Managing Water On Matt’s Worst Field — The Trial Continues
11 Jul 2328 min 30 sec

The folks at ADS came to Matt Miles with a proposal: Give us your worst field and let us put in drainage tile accompanied by technology to use the tile for subsurface irrigation.  Now in its second year, Matt discusses what he’s seeing, what excites him, and what he’s experiencing in this 35 acre trial. Among the takeaways: He planted the field earlier than he’s ever been able to before. He’s seeing a huge improvement in soybean root penetration. And he’s using about one-third the amount of irrigation water to get bigger yields — a win for his wallet and his environmental impact. The future of production Agriculture will be increasingly impacted by how we manage our water— listen to this for some great insights!  

Presented by Advanced Drainage Systems

00:00 Do you manage the water on your farm for all times of the season? We're talking about water management in this episode of Cutting the Curve. 00:08 Welcome to Extreme Ag Cutting the Curve podcast, where you get a guaranteed return on investment of your time as we cut your learning curve with the information you can apply to your farming operation 00:21 immediately. Extreme ag, we've already made the mistakes so you don't have to. Managing your farm's water resources is a critical component to a successful and 00:32 sustainable farming operation. Advanced drainage systems helps farmers just like you increase their yields up to 30% with their technologically advanced water management products. 00:44 Visit a adss to see how they can keep your business flowing. Now, here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey there. 00:53 Welcome to another fantastic episode of Cutting the Curve. We got Matt Miles from McGee, Arkansas, 00:58 along with Darla Huff and Marty d Dressel from a D S A D S business partner of ours. And he's got some really cool stuff going on in, uh, 01:06 miles Farms operation down there at McGee, Arkansas. So if you're not familiar, maybe this is your first episode. We've talked about this topic before. 01:13 Couple of months ago I had Matt and Lane on his son and we talked about this trial put in tile in the Delta region of Arkansas. 01:21 It's kind of a new thing if you're from the Midwest. You're saying drainage tile is like not a new thing. Well, it is in certain parts of the south. So in fact, Darla started this idea. 01:31 She went to Chad Henderson's and Madison, Alabama. She went to Miles, said, let's put in drainage. But it's not just sticking perforated pipe in the ground, 01:38 it's actually a water management system. So we're gonna talk about what's happening right now. It's used both for drainage and for irrigation. That's right. 01:45 It's drainage as well as irrigation. This is probably where the future is going. And there's some pretty nifty technology that's in play down there on the miles 01:52 farm operation. So, Marty, tell us about the trial or Darla, tell us about the trial, 01:55 whichever one of you wants to go first and what you're excited about because you, uh, actually are, are keeping your ear to the ground on this quite a bit. 02:02 So tell us about the trial and then what you're seeing and Matt will tell us what he's seeing at this phase. So 02:09 I'll get us started. So yeah, um, as Matt has said in this previous podcast, we saw some really great things come out of the first year, um, 02:17 from a crop response and a yield perspective. What we're gonna focus on, what we're really focusing on this, this go around with the crop, is, um, 02:25 perfecting, if you will, via irrigation approach. Cuz there were some, we we had, we've never done this before in Shark g Clay. So, um, 02:31 we're trying to subservice irrigate through drain tile, figuring out how soon you've gotta turn that water on to get that water table where you want it to get when you've got such a high c e c soil, um, 02:43 was one of the challenges that we, we've learned. We gotta turn it on faster this year. And so Matt can speak to the things that, um, that we've learned from being able to do that. But again, still, 02:54 still a sharp, very sharp learning curve cuz we've never seen it done before. Um, but in addition to that, 02:59 we're excited to see about the things that we can do to take this to this water management system to the next level in the sense of making it a true system that 03:06 can talk to one another. That is our ultimate goal. So I wanna ask you about, I want you about talking to together because like I said, the average person probably even listening to this podcast, Matt, like, 03:17 you know, maybe my neighbors in here in Indiana, we started draining this place, you know, uh, in, in the nine early 19 hundreds. 