No More Cotton? Meet Tennessee Farmer Johnny Verell
Johnny Verell left his Jackson, Tennessee farm to attend Murray State University at his grandfather’s insistence. “He said I couldn’t farm if I didn’t go to college,” Johnny says. He returned to the farm and now runs the 3rd generation operation along with his dad. The family made a major decision in 2006 when they quit cotton. Johnny explains that business decision and his operation. He also shares the 3 subjects he’s learned the most about from XtremeAg as well as the subjects on which he intends to contribute to XtremeAg’s followers.
Presented by Advanced Drainage Systems with Support from Agricen.
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00:00 We're gonna learn about Tennessee agriculture. We're learning about what he does how he does and how it's different from what you do most importantly what he 00:06 joined extreme AG to get and give Welcome to extreme AGS cutting the curve podcast where you get a guaranteed return 00:17 on investment of your time as we cut your learning curve with the information. You can apply to your farming operation immediately 00:23 extreme AG, we've already made the mistakes so you don't have to managing. Your Farm's Water Resources is a critical component to 00:33 a successful and sustainable farming operation Advanced Drainage Systems helps Farmers, just like you increase their yields up to 30% with their 00:42 technologically advanced Water Management products visit ads to see how they can keep your business flowing. 00:51 Now here's your host Damien Mason well greetings and welcome to another fantastic episode of extreme acts cutting the curve. We've got Johnny varel. As 01:00 our guest today Johnny is a Tennessee farmer and he's an extreme AG affiliate. We're happy to have him here. You know, we are learning and experiential platform. 01:09 That's what's really cool about this we bump into people at commodity classic whatever Farm progress show egg PhD field day and we hear people 01:18 say hey, I really like what you do out there because it's informative. It's not over my head the stuff that is you always bring it down to me. And also we 01:24 bring you a lot of different experiences from different farming operations that you can learn from what we're doing that today. Johnny Burrell is a Jackson Tennessee farm 01:33 guy who joined extreme AG as an affiliate. Why why did you join extreme magazine affiliate? Why you why are you here Johnny? 01:43 I just love the Brotherhood of it. I love the Practical farming aspect of where you get to see what everyone's doing 01:49 all across the country on their Farm. Like what makes their Farm tea what gives them the Cutting Edge in their area. Maybe 01:55 take a few of those things back to my farm to see if they'll work on our farm every day. That was much farming operation Jackson Tennessee. 02:03 It's kind of Central. Right right. We're right outside of Memphis in between Memphis and Nashville and the state of Tennessee. So on the west part of the state, there's cotton 02:12 Rays around here. So we're in the northern part of the Cotton Belt. This Farm was actually a predominant cotton Farm up until about 2006 02:21 and we transitioned into corn wheat soybeans. I'm a third generation farmer my granddad passed away about two years ago. 02:30 He started this Farm in operation back in the 60s and I still Farm alongside my father Allen. And we raise corn weight and soybeans. 02:40 Okay, when I think of obviously history Etc, I mean Memphis big cotton. I mean my God, that's like everything you learn about agriculture. The 02:50 economy of the Mid-South I think is what we call them. The Memphis is the capital of the mid South and then you just said something that's on a verge of 02:59 sacrilege really stopped producing cotton. I think they should have run your ass out of the state. Once you did that you should have no longer been allowed to be there. I mean, come on. That's what that's 03:09 what the whole that's what are you doing? Why would you quit doing cotton? Well, I was very fortunate. I had a grandfather that 03:15 didn't tell me. Hey, we got to do it like we've always done it. So my granddad was a numbers man. So if I showed him a paper 03:21 how we can make more money or the same money and save money while I'm doing it. He was all about it. And I mean that's what 03:27 really allowed us to transition. We started studying and I guess in the 2000s everyone started rotating corn into 03:33 cotton ground and then back to Cotton. So we started seeing if we actually put corn on some of our better ground where we always 03:39 put our cotton we can make these topping corn yields. So we started doing that and we started getting into wheat and it just really 03:45 allowed us to see that we could transition away from cotton and you know, having three or four crops on our farm every year. 03:51 So when I talked about King Cotton and you know, the whole history the Memphis the mid South what I do speak engagements in 03:57 Memphis, I'm always fascinated by that because it's so different from just a couple 400 miles north of there where I or 04:03 300 or whatever it is where I was raised in Indiana and you know, there's no cotton where I'm from and there's just 04:09 not that history of this crap and I've learned a lot about cotton since I joined extreme AG as the host and producer of this stuff with Matt miles 04:19 and he said, you know, if you've armed for other people they always wanted to put cotton in because it was the it was the bank, right? 