work all that well. Kevin Matthews explains how he maximizes yield and his investment with multiple liquid fertility applications. Kevin is joined by Nachurs’ Tommy Roach. They map out the timing, methodology, and product mix to a successful crop fed a liquid diet.  

Presented by Simon Innovations

00:00 Talking about side dressing corn, we're talking about the next step after planting to keep the fertility levels in your plants 00:05 exactly where they need to be for ultimate yields. That's what we're covering in this episode of Extreme Ag Cutting the curve. 00:10 Welcome to Extreme ags Cutting the Curve podcast, where real farmers share real insights and real results to help you improve your farming operation. 00:21 This episode is brought to you by Simon Innovation, protect your crops and maximize yield with a full lineup 00:26 of innovative precision tools engineered to enhance the efficiency and accuracy of your sprayer. Visit simon innovations.com 00:34 and start getting more ROI out of your sprayer. And now here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey there. Welcome to another fantastic episode 00:43 of Extreme Ag Carrying the Curve. I got Kevin Matthews, one of the founding fathers of extreme Ag coming at us from Yadkinville, 00:49 east Bend, North Carolina. There's a bunch of places where they have farms over there. Anyway, he's joined by Tommy Ros with, uh, natures. 00:56 And we're talking about the next step. By the time you're hearing this, uh, you know what the planting's done, 01:02 and you're looking at your corn crop and you're saying, what do I do next? And it's not the traditional thing. 01:07 If you remember what Kelly Garrett always says, the the most, uh, the most, uh, uh, debilitating thing we do in agriculture is this is 01:13 what we've always done and this is how dad did it. This is what we did last year. So we're talking about changing up things a little bit. 01:18 Kevin's gonna explain to us the next pass, the things he is going through, uh, in that early vegetative stage to the next stage 01:26 of his corn crop to get it done. And then we're talking about fertility needs within that plant. 01:30 'cause one of the big things that Tommy covers a lot now is balancing fertility within the plant. 01:35 Soil samples are cool, but you know what, what really matters is getting the nutrients into the plant so you can get maximum yields. 01:40 So, Kevin, you brought up this topic. Tell me what you're thinking. Yeah, so we're fixing 01:45 to do a post merge application here just as soon as the ground gets dry enough on our corn and our soybeans actually. 01:52 So we will be, you know, putting nutrients in there. And the one thing we do with extreme ag is we like to share resources. 02:00 And Tommy here is with, uh, nature's has been a valuable resource to me, not from a product standpoint, 02:07 but from an agronomy standpoint to know what, what type of products I should use. And, and sometimes it's his, sometimes it's somebody else's, 02:15 but he wants us going in the right direction. And with that, my next step's going to be, uh, topdressing. And we use y drop top technology. 02:24 A easy drop formula is what we use, that type application. And it is important to get those products here. 02:31 Traditionally, we've always went with nitrogen and sulfur in our Y Drop, but then, uh, over the years we've learned that 02:39 seeing our tissue samples, seeing our lower potassium levels, that this, we need to take advantage of these passes when we're doing this 02:46 post-em emerge, spray coming up, our wide drop spray coming up where we're putting it. We, we need to take advantage of it. 02:54 And I just felt like it was a good time to get Tommy to help explain why we're changing, changing the way we think about things. 03:01 Tommy, all we ever talked about in the old days was nitrogen, nitrogen, nitrogen. And now, uh, we know, 03:06 we know there's a lot more important stuff. So when Kevin's talking about the next step, uh, to keep the corn, uh, on a, on a, on a track to, uh, 03:17 you know, set huge yields, what what do we need to be thinking about for that first pass of side dress fertility? 03:26 So ideally if producer put put, uh, fertility on the planter, which a lot of them do, uh, what we wanna try to do is create a, a relay system 03:40 to where that plant never suffers during the growing season. So the first leg of the relay is your planter pass. 03:49 The next stage of the relay would be your side pass. And traditionally, people unfortunately think about nitrogen as the only thing they need to to use at Cyrus. 