Saving Fertility Inputs & Time with the Right Placement
10 Apr 2332 min 56 sec

In crop production we hear about the 4 R’s of inputs: The Right Rate, the Right Source, the Right Placement, and the Right Timing. When it comes to an in-furrow program, the timing is obviously at time of planting. What source and rate you’re using depends on your objective and your crop. But what about the placement of your crop inputs? Are you getting the fertility, biologicals, and other inputs precisely where they need to be for optimum yields? Likely not. Mike Evans with Integrated Ag Solutions shares experiences from crop season 2022 using the CapstanAg Select Shot system. It worked well enough that this year they’re installing SelectShot on another planter. The reasons are simple: more acres planted, less product used, fewer stops at the tender truck, no loss in yield. Mike Schwegman, Senior Precision Technician with CapstanAg explains how it works.

Presented by Loveland with support from Agricen.

00:00 Welcome to extreme acts cutting the curve podcast where we cut your learning curve with insights. You can apply immediately to your farming operation. This episode 00:09 is presented by Loveland products. When it comes to crop inputs, you need products that are field proven to deliver both results and value for more 00:18 than 50 years. Loveland products has been providing Farmers with high performance value driven product Solutions designed 00:24 to maximize productivity on every acre visit Loveland to see how they're Innovative products can help you farm more profitably and 00:33 now here's your host Damien Mason to another fantastic episode of Extreme as cutting the curve. We're talking today about efficiency of placement. We're 00:42 talking about reduction of inputs. We're talking about environmentalism. That's not regulated. It's actually done at your level for the 00:51 benefit of your farm and it may be something we have to do down the road to maybe appease certain environmental regulations that we are going to be meeting. But 01:00 the point is you're going to use maybe less resources and you're going to still get Peak yields. How do you do that? You do that by efficiency a placement 01:09 Mike Evans with integrated AG Solutions. A working side by side with Kelly Garrett. One of the founders of extreme AG is on the call. Also Mike schwegman Mike schwegman who's 01:18 with a company called capstan ag capstan ag is a manufacturer of a product called select shot essentially. Just imagine 01:24 the old days of a carburetor a carburetor, you know, it's fine it got the engine to run but it also wasn't really efficient then about 30 or so 01:33 years ago 40 years ago we came this thing called fuel injection fuel injection was the idea you squirt the right amount of gas exactly 01:39 where it needs to be at the right time you use less of it and you get more power. That's to me what the selection system is Swagman Mr. Schwegman. Am 01:48 I right? Absolutely, correct. Yeah, I like to also go back to Native Americans and think we're going to put a fish head down at every seat. 01:56 What well that's good, but your system doesn't use fish heads. I don't think Mr. Evans you guys trialed this product last year. This this it's a 02:05 it's a machine. It's a piece of equipment. You know, it's not a product. So tell us a little bit about from your perspective. I think it's 02:11 always better rather than letting the the company guy. That's well versed with this. You used it explain it. I said 02:17 the fuel injection system you explain it from the on-farm hands-on experience, please. Yeah, we tried this out last year. We 02:26 put on a few planners kind of locally and I was pretty excited about it be multiple reasons that obviously 02:32 we're putting them a concentrated dose around the corn seed but just from the operational side of it. I saw a lot of efficiencies, you know even going 02:41 into this year Kelly's got 324 Road planners. We got to send them all. We could be eight to 10 02:49 bills per day with a standard program. We're hoping to reduce that by 30% less trips to the field. Let's get less Manpower is really 02:58 an efficiency thing and spraying, you know, when we're looking at trying to get stuff done and timely manner wait 03:04 Springs going this year. It's gonna be a little late and maybe a little bit tight sensitive. So even planner 03:10 in the field longer less tending is a win for me and a lot of cases. What's interesting is I said, it's an environmental store. Actually. I think 03:19 it's an environmental story before anybody thinks that way because the average Farm person is gonna first thing. Yeah. We love the environment. We own the land 03:25 all that. We know we fish the streams and you know, we got the legacy of the resources, but the main 03:31 thing is you just said it's also about efficiency of application of time because you're using less products because of 03:40 the placement you're using less of it, which means less gallons getting on a semi trailer to A Tender tender truck. 