Perspectives On Prairie Province Farming
Riley Anderson farms 24 miles north of the North Dakota / Canada border. As our newest XtremeAg affiliate, Riley will be providing insights, updates, and product trials from his Manitoba operation. What unique challenges do farmers face in an area that dips down to —40 degrees Fahrenheit? How does the product mix change when you go north of the border? And how are commodity markets navigated differently in the western provinces from where you farm? We dig into those topics and more in this episode!
Presented by AgXplore
00:00 We have this special thing called sunlight and soybeans grow. Very good up here. We don't have the same yields that you guys do down in the midwest, but 00:09 we're closing the Gap every year. It feels like welcome to extreme mags cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the 00:18 place for insights. You can apply immediately to your farm operation for increased success this episode of cutting the curve is brought to you by AG Explorer. 00:28 With Innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency protect yield and reduce stress. AG explore helps maximize 00:34 field potential find out how AG Explorer can help you get more out of your crop at Ag And now here's your host Damien Mason 00:43 well greens and welcome to cutting the curve this episode. We're going to hear from Riley Anderson. Riley is going to give us perspectives on Prairie Province 00:52 farming Riley's an affiliate with extreme Aggies gonna be doing some trial work for us north of the border and you know, what we've got tremendous following here 01:01 extreme AG, we always are giving you cool perspectives insights news and information that you can use on your farming operation. We want to make sure that the 01:10 people up north the Border feel the love and that's why we brought in Riley Riley's a Manitoba Farm operator 01:16 fifth generation or sixth on his mom's size. I think he's just told me she's gonna tell us a little bit about that. He's gonna tell us about what he does what he what 01:25 he sees problems. He addresses Might be unique to being in the Prairie Provinces. He's also going to tell us about the trials he's going to be doing where you can 01:34 learn from his failures and successes up there Riley Anderson. Thanks for being part of extreme Ag and thanks for being here. 01:43 Thank you for having me. I'm looking forward to it. Okay, so a real quickly you posted a 01:49 video that just went out we were recording this in June of 2022 and your first ever video contribution was about a field that had water on 01:58 it for like four to six weeks. And so I'm thinking well, you know what Matt miles grows rice, they keep 02:07 water on their fields for four to six weeks that's supposed to be that way. You don't do that 02:13 in Manitoba. What the hell happened? So we live in the Red River Valley of the north. I call it. 02:20 So the Red River goes from North Winnipeg Manitoba down to almost the South Dakota border south of Breckenridge Minnesota 02:30 and it flows north. That's the thing is that you're gonna say the one problem when they always have flooding up there because the river flows from the Dakotas up 02:39 to Manitoba and back in the 90s. They had like eight feet of snow that winter and then when the snow started to melt off, it can't go 02:48 north because it's still frozen up there so that it just pushes out of the river and floods everything. Is that what happened? Yeah, 02:54 very similar. So this year we actually had a very dry. We're coming off a drill and we didn't have too much 03:06 snow. Until probably after Christmas and then we had record snowfall from January on and the North Dakota Northern 03:16 Minnesota also had record snowfalls. Yeah, we had a nice easy melt everything was doing good. And then 03:25 we got two snowstorms back to back at the end of March and beginning of April. And then the Dakotas and Minnesota got 03:34 pounded with rain. So that was The Perfect Storm to create a flood. Yeah, we like you 03:42 said we're still frozen as they were sending their water up to us and it normally so we 03:51 get a flood. I would say average every six years will get one that will cover crop and close some roads. 03:58 What made this one different is? This is the latest flood we've ever had so our ground was thawed and we were 04:07 debating already to go plant corn. And then the water came up and we were sitting underwater. So normally our ground is frozen and 04:17 there's sometimes even some snow on the ground when the water comes through but this time the soil was 04:23 alive. The ground was was ready to go when the water came and that started the problems that we have now. 04:32 So let's talk about perspectives on Prairie Province farming and so to our listeners that maybe are very comfortably living in some part of the United States. They're not familiar. 