04:03 Now that's important, but what happens is you get things outta whack, like Kelly likes to say. 04:09 You get, uh, nutrients out balance, and there's no nutrients that will enhance nitrogen utilization during this, uh, cypress pass, 04:21 sulfur being one of them, boron being another one. And lastly, uh, a corn plant uses as much of not potassium, then it does nitrogen. 04:33 And that's a lot of times one that's left out. So that's where you come in. Obviously your big, you know, bio K some of your, your, 04:41 your products powered by bio K as we say, it's, it's a potassium based thing. But what's interesting is, Kevin, from the time you went to, 04:50 you know, soil judging and FFA, they talked about N-P-K-N-P-K-N-P-K, okay, everybody concentrated on nitrogen. 04:56 We got that. How the hell did we forget about potassium? It's one of the big three. 05:00 And here's Tommy's saying we forgot about one of the big three. It just seems to me that it's one thing if we didn't 05:06 understand zinc or you know, calcium a few years ago, but how do we, how have we still missed out on potassium when it's one of the big three? Well, 05:15 You know, when we look at our operation, you know, I look back over the years farming, we put, we put the product out with a planter 05:23 and then we forgot about it. And, uh, we've always dropped, done just like hose drops, dropping nitrogen, dribbling it down the road. 05:31 We've done that my whole life. But we always focus on the, the nitrogen and then the sulfur later on. 05:38 And then when we go a little later in the season, we'd like to spray some boron in there. 05:42 We might add some boron in that nitrogen and sulfur. But then as our yields has enhanced and gotten bigger yields, what we're seeing now is 05:53 potassium deficiencies in the plants. It's probably one of my most common deficiencies in soybeans and corn is potassium. 06:00 And when you look at what I put out and what the plant utilizes with the research that's been done in the last 15 to 20 years, 06:08 we was just scratching the surface on our potassium needs. We focused so primarily on the nitrogen. 06:15 And so, you know, my question for Tommy today is, let's say I'm putting 35 gallons of, uh, 24 s nitrogen, so that's got some sulfur in it, 3% sulfur. 06:27 You know, where would I see a return on my, on my bio? Okay, addition to it. Would that be at a gallon per acre 06:37 or should I look at two gallons per acre? What kind of, you know, what can we look at and can we hot mix this? 06:43 Um, you know, for our listeners, you know, what, what can we do to make this a easy application process to where it don't bog the slow the sprayer down when we're 06:53 trying to get over those acres? So what I like to recommend is so potassium and, and nitrate nitrogen, unfortunately, 07:04 they don't like each other very much. Uh, if you put too much, uh, potassium in with nitrate nitrogen, you create potassium nitrate, which, 07:15 uh, which is a salt a crystal. And once that train wreck starts, you can't stop it. So you have to follow the laws of chemistry. 07:26 Uh, typically you can add gallon to two gallons of something like Cape Fuel that has, uh, bio, which is potassium acetate in it. 07:40 And it doesn't sound like a lot, but you really don't need a lot because potassium acetate is so much more efficient 07:50 and in, in solubility and, and plant availability during, during the season that you don't need all these pounds 07:58 or gallons of, of traditional potassium salts that have commonly been used over the years. Is it okay to, 08:10 and I'm kind of stealing Damien's questions here, but is it okay to mix these two ahead of time? Or is it something I need to mix at the field? You know, 08:20 So ideally, so when you get to side rest time, temperatures start to warm up, you can, you can say mix them together for, you know, a day or two, 08:35 but I wouldn't wanna leave them mixed together very long because still nighttime temperatures, they, 08:41 they do still drop down into the, you know, 40 upper forties, fifties at night. And, and when you see that happen, the, the solu goes down 08:52 and you start crystallizing faster. So faster. Ideally you would wanna, uh, do it the day of, the day of quiet and, uh, and be done that way. 09:03 Now you can always add things like humic acid to it, uh, which humic acid is another, uh, substance 09:12 that helps enhance nitrogen utilization. So that will help kind of buffer the solution. But ideally, you, you mix it of a morning, 09:23 uh, apply it