04:28 So you always made more money. I mean it was it was the King Kong for a reason because it made money. And I think for years in the South it was the king soybean prices 04:38 came up soybean varieties changed we got to where we can make some pretty high in yield soybeans and the corn fall along too. And so it allowed us to really diversify. 04:47 We actually had cotton the first time since 2006 last year on our farming. We just kind of got back in it on three or four hundred acres to see what we could make if we 04:56 wanted to get back into the crop and we had a very successful crop last year it just for us just the grain bin 05:02 system that we have in place. Now, the grain facility that we have it really allows us to stay with growing. I know the one the big things, you know, some of our 05:11 guys that certainly our followers love to keep up with the agronomics and all that because Farmers love the farm and I 05:17 always bring it back to the business the money the return on investment, you know, the economics. This is a business. This is a business. You said 05:24 that you're fortunate. Your grandfather was not just steeped in Tradition. You know my God come hell or high water. We're going to grow cotton. That's what we do 05:33 here. He actually looked at the angels first off your fortunate and that's a good thing. Nextly. You said 05:42 that was 2006. We did that transition. I'm looking here on screen. You look to me like you're about in your mid thirties. Yeah, I'm 40 years old. Okay. So you 05:51 were 24 25 years old when you guys started talking about this. There's a lot of people say hey, it's neat that 05:59 you have this idea. But you know what you're in your 20s, once you come back when you've had a few years experience, but you came and said I really think we should 06:05 consider transitioning out of cotton. Was it you that led the charge was it grandfather? Was it father Allen now? I would say 06:11 it's more maybe what I went to college in, Kentucky. And so I went up there and saw how they're racing corn and wheat on their ground, you know 06:17 that concept where we are, you know, 40 50 bushel wheat was the common thing, you know, we're able to make 80 90 100 Bush a week. So when I went to college up there 06:26 I saw how these guys in West Kentucky were making these high and wheat yields kind of brought that back down here. When you look at the numbers, it 06:32 just really fits well, and it allows us to take a harvest a piece of harvest equipment like combine and go across three or four 06:38 crops versus going across one like you do with the cotton picture. You said that you dabble back 06:45 into a little bit of cotton and crop season 2022. It's my understanding this hard to dabble into because it needs such infrastructure. First off. You've got to 06:54 have your a lot of the gins. Our own cooperatively. So if you're wanting to produce it, you kind of have to own the right to Bill 07:02 take your stuff to the gym. How do you dabble in and out of cotton if that's the case? Well where we are it's more of a private individual 07:08 owns the Gen so there's multiple genes in our area, you know used to be several in East County. Now, there might be one in each County or two in each County. So they're still gems that 07:17 are probably on and you could take it pretty much anywhere you want and I just network with some neighbors and kind of maybe horses and soybeans 07:23 for them and they harvested my cotton for me times. They also a cotton-picker according to Matt miles. You're talking about 07:29 like 850 900,000 for a cotton pair. That's right. That's right. And you know, this isn't something you've got to have some acres to get 07:38 over to justify a 900,000 piece of equipment. That's exactly right. Okay. And by the way, am I accurate that that whole thing that there's some areas, 07:47 you know to get your cotton process. You've got a You've got to have a slot right? I mean isn't that the case for some places? Yeah, I mean, it just depends. 