03:46 Ever, is that what we're here. Yeah, I mean we say we got 500 gallons on our our planners. So if we're 03:54 running like five gallons to the acre, that's a hundred acres. Well, it's a select shot we can get another 30 Acres all that tank. So 04:00 we're going longer in the field and not having to stop which is a huge benefit. Once, you know, most our guys 04:06 like to be in the planner running the equipment instead of filling every three hours or whatever it is. So it it's keeping things 04:12 moving and being efficient with what we're doing. So essentially he just said Mr. Schwegman that you're adding 30. So that's a 30% bump on you say 04:22 in other words. You didn't sacrifice anything. You didn't your thirties thirty percent bump because of using less stuff. 04:28 Is that a real number? Absolutely. And and the thing to add on to that too is is that especially with today's climates and what we're seeing 04:36 we have a lot shorter window to be able to get these this crops out into the field with these weather that were experiencing. So 04:42 now all of a sudden there's 30, there's 30 more acres per fill up now in Waits out to more acres per day and 04:50 now you just become more efficient to be able to get that crop in the ground quicker. We talking about using this just on a 04:56 starter fertilizer Mr. Evans. so not only are you getting the benefits, but you think about time piece of it in my 05:06 mind like we explained with that, you know if you can plant Say 20% more Acres because you're feeling less 05:14 than a day. You're getting more done less time sitting less time running a tender to the field and somebody around to do that. You know biggest thing I was 05:23 thinking about before we got on this call was you know, a lot of guys. We you know, we're in Western Iowa. So starter is 05:29 kind of a I'd call about 20% of guys that meeting have one on a corn finder. And it's always you talk to guys about it. And it's 05:39 always a thing of West Main part. Not everybody's like Kelly Garrett's got three corn finders. She's trying to take care of some guys are got a 16 row and it's a one-man show and 05:48 they're like, wow, I'm gonna attend that. Well, maybe I look at it. This is an advantage of Phil once in a day and go plant 05:54 and you get everything done and you feel you know, That would help help a guy out as well to manage his labor size that maybe you don't have the workforce to 06:02 help them Mike schwegman. We talked about the reduction. We got hung up in some math. There's let's not get hung up. In 06:08 math. I'm sorry. I did that to maybe make evident made Evans go and get contemplative about the math. I guess the point is is it just started fertilizer that 06:17 we're in the point is we're using less of it because we're putting it where it needs to be. Is that the big story here. 06:24 Absolutely, from what I've seen. So I've been working with this product for quite a few years for capstan and it started out 06:33 to be honest with you to be able to deliver a fertilizer in between the seats. That's what it was originally designed to be able to 06:41 the thought about the theory about it was to be able to keep a higher salted product off of the seed as you're planting in furrow. 06:49 And what it's turned into being is it starts out that way and since 2015 since I've been 06:55 working on this product. the the Mind changes started to change once they get this operation onto the get this equipment onto the field. It opens 07:04 up their options. I guess you could have for different infero products to where all of a sudden they're going. Well, man. 07:11 Instead of 10340 in my seat trench. What if I put a better product down? What if I add Biologicals to it? What if I had an insecticide into 07:20 this system where I can maximize my application by putting it exactly where it needs to be at directed to the Sea and whether it's phosphorus or if it's nitrogen or if it's 07:33 some biological product now you're able to get a potential. Concentration right where it needs to be at right when the 07:42 seat needs it as well. All right. It sounds like a really neat thing that you're putting. 07:48 The product the inputs that you need where you need them more efficiently, obviously, it shoots it down in their how's 07:54 it work? And then also is it too good to be true? I mean you got a lot of crap Garrett like Evans are talking about here at Garrett Landing candle. They 08:03 got these three planters that run across a whole bunch of acres and there's a lot going on not to mention their fields are sloppy and curvy and the 08:12 idea is that this thing is I'm sure it sounds neat in the lab. It seems like there could be a lot of room for 08:20 failure Sure, so. The short term of it is is that you have a meter and whether that meter is a finger pickup meter if it's a vacuum meter, 08:30 it's gonna deliver a seat to a seed to now you have different seed tubes. So you have a seed tube that just gravity. It's just an open hole and it