Matt's Foliar Program for Cotton
Matt Miles will make 11 different foliar passes on his cotton field this season. Seems about right for a plant that Matt says is trying to die from the minute it emerges. 6 of those passes will be part of a trial he is doing with Agroliquid to foliar feed potassium into the plant. He is joined by Molly from Agroliquid and his agronomist, Robbo, to talk about the foliar feeding regimen he plans to implement on this year's crop.
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00:00 Hey friends, welcome back to Miles Farms. We are standing in a cotton field with the proprietor of Miles Farms. Matt miles. He 00:06 is doing some really cool trials in conjunction with aggro liquid Agro liquid out of Michigan has a really big presence down 00:15 here. And her name is Molly Alexander. She is the Southeast Regional agronomist for that company and we also have Rob dedman 00:21 here doing some pretty neat stuff out here you talk to us in a previous video recording about an infer experiment and then we're gonna talk a lot about foliar trials 00:30 where you're gonna be using four different treatments over the top of this cotton. Once it gets a little taller talk 00:36 to me real quickly Molly about the infero trial that you're doing at Miles Farms. So the info that we did was Matt's grower standard plus adding in full vic 00:45 acid, and that was just to get an overall benefit. But one thing we do here at Agro liquid is a pride ourselves and tailoring protocols for every 00:54 farmer no matter how big how small or acreage numbers so these guys want a Tense and Furrow we can do that all the way 01:02 down to a very simple singular product that'll get them to the yields that they want and for was a full vic treatment. And you said something off camera 01:12 before we started to talk about what standard practices in Furrow at time of planting cotton. Most cop producers. Don't even use an infero treatment at 01:21 time planning. Correct? So when we say, Not necessarily married into that too bad too is not necessarily a standard practicing cotton. We're starting to 01:31 learn that different things are getting us different results and hopefully it will become a standard but in most soil types 01:38 that we grow cotton info doesn't really stick around long enough. Yeah. We got a leaching Atmos here. Rob 01:44 was talking about that. She knows about cotton because she's from the Arkansas Delta Region and her family has been in the cotton production business for 50 01:50 years. Matt miles has been the production business for even longer than that. He told me in a previous recording at cotton is a finicky plant. In fact, it looks for a reason every day to die. You're 01:59 going to keep this from Diane you're gonna take this to harvest. You're probably going to get good prices because cotton prices are up but you're going 02:05 to do something different on some of your foliar treatments. You're gonna go over this field a whole bunch of times and some of those times you're going to use their product 02:11 for this trial talked about tell us about the trial. Yeah, basically the trials gonna after the emperor is gonna be four different applications. Is 02:17 it four different applications right here today? It'll be six. Yes, six whole application six of the eight you 02:23 intend to do. Oh, you tell my well see you're talking about the normal passes I go. Yeah, they'll be at least from here on 02:30 out at least eight passes for insect insects. So from the time this plant which is about forages tall until we Harvest this 02:36 cotton and turn them into bed sheets. You're gonna go over it eight times with some kind of a treatment not including 02:42 Harborside and not including herbicide. So eight times that 11 was a herbicide cotton is a finicky plant. You're gonna go over this field 11 times and in about 02:51 six of those times, you're gonna have her product in there. What's the product the it's the several different 02:57 products combination and products. You might want Molly to explain each one of those Molly you got a cocktail of products going 03:03 on six different times tell us about the cocktail of products from agric liquid that are going on this field and what you hope to attain by doing that so first and foremost 03:12 is gonna be critical timing stages is where we can point it to do our application. So our first application is Pinhead Square. So that's gonna be when the 03:21 first actual Square starts forming on the cotton plant and that's when it 03:24 Gets itself kick-started and taken off for Reproductive stage one of our main products that 03:30 we're going to put out is called capitalized. So it's a potassium product but it also has calcium and 03:36 sulfur so we're going to actually spoon feed potassium across our plot. So every time they