07:58 Like I said where I'm at is still more privately. owned pretty much has taken get to it the fastest or whoever you had a partnership 08:07 with like a relationship with is like a neighboring landowner or something like that. So it just worked out for us very well. So interesting 08:14 thing to me is that you've you know, you're not like 24 anymore. You're 40 years old. You joined 08:23 up extreme, egg. You keep up with what we're doing and then you're obviously going to provide some 08:29 stuff. So I want you to give me one or two big takeaways you learned before you joined up with us and 08:35 then one or two things you think that or at least categories you think you can pass on because there's a lot of things that you probably have 08:41 to to advise or or provide guidance on based on the things you've done. So the first first one one or two things that you've gotten from extreme egg, you know, 08:50 the fertility program that some of these guys run it's an area that I think I can continue working on and I mean, I think 08:56 we all can continue working on our fertility programs and involving thing every year prices going up and down a 09:02 different products that we're using but Just seeing how they do different things. You know, Chad Henderson might do one thing. Matt miles does one 09:11 thing you go farther north. They do something totally different that's pretty neat to me because that way I'm not just looking at what we do here in West 09:17 Tennessee. I can kind of see what some guys literally just a few hours, you know, south or east of me are doing a western here doing 09:23 to see what we can do here, you know to change up our fertility program and get that higher Roi because that's what we're after, you know are yields are ticking up 09:32 with the ROI that we can make is really on what we can do to say the money on the front end. Well and now fertilizer prices in 09:38 general have come of backed off from their high they were treated a bit but you're still talking about historically, you 09:44 know in the old days Johnny and you know this it was always just throw more fertilizer at it because it was generally a payback and it 09:53 was an inexpensive. It has not fertilizer has not been expensive last several years. So that's a good one that you think the fertility 09:59 also, you know, the fertility program that they do. They're always willing to change it. That's right. 10:04 That every year they're like they're tweaking it. So that's the cool thing is like Hey, we're gonna try this this year. And so that's good. So you think that you're going to glean a 10:13 lot of learning from fertility programs within the guys in extreme AG what else you think that you're you either have learned or hope to learn more about from the extreme 10:22 egg. I like looking at their planner set up saying what products are putting out or how they're putting out these products on their planner because 10:28 if you can see what somebody else has done a successfully that says you a lot of time and effort into buying the wrong 10:34 product that doesn't fit the application. So I really study what they're doing on their planners Network talk to them and you 10:40 know commodity classic different things to see what they're doing and then the next big thing. I'm kind of looking at we do have a lot of 10:46 Hill ground. So drain tile is not as important as it is for a lot of people, but we do have a lot of Creek Bottoms in our area that I really am looking forward to getting some 10:55 more insight on the drain tile and trying to figure out how to make that be a part of our operation. I'm from Northern Indiana. In 11:01 fact, we used to have a plant in my County. Old majenika tile they dug out clay and cooked it in ovens and made 11:10 it into clay drainage tile. I've been around from the time. I was born I understood drainage tiles. Just something you do because you know, we get 40 inches precipitation. 11:19 I joined up with extreme Ag and they say we got this sponsor called ads they make dreams. I'm like sure and then we start finding out that Chad Henderson 11:28 has never put in drainage tile and Matt miles. I'm like, I guess I hadn't thought of that. So in your part of the world 11:35 is drainage tile new. Is it something that's nobody's doing at all something. You've kind of heard of kind of where are you on the whole drainage thing right here 11:44 in our County. There's very very little drainage style put in but you go a little bit north towards Kentucky. There's more drying towel 11:50 that's been put in and there's a few guys kind of getting in the business to try to start pushing the drain down offer service to do 11:56 it, you know more one of those hands on guys, so I will continue to look at the equipment different guys are using to see if we can 12:03 Either purchase it or get a partner with it and go that way. Have you been like the Jazz where he's got the lift station and the 12:09 whole deal if you've been to there. I have not been to his farm and actually seen that out. I've seen those at the commodity classic 12:15 and how that works. I thought that was That's what I'm going to have because a lot of our areas if it's not draining, it's usually goes the ditches the same level as the field. Right, right? 