during the day. If you have some leftover at night, you could throw some water in there 09:28 and, and it should be fine, By the way. All right. So the person that, when I think of side dressing, I think of the guy that goes out 09:36 and drags anhydrous wagon through the field with the knives. Um, and we're not talking about, 09:42 we haven't even talked about that. So is is, is it time for side dressing to not think of as anhydrous wagon knifing in, uh, 09:50 anhydrous next to the corn plant? It's time to graduate to the next level? Well, I, I'm not gonna, I'll say 10:03 I have a, a thing about anhydrous. I mean, I call it gas. I mean, when you're killing the, the microbiology 10:12 when you gas, I mean, some people, they have to understand that it's not the best thing. 10:18 But just like, and we may get to this in a minute, but there's differences between a traditional in, in the middle of the road culture side dress versus 10:31 a wide drop side dress. Because we know due to placement, a wide drop application is more efficient 10:40 then if you're putting it right out the middlebrook. So there's some people are just locked into certain things, they have to do it a certain way. 10:48 But if you're saying what's best wide drop's better than traditional side drugs than gas, 10:57 Kevin? Well, I, like, I've always wanna manage my plant and, uh, the closer I can put any product to the plant in a safe environment is what I like to do. 11:10 I'm just not, you know, outside of growing wheat, I'm not a broadcast guy. Yep. Yeah. 11:17 So your point is, uh, placement, placement placement. So, and let's talk about that since we're talking in 24, 24, we're recording this. 11:25 Commodity prices come down. We've talked about farm income is gonna be not, you know, where it was the last three years 11:30 where we're at really, really good highs. So the better utilization of fertility products, I would think I would be, as a farmer, 11:37 doing everything I can possibly do to get huge bang for buck for same or similar or less spend. Um, I think you just answered it, why dropping 11:50 liquid fertility, utilizing some of these, um, more engineered products, uh, and putting it right where it needs to be at the right time 12:01 is going to give you that. So it, it, it seems to me like that's, that's the answer. Why aren't more people doing it? Because it causes effort. 12:11 Yeah, it does. It is effort and it takes a little bit, you know, it, it'll slow you like on your planter, 12:16 it's gonna slow you down a little bit. Um, but then on your, you know, you're wide dropping, you're going be slowed down a little bit versus broadcasting 12:24 with a spreader, you can run a lot faster rate and you, you don't like to worry about drop, you know, dragging a wide drop nozzle 12:30 or, um, application part off the sprayer or tying the boom up or anything of that nature. So it is the easy button. 12:39 But I also, you know, I look at some of the questions we have from our members and, uh, I had one that really stood out. 12:46 He had a $280 an acre fertility budget. And um, you know, it just scared me to death when I seen how much money he was spending and, um, and he was, and, 13:00 but he was doing the right thing. He was trying to figure out where can I, what can I change about how I'm doing things 13:04 and cut this down, right? So he had a great question and, and it was one that we all need to look at, 13:11 but the last 10 years we talk about district being tough. I went through some, you know, 13:17 some tough years over the last 10 years like everyone else has at times. And had it not been for going to precisely abandon 13:25 and putting what that plant needs, I mean, my nitrogen to harvest bushel ratio, I'm at 0.6 to 0.8 pounds of nitrogen per harvested bushel. 13:38 I mean, I've historically done it. Tommy actually got to ride in the field that we was down to about 0.5. 13:44 That is very, very rare that that happens. But it was behind a really good soybean crop. So we had residual nitrogen there from the soybeans. 13:53 We, we, and it was just a perfect environment that don't happen all the time. Right Point. 