passes the seed 08:39 sensor and says, hey I plan to see you also have a belt a belt planner, you know the meters drip the 08:45 delivering a seat to a belt and it's taking it down at a higher rate than what gravity can allow it to go to. 08:52 To fall down to the seat too bad. Another company uses a brush where enters a seed into a brush and that brush delivers 09:01 a seed down the seed to so all these delivery mechanisms all have one thing in common and that's what they use 09:10 a seed sensor. This seed sensor is detecting when that seed was planted. So what we do is is that we T into that sensor and we borrow that signal to say hey look 09:19 is he just went past this sensor? So based upon time we know that on a Speed Tube or a regular C tube it's going to take X number 09:27 of milliseconds for that seed to go past the sensor till the time it hits the bottom of the seed trench. So because of 09:33 that we can open up our valve or our delivery mechanism to time that shot a product to be put down when that seed either hits the seed 09:42 trench or right after it hits. So that's how we deliver that mechanism or that product down to the seed. So as long as gravity doesn't change 09:51 which I think we'd have bigger problems. If it does for regular seat tubes or we have a mechanical delivery 09:58 mechanism be a bill or a brush delivered in a seed to the Sea trench we can we're pretty accurate on getting that shot time down down to hit 10:07 that Seed where you want it at. All right. That's the company guy Evans. Did you experience any problems? Remember they've got Fields they 10:16 got fields that are like like and if you're listening to this, I'm tilting in my chair to a 45 degree angle. And that might be that might be actually a flatter field 10:25 when I said 45 degrees are there. Gravity still works at 45 degrees but it works a little differently does the system work. Did you see any variation 10:34 of product because the whole thing is precise amount at the right time at the right place placement of nutrients. Did you see any variation or 10:43 degree of change based on field conditions? No, it was pretty straightforward. As far as us last year we checked it. I know Vern Kelly 10:54 son. Check it a couple times when we were getting ready for some trials and stuff and he always said it was right on when he 11:00 was out in the field. So we had good really good performance in all our conditions. Okay. So consistency is not going to be an issue. And then how many different things 11:09 did you run through the selection shot system? um Probably 10 or 12. So 10 or 12 different products going out and it's all the same squirt. I'm just gonna clarify here 11:22 because remember I'm playing like the person that doesn't know it has no familiarity. It's not like it squirts one thing and then 11:28 another half meter or a centimeter at sports. Another thing is it Mr. Schweg no it no no. 11:35 It's the it's all the same whatever whatever it can shoot it can only shoot it shoots the same thing every time it shoots. Yes. Yes. That is correct. It shoots 11:44 a blend if you have a blend it shoots a blend if you have one product which one product okay, and then is it 11:51 true that you can place it? Like I want this to be one centimeter away from my seat. Is it really that accurate? 11:58 Yeah, but then a centimeter if he said millimeters, I would say probably make an argument there but centimeter yes, I would 12:04 say the centimeter is Gonna Get You really accurate. We do have some delivery methods. So we open it up. We've always used a 12:10 stainless steel tube in a fast to be able to deliver the product and we open it up to a seed firmer or something that's gonna give a little Flex going to 12:19 the field and at that point in time. I we cannot guarantee the shots gonna be there at the exact same spot every single time when you have something that's moving through the field 12:28 like a firmer. It's gonna vary just a little bit but we've we have not been able to see where that's changed the effectiveness of what the product is doing to deliver 12:37 that to deliver that product right where we say, it's going to be delivered. Yeah. I want to talk about the the lessons learned that maybe I'm not thinking of evidence is 12:46 gonna tell us that but before we do that I want to since we're on the subject of nutrient reduction in terms of using less resources 12:52 to still get the fertility we need and get the same yield. I want to remind Listeners that corn stalks retain up to 80% of the potassium 40% 13:01 of the phosphorus and 30% of the nitrogen that you applied to last year's corn crop. Did you know that you probably didn't maybe you did if you listen to the extreme AG cutting the 13:10 curb podcast you may have known that point is you can save money and boost your yields by extracting last year's fertility for this year's crop. 13:16 How do you do that? You do that by applying extract powered by accomplish to your surface crop residue. In 13:22 other words, it helps you break down and seek and get the fertility from last year's corn stalks for this year's crops exclusively available from nutrient AG Solutions. We're talking 13:31 about extract powered by accomplish for more information contact your local nutrient AG solution crop consultant. All 13:37 right. Did you see anything that gave you pause? Did you see anything that you're like, here's something we're gonna do better next year. Did you see anything? That's like 13:48 hey, you know what the select shots an awesome system. I just need to know this to be better at it next year Mike Evans. 