12:24 Okay. So the three things that you either are already learning and hope to learn more about fertility programs. The guys are using 12:33 planter setups because you've got some hilly ground and by the way, I don't think if you I don't think it matters what kind of ground you have planter set up is Paramount to 12:42 you know, seed the soil contact spacing and all that. Probably doesn't matter whether you have curvy ground or not. That's right, and I mean I look at it more like 12:52 planners are several year investment when you buy one you really we might try tractors every year but Planters, we usually hold on to 12:59 for a few years. So I want to make sure I buy the right planner if I'm gonna order it from the factory and get the right attachments put on it that's going to 13:05 fit my operation the best. Hey Farmers want to save money on fertility without sacrificing yield. Harvest last season's nutrients for this season's 13:14 crop with extract powered by accomplished. I'm Damien Mason. I'm host of Extreme Ice cutting the curve and every day we talk about ways to be more 13:23 profitable and do better by your soils and I'm telling you this might be the answer extract powered by accomplish is 13:29 exclusively available from a nutrient AG Solutions. So contact your local nutrient AG Solutions crop consultant to learn more. 13:40 Those are the three things fertility program planner set up and drainage that you're that you're excited about getting what do 13:46 you think that you can contribute and you know, don't worry about being arrogant. Nobody thinks that what do you think that you can contribute and you look 13:52 at what's Johnny Farrell really good at or what does West Central Tennessee farming teach you that you can teach others what 14:01 what thing is either personal specific or Farm specific or your geography specific you can bring to others. Yeah, so we started doing right fertility in 14:10 2002 and I was able to incorporate that in our farm and operation just like to show my dad and grandfather how we can save money with it. So 14:19 we really wrapped up our very bright Chris sampling in 2012. So most of our Farms have been sampled on grits two and a half agreed since 14:28 the early 2000. So for two, so 20 years ago grid sampling kind of became a thing about 20 years ago, but not very 14:37 well adapted so you You were kind of at the front end of doing grid sampling on your soils. Yeah, it's all because of where I went to college that we 14:46 were kind of in The Cutting Edge of Precision farming so it allowed me to to get the Leading Edge of that and kind of understand and do a lot of it myself. 14:54 And so to me it's easier for our former to start a corporate and it's falling if he understands why he's doing something. So like if I pull soil samples I was able to write wrong fertility, 15:03 you know, recommendations and stuff like that and you can visually see what you're doing is working your level one out the field you're 15:09 getting a more uniform fertility program across the field. So in the early 2000 when we started 15:15 doing that we had so so much various one in the field to the other whether from the soul types change that you'll change 15:21 so that really allowed us to get a better uniform fertility program out there. So that's really what we try to capitalize 15:27 on. Okay variable rate fertility program is and that's really also then about your soil sampling. So we've we've covered 15:36 that a few different ways here on the extreme AG stuff and I'd like to hear what you got on that. What's the other thing that you can contribute? So we we raise 15:45 up corn and wheat and we raise. We are some at a very high moisture. So we're able to go out and we usually start harvesting corn 15:54 around 30% which I know there's some other guys in the program that do that too. And we're doing it to capitalize on our early premium at a local processing plant for the 16:03 corner ethanol plants somewhere like that. It's usually paying a pretty good premium and middle of August for that corner. Yeah, 16:09 so you where you are geographically you could be you can grab 30% corn in mid. August supplies are tight. So 16:18 certain processors are are in a premium for corn. Obviously, you're at a positive basis. It all sets that I mean you talk about getting like 16:27 four cents per our five cents per point. So if it were that way you'd be talking about like 75 cents, but it doesn't matter. So what is it how much how much is it worked 16:36 out for you? It's usually under 10 cents, you know for that for a ten point removal. So at 15 Point removal, it is probably around 15 16:45 cents realistically, so I've got a very To draw I've got a mixed flow dryer. It's very efficient. We put it in I guess about four years ago. We upgraded our 16:54 dryer because you're not you're not taking 30% corn to the ethanol plant. You're taking them 15% corn, but you can you you can justify the you 17:03 can justify the dry down absolutely and for us we don't really have a real local elevator. There's an inline elevator that's about 20 20 25 17:13 miles from us that we can go to but the ethanol plant the major elevators on Mississippi River about 60 65 miles. So from a truck and aspect 17:22 we've got a grain facility that we bring all of our grain in here process it dry. And then if the 17:28 premiums there will send it out. If not, we'll set on it. So