04:41 I've worked up there. The prayer Providence is Manitoba, which is above the Dakotas Saskatchewan, which 04:47 is really kind of above Montana. Yeah, and then Alberta, those are your three Prairie Provinces, very agricultural 04:57 pretty sparsely populated. I think Manitoba is probably got about million and a half people in the whole province. Yeah, and Saskatchewan's even 05:06 less and then Alberta is the most populous a lot of Agriculture a lot of big Agriculture and people down here in the United States might be like are they grow stuff up there? Well, first off, 05:15 you're not that far north you're from your farming operation is about what 60 miles north of the Border. I'm 24 miles north of the Border 24 miles 05:24 north of the border. And then you do have the unique thing there where you are above the Dakotas. It does get colder than bejesus, right? Yes. Yeah. We'll we'll 05:33 see minus 40 to minus 56 Fahrenheit with wind chill. Minus 40 regular temperature not even wind chill, right? Yeah. Yeah. Well the wind chill 05:45 would be minus 50s. But you get long long days because you think farther north. So when does it start when does it start to get farmable? 05:56 Our goal every year is to be in the field April 20th. We probably get in April 20th. Six out of 10 years. Okay. We're normally end of 06:07 April beginning of May as when I start planting. Your operation because it's different from one regard. 06:16 Kelly gear I was interviewing him the other day talking about something. He's got 50 acres of Oats. He's doing kind of as an 06:22 experiment and to get his own seed instead of you the only Farm south of the of the Prairie Provinces 06:28 that's growing oats. He said probably so you grow a lot oats up there. Yes. Yes, we grow lots of the difference 06:35 between me and Kelly is Kelly's growing his for cover crop seat. I'm growing mine for human consumption. So mine 06:43 will go into oat milk go into your Cheerios go into your granola bars. A lot of it goes down to General Mills or Quaker. 06:51 Those are the two main companies that that buy our oats. Yeah, so tell us about Acres of oats because you know, it's pretty 07:00 big right? Yeah. So we this year we're going a little bit crazy. Normally we grow about a thousand acres oats this year. We're growing 2000 acres. 07:09 Oh, it's because the price is just stupid on it. It's it's double what it normally should be a couple 07:15 of years ago. I just for Farmers going through some sort of commodity thing and I looked up what the price of Oats were 07:21 and I think it was like three dollars for bushel votes. I said good God, how could you justify growing some for three dollars? And but 07:27 what is the price of votes right now? So we sold our oats for 7:45 Canadian a bushel. So I'm not quite sure 07:36 what the conversion is, but you'd be north of six bucks for sure. Sure. And then what's an expected yield on your oat Acres? 07:44 Normal conditions, we would budget 150 to 175 bushels an acre. That's that's tremendous. Yeah this year with the delayed start where budgeting a 07:56 hundred a quarter. Okay late start with you're putting odds aren't like. When are we oats go in the ground when you first can get out there in the field. So are you going out and putting those 08:05 oats in April 30th? Yes, so we grow spring wheat as well. That's also for human consumption. So we'll put that in first 08:14 and we'll put that in as soon as the frost is open we can drive and as soon as we're done putting our spring lead in we're transferring up the drills over 08:23 to oats, and we're putting oats in no till. No, we we are in the Iowa western, Canada. So we're in a little pocket where we are very heavy 08:33 black soil and we are full scale tillage. Okay, so you do full scale tillage. Yeah after the mold board 08:42 plow and a disc just like no in 1975. No, no more plow. But discrepers are becoming a thing here and we use 08:51 chisel clouds and double discs got it. So I I said how many acres oats this year 2000 2000? Okay, so it's a lot that's a lot and yeah breaker and 09:04 the good news is you know, all these other Farmers around here. They they overload their trucks with corn and soybeans. They 09:10 go over the 80,000 pounds oats You couldn't possibly go over cuz always 32 pounds of bushel, right? Yeah, we the key that we have is we 09:19 can go heavy Oaks. So we grow 40 pound bushel Oaks. So wait a minute. Wait a minute you making this up? This is like left-handed screwdrivers 09:27 if if we're under 36 pounds I'm pissed off. Really? Yeah. Did I say to what was a normal Bush was at 09:37 36 34 34 I said 32 right? It's been a while since we touch so there's a difference an American American bushel, Otis 32, I believe and a 09:46 Canadian is 34. Okay. Well, maybe I was right then on the 32 and that might be flipped. Don't quote me on that because I'm not used to Growing that little Bush 09:55 away as I say you you want 40 Bush. That's that's all right. So the rest of the operation you just you get 2,000 acres. Oh, it's what else you do up 10:04 there. We we grow spring wheat for food and we'll grow some week for feed as well. Who's the buyer of the spring wheat that goes 10:13 for human consumption? Is it General Mills? Also? Um, there's a bunch of Mills. We have a couple flower mills 10:19 in Manitoba and we have two of them and then we'll sell to Green elevators that will either export it overseas or export it 10:31 to the states down to Minneapolis. Get milk there. Yeah, so Android would be the company that would buy most of our week. 10:40 In this General in North America in general us and candidate at least we are export oriented agriculture because we are so damn productive. Yeah, 10:49 we have 330 million people here in the US so we can burn through a lot of what we produce just feeding 330 million people and if you look around Americans eat 10:58 a lot you produce a lot of stuff. You only got 40 million people. Yeah, you are even more of an export 11:05 oriented agricultural system in Canada because you produce more than 40 million people can eat and yes, you've got to send stuff overseas. 