13:57 Yeah, you know last year we just kind of got our feet wet with kind of how to handle the mix. If you say of our planner in Peru when the 14:06 shooting we didn't really do the dose proceed very much last year because we're just kind of we're sure of of what we were doing on our 14:15 end understanding it so This you're going this year with the guys from capstan, Brian and Eric who we work with gave me a 14:23 calculator that cap stands made and really opened my eyes to what we're doing actually with flow rates and how much we're actually concentrating on 14:32 the seeds. So it's actually with the mix that we're running at Kelly's we're backing some we're actually cutting rates and it sounds 14:41 weird, but we're cutting rates. on products on a total acre Idea, you know like it says we're what I need 14:49 to put a cord on. Well, I'm backing it down to a pint and with the slug shot. I'm actually getting effective court 14:55 on there. So that makes sense. Right Mike. I mean that that's kind of what I'm thinking of some of these products and then we're 15:02 staying standard with someone we're getting essentially 30 40% more rate on it. So we're 15:08 effectively getting more rate on it not that's how we're looking at it and that you know last year. We really didn't look at 15:14 it. That way we just do it as we went across the field and I think there's a lot of power in that 15:20 system being able to do that. Yeah, you're exactly yeah, you you got it right there at the calculator that we developed to be 15:29 able to be able for people to understand that you know. To say that we didn't learn things back when we first started developing their product having that concentration would be a lie, you know, we learned a lot 15:39 we've burnt seeds. We haven't burnt seeds. We you know before it came to the market we was able to figure out 15:45 what that concentration could actually do. So you do have to be mindful for that and you know to get 15:51 that proper is it's very hard to wrap your head around. Fortunately, I've been working with it for a long time. So I got that but yeah, you're 16:01 that effective product that that concentration of product, you know. 16:05 You're if you would leave your rate the same. So as you were saying before five gallons of the acre and as a 16:11 dribble if you keep that with select shot, but you're you're shot now is half the distance of the seed. So you 16:17 just effectively put down a concentration equivalent to 10. Because you're putting it 16:23 the same amount of milk. same amount of ounces or milliliters down in a three in a and half the distance so your concentrations 16:32 is doubled and that's That's what's makes a little bit more difficult to be able to get the the active ingredient proper art, correct? All 16:42 right, Mike Evans you and I recorded something. You're big on we talked about variable rate nitrogen you and Kelly and I and 16:51 then variable rate populations based on conditions based on the field, you know from the best part of your ground to the worst part of the ground and 17:00 the point you guys made was you're wasting seed sometimes in your lower performing soils. So I'm 17:07 just I'm guessing if you're doing variable rate population this capstan AG select shot system is also 17:16 gonna very right along with it in other words. If I'm going from 22,000 to 35,000 the nutrients aren't gonna stay the same. It's gonna go right 17:26 along with the seed count. Am I right? Yeah, I just wanted to see the seed it's a little dose. So it's falling right along with it. Okay, so 17:34 that and that's not something I don't have to get out the wrenches and make a big adjustment. It just goes right along with 17:40 whatever the seed population when it was seed drops escorts. You know, it's on the monitor on the control 17:46 system. All right, real life then results. Did you save a bunch of stuff? Did you use a bunch less stuff. I mean did you know is it true that 17:55 you like you started looking at it? And then run the Gallant or run the dollars. Is it like yeah, 18:01 man, this this absolutely we saved we saved stuff. Yeah, you know with what system we are Kelly's planner. We did more trials and stuff. We didn't really get a 18:11 overall picture but his brother-in-law would put one on his 24 row. He we planned 1600 gallons 18:17 of infero with him around there for the season and he ended up paying for 4500 gallon. So, you know do the math on