we bring all of our soybeans here all of our week. 17:34 We do the same thing we Well before the weed what you're saying that you bring everything to your main farming operation and do 17:42 the dry whatever you're gonna do to it, I guess. that all makes sense, but The bringing the high moisture corn. You've you've 17:54 run the numbers that you can bring in you can Harvest it 30% because down there at the ethanol plant. They're paying you 18:00 know, what a buck overboard or something like that. That's right. That's right. Usually every year at the end of August first 18:06 week of September in our area. There's a really good premium. There's a couple of food processors that are paying for yellow corn too now 18:12 that you can really capitalize on it for us. It's getting it in and then the yield aspect we know it's five to ten percent increase in yield. We've done 18:21 several trials on our farm. We have a field day that we've kind of showcased that where you harvest corn at 25% come back three three to four 18:30 weeks later harvested at 15% and you actually see the real yield loss and it's pretty substantial and it 18:36 goes back to that fan on. Fan of loss. You've heard people talk about that. I never heard anybody talk about till I join extreme Ag and I start hearing Kelly Garrett talking 18:44 about it where there's you know, part of the colonel stays in the ear and and all this kind of thing. Yeah, and then 18:50 just the Harvest ability it allows us to use less equipment less less manpower to get our crop out because we can start early too. Yeah, so we just kind 18:59 of utilize what we have and we pretty much start around 30% We try to be done around 20% and have the whole prop out. 19:05 So interesting that to clarify you don't mean that it saved Manpower because somehow it's easier just that it lengthens your 19:11 season. That's right. That's right instead of having maybe three or four combines running we can get by with two or whatever. The number 19:17 is so why do you harvest wheat with us wet? It's the same concept for us. It's the same concept we're able to so we get our weed use 19:27 around the first week of Gene. We try to start harvestingly and if we just start say five seven eight 19:33 days earlier when you plant those soybeans over here, and we know in the month of June. Day is a big yield loss the later we plant specially closer to 19:41 July again. So we try to really start to get soybeans planted earlier to pick up that yield gain on the soybeans. A lot of times. You have good moisture. When you start planting wheat 19:50 beans instantly to the person that's from Nebraska or from where I'm from you're saying what the hell's he talking about? Because he forgot that he's doing something 19:59 that most people north of the Mason-Dixon Line. Don't do it all double crop mean. He's double 20:05 cropping. Yes. So you take your wheat, you take your wheat off a little bit green, but you think that it preserves more 20:11 yield by doing it that way then you do have to dry it. Normally you wouldn't think of drying wheat, certainly the people in Kansas are running or we through 20:20 a dryer it goes on a truck goes to a mill you're drying your wheat. Yeah, as long as it'll come out of the trucks. We're drying the weight. 20:26 So we have had it worse not really come out of the trucks actually Harvest it to get it into the grind system. So there is 20:32 a fine line there where you wet Yeah. We actually had a solid. Okay so far one year right next. Our weight sales and it was in the low 30s and it was pretty tough. 20:41 But anyways, it's the other thing we gained as a test weight because where we are we get a lot of these June rains that are two three inch hard rains. It 20:50 unlocked the test weights severely out of that week so we can go from low low 60 pound test weight to mid 20:56 50s if you're not real careful, so just picking up that that's true true yield gain there in that test weight. 21:03 Course we've had in the past for some of the elevators have reached out to us and asked us about bringing our wheat if we'll 21:09 hold it because of the test weight they can blend with it if they know what we have. So we've kind of figured out a little niche with harvesting the wheat wet. 21:15 It really does pay off every year. It doesn't work out because it can set into rain and then when the rain quits the week's dry, 21:21 but we always try to to start harvesting wheat, you know close to that 20% or maybe a little higher too. So yeah, but that's why that it comes up 21:30 and won't fall out of the truck. Yeah. All right. So what you just said though, then there's the big reason of doing this is and and we've been talking about this with the Other Extreme egg. That's 21:39 why I think it's cool. You're gonna contribute on your take on this as we move down the road that you've got 21:45 to get your weed out to give your second crop soybeans a Fighting Chance. That's right. That's 21:51 right. It just it allows us to pick up that premium daily length that we have, you know close to the 21:57 