11:14 Yeah, we export 85% of what we grow meaning in Canada or at your in in western Canada in western Canada. Yeah. So, um 11:25 Odum wheat where else what else we do. We grow some canola. That's those yellow flowers that have pretty pictures and that's 11:34 a direct competitor to soybean oil. It's fantastic. It's a fantastic crop that was invented in Canada by two professors at the Prairie Provinces universities 11:44 that took rape seed and then started started refining it and working out the acid content and it was 11:53 perfect climatologically to grow out there and it satisfied they conversion to vegetable oil because before that we were using lard and whatnot. So it's changed the 12:02 economics of agriculture in the western Canada, right? Yeah. It's a very clean oil and it's a very 12:08 efficient see so 80% of the canola seed is oil only 20% has to be crushed out for Meal which makes it better conversion 12:17 than saying oil. Are you bashing on soybeans is this gonna be competitive? Is this kind of what? You know what we're going to come up there and we're going to come up 12:26 there and take over your country. I I grow lots of soybeans too. You shouldn't you 12:32 should leave us leave that to us down here in the Midwest canola. Cropping system for somebody that's like, you know, some of our friends that are 12:41 from Alabama, they're saying yeah, I know about this what when do you plant canola? 12:45 So we plan canola and spring as well. So canola's the last crop we put in the ground because we have these little bugs called flea beetles that will 12:54 just sought right down to nothing if you're not careful. So we'll wait until the second 13:00 week of May. Her third week of May to put our canola on the ground. We're talking about canola. We talked about oats talked about 13:08 wheat. You said now you grow soybeans. So the way things work, you're far enough North that you might get an hour more Daylight honestly than I do here 13:17 in Northern, Indiana, right? Yes, so I'm on Central time. So last night the sun went down at 10:30. 13:25 Yeah. And so just because of the curvature of the earth you guys have longer days. So you squeeze a bit more growing season into 13:33 a shorter season because you're still cold in April, but you get longer days in the summer, but it helps you on soybeans you grow corn also. Yes, we 13:42 grow corn as well. That's all for food. And so is it genetically modified? Are you regular GMO corn? Okay. Yeah, you're not doing 13:51 in no specialty stuff there. No it all of our corn goes into the pork or the cattle market. Yeah. We have one. We have one ethanol 14:00 plant, but they mostly buy their feet wheat or barley. They don't have a huge market for court. Just go Easter go 14:09 west. There's a bunch of cattle in Alberta. I think Alberta is the Catalyst stay at Province up there, right? 14:15 Yeah, but where does your where are the feed yards feed yards? Yeah, so in Manitoba, we're actually an importer of 14:23 corn lots of corn comes up from you know, the Dakotas Minnesota and Iowa. We are my grandpa 14:32 used to always say Manitoba is the Iowa of western Canada, and I probably mentioned that earlier on but we have a lot of hogs here. 14:41 We're hog Central and so there's lots of feed mills that take up a lot of corn for Hogs. And the only reason 14:50 we ship corn West Alberta is because it's cheaper for the the Mills here to import it from the Midwest and 14:59 then ship our stuff West you you're a middleman. Manitoba is the middle man, you're taking stuff you're taking corn from Minnesota and then and then 15:08 send it on real perspectives on Prairie Province farming speaking of shipping. There's two big Canadian real companies, right? Yes, and 15:17 they were not moving. Agricultural Commodities because somehow is more profitable for them to move other whatever oil 15:26 is there still is there still a rub? Yes. Yeah. No, we're we're always at odd. I shouldn't say at odds, but we're we're always 15:36 fighting to get agriculture products onto trains and to get space on trains. We call 15:45 our trains here pipelines because they haul lots of oil because our government doesn't like us to have pipelines in the ground for some 15:54 reason, you know, well, we're we would apparently we've morphed into that here the last couple presidents ourself. 