03:23 So it drainage is kind of a newer thing for you, but also it's not just sticking some pipe in the ground. You've got it so that it's acting as irrigation and you've also got some other 03:32 technology and Darla talking about talking to each other. So just to go back to Matt here, 03:39 you did this on how many acres? Tell us about the actual trial. Well, there's, it's a 35 acre field. Uh, when we decided to do this, partner up, 03:49 do this, Darla said, I want your worst field you have. So, you know, we took her to the worst field we have. Um, we've had it in soybeans. 03:56 This is the second year. And, and as Darla said, the goal is, you know, I kind of visualize it, visualize it as we're building a robot. You know, 04:04 you build a robot, you tell the robot what to do, and it goes and does it. Well, if we, by the time we get this thing perfected or you know, 04:12 whether that we're working on, it'll te you know, it'll communicate with itself so well. It'll say, Hey, turn the well on, turn the well off this water sensor needs this and, 04:22 and just be a communication system in that field. Uh, so that's the, the end goal. Other than being able to get on the, 04:30 on the land quicker and plant, you know, more timely and also use less irrigation water. You know, there's a list of things that, you know, when we get through with this project, 04:40 we're hoping all of those things check a lot of boxes to, to be a positive ROI for the farmer. Uh, wait a minute now, 04:47 I just positive ROI before we hit record. Marty, what brilliant thing did we hear from Darla Worth your share of wallet? I wrote it down. I, I'm worth. So let's talk about worth your share of wallet. 04:58 You're the product manager for agriculture Marty. Uh, the thing that you're excited to see or you've already seen on Matt's operation with this trial on 35 acres. Uh, what do you, what are you seeing that maybe, 05:09 uh, excites you? Yeah, so I think the first year, right, Matt's talked about, you know, seeing some yield increase and seeing some really good benefits from drainage, 05:18 even though we didn't have the subsurface irrigation nailed down last year, and I think the second year has allowed us to expand into that and getting into, 05:28 you know, the, the water usage and being really efficient with how he's using his water and keeping it in this oil. Um, where, where his plants need it. 05:39 Yeah. Well, to, to make sure, again, if you didn't see the episodes from a couple of months ago, essentially this is j not just irrigate, it's not just drainage, 05:47 it's also irrigation. Obviously the pipes are down there. How deep is the, uh, how deep is the drainage tile set? They're about 30 inches. 05:55 30 to 34 inches. Yeah. And so we think the future is this, uh, thing that you put the pipe in the ground for, 06:02 the drainage lets you get in the field sooner. You know, it takes care of some aerations, you're gonna get some yield, 06:07 you're gonna get some, you know, you get in the field sooner. You got some aeration, you got all those kinds of things. Uh, 06:13 but then the other part of it is when it starts to get hot and dry, you can put water back into that ground. 06:18 And one of the things a mistake you made in the first year, you waited until you saw stressed crops to begin doing that, Matt, and you said, 06:26 I think it cost me some yield. Well, I know it did because I didn't get going soon enough. So you said this year I'm going, when it starts to get the, you know, July, 06:34 the August, uh, 104 degree days there in Arkansas, you said, I'm gonna put the water out before I see the stress. Are you there yet? Yes, 06:42 we've been there actually that field again, because we were able to get on it faster, was planted earlier than it was planted in March. I think it's March 28th, 29th. 06:52 Never planted that field in March in my life. Uh, so that was a, that was a positive. And then, you know, we got pretty dry. 06:59 We had a pretty wet spring then we got really dry for about three weeks, uh, before we got dry. 07:05 We started pumping the tile up based on the mistakes that I made last year. Um, and so we've stayed, you know, Marty monitors the, 07:14 the water sensors and you know, right before we started getting a few more rains, we've seen the, the ground temperature. 