run across it 03:42 except for the last two growth Regulators stages, we're gonna fold your feed potassium in you told me something when 03:48 we were in the another field just scouting and learning about cotton or I was learning about cotton. You don't need to I certainly do 03:54 you said this is a very potassium needy plant and then you used a poundage which didn't mean a lot to me but then I thought that sounds like a lot dollar viewers and listeners. What about potassium 04:04 in this cotton? So after a couple of past years of studies in different places, whether it's Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, even Georgia, we found that 04:13 in pink cotton production times potassium can get used almost uppers to three to four pounds of potassium a day. How many pounds 04:22 are in this in this field if we don't apply it. It's Deplete it it will there's even potassium in this field right now, right? There's a lot of potassium in this 04:30 field. There's probably this one right here is probably 350 pounds or probably at least 350 pounds. This is tenth 04:36 the reason we put the full again because the fulvic and Furrow is actually going to help any of the tied up potassium in the soil 04:42 become available to the plant. So not only are we resourcing what's already here. We're fully feeding over the top as 04:48 well. If you see our soul see I like fluffy it is we can't front load in these in these real Sandy Souls. We can't front load fertilizer so 04:57 that we're looking program was right. Well we're looking for which is spoon feeding. You know, we've learned over the 05:03 last several years that that spoon feeding the crop in the Delta is a big deal. We're in the midwest. You can put it out 05:09 front load it. Yeah, the whole holding capacity or the nutrient holding capacity of soul will keep it there. Here it's going down. So we have to be real careful. Rob 05:17 said right before we hit record on the camera that we got real Sandy soils and we got the issue of if you trans 05:23 front load. All your nutrition is gonna go in there. And where's it gonna go? Well, it's either gonna go down or out the bottom one 05:29 of the two, you know, that's one really thing about the soilses. What was it Matt's five six years ago when we really started 05:35 looking at spoon feeding these crops and and we started spoon feeding with, you know, we talked in the early recording about you 05:41 know, just NP and gay. Yeah and not paying a lot of attention to the micro nutrients and stuff like we should but we when we started spoon feeding, especially potassium 05:50 and a dry format, We started seeing yields go up really big. But now then we we moved on to start foliar feeding 05:59 potassium and informs like the capitalize and products like that where you're getting not only are you getting potassium but you're getting calcium which Cottons also 06:08 a huge user of calcium and when you start doing that you see even further advances, you know and offer as well. Yeah sulfur 06:17 peace married in there. We're cotton any sort of leafy vegetative crop soybeans cotton their diehards for sulfur. Well, yeah and all honesty you 06:26 think about it a plant so much like a human we don't eat breakfast and get up the next morning breakfast again, we breakfast lunch 06:32 and supper or I guess most people call it dinner. But I mean a plant's the same way you you can't give it everything needs at one time. Yeah, that's better space 06:42 this out in terms of the dosage. You were telling us about the four products. I think it is that are going on this six different times over the top you gave 06:51 us I think two of the four you want to go ahead and pick us up where we were sure so, like I said, we're gonna spoon feed the capitalize across which 06:57 is capitalized belt with a K. It's a product. It's a product name and capitalize is what it is potassium with calcium and sulfur. Okay, and that's a product 07:06 called capitalized spelled with a K. And then the second thing we're putting on we're gonna put fulvic over the top again as a foliar because 07:12 we want to use it as a carrier this time. So instead of the info benefits we get this time, we're gonna go on the side of the foliar benefits, which 07:21 is going to be a carrier to help get it all the way through the plant and cycle it up and down so full because the only thing that went and Furrow 07:27 and now we're doing four products over the top one of which is full look again for us and capitalize and Rain. We'll see our next one further rain. 07:36 Spell that for us for rain. Okay. Sorry for your Yankees It's f-e-r-t-i-r. -a refer to rains a proprietary product made by our friends in Agra liquid 07:47 and what's it going to do? So it is a another mpk package with a micronutrient additive to it. Okay, that's our third