that 18:26 it almost paid for itself in one year. That's the other that's the other part is the the money because someone's gonna say hey, that's great. I use a little less stuff. I use a 18:35 little less input starter fertilizer. What have you but how much am I paying for the system and maybe 18:41 we don't need to give the exact number because you don't know because you're the engineer. What are you actually I got your title here. I 18:47 thought was a pretty impressive Title by the way, Mike. We said we're already in the titles. It's a senior Precision technician. So 18:53 are you the money guy or do you know? No, am I the money I know I'm not. Titles are pretty much voided at capstan. We don't really we have 19:05 a title but it means nothing. I mean, it doesn't mean nothing but we well we all 19:11 wear many hats so As far as Priceline goes do I know some prices absolutely, but at the end of the day, I'm 19:19 I'm here just to help our dealers our Growers our technicians that better understand not only this product but all of our products. Yeah, I think 19:28 the big and I think the big one here is and I I did a little research see I'm beating you here Mr. Schwegman. I think I remember the number being like 1,200 bucks 19:37 per row. Is that sound like a reasonable number? Yes, it is. So it'll be 1200 dollars a row approximately without a pump 19:46 and you know some plumbing and stuff. We do offer to sell, you know, those products if a grower doesn't want to have to purchase them and a good price goes up a little 19:55 bit because you got to buy a pump and pwm valve in a flow meter and those things aren't cheap but 20:01 It typically it's around 1200 dollars a road for the electronics and the harnesses and the bows and that sort 20:07 of stuff. Okay. So the point is can you justify by you how long how much less stuff do you use to 20:13 pay for 1200 bucks a row and Mike Evans you'd say I don't know just one season is one season get you there. 20:21 you know doing the math on some of the we put To them on the other 24 rows this year on Kelly's and just doing the math on him. It was about a 20:30 year and Year little over year and a half payback by just product savings, you know, they you can figure in a yield bump which we're gonna do some more trials and see what 20:39 What you'll benefit we're getting from it as well, but I was just in product savings for the for the 20:45 cost of the program. So yeah, so it's not a terribly long payback. Do you think you know, I talked about the environmental angle on this are we gonna get to where we 20:54 have no choice but to do this, you know, they're talking about, you know reductions on nitrogen. There's 21:00 big calls for that. Now from the environmental crowd reductions on you know phosphates that 21:07 we started seeing in place where like we're Temple roads is because of the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Are we going to get to where 21:13 this is almost? It's not just standard equipment. It's required equipment. What do you think? What are you hearing? 21:18 either of you Um, I would go ahead Mike. I could see it. Definitely coming about with all the things you said. 21:31 But I you know, I just think from a farmer aspect that why would I mean I guess why wouldn't you do it if it's a simple 21:40 system. It's really is. We ran a lot of different Furrow and Furrow systems here with Kelly and a couple of the customers and it's simple 21:46 and the benefit of concentration that dose just makes a lot of sense to me and 21:54 And all the agronomical benefits that go with it as well. Just follow in line. So I mean 22:00 kind of get ahead of the curve by dealing with the system like this, you know for Windows regulations do show up 22:06 and you have to scramble. I mean it I agree with you. I can see where that becomes a special like with Tempo out in Maryland and the phosphorus things. There's other 22:14 areas of the country that are dealing with phosphorus. You know, that's a big deal and and being able 22:20 to concentrate that phosphorus and get a little more effective rate out. I would think that would be 22:25 a big deal to some guys and Mr. Swagman Yeah, I agree, you know as far as as far as being a regular regulated or mandatory to be able to put something like this out 22:37 there. I think we're a ways away from that. But what that me and said, I don't think it's as far out as what we want to admit to either you got 22:46 Lake Erie. He got the Chesapeake Water Bay or Chesapeake Bay water jet as well. 22:52 Those are all prime examples. You know that like As Michael's talking about they're the phosphorus, you know phosphorus is a very very unique animal, I guess within itself, 23:01 right? It's it's very immobile. It doesn't move very much what like one or two millimeters a year? I think but not only that it's got to be close within the roots to be able to pick up but and 23:11 you can crack me. I'm not an agronomist by any means, but you can correct me if I'm wrong. I think it's got to be