07:21 I mean the ground moisture start depleting at that six and 12, uh, height, but the beans weren't really stressed. 07:30 Last year was the hottest June and the driest June we've had in record in Arkansas, the third highest, I mean the third, third hottest and driest. Mm-hmm. 07:38 And we still, even with the stress we've seen, it's hard to explain. There's some kind of synergy going on there because I've got test holes that I, 07:47 that I drove with a gas auger, you know, and I went down 20 inches and, and I don't see water in those test holes, 07:56 but I don't see stress in the crop. So there's a s synergy going on between, you know, the variation and, and just having that water down there, 08:04 say at 24 inches deep, you know, the roots are finding it somehow. And I can't agree. Well, we talk a lot, 08:12 we talk a lot about the moisture coming from, but by the time you're into the dog days of summer, we talk about that moisture's coming from 24 inches down. 08:18 Is that what's happening right here, Darla? And you know, whether, whether he's getting, he, he thinks he's digging down and not seeing a, a, 08:22 you know, a puddle, but it's still, there's moisture down there because of the treatment that's been going. Correct. And that was my next question I was gonna ask you, Matt, 08:31 is when you're, when you're doing, when you're digging, are you seeing your roots developing more, obviously going, looking for that water this way versus going horizontal as they may have done 08:40 previously because they're searching for that water so they're able to pull it out of the soil. Um, 08:47 it's almost like we can't see it, but it's happening. Yes. So if you're seeing your roof zone go deeper, then it's doing its job. 08:54 Yeah. There's no telling what it's going to do When we get like a big root plant like corn, you know, where we can see, you know, I, 09:00 I'd almost like take a backhoe and go down there and root dig that versus the field beside it at some point in time. Mm-hmm. 09:06 But even though there's not water in the bottom of that hole, that grounds moist. And that's really what we want. 09:11 Because if you start seeing water in the bottom hole, then you're getting too saturated. So like I said, there's a synergy going on there. You know, even at one point in time, you know, 09:22 Marty can attest to this, we started losing some pretty good surface moisture, but our roots were already so deep, you know, in into the soil that it, and, 09:31 and you gotta understand a root penetrating a a sharky clay is like going through this desk. You know, 09:37 that's a big concern still is do those roots have enough power to penetrate that clay that deep? And they're doing a pretty good job of it. 09:47 Marty? Uh, I think, Sorry Matt, you just defined why people say, uh, drainage is beneficial in a drought year because you said you had surface level 09:58 dryness, but those roots have penetrated down. That's why drainage is beneficial in a drought year because it allows that penetration to those roots to develop so strongly and keep the crop where it 10:08 needs to be. Yeah. Just an added benefit That's on, you're talking about in a dry land situation, right? You get your roots deeper, quicker. Mm-hmm. 10:17 And then they're in the water holding capacity part of the soil. Well remember, uh, in, uh, in, 10:22 in FFA soil judging your soil is supposed to be 50% particle, 25% airspace, 25% water space. Well, uh, 10:31 if you, if you don't have the irrigation, if you don't have the drainage right, then obviously you're gonna be holding more water and there's less room for air. 10:37 So then it becomes an issue of, uh, you know, how do your, how do your roots go when there's not enough, uh, 10:42 when it doesn't have the porosity? So can you say that in that sharky clay, which you've told me just tighter than hell, 10:48 and you just said it's like a route trying to go through, go through a desk. Have you seen already what you'd call an improvement in the porosity? 10:57 Or you're gonna have to explain porosity? Is it creating the space that we're talking about? Is it creating that airspace that we're talking about? 11:04 It's gotta be Cause our roots are going deeper. Yeah. You know, and, and if we ever get a chance to go to rice, even if we have to do, you know, 11:11 with rice, I can see us having to do some surface combination with the, with the underground. You know, if you can get a rice plant to get a deep root, 11:20 you've, you've, you've really done something. So I think the future is, is unknown, but it's, it's very promising. 