16:00 What what's different I mean we talked about the weather you get a long long days you squeeze a growing season in a shorter amount 16:09 of days. Yeah because of longer days and you have to which is good, you know even clear up in North Alberta. I know there's agriculture seven hours into Alberta you 16:18 think how is that possible because again, they get very long sunny days besides the 16:24 weather. And climatological stuff. Is there anything that that the average American Farm operator would be like, oh, I 16:31 never thought of that. Art crop insurance system is very different from you guys. So that's the easy picking one. We have 16:38 to put a crop in the ground. We do not have prevent plant here. Okay, so we have to get a crop seated to have crop insurance. 16:47 The other other big thing is our field sizes we a small field for us is 120 Acres. Kevin Matthews is 17:00 down there and western or north North Central and Northwestern North Carolina. And he talks about having patches. You know, there are 23 acres in this 17:09 kind of thing. Yeah real quickly about that crop insurance. Are you is it subsidized like it is in the United States where the 17:16 government will pay for part of our most of the premium? Yes. So they pay for a good chunk of the premium. 17:22 Yeah, and I would say that our program isn't as robust as yours. You guys have a much better program than we have and I 17:31 would talk that up to your farm groups do a much better job of lobbying than our soup here. Okay. All right. So field size 17:41 if there's gonna be automated Machinery, it's probably going to happen there first because like you said you've got these vast tracks. Whereas in 17:50 a square, right? Yeah. Yeah, we're flattened Square. You get your stuff? No, we do not. I've looked into it in the 18:00 past. But normally our issue is we have too much water. So we don't have that much rainfall, but my ground is heavy like 18:09 I don't know too many guys. Well, if you know about cecs cat I exchange capacity. My lightest ground is 36 CEC. 18:18 My heaviest ground is 52 CC so, I hold lots of water and lots of nitrogen so I don't need that much rain because I'm not leaching that rain out the 18:30 bottom sure. Interesting potatoes are not too far from you. I've worked. Yeah potato groups in Dakota's. Have you ever been approached about doing a potato 18:41 contract? No, my ground is way too heavy. I have a couple friends that grow potatoes and they joke around that if 18:48 I could sell mud that looked like potatoes they would put their potatoes on my ground. 18:54 Yeah, so the potatoes like sandier little lighter. Yeah, so we have we're in right at the bottom of the Red River Valley where we are very heavy 19:03 and then we call it a startment. So as the land pulls out of the bottom of the valley and lightens up and we have some sand your soil. 19:12 So that's where the potatoes are growing. Yeah, but you you don't Farm any of that. So no ownership situation, you know, 19:18 eventually you and I are going to recording about business. You're 31 year old man. You're in business with your parents right now. What's that? 19:24 Look like is it? Is it different in Manitoba than it is here or is it still kind of the same thing working with the parents? They own all the assets and 19:33 you're just the labor. What the heck this look like. Pretty much I would say we're very similar to my 19:41 American friends that are in the farming world. I am very fortunate. I'll go on a little bit of a story here. My dad's so my 19:50 grandfather on my dad's side. He passed away when my dad was 18 so him and his uncle started farming together when he was 18 and my 19:59 great uncle passed away when I was 11. So I had a full-time job from 11:00 because it was me and my dad so I'm 20:08 farther ahead than a lot of my friends are just because me and my dad have been farming since I was preteen and now 20:17 I'm reaping some of the benefits of that because I've been able to collect on inflation because I've had a ownership 20:26 since I could alright when I was 18. I had my first quarter sectional on block. Um, and you're you're 20:35 Cutting in on it and saying listen kid. We know that we know that you've been out here doing this since you're a little so here's 20:41 some ground. No, we actually went out and bought it and I qualified for a loan as 20:49 a young farmer. That covered the whole half section. So my dad provided the down payment and we split the land 50 50 and I paid 20:59 the loan off and he helped me with the loan a little bit on his staff too. So you own 21:05 some Farm ground up there. Yeah, but then they own Farm ground how much how much of your land is not owned by somebody named 21:14 Anderson? 