13:58 So the point is, when, and, and here's the thing, Kevin, when you hear other people using traditional methods, 14:02 or maybe Tommy should speak to this, and we're not here, we're not here to say that you're wrong, but the point is, if you're overspending, 14:11 if you're overspending, do whatever you want, do whatever the hell you want. But if you're tuning into extreme ag, you're doing it 14:16 because you want to up your game and maybe make more money. And the point here, it would be with your farming practices, 14:23 if you enhance your farming practices, when I hear 1.1 to 1.2 bush pounds of in per bushel, and here's Kevin saying he's one third of almost getting 14:33 to one half of that, it's, this is, this is real, right? Yeah. Yeah. And it's real. 14:41 And, and it's, you know, it's a synergistic effect. It's not one thing you're doing that gets you to that point. And, you know, we do a lot of folders. 14:51 We focus on the end life of that crop. We're wanting to really make a maximum grain size. We're, we're not worried about how pretty the plant looks. 15:00 You know, Kelly's made the statement, sexy plants don't pay money. Mm-Hmm. You know, and that's true. 15:05 It's the grain that they pays us, the money that we sell, the weight of the grain. So that relay effect that Tommy's talking about is something 15:13 that we take to heart, we're not going to stop at when we get done with that y drop, we're going to go right up to the end 15:21 and, you know, we're gonna apply some foliar products. The nice thing about doing it this way is we all farm in a, um, you know, the environment controls our climate, 15:33 controls the crop we're gonna have. Yep. And instead of traditionally growing up, all our fertility budget was spent the day 15:41 the planter had left the field. So now we're taking that money away. We're not spending as much money up front, 15:48 and we're reallocating that money throughout the growing season. And these are the options. 15:54 And, and you really gotta have a really strong person that understands the concept, the, the metabolism ability of the plants 16:04 to metabolize these products and have the right product that can be metabolized. Because it, there's a lot, there's 16:12 so much stuff to choose from out there. It's mind blowing. But, uh, So you, I wanna go back to the thing here. 16:17 He just said that, let's start, I wanna go with the products. I wanna talk about the placement, 16:20 I wanna talk about the way you're gonna apply it. But before I do that, let's revisit one thing and then I want Tommy to help me break it down. 16:26 One of our guys that keeps up with us, he is here to learn. He said, I got $280 fertility budget per acre. 16:32 And you said, that seems a little stiff, Kevin. So what was he doing and what's the recommendation that he could change to cut back on the money 16:39 and still not sacrifice? Yield? Yeah. He was spending tremendous amount of dry fertility up front. 16:46 And uh, then he was also going with a over the top spreading tremendous amounts. And he was basing his, he was basing a lot of it on 16:55 that one point, uh, two five pounds per bushel of nitrogen, which is just too much. I mean, 17:02 All right, so Tommy was nodding his head, I wanna stop right there on that. So Tommy's nodding his head when it, 17:07 when the person listening to this that's watching it couldn't see you nod your head, you were nodding your head, because when pe when farmers 17:14 overspend, it's because they think, well, the co-op told me to put a whole bunch of dry out 17:20 because what my Soil SA sample said, I don't want to be cheap. And you were nodding your head because I think 17:25 what you're gonna say is it, it's, it's been advised that way for a long time, but it's ill advised because you're blowing a lot of money out there 17:33 that you're not getting a recoup, recouping a return on. Is that right? So what what they do is they 17:42 go back and look at what extension, A soil test that says, I've got, uh, 200 pounds pay, and your yield goal is this, you need to 18:00 apply X amount. And those recommendations were done nitrogens that way, phosphorus, that potassium that way. 18:10 And they were done back in fifties, sixties, and gone are the days of just throwing out or fertilizer just to build up a bank that 18:22 that's gonna sit there for, for years. And you may never get, get to utilize it because nutrients over time, uh, get locked up. 18:32 So we started out talking about liquid diet, and using liquid fertility allows you to do precision placement, whether it's on the planter 18:46 and furrow, whether it's a wide drop application fo your applications. You have all this precision technology out these days that 18:57 fits perfect with, uh, liquid fertility. And the only precision placement that you can use using dry fertility is a, uh, a strip till. 19:10 That's it. And, and, uh, very little people use that, uh, sort of technology, which that should be 19:20 more people should do it. But, uh, liquid fertility is so easy. A lot of people say, well, 19:27 it takes too much time, slows me down. But, uh, you hear Kevin talk about it, you hear all these extreme ag guys talk about it, 19:36 and it's not about, it's not about so much time. It's about efficiency. It's about placement and about, uh, ROI in the end. 19:47 Yeah. It's putting the nutrients where it needs to be, when it needs to be there. So I, that's why I'm, I'm excited about this. All right. 