11:28 And then not to mention, if you ever get it to where it all communicates with each other, you just say, okay, Lucy, you go out there and take over Lucy being the computers. 11:38 And then, you know, it's foolproof and I'm, I'm a I'm, I'm pretty dumb sometimes, so it'll help me a lot. You can go fishing more. Can you go catch more redfish? 11:50 Lemme ask something to your pro porosity question. So one of the things we're looking at is can we know that drainage changes the soil composition? What will it do to sharky clay? Um, 12:02 and how long will it take to for Matt to see that and the depth? And so we have speculated again, because sharky clay is such a tight soil, um, 12:10 Matt will say he saw a couple of inches of more of that on top. That that not, not sugar, but you know, more of a, um, 12:19 topsoil ish type soil on the top. How many years will it take, you know, for usually we say three for it to really get to that top soil thing, 12:27 the clay may take longer. And so the goal is over the next few years to see if that top soul type approach or top soul type feeling continues to deepen in his sharky clay on 12:39 this field because of the drainage. We don't know if it will. That's what we're trying to learn. Right. Um, so I know that, that it's, 12:43 it's at least happening a little bit at the surface. Would you say, Matt? Um, I think we need more years to understand how deep that, 12:50 that soil change would go. Yeah. I, I agree with that. What it's taken out a lot for us is what we call sponginess. You know, so yes, if you, 13:00 the ground can be completely dry and you can drive out there with a tractor and you'll make eight inch ruts just because of just, it just, 13:06 it just sinks and it's taken some of that sponginess out and converted it more to a firmer soil. I know it's done that. Yeah. 13:14 And it's given us a little bit more of the, of the topsoil effect, you know, clay clay's tough, clay's a whole different world. So, you know, 13:22 it may take five years to get to the point of where we want to be, but I think we're making progress. Let's talk about the system, 13:31 um, because the, some, somebody that, you know, we got people that really dial in here and they want the specifics. Let's talk about the system, the layout, the pipes, because, uh, 13:39 and then you talk about talking to each other. So there's a computer somewhere on this. So maybe Marty, you can tell us about what the system is, how, what's it look like? 13:47 We know it's 35 acres. We know it's about 30 inches, uh, deep. That's all I know. Yeah. Tell me what it's, tell me the parameters here. 13:53 Yeah, so you know, kinda at the, at the bottom end of the field, right where the drainage comes out lower than his drainage stitch. 14:01 So you, you, um, heard Matt talk about his lift station pump water out of the, the drain tile, um, into the drain way, but on the opposite side of the field. Right. 14:13 Your irrigation well pump Right. And pushing water back through, um, the drain tile system. Um, and, 14:22 and so right now we've got two controls that can happen from Matt's phone anywhere that he wants to turn, um, 14:30 the drainage pump on off, well pump on off. Um, we've also got some sensors in the field to measure sort moisture content. Right. Um, and how, 14:43 How many, how many sensors on a 35 acre field are we putting them every acre? Are we putting two in the corners? What are we doing? 14:50 So right now we've got, um, six or seven in, in the field, um, at different points. So long, um, the, the tile, right? So some directly down the main line, um, 15:03 some towards the edges of the field. Um, we'd like to have a few more so we understand how long it takes the water to percolate through the edges of the field. Um, but like Matt said, 15:14 he's been pretty fortunate that, um, he's gotten some rain recently, so we haven't been able to get the, all of them out there. Ok. Um, but, 15:24 And by the way, depth, depth, depth on those moisture, I mean, what are we, where are we, where are we putting 'em in the root zone, presumably? 15:31 Yeah, so they're at 6, 12, 18, and 24. Got it. Yeah. So, um, and that, you know, that's kind of what, what Matt and I talk about kind of often is where is the, 15:43 the soil moisture and, you know, kind of what we wanna do is keep it really wet just below where the route is, right? So it just keeps going down and, 15:53 and Darla talked about it going down versus, versus coming horizontally. So, um, you know, so right now all of these systems are a little bit independent. 