within what one or two millimeters of the roots 23:17 as well before a plant. We even pick it up. So it's gonna be in really close proximity and it doesn't move. So if you can if you can lower your 23:26 overall application and putting it right where it needs because it if that phosphorus is 23:32 three inches away. It's gonna take a while for that route to be able to over get to it. If it's uses, you know, what 20 or 30% of it when it's first two weeks and it's like 23:41 so it that's where I think the biggest benefit of in the future is going to be putting this more of a phosphate phosphate or phosphorus product down in the 23:50 relationship to the Sea. personally Mr. Evans you'd say yes that that's the that's that everything. He said you agree with 24:02 Yeah, I mean those are all important points he hit on with what that application does and your big takeaway here is you say it may become an environmental thing that 24:11 we end up having to do you say the benefits justify the move into this system regardless just because of you get more efficiency in terms 24:20 of the timing you get more stuff done. You're you're not out of the tractor filling you're not using less stuff and 24:26 you're not sacrificing a yield you say the economics and the efficiency of product usage are the reasons to switch over anyway, 24:33 Yeah, I mean even before you brought up environmental, I just thought that and not just thought that myself. 24:39 Nothing from a regulatory aspect. I just think of there'd be so much benefit from guys looking in and applying these on to their operations. 24:48 and an infer you're gonna go with two of the three planners are going to be equipped with this this year. 24:55 Three three four. Well, three, you're an AB select shot the bean planners. Just got a the select shock or the Capstone control system on it. So, okay. So 25:04 that's the other thing. I guess we I guess I keep thinking corn. Bean Planters, does this work on being played do I need it? 25:11 Mr. Schwegman Oh, really? You're a farmer besides your title of senior Precision technician this election or capstan. You're a 25:19 farm guy also, right. Oh, absolutely. I've yeah sixth generation form really small don't Farm a lot. But Bender in agriculture All My Life, um 25:28 doesn't work by the way the list a that we still before we hit record in Batesville, Indiana where they make Batesville 25:34 Casket so your choice was farm and get working for capstan AG or go and design new caskets. That's kind of what you're looking 25:43 at, right? Yeah that hospital beds. You got it. Yeah, they always say we got you coming and going beginning to life and into life. 25:51 I guess but no we when it comes to beans, you know to answer that question. That's a lot of that's a lot of seeds per second, right? You know 26:00 you're planting. 130,000 population at six miles an hour. I don't know what that is off the top of my head but it's probably pushing 40 to 50 seeds a second is what 26:11 you're dropping through a seedtube at that point and I might be off on those numbers. I don't know. I'm just guessing to be strictly honest with you there, but 26:17 the We this not to talk about specifically this system, but it is capable of not only doing a shot per seed but also being a standard dribble 26:28 system to where you can put a orifice plate in and at a you know, we're gonna increase and decrease the pump speed to change the amount of flow based upon 26:37 your speed you're going to be able to get the right rate out as a as a whole not just as a Percy basis. 26:43 Okay, so so by the way, I'm not even sure what question I asked that he went down that whole Road right there. I was trying to talk about his farms and caskets next. You know, he's talking about 130,000. So 26:54 I said does it actually work it worked as well on soybeans and his point was yes, you're not gonna put 27:00 the select shot on the soybean planter yet. Yeah, Garrett Lane and cattle is what Mr. Evans is saying. 27:08 Mike Evans. Yeah. No, I would yeah. Typically we don't do we have people doing it to answer that question? Yes, we do. But typically no 27:17 you're not put selection on it being planner for specifically beans. Okay. Is that coming? Is there a reason to do it? You just don't see a reason for you don't see 27:26 it. You don't see it. I'll first off you're saying with such populations. It's gonna be hard to even it's gonna be hard to even dribble just 27:32 it's gonna be hard to put it where it needs to be. Yeah, it's by the time your shot starts or stops. The next one's gonna begin. So you're pretty 27:40 much a dribble any which direction so that's why it you know, just there's so many seeds per foot that it doesn't 27:46 really pay to shoot a shot at every scene understood the select shot have an application besides corn. I mean, we said no on soybeans. 27:55 I have an application, you know, we got cotton people we got rice people. We got other, you know, we got other stuff here peanuts for 28:01 god sakes extreme egg now has Caleb trow down in Georgia who's a peanut guy first guy since Jimmy Carter's brother that's been a guy we're excited about that. 28:11 Um, yes peanuts no peanuts are planted about the same as soybeans about two to two and a half inches apart. As far as your seed spacing goes cotton. We've 28:20 done some experiments. We've worked with the universe or Auburn University. We work with Mississippi State University, Darren Dodds, 28:29 testing some different products out for cotton. I really can't speak to how those results turned out 28:35 but more or less a lot of it was as putting an insecticide to take to control thrifts a little bug that likes to eat cotton plants or thrips or however 28:44 you say that little book but that was a lot of what the studies were done in early on stage and then you know it as far as a other countries, 28:53 you know, we've got other people within other countries that's using this product for sunflowers. That's another big thing 28:59 is sunflowers over in Europe that they're they're using this because that seed spacings resembles corner or Amaze, which is relatively the same thing. I mean maze is corn 29:10 So yeah, we there is other products that you can utilize it on that. 29:14 With the open mode is what we call it in that mode. We're we're gonna open up our valve when that seed sensor sees 29:22 A plant or a seed falling through it. So you know it essentially if you would have electric growth shut offs and that road shuts off then that 29:31 Fertilizer is going to shut off. So now all of a sudden you have an individual. Row shut off system based upon 29:38 when that seeds fall into a seed sensor. Mike Evans is nodding his head. It could be the agreement with everything you said or it could be that someone in the other room is 29:47 saying are you ready for lunch? You don't know what that guy you never know what that guy? Where are you not in your head Evans? 29:52 Well, I just thinking the row sex shot row section control that you know you get with it. It's row by row and it really don't need. 30:01 To you know, if you look at the GPS equipment world, if you do that on some other systems, you need a high grade GPS receiver like you guys spend more five six 30:10 thousand dollars for that. You don't need that with this. I mean So based off the seed so really you're getting that Advantage without 30:16 having to have an extra expense with this equipment because you just no matter what GPS signal you got. It's going up the scene and it follows that so I think 30:26 that's pretty good. I like it. By the way, I think we've covered a subject we're using less stuff. We're it's efficiency of placement. And then also you answer the question. 30:39 It's not gonna work on soybeans. It's going to work on corn it all sorts on sunflower. I like the fact that Mike schwegman. 30:45 Senior Precision technology technician for capstan AG. He's kind of a history guy. He knew about Minutemen for the Revolutionary War reference then he talked about putting Fish 30:55 Heads next to the corn seed as the Native Americans did these started talking about maze. I want to bring him back some time and talk about old crops like flax. 31:04 It's come on. Let's have a whole episode talking about blacks. Sure. 31:09 All right. There's Mike schwegman. If you want to find out more about ancient crops and ancient cropping industry. He's the smartest guy to 31:18 come out of Batesville, Indiana that I've ever met and Mike Evans work for integrated egg Solutions. That's his own company 31:24 that he is in partnership with Kelly Garrett and another guy named Mike wingrove who's yet to be on one of our podcast episodes anyway out of area in 31:33 Iowa if they want to learn more about this. Where do they go Mr. Schwegman? 31:38 Um, you could go to our website at click on select shot and we got a lot of information on air go to a local dealer 31:47 and I think our dealer list is on there, too. I love it. I now had decide he's only three hours away from my farm. We're gonna have to have some kind 31:56 of a connection and maybe bring Evans in and we're gonna you know, we're gonna get together. We might catch fish eat the fish put the 32:02 fish heads in we might revisit the whole thing about about flax maze ancient crops. 32:08 I love this whole thing barley. All right till next time that's Mr. Swagman from capstan Ag and Mike Evans who's been 32:17 on here a lot and you know him he's an he's an ex. He's an extreme egg guy if contributor I 32:23 guess I should call him. Anyway until next time I'm Dave Mason. This is Extreme Ice cutting the curve that's a rap for this episode of extreme eggs 32:29 cutting the curve, but there is plenty more available by visiting extreme AG dot farm for over 50 years Farmers have turned to The Proven lineup 32:38 of crop inputs offered by Loveland products from seed treatments Plant Nutrition and crop protection products Loveland has the complete lineup 32:47 to keep your farming operation productive and most certainly profitable check out to learn more