19:52 So now we've talked about what the, the mistake and we got that guy turned around. That's good. Um, all right, 19:58 let's talk about what you're gonna do. You said you dried side dress your corn with a liquid diet. So tell us what you're going to do, Kevin. 20:05 Uh, the corn's up, lemme start, right? It's not right this second while we're, while we're, while we're recording, but it will be when the people, 20:12 We got a bunch up, but we got a bunch of plant too. We, we got, so we need to be spraying today to, may have to get a 20:19 You utility, what, what your passes are and what that side dressing looks like moving forward. Yeah. So we will be doing post emerge application as, 20:30 as immediate as the ground allows us to get on it. Yep. And during that pass, we will, on our corn, we will be adding a product called finish line that goes, 20:41 we will put that in with that foliar application. What all, what all is in the foliar. So finish line is a product from our friend Tommy here, 20:51 which is what's in that potassium and what else? Go ahead, Tommy. It's a balance. npk, uh, zinc, manganese, uh, copper. 21:04 If you look at a lot of the quote unquote micro packs that are out on the market today, it's your typical 1 0 5, 4 0 5 21:17 NC, manganese 0.1 iron. The unique thing about finish line, it's got 1% each of manganese and zinc in there. 21:28 If you think about corn, you think about zinc, you think about beans, you think about manganese. If you just wanna talk about corn, uh, two microbes that, 21:40 uh, are, are needed early in the lifespan of that plant, iron and manganese. 21:48 And, uh, I don't, I don't think people focus enough on that. Yeah, Got it. 21:55 So on you that, that's not the only thing that's in the mix though, right? Kevin? Uh, we'll have our herbicides in there as well. 22:02 And, uh, so we're doing a one trip application right there. We'll also have some, uh, we'll have some sugars in there. 22:08 We'll have some, uh, uh, see there won't be no helix or phobics in that pass. Um, sugar, You said We will have a, 22:17 we'll actually have a PGR in there as well. Sugar, no sugar. Yes sir. Sugar, we use sugar on everything. Alright, so 22:26 Sugar goes in, every sugar goes in every pass finish line, which is the, the ratio of products that, uh, it's a, 22:31 it's a, what what's the type of product you call it a Well, it's got a little bit of everything. PK and micro pack and 22:38 Micro pack nutrient balance. That's, it's not just, it's not one nutrient that's way up there, a balanced nutrient. 22:49 Alright. So that goes over the top sugar micro pack with some of the macros and a herbicide mix. And then, uh, 22:57 Then we're gonna, yep, then we're going to come back and, um, right about V eight to V 10, depending on the weather, we will be in there top dressing 23:07 with our wide drops. At that time we'll be running our nitrogen and then we'll be running a, uh, gallon to two gallons 23:14 of the K fuel and that as well. And that is, uh, that's, again, as we was talking earlier, we just feel like we've not been, I, well, I know I ain't, 23:24 I've simply not been spending enough money on potassium and my crops has been showing it. So we're trying to address that each stage. 23:32 And then when we go to do our fungicide, we will, we will hit it again with another round of the finish line at that time. 23:39 And, uh, and we'll throw some extra boron in there because our main focus is we're really wanting to enhance that, that seed size, that grain field, that test weight. 23:49 We won't really finish that crop out. And we really treat the soybeans in the same manner. We obviously don't wide drop with a large amount 23:57 of nitrogen, um, at this moment. We're not wide dropping soybeans at all, but I would love to get to that. 24:04 But it's, there's only so much I can do in a growing season. Tommy is, uh, so he just talked about the first herbicide 24:12 pass, by the way. So on your corn, corn is six inches tall, four inches tall at that time. Yeah, we're, 24:19 Well, I I love to do it at V three. I do not like putting the herbicide over the top after v3. I'm just not a fan of that. 24:26 Now I will tell you, with the rain that we're dealing with and the wet ground, we're probably gonna have some V4 corn 24:32 that we can't help it, but yeah, it's not, And the reason, and the reason you like to not get out after that is, is there actual a little, little, uh, 24:41 collateral damage to the corn or it stunts it back or what's the problem? Yeah, they are certain products out there in the past 24:49 that we have seen it reduce the girth of the ear when the application was applied during the ear formation. 24:59 And a lot of people seem to forget and don't realize how young that plant is when that ear formation is happening. 25:06 But so at V three you're handing off from the seedling to the root, you know, to the roots of the plant. It's pretty much after V three, it's living all the roots 25:17 V four to V five timeframe, depending on the hybrids. It is setting the, determining the girth of the year, how many rows around that area is. 25:26 And so during that stage, it, you know, we look at it just like, you know, I just had my first grandchild 25:33 and it's just like the, the mother having a child, you don't wanna do anything during that growth period of that child, you know, 25:42 and that mother to maybe cause a problem. So we really wanna look after that reproductive side because we're, even though we're in the vegetation stage, 25:50 that is the first start of the reproduction side of that plant. So we really need to look at it when it's real young. 25:57 We don't wanna do any kind of stress to it. We wanna eliminate any stress we can. Tommy is, is Kevin getting, uh, 26:04 getting everything right now? You got him dialed in. Is he one of those guys that used to that, that 10 years ago you had to, you had to start with him and, 26:11 and, and say, wait a minute, wait a minute. You had to start them 10 years ago and say, here's where you're wasting money on fertility. 26:19 Let me help you dial this in, friend. There's so much, uh, not news, but there's so much information available nowadays. 26:29 We, we know exactly, uh, what nutrients are taken up at what growth stage in the plant. Yep. Uh, I don't know. 26:39 Everybody should be able to have the back of their head. What stage, uh, corn plants starts setting rounds, uh, 26:48 what stage it starts, uh, determining air length, uh, kernel number and what nutrients affect each one of those growth stages. 26:57 Uh, that's how, that's how much technology has come, has come these days and just a wealth of information and that, so you put your head, 27:07 even though it's a small plant out there and you think, eh, there's not much. You've gotta put your head in that corn plant 27:15 and really understand what's going on because it's that corn, like Kevin said, that corn plant's pretty small when it starts determining 27:25 how big that current, how big that tub be, is it gonna be 16 rounds, 16 round, 22 round? Mm-Hmm. Uh, yeah. 27:35 So Kevin, real quickly on your passes, you, you just basically outlined four, the herbicide pass, uh, V three ideally, uh, that's over the top, then you don't, 27:44 you don't do a fertility thing again. You probably don't go across the field again at all until V eight, V 10 and that's wide drop 27:50 and that's got finish line in it, maybe some boron? No, the wide drops will have nitrogen and, uh, sulfur and some boron and the potassium, the bio. 28:05 Okay. Product will be in there at that time. Okay, so herbicide pass, then you, you outline herbicide pass, you outline the Y drop pass. 28:14 Is there something I missed? And then the fungicide pass The fungicide, Yeah, the fungicide will be last. 28:18 That's your final pass that's over the top. Yep. And that'll be, and we may have to do two of those. We hope not, but they are years that we have to do two, 28:26 especially in the river bottoms. And that'll be, uh, you know, a r we like to do about a R two pass, uh, v sometimes we try to do a vt, 28:35 if we can work it in, we'll put it in at vt. That's probably the most effective timing that you can do. But it's really hard for us to go from, you know, 28:45 dropping nitrogen to vt. I mean, you're just talking days, you know, weeks. We typically, to give you an idea here in North Carolina, 28:53 we are getting at that stage of the crop, we're getting two growth stages a week. It's growing that fast. Yep. 29:01 So you've got to really stay on top of the game. Uh, before you know it, that task is coming out on you. And, um, but if you could ideally