16:02 What, you know, our desire is to do in the future is to have them fully integrated. So you can't be irrigating, you know, 16:10 turn your irrigation pump on and having your drainage pump on at the same time, right. So it doesn't, doesn't completely flow. So, so you know, 16:19 making sure that we have those on off controls and, you know, um, I'd love to see, uh, the irrigation start, um, 16:27 based on the soil moisture content or based on recent rain events or, or those kinds of things. So, um, we're building those pieces. 16:35 Got it. And then to the person that, you know, is thinking they might install something like this, we talk about how many, you know, feet on center and all that kind of stuff. How, how many, 16:45 how many feet between these, uh, runs of tile? It depends. These are in agriculture is always a depends. Um, that's gonna depend on your soil moisture and what your goals are. So, um, 16:58 if you're in a sandier soil, you're gonna, your spacings, you are gonna be a lot wider than they're gonna be in a clay. 17:04 They're gonna be tighter in a clay. Um, the benefit, and one of the reasons we're looking at the subsurface irrigation in the delta is because of the clays. Um, they're already at the depth or at the, 17:15 you already have to get, you know, 15, 20 feet a apart in, um, in the clay. That's the, 17:22 that's the depth that you have to be in order to subsurface irrigate. So why not make sure if we can get the farmers more ROI out of the system, 17:29 why don't we do that? And so that's kind of how we, how we came upon this project. So soil moisture's gonna depend on, and then if you want to subservice irrigate, you will have to be closer. 17:38 Yeah. So are his like 20 feet, are you 20 feet apart? He's at 20 feet, yep. And we, we chose 20 feet because we, at the university in our preliminary studies at, 17:49 we did some preliminary studies at Mississippi State, it showed that the benefit of drainage at 15 and 20 should be about the same. So then the goal is, okay, 17:59 well we wanna save a farmer money, so let's look at twenties and let's see if we can subsurface irrigated well of twenties. 18:05 Is that our answer or are we gonna have to look at something different? We don't know the answer to that yet. 18:09 Understood. Ok. Then, uh, one last topic I want to get to is about the water efficiency. I went down to McGee, Arkansas, and that's very new to me. 18:17 Very different from what I've, you know, a lot of the places I've been, they've got these plastic pipes that, uh, 18:22 are everywhere and they walk around the job that I want. It got, uh, a little, a little widget on a stick that you just go over there and you pop it and then 18:30 water comes shooting out. I thought that was really cool. And then Matt told me it's cool for the first hour and all of a sudden you get 18:35 tendonitis. So anyway, um, do you care about, because irrigating with this system is going to be a hell of a lot more efficient. 18:46 You're gonna use probably one third as much water because it, it's not getting evaporated, you know, and blowing down the row. 18:53 But does it matter? You've got lots of water, your water table's like 20 feet or something down there. Does it matter? Is, is that one of the objectives that you care about matter? It's, 19:02 it's very much on the top of my list. I mean, I have grandchildren coming that will probably wanna farm too, as you know, uh, you know, 19:10 our water tables and our aquifers are all getting smaller all the time. We're trying to go to more surface water. Um, 19:16 we have computerized programs we that polypipe you're talking about to know what size hole a punch to make it more efficient. So anything we can do, you know, 19:26 that well's running, I didn't know it could run that slow, you know, so we're just trickling the well in there and keeping the pipe full and letting 19:34 it wake up and it, yeah, it's, it's uh, it's gonna be a pretty big deal, uh, 19:39 on water efficiency if it works like it's supposed to right now it looks like it's gonna do that. Well that's one of the things, 19:45 obviously a DS talks a lot about it. It's not just drainage, it's water management, I think is one of their slogan. Is that your slogan Dar? 19:53 No, we're trying to get people to understand it's not about drainage, it's about water management. So it should be our slogan. 