first of you and then the moisture we have like last year people didn't have their weight being fun and our area. 22:03 The 20th 25th of June it got so hot and dry. They never came up so good. So ideally you harvest your wheat somewhere 22:12 in the beginning week of June. That's right. And then you got the planter putting in soybeans right behind the combine and disrupt 22:21 on the combine and we've actually planted corn behind wheat a couple of times and 22:26 It all depends on. the the price of the corn with the inputs what we're going to do there because sometimes planting corn Lake didn't really you eliminating Factor 22:36 like it is on soybeans. We know the later you plant soybeans it can really affect it. But we have planted Corn Lake under irrigation and made some really good conversation. It depends 22:45 on where you are you're saying you're in a climatologically you're in an area that you'll still have enough fall and Enough 22:51 season and then and if you irrigate talk about the mix here. Do all your soybeans follow wheat or do you have any 23:00 that like Chad does wheat beans as my Southern friends column. I just always called double crop mean he does some that way but he does some more 23:09 than conventional and dependent. He looks as managing equipment and Manpower is the reason he switches his I think is as I remember him saying yeah, we're 23:18 about two thirds wheat beans double crop beans. That's where we are. So we also look at if we can get that ground planted in the fall and we don't have to plant that ground in the 23:27 spring we can wait we can really concentrate on our corn and early soybeans not worry about all this other ground that it's gonna be 23:33 Gene for we can plan it. So that's why so two thirds of your soybeans go in after the wheat right behind the combine taking off the wheat and then your mixture. 23:42 So there's about there's a bunch of Acres that get three care option two years. That's right. That's right. We used to be 50/50 literally if 23:50 it went into corn this year. It was we bends next year and then we've grown in size and we kind of figured out too that having weed every other year. We do 23:59 a little bit better if we have wheat every three years on some ground too. So you guys that get three crops every two years you 24:05 get three crops. This is why you're so much richer than me. I don't know about that. So here's the other thing on your acreage split when 24:15 you talk about you through some cotton back in the mix. What did it come at the expense of 24:22 we just it was just a good fit. We had kind of cut some corn acres and we thought we'd put those Acres back into cotton and then if we could figure out how to make it 24:31 work and make the yield where we want it and get the price where we want it on the Cotton because the price is very volatile on the Cotton in the 24:37 last two years has been extremely volatile but it's easy to plant soybeans and corn early behind cotton because 24:43 there's no residue. So in a no-till environment you have nothing out there to plant through the ground warms up faster. You don't 24:49 have the wheat straw the bean stubble all that on the ground like you do with double crop beans cotton is pretty much 24:55 bare ground. And that's one reason we did it because we want to plant some late March beans this year and we were able 25:01 to do that. So Johnny I cut you off when you were telling me the things that you can contribute we talked about variable rate fertility and your soil grid 25:09 sampling you think that you were at the front end of that and therefore you'll have 20 years of experience. Whereas somebody might only have a few years of experience. Remember we 25:20 don't we don't ever talk down to we let other AG platforms do that and I Twitter we're here to educate and 25:26 form and deliver Insight. So nowhere, we're being cocky. We're just saying there's something you've got a lot of experience with in that harvesting your 25:33 stuff my moisture as a management tool as a man as a time management and Labor Management and Equipment management tool, but then also as a yield bump and then a few 25:42 other reasons you gave a bunch of reasons why you did high moisture corn and week. Is there anything else you can contribute that you 25:48 think that other people that keep up with extreme egg might be like, oh damn, I never thought of that. Yeah. 25:57 You know, I don't know. It's just like you're talking about the fertility stuff the grid sampling all that stuff. There's so 26:03 many people doing it. Now. You can look at programs like this and really see what's working. And what's not when we started doing it. It was 26:09 more handheld devices that would lose GPS and all that. I mean, so I really like how just like on our drying system people can see what we're doing and I can see what 26:18 some you know other format miles or different ones are doing too. It's easy to not make mistakes when you can talk 26:25 to somebody that is a network. That's what I really learned over. The past few years is trying to Network and and try to build 26:31 a support team that helps you and all the different aspects of farming. It kind of a cool thing. And you're 26:37 about that age where you start to realize that you didn't know as much 20 years prior even 10 years 26:46 prior and you you you're like at that right phase where you're like man, I'm glad I've been doing this long as I have I still have a 26:55 bunch more to learn I feel bad for the people that think they can't be taught anything because they're just screwing yourself. It kind 27:01 of a neat thing you're at that right place where you're You know what you've learned and you then realize. 