get that, that herb, that 29:12 fungicide pass and that foliar pass just before that tassel comes out and have it set up and really protect that ear leaf really good. 29:21 And that plant's not under near as much stress as it goes under the ethylene is not ramped up like it does during reproduction side, 29:29 you will get a lot more bang for your buck. And, uh, typically that will get us by with one herbicide or one fungicide application if we can 29:39 pull that off every time. Yeah. But sometimes in your part of the world, you've got tremendous, uh, disease issues 29:46 because of the humidity and some other things like that. So most, well, many of the listeners, I think we get by 29:51 with one fungicide pass. Isn't that accurate, Tommy? Most of the people that are be following what we're talking about. Yeah. Yeah, 29:56 I would think so. Uh, all right, so he just outlined everything. So we're gonna wrap this up. 30:01 Uh, side dressing corn with a liquid diet. We just talked about the way to go about doing it. The person that's saying, I don't know if I can do that 30:06 because I don't have wire drops. Um, is that a valid excuse? When I didn't have wire drops, 30:12 I actually just dropped the hose all the way down into the plant and um, I rig me up some 30:19 apparatuses to keep it, uh, actually just use boat rope to hold the hose down into the plant so it would stay 30:26 and not drag up onto the plants. There's ways to do it. There's economical ways to do it. It may not be as perfect and pretty as a wide drop, 30:34 but, um, you gotta do what your budget allows you to do. Uh, but don't, don't stop trying for goodness sake, 30:40 Don't stop trying, because as we already decided, flinging a bunch of dry out there and, uh, preseason isn't the way to do it. 30:46 And then running through with an hydrus, uh, isn't gonna, is there's these, these methods are gonna give you 30:53 on the money side, Tommy, uh, this, you know, there's people that say, man, that sounds like a lot of work. 30:58 What Kevin's doing? Did he spend any more money? I don't think he did. No, he is already going across the field doing 31:05 a, a basic task. He's, he's killing weeds, drove fertility in there, he's side dressing nitrogen, put, put potassium, 31:14 put boron, put microbes. He's, he's SPR fungicide. Put more nutrition out there. We're not, when we talk about a liquid diet, we're not, 31:26 at least I don't talk about it in terms of he's gotta go make extra. He's already doing something 31:32 and we're just taking advantage of the, uh, free tank space. Alright, Kevin, get me outta here. This is your topic. 31:39 Um, obviously it's economical. You've, you've, uh, you just talked about, for instance, I wrote down, you know, 0.6 pounds of nitrogen per bushel 31:48 as opposed to the, what's the standard recognition of 1.1 or so? Uh, that sounds like a money saver. 31:54 Uh, yield obviously speaks for itself. You've got big yields. Uh, it, it sounds to me like you're sold on this. 32:02 What, what else we need to know? Well, another thing is the timing. When you buy your nitrogen, um, the night, the, the loads 32:09 that we're picking up this week is $10 a ton less because the demands cut back. Um, the loads that we pick up in June when we go 32:18 to do our Y drops, they'll probably be 10 to $20 a ton less than what they are right now on average. You never know that. But 32:25 that's just the historically and the Form of the, the form of the end you're getting is Liquid. Yeah. It's 32:32 28% or something. 24% is what we use is because we're adding such, we're adding the heavy load of sulfur in there, breaks it down 32:40 and the type of sulfur we're using. But I do want to add one thing though. You know, the guys that are, that are having 32:46 to do the dry right now, they're not doing nothing wrong. They're just spending a little more money 32:51 and they can be more efficient doing it this way. But the fact is the crops has got, uh, nutrient needs and you've gotta meet those needs. 32:59 And the best way you can do it with your operation is, is the right way for you. But we can always improve. 33:06 And that's, that's what we want our listeners to realize is there's ways to cut, got cut costs, be more efficient. 33:13 And in the sustainability world that we're getting into, I was just in a meeting with a high, high rock 33:21 water reservoir phosphorus demand project this week. And, um, they're trying to tell us how to farm just like the Chesapeake Bay. 33:30 So we've got to be advantageous and proactive rather than reactive and figure out what works in our farm 33:39 before they start putting these strict regulations on us. And guys, they're coming. Yeah. The regulations are coming. 