19:58 Well, I can think that this's a big thing. You know, to Matt's point, especially when you start talking in some of the western states, you know, 20:04 if you get west of the river, you're starting to talk about real, a lot of pressure, environmental pressure on the water. 20:10 Matt's not even an area that has the environmental pressure on the water, but even he senses it, he sees this coming, you know, 20:16 let alone if you were in central Nebraska. Right. So maybe that's one of the big things. And by the way, am I right? Are you, are you using like one third as much as if you were doing the polypipe? 20:25 You're almost right on the money. Um, when we did the calculations, depending on the rain of events he gets in the year, it's a savings between, 20:33 um, at, at a maximum make it save 75% water and then, you know, at a minimum it's gonna be 50%. Good deal. Alright. Uh, 20:43 what's that besides water efficiency and then the stuff they're all talking together. Is there somewhere if a person wants to know, cause I want to know, 20:50 is there like a panel somewhere? You talk about Matt's fishing and using his phone to monitor all this stuff. What, where's the, where's all the system? 20:56 Is there like a corner of the field or is it in his office? Where is this thing Marty? 21:00 Yeah, so there's the infield controls and communication devices. Um, so then it's, it's cloud-based, 21:10 So you don't have to, you don't have to have a big, uh, uh, circuit panel on every field you decide to do this on. 21:17 Yeah. I mean, your control box is a couple feet wide, couple feet tall, um, you know, just, just sits in the field, um, runs off the power, um, 21:27 you know, and then, you know, you can go out there if, if he wants, um, to, to control it. Um, but, but really not necessary. It's 21:38 Uh, what, what are you looking for by the end of the year? What, what thing, Matt? What? Uh, I know they want, they want more information. More information. 21:45 By the end of this year, are you gonna pull the trigger and do more of these? Or by the end of the year you think you, you're still not gonna be conclusively, 21:52 uh, uh, there on the decision to do more of this? Well, I get, I get asked that question all the time and, and you know, a as Darla said, 22:00 this is a, this is something you don't do one year and say, okay, let's go and style all this in our, in our fields because it is expensive. 22:07 We do have surface drained, uh, you know, fields and we're precision level for the most part with irrigation. So, you know, we've been thinking, hey, we're, we're getting along fine. We, 22:18 you know, this is not something that would be a benefit. So, you know, like I said, it's gonna be a time thing to see. 22:25 I'm very optimistic with what I see so far. I know that our yields have increased on that field. It's probably one of the best looking soybean fields I have today. 22:36 There was some really impressive stuff happened when we had floods. Uh, so, you know, 22:42 I mean I've got a very open mind and I think it's gonna be something that's gonna be really good. Not only just the water savings, 22:49 the drainage alone I think is gonna be something that'll be very beneficial in certain fields. Mm-hmm. You know, now, well I, 22:56 all of my sandy fields probably not, but you know, as we do these projects we're gonna figure out, you know, is this worth it and what's the roi, what's the payback? 23:06 Darla's got some information on how many years it should take to pay for it and it's pretty impressive if it continues on the way it's going now, 23:12 isn't it like five years, Darla? You told me once. Yeah, depending with inflation lately we said that was that that, you know, in Matt's situation with how much pipe he got on the ground, 23:23 that might increase to seven. And our question to Matt was how long is too long? Right? Like, what is your cutoff date? And Matt's answer to me, Matt, 23:32 if I remember correctly, was like, seven years is not unreasonable, um, for what it's petition gonna give us. And, and what I tell people, 23:39 I keep looking at high level, the the, the cliche is still, the cliche is a cliche for a reason. 23:47 The number of people that these guys are gonna have to feed on the same amount of land, if not less by 20 feet, 50 continues to increase. 23:56 And yet what, what else can they look at outside of the product that they're putting on their field in order to increase their yield? 