27:09 I got a lot more I can't learn but that's right. That's right. I think keep an open mind where there's row space and where 27:15 there's a fertility program anything like that is the key to farming right now because things are changing very fast. And now 27:21 what equipment costs and different things from doing costs. You can't afford to try everything on your own you kind of need to network and see what other people are doing. Also pretty hot 27:30 where you get in the summertime how many of your acres are irrigated so 27:35 About 20% about 20% and then you talked about farming with your father you're 40. So that means if I'm running my math, he's probably pushing somewhere in his 60s. Where does 27:45 the where does the operation go? What does he stay with it? Does he wants guys that's gonna still be running the combine when he's 90 Boston you around or is he going to be very 27:54 politely just in an advisory role that let's Johnny continue to you know, grow the operation. What's that look like 28:03 Unless I can see him staying around for a long time doing that and my granddad he was 96 still driving a 28:09 tractor and a Dozier when he passed away. So. My granddad was about his hands on his anyone could be especially for his age. He was here every day, but we all kind of have our jobs 28:18 our our specialty. So to say my dad is more on the Working on the shop getting some stuff done there. I'm more in the office getting some business stuff done working on the computer that 28:29 type thing. So it's always worked really. Well. I kind of fill in my grandad's role as the the manager from a book 28:35 standpoint of managing our inputs and all that. My dad always did in the shop work and got stuff done and they've kind of you got to have both so it 28:44 just always worked out good. You gotta have both and that's a fact this this part is the the part 28:50 that I think is where everybody needs to grow the business the desk the phone calls the the 28:56 networking as you said and still The Continuous learning I'm gonna wrap things up here Johnny Burrell of Jackson 29:03 Tennessee third generation farmer and old enough to have a lot of knowledge young enough to realize he has a heck of a lot to learn. That's I 29:12 think you're at that. Perfect. You're that perfect age there and that regard closing thoughts give it to 29:18 me on the way out the door. Why why you're excited about being part of streaming why we're excited to have you more. 29:23 importantly closing thoughts for you I'm looking forward to this 2023 season. It's definitely hopefully it's gonna go a lot better than the 29:31 2022 was for us and with this partnership here and and being able to talk to the guys and build a good support team and see what's going on across the country and maybe 29:40 see what works one area before I try it this year. I'm gonna let Chad try everything because he's a little farther south and and Mr. Matt 29:49 that way when I start planting a few weeks later. I always be a couple. Oh, yeah, I do is just be a couple weeks behind them. I got 29:55 they they helped out the guys last year. Remember Chad was gonna trial of product and it was an absolute turd. I'm not being mean 30:01 it was a company was gonna work with us and the product was just an absolute. Turd and Chad said, hey guys, do not 30:07 use this input. And so you're you're fortunate. You're not you don't go first, right? You're like you go third. All right Johnny morale. My name is Damian Mason, 30:17 by the way, you're gonna hear more from Johnny because he's participating in the wager. That's right, 2023 wheat wager 30:23 that Matt miles one last year you got 121 bushel wheat last year. So anyway, John is gonna be a part of that and we'll be talking to him in another episode about why 30:31 he's bringing his A-game and how he's bringing his a game to the wheat wage or until next time. Thank you being here, Mr. Rural. 30:36 Thank you until next time it's extreme eggs cutting the Curve. That's a wrap for this episode of cutting the curve, but 30:45 there's plenty more check out where you can find past episodes instructional videos and articles to help you squeeze more profit out 30:55 of your farm cutting. The curve is brought to you by Advanced Drainage Systems the leader in agriculture Water Management Solutions.
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See All GrowersJohnny Verell
Jackson, TN