33:44 So these liquid diets that we're doing works, we're not seeing the runoff in our streams and our waterways. 33:51 We're keeping it in the field, we're keeping it in the crops. And quite frankly, when they see your yields 33:58 that you can produce to them on your, uh, my operation center from John Deere, your climate, those historical yields 34:06 that have got a geospatial data point with 'em and they see that you only bought this much fertility product, um, they're going to like you 34:17 and they're gonna be a lot easier to work with, right? Right. So we need to be thinking ahead of the game, be ahead of the curve here. 34:26 I like that because obviously, you know, we don't like the regulatory, but the point is it's the 34:32 environmental regulatory that is coming. But more importantly, why not do the right thing anyhow if it's making you more money and you're utilizing the, I mean, 34:39 it's, it's good for your asset, it's good for the environment, but also it's good for your bottom line because you didn't spend any more money. 34:43 All right, Tom, you got any last note? Are we outta here? Uh, Kevin it up? Good. 34:50 Kevin summed it up. Good. Alright. His name's Tommy Roach. What's that? Liquid is more efficient. That's 34:56 Li liquid is the way to go. And I think this is where we're gonna go in the future, like you said, for environmental reasons, 35:01 for economical reasons. 'cause it's gonna give you more bang for your buck. If you wanna learn more about all 35:04 this, come to our field days. We have amazing field days planned. By the time you're listening to this, you've probably 35:09 already missed the one on May 16th in Madison, Alabama. For Henderson's. We're gonna be June, uh, 13th. We're gonna be at Kelly Garrett's, uh, 35:18 for a field day on June 20. I'm looking at my calendar On June 27th, we're going to be in McGee, Arkansas at the Miles Farm Field Day on 35:25 August 8th, we're going to be in North Carolina. I forget the name of town. Coralville. Kme Kme. Cool. Kme cool. Alright. 35:33 Uh, it's gonna be at Kevin Matthews. Uh, you'll be able to see the new baby. He's a proud grandfather. 35:38 Now, his first grandkid was just born last week. Danielle Venable, his daughter, uh, who farms with him just had a baby little baby boy. 35:45 Bo Venable as our friend Will, the producer of this content says, find a better quarterback name than that. 35:51 Bo Venable NC State's Next Wolf Pack, uh, 21 years from now. Be watching him in a bowl game anyway 35:59 unless he gets his mom's athleticism. Uh, so we're gonna be August 8th at Kevin Matthews farm, and then our last field day 36:08 of the year is August 22nd in Maryland with Temple Road. Do you want to catch his field days? If you can. 36:13 They're free to attend for anybody if you are a paying member of extreme Ag and you should be. 36:18 'cause for seven $50 a year, you get a direct hookup for question answer platforms. With guys like Kevin, you also get the trial data from all 36:25 the trials that we do at the end of the year. You also get special offers from companies like Nature's. That's Tommy's company. If you are a paying member 36:31 of Extreme Ag for the last two years, you could have gone to Commodity Classic for free. 36:36 I'm sorry, free admission. The airfare is on you. Anyway, um, come to the night before, the night before each of these field days, 36:43 we're gonna have a little get together for paying members as well as our business partners. 36:46 And the guys from Extreme Ag can rub elbows, talk, ask questions, see stuff behind the scenes, very much worth your investment. 36:52 So that's a cool thing we're doing at all of our field days this year. Put the field days on your calendar. 36:56 Be sure to attend 'em, especially the one at Kevin Matthews. You wanna talk about side 37:00 dressing your corn with liquid diet. So next time, he's Kevin Matthews. That's Tommy Roach of Nature's. 37:04 I'm Damien Mason for extreme ag cutting the curve. That's a wrap for this episode of Cutting the Curve. Make sure to check out Extreme ag.farm 37:11 for more great content to help you squeeze more profit out of your farming operation. 37:16 Cutting the curve is brought to you by Simon Innovations. Don't let your sprayer's limitations hold you back. 37:22 Visit simon innovations.com and upgrade your sprayer's capabilities now.

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