24:02 What aren't they doing well in this area? They're not doing this. Can we make it to where it pro they're able to be profitable and we're able to 24:10 feed more people? Speaking of profitable, I wanna talk, I want a question for either, uh, Marty or Darla, but that Matt's gotta go then I got a question. Oh yeah. 24:18 Something that I've kind of noticed based on our mistakes last year, I'm not so sure there's not going to be a fit for dry land 24:27 sharky clay with tile. And the reason why, if you can shut that lift station off and you can keep that soils profile like we've done this year mm-hmm. You know, up, I, 24:37 I think there's a really good increase in production on dry land acres where they're normally 10 to 20 bushel an acre. I, you know, we made what, 24:46 68, 60 something bushels this past year and we really did, we did a pretty crappy job irrigating. Right, Right. But it was basically dry land. Yeah, 24:57 Well you did, you didn't do a crappy job. You just, you you got behind. And, and one of the things, 25:02 what you said last time was when with that kind of condition, so it was 104 degrees every day last year. Once you're getting behind, it's, 25:10 it's difficult if not impossible to catch up. And that's where you said you were gonna make the adjustment this year. Last question. Yes, last question. 25:16 This is a worth your share of wallet questions since that's my new favorite phrase worth your share of wallet. You told Matt, 25:23 find us the worst chunk of crap ground you have. He found you at 35 acres out of the thousands of acres he farms. Is the bang for your buck bigger on the crap ground? Or should you start, 25:36 so should I start with my best ground and then, or should I start with my worst ground? When it comes to an investment like this, 25:45 We always tell people to start with their worst ground because their worst ground becomes their best ground. 25:49 And then they're going to invest in their best ground because they see what it can do. Um, it's kind of a, it's kind of a a, a mind tease. 25:58 Um, they see, they're like, well now my best ground, this part of the field was wet and this part of the field was great, but now this part is wet. No, this part is still the same, uh, 26:09 level of moisture. It was, this one's just a lot drier and you didn't even realize this was wet cause you were so focused over here. So Right. Always we always start with your worst. Um, 26:18 cause you're gonna get the biggest bang. But what you, what you, what it gives you is, um, 26:23 it gives you an expectation instead of this volatility of what yield you can expect out of a field, you know what you're gonna expect. 26:31 And it gives you that efficiency and that okay, the water is not going, I am not a slave to my water. I'm controlling. 26:40 It's, it's the closest I I I say it high level, it's the closest thing can to controlling the weather that you can get as a farmer. Right. If you can manage your water farm, 26:51 Right. House of acres that were not in production now that are some of his highest producing acres. They never were a planet cause it was too wet. 27:00 And we talked about that last week. He's got a neighbor over there and they're both cutting wheated and the, the neighbors still got those same places that he didn't even grow crop in. 27:09 And somebody, Chad's best weed is in those areas. Yeah. And, and again, there he started, he didn't start with some of his worst ground. 27:15 He started with ground that essentially was never farmed because it always, it just laid wet. Mm-hmm. All right, let's leave it there. Uh, 27:22 that's Marty d Dressel and Darla Huff with a Ds and they are an industry partner. Got a trial going on at at Matt's, 27:29 they've done a big thing at Chad's and we're gonna be suing seeing some more of that. If you wanna learn more about this, where do they go? Ms Marty 27:36 A adss A s pipe, like the thing you smoke. A adss That's cool. Thanks for being here. You'll keep up with this trial. 27:45 We're gonna revisit this topic again closer to harvest time. Thanks for being here. Matt Miles, my favorite McGee, 27:53 Arkansas Farmer. My name's Damien Mason. Till next time, thanks for being here. It's extreme ag cutting the curve. 27:59 That's a wrap for this episode of Cutting the Curve, but there's plenty more. Check out Extreme where you can find past episodes, 28:07 instructional videos and articles to help you squeeze more profit outta your farm. Cutting the curve is brought to you by Advanced Drainage Systems, 28:18 the leader in agriculture, water management solutions.

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