thing capitalize 07:56 full vic furtherain four things going over the top is my absolute favorite in Cotton, which is boron 5% Okay, Boron 5% because what 08:05 do we know about boron? We said in the previous episode, I didn't even think it was I didn't think it was a thing in growing up 08:11 and now we're throwing the stuff everywhere. What are we what do we need that Boron? So first and foremost if we're pushing our yields to the biggest 08:17 potential we're looking at really full heavy bowls. And Boron is used mainly for fruit 08:23 retention. So if we get to the point where we've actually got our bowls full and ready to pick and we drop them off or what we call shed and 08:29 cotton all of our heels laying on the ground and unattainable and we have literally cut our self off at the 08:35 knees. You said something a little bit ago. Sometimes you do stuff on these trials because you want to ring the bell and that's 08:42 not what we're doing here. We're Truly putting out stuff if you got 1500 pounds per acre, that'd be 08:49 about a really nice average for the Delta. Yes and be very nice average for the Delta. Okay, but that's also not ringing the bell with some kind of crazy record. So this product this product 08:58 mix that we're doing here in conjunction with Agra liquid. It's going to give us a really good return but we're not spending bazillions of 09:04 dollars to try and prove that we can grow the most cotton break, right? Yeah, like Molly said earlier, you know, these programs can 09:10 be tailored. We can always tailor these programs in with the the multiple products that they have you can 09:16 always fix the problems and and it always has a a good Roi associated with it. 09:23 You don't need to you will have set records. I've been to your office. You've got a few plaque from setting records. NCGA soybeans Etc. 09:29 You don't you want to set a record out here. What are you trying to prove? I'm just trying to make money. But you know, I my Pursuits always the high Shield I 09:38 get for the least amount of money, you know, the average count of yield here is probably 1100 pounds. Okay, you know 1500 pounds 09:44 is ringing a bell. Okay. So 1100 pounds, you're not gonna be dissatisfied in today's in today's world. Yes. We will be I mean to be honest, we if you can't grow upwards of 09:54 1350 with today's input cost you're gonna go into the negative. But so you think break you hustling out your break. Even you you're above County average to get to break even 10:03 on this continent this year. Yes High Cost of fertility. Yeah, but then the stuff that we're doing here with Molly is it 10:09 gonna be is an expensive experiment? No, it's not expensive at all. I mean and it's stuff that that's gonna return a positive our eye, you know, if you're putting out a a 10:18 folder of potassium you're planting these potash and It's you know, that's pretty much a no-brainer. If you're not blowing money on a on some kind of expensive program trying to set records. 10:29 You're just trying to make an Roi. Mile, you've grown up in the cotton business. You said your family's grown up for 50 years you cover up almost all the constants with the exception of Texas. You're 10:38 around cotton a lot. You've been around your whole life. What are we doing different now that we didn't do just 10 years ago. That's an improvement 10:44 that maybe your trial is gonna be the next Improvement. Well first and foremost, we're starting to look at soil samples a 10:50 lot closer and we're starting to manage our inputs a whole lot closer and in the past when we 10:56 saw a problem, that's when we went to correct it at that point. We've already lost yield. So I consider that reactive farming I prefer proactive approach where 11:05 if you spoon feed it at the critical time, the plant doesn't necessarily expand any extra energy that should be going towards yield to be 11:14 going out and searching out these nutrients or these water sources that needs if it's already there and ready to go. It's gonna take 11:20 off and do what it needs to do and I consider that proactive instead of having to be reactive which is how it's always been farmed 11:26 in the past. They think when I see a problem, let's fix it then and it's always catch up the damage is already done. 11:32 And damage to yield is right and if we're on this side of margins 1300 pounds is what we're gonna need to break even and 11:38 we're hoping for 1,500 pounds. There's a big problem here. If we don't if we don't correct it before proactively what 11:44 ten years ago tamales point you take a Hundred Acre field we go out there and pull three probes put them in a sack go get soil sign. Yeah today, 11:53 we've got 50 samples in that field sure. So we need to great we're two acres so we know well against animal so we know what each place needs, you know, whether it's calcium. 