50% so you cash rent or you do shares we captured Sharon has never taken off here because we have a lot of 21:25 variability. Yeah, and we can see a swing from a zero or a minus to making 150 bucks an acre here. Sure. So 21:34 your landlords retired Farmers or they investors from Toronto? All of them are retired Farmers or 21:44 kids of retired Farmers there has been investors that have come in and they leave just as fast as they come for the most part in our 21:54 area every time things get hot which right now we're obviously in a very accelerated real estate agricultural real estate market. I make the crack that I'm going to go to auctions and 22:03 on my name badge and we'll put investor from Chicago because every time there's this Ascension in real estate, then you'll talk to the local farmer 22:12 gossip. So did you hear what the the Miller Farm sold for 12 Grand an acre who bought it? I heard of some investors from Chicago b*******. They're 22:22 not investors from Chicago. Anyway, that's good. Yeah, that's why I threw out investors from Toronto for you. I'm sure the actually 22:28 the Ontario teachers pension fund was up here last boom in the early tens like 2011-12 and 22:37 they were buying land but everybody found out afterwards that they One quarter instead of half of the province. Yeah, 22:44 right, right. So they bought a hundred about 168 acres in the way the farmer talk had it that the whole province is getting bought up by these damn teachers Pension funds 22:53 if I want to if I want to come up and buy 168 Acres that you farm. Your average stuff how much am I paying for it? 23:02 Well, first of all, you couldn't because you'd have to be a resident of Manitoba to own land. 23:08 Um second all you would be paying about five to seven thousand Canadian inning. Okay. So as an American, I 23:17 can't own Farm ground that you farm. Yeah, there's ways around it, but we can talk about that offer the ways around 23:26 everything as I was pointing out Riley rules were made for people who lack creativity exactly. All 23:32 right, so five to seven Canadian and so I think last I looked there's about a 20% but Canadian dollars about 80 percent. We're not doing so 23:42 hot right now. So it's about 30% right now. Okay. So take 70% times sometimes Seven Grand that's 4,900. So 4500 to 23:51 5,000 that us would get me Acres bought where you are Yes sounds cheap sure. You want to 24:00 come up here when it's cold. It sounds cheap. And the reason it's that price is it because we're limiting demand because we 24:07 Americans come up and buy it or is it because it costs what it costs because there's the productivity is what it is. 24:15 I would say that reflects productivity that price is actually inflated over productivity. Like the land is not making its payments. I would 24:24 be similar to situations all over the Midwest. But yeah, we're I would say average you 24:31 need to acres to pay for one acre here. Yeah, so two acres of farm ground to pay for one acre of blood ground. Yeah. Well meaning you're 24:42 gonna put it if you put down 50% it'll flow. Yeah. Yeah, but yeah 50% it'll flow and non-ag people. 24:48 Don't get that one of my investor buddies from Chicago actually told me he was interested in team at me and buying something and anyone know if you could do like three to 24:57 five percent down and use borrowed money, and I said, No, no, you can't use it. There's no there's nobody's gonna loan you a 97% loan to value on Farmland. 25:07 No, you know, you've got some interesting stuff up there the total Acres that you operate then half of which are own half witch or not. It's you got 25:16 to spread between five things canola oats wheat Corn soybeans or anything we missed yeah. No, that's the main crops. We dabble in 25:25 sunflowers for oil peas and sometimes dry beans or edible beans. We call them up here. Yeah, but those are more of crop insurance 25:37 plays or or the price is really get. Didn't the whole explosion of edible beans and chickpeas and all that 25:47 didn't it? Really change the complexion of farm economics? Because I know guys in Montana that said this has been a boom for 25:53 us because we you know, we're out here getting 60 bushel wheat or something. And and now my God we got these 25:59 peas and chickpeas and edible beans. It was a really good thing. No, Yes, so right where I am. 26:06 We haven't seen the same boom because we are we have more moisture and we're in a little bit different climate. But 26:15 the more arid parts of western Canada like Southwest Saskatchewan and Alberta. They've seen a huge boom in their egg 26:24 world because of those Foods taking off. Yeah down it by the way speaking of the provinces and the difference as you said, you got 26:33 to be a resident not only of Canada but of Manitoba, you're gonna be a manitoban to buy Farm ground there that seems to really be 26:39 limiting stuff. That means it means you can't even just say I'm from Saskatchewan. I want to come over across the border and own a bunch of stuff. 26:47 There is some gray area with that. You can do it, but you have to have extra you basically have to say that you're gonna own it for 26:58 a long period of time. You can't just flip it. That there's there's some rules that way with. What did we not cover when we're talking about 27:08 perspectives on Prairie Province farming with you? Because we want to be this an introduction. We also want to 27:14 talk about some of the unique stuff. What are we not cover about Prairie Province farming that I didn't ask 27:21 So we we touched on it a little bit, but I'd like to unpack it a little bit further is our frost free days we call it. So it's our growing 27:30 season like Um, we will have our last frost beginning of May and we will have our first Frost 27:38 beginning of October end of September. So that limits our growing season. I would love to harvest crop 27:47 grass green like they do in the south in the Midwest. But the reality of that is the frost is gonna kill the crop before we get to it most times. So we 27:57 have to adapt with in that. Confines or that those within those within that fence. I'll call it we have to operate. 28:06 So yeah, that's that's kind of the the main challenge we have up here the truth is you're not really that far off. I'm from Northern Indiana. And we used to 28:15 talk about frost free date being like October. I'm sorry May 7th and then and then October 9th 28:21 or 10th or something. So, I mean, you're not that far off of what we are. All right, you're gonna be doing some trials for extreme Ag 28:27 and I'm excited about that. Tell us what you're going to do and what problem you seek to solve or what what answer you'd like to discover. Yeah. 28:36 So we have we have this flood issue. And what I noticed afterwards is when the water left my soil smell like it 28:48 was erotic. And I was cleaning up some flood debris and that was the video and I flipped over a couple logs and I just saw them Covered In earthworms and earthworm 28:58 holes and then my brain started working and that was right on the shore where the where the crop or the ground came out of the flood 29:07 water versus what was in the flood water and all the earthworms just came straight for air and so I 29:16 started thinking about it and I'm thinking most of that rotten smell is rotting byology. Yeah is what I'm smelling. Yeah, and so 29:25 I want to restore that biology that I lost due to the flood water in my video. I said, my soil is dead. That's not entirely 29:34 true. That's a very dramatic. Yeah way of saying it and we obviously we were we're underwater long enough that then we don't have oxygenation and you know, 29:43 they taught me in soil judging soil ideally is 50% particle 25% Or 25% water. Well, you were part 29:52 of the water nowhere and you know, you're going to do what and we're gonna talk about it more in different video. But you're going to use some 30:01 products to Kickstart eventually would come back make it to years. You're trying to you're trying to hasten the recovery of that 30:10 ground. Exactly. So my I'm no expert on this. I'm learning things as well here, but I am trying to stimulate my 30:19 biology to reproduce and build back up faster. So I'm gonna be applying some human pack from egg Explorer which is a humic acid which is food for the 30:31 biology of the soil and I'm hoping that I can see that process up. All right, so we're gonna be talking about that specifically and is that the only 30:40 trial you get going for us? I also have some other products from them that I'm going to be putting down sweet tea 30:47 is a bit of a compost. I don't know too much about it. Corey my rep dropped it off and said this is going to be awesome for you. Try it out. So I 30:56 got to dig into that figure out what it is and then they have some micronutrients of putting down as well. And this is all on that 31:02 flooded field. Are you gonna be doing anything on your normal fields? That didn't sit like a lake? 31:07 Yeah, so I'm gonna be putting the micronutrients on the fields that I still have. Let's say 80 to 90% 31:13 yield potential on got it. So we're gonna be doing stuff on fertility review stuff on bringing back Reviving a an almost dead soil field and 31:22 we're going to be doing some mid season late season stuff with this other nutrient thing. Okay? Yes. Yeah and mid late season for you really means what August? 31:32 Yeah, it'll be end of July beginning of August. Cool. All right. His name is Riley Anderson. He's doing affiliate work for extreme ad you can check out more great stuff that we record for 31:42 extreme AG, you know, we got over a hundred of these podcasts. We got videos from the guys that are doing stuff. We got product trials. We got 31:48 articles and successful farming, please go and check this stuff out. It's don't cost you nothing. If you want to spend a little bit of money, you can become a paying 31:54 member you'll get access to our webinars. You'll also get access to the guys where they'll actually take your calls and answer your questions. 32:00 You can do all this extreme agnot Farm. If you want to learn more about Riley Anderson come and find him here or you can even look him up. You can 32:09 look them up at his email. I'm sure he'd be happy to help you out. Your email address is 32:14 Riley at eight plus So APL us Look at that Riley at a plus His 32:25 name is Riley Anderson here be hearing more from him. He's our he's our token Canadian and I like him and my name is 32:31 Damien Mason. Thank you for being here till next time it's extreme ice cutting the Curve. 32:36 Thanks for listening. Operation visit extreme are your crot stressed out AG Explorer has you covered with a 32:48 full line of products to help protect your crop from environmental stressors to just cold and wet or heat and drought 32:54 check out acne and start protecting your yields and profit.
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