12:02 Well, there's potash whatever and that gives us a better idea. We're managing and Kevin Matthews is the best I've seen 12:08 say this but we're managing plants now, we're not managing Acres. We're managing plants and what those specific plants need 12:14 Rob's got a really good point on this also about managing the plant and also the spoon feeding effect because again, 12:20 you already talked about it. You got leaching here. We've gotten way better at it. And that's one of your big big I 12:26 guess objectives is be better at right right nutrition right now. Yeah, you know, so we we do look, 12:32 The right nutrition right now and and like Matt Matt made the point of you know, we plants are like humans. They want 12:38 to eat more times than once a day, you know, they want to eat more than once a year when we front load these crops a lot 12:44 of these products. Are not only are they right right product right time, but look at them as a snack. You take a you take a skinny, 12:54 man. And you go to watch him start me snicker bars Well, yeah if you think so name, but you start feeding him snicker bars every day and eventually he's 13:03 not going to be skinny anymore. We don't want skinny cotton plants. Yeah, you want big fat guys and you're gonna snack them right up 13:09 to that point knock them right this field eight or nine times and six of those. Oh no 11 times over the top and six of them times is gonna have her stuff 13:18 in it. Am I right? Yeah, and it's gonna be four things. It's gonna be mixed with what else in that time a bunch 13:24 of other things going on just to pee and yeah, I mean most common it's exercise, you know, and sex you're so bad and cotton is 13:30 probably the most attractive plant to the insects in our area. So we're spraying every 10 days just for plant bugs. Then your stuff will be mixed your cocktail for 13:39 products. Molly will be mixed with other stuff. Any anticipated compatibility issues. Is that part of the trial. Are you pretty 13:45 much already got that? All that, you know, there's no antagonism. Oh, no, we we do that way before we ever even suggest this because 13:51 the last thing we want to do is cause an issue or a hang up in the field. So that is always done prior to application. I had ability 13:57 with other stuff won't be an issue. There's no antagonism on the product mix with other stuff. He'll be putting in the tank mix unless they lied on 14:03 their label. Oh, that's the other company. I can tell you this about agric liquids if it comes in a jug, it's gonna mix 14:09 that's one of the one of the biggest houses. I've seen how the agricult products is. They're always clean, you know, I had a product the other day. I've tried to pull out of a joke and it 14:18 was like mud, but if you get an agricult product, it's gonna it's gonna mix whatever they tell you. There's gonna be compatible. You're gonna have a clean jug when you that's right, Rob 14:27 the last thing while we're wrapping it up here. What do you hope to see anything that we haven't already talked about with this trial? Well, you know, we always when we ruin these these trials and 14:36 stuff with extreme egg. We're always looking for those products those those products those methodologies and things that we 14:42 can use to bring an increased all out of the farmer if we can take something here that is a simple add it to an insect application already product. 14:51 We can increase in our eye to a farmer that's a win for everybody and you anticipate you're gonna have that Roi on this I do based on what I've done what I've done 15:00 in the past without your liquids. And the thing he is like what Rob just said, we're going over this field. Anyway, we're paying the airplane to go 15:06 over this field or spray or whatever putting their product in Is no extra application cost. Yeah, so you were already going to 15:12 be out here. Now, you're putting in their cocktail of four products. Again, they're capitalized furter rain, which one's my missing 15:18 here full book. And Boron and Boron. Those are the four products are going this mix. We're gonna be giving you more information about how this trial turns out. We're at 15:27 Miles farms and McGee Arkansas. He's Matt miles ultimate AG Consulting and business partner with Matt is Rob Deadman, 15:33 and she is Molly Alexander Regional agronomist Southeast region. She covers a lot of cotton ground and she's excited about this too. Molly last word on the way out the door. 15:42 I'm just excited to see how this turns out and I want to thank these guys for giving us a chance to work with them. Fantastic till 15:48 next time. I'm doing amazing extreme AG share this with your friends and tune in for more great information right here.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR