Storms happen. So, how do you manage a yield when the clouds clear? XA affiliate Matt Swanson discusses his adaptations and practices post-hail storm this spring and what outcomes he expects. Is your corn flattened or just leafless? How many soybeans did you lose? To re-plant or let it ride? And what exactly is your insurance going to cover and what are you on the hook for? It’s all here in XtremeAg’s Cutting The Curve podcast with Damian Mason.
Presented by Advanced Drainage Systems with support from Loveland Products.
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00:00 Well, we talk about weather a lot in agriculture and sometimes we have good stories to tell. Sometimes we have bad stories to tell. 00:06 Right now we have an adaptation and adjustment story to tell cause we're talking about hail. Hail. No. Okay. 00:12 That's what we're talking about with Matt Swanson on this episode of Extre Cutting the Curve. 00:19 Welcome to extreme Ag Cutting the Curve podcast, where you get a guaranteed return on investment of your time as we cut your learning curve with the information you can apply to your farming operation 00:32 immediately. Extreme ag, we've already made the mistakes so you don't have to. Managing your farm's water resources is a critical component to a successful and 00:43 sustainable farming operation. Advanced drainage systems helps farmers just like you increase their yields up to 30% with their technologically advanced water management products. 00:55 Visit a ds pipe.com to see how they can keep your business flowing. Now, here's your host, Damien Mason. Hey there. 01:04 Welcome tore acts, cutting the curve, talking to Matt Swanson, Western Illinois farmer, affiliate of extreme Ag who got hale damage. 01:11 So he already struggled with planting problems. His crops, some of them were in, some of them were still being planted and he gets whacked with a hailstorm. 01:20 I gotta tell you, I saw hail, not very much, but I saw it once a few years ago and I'm like, holy Hannah, this is amazing. There's just like a bunch of, 01:31 it looks like your pencil out there, like a corn plant just doesn't look like your pencil, like stripped all the leaves off of it. Yeah. So, um, I said, you know, 01:38 why don't you come on and tell us what your adaptation's gonna be? What are you gonna do after the hailstorm? 01:44 So then it becomes managing the money, the decided decision to replant, how to look at the crop insurance, et cetera, et cetera. All right. 01:53 If you've ever wondered what to do after hail hits your crop, listen to this for maybe, uh, some learning. 02:02 Matt, what happened? What happened? Yeah, so, uh, we were kind a dry streak at the time. This was, gosh, I think May 20th or so, uh, maybe not quite that long ago, 02:15 but something around May 20th. So you got corn that's anywhere from Kneehigh to still below ground at this point for us. Um, we got a very localized hail storm, 02:27 but it hail so hard. It looked like it had snowed and obviously it was warm, so it generated steam. I've actually got some pretty good pictures of it, 02:37 but the ground was actually steaming just from the hail, uh, evaporating. Um, but it stripped, 02:44 we had soybean leaves that were stripped or soybeans that were stripped to the stems. Uh, we had corn that was essentially stripped to the, 02:51 to the stock or the vertical portion and, and didn't get a whole lot of rain out of it to boot. So just got the crap hail out of us. 03:00 Yeah, so you got, you got no actual moisture, it didn't bring rain, then hail, then rain, it brought just ice cubes that beat the hell outta your crops. 03:09 Yeah. Uh, they were about the size of a peanut m and m and it just beat the hell outta everything. 03:14 Hey, by the way, if you're a listener, we appreciate it. If you're viewing us on acres TV or on the extreme ag platform, 03:21 you might be wondering why it's not bright and sunny. Matt's sitting in his office and he is wearing his sunglasses, doing his best. Ray Charles impersonation. He just put in new contacts and, uh, 03:32 before we hit record, I said, Matt, what the hell is wrong with you? He's like, he, he, he truly like looking over here and looking over there and blinking. 03:40 So I said, just so people don't think you're on something, why don't you put your sunglasses on? Hey, so what happens first? 03:47 Do you go out and look at the damage and then do you call an insurance person? Isn't there some deal that crop insurance has a special clause for hail? 03:54 Cause I really don't know. I've never carried crop insurance cause I rent my farm ground up. Yeah. So, um, and it's, it's an elective. Um, but there is a, 04:03 what they call when and hail policy, at least here, I don't, I assume that it's, it's fairly broad acre across the country, but yep, it's a separate election, 04:10 a separate policy for just when and hail. Um, so you're gonna evaluate it. I mean, 04:15 typically you can go look at it initially three to five days probably will give you a better look at it, um, what you're actually gonna have. 04:22 And then of course always call your crop insurance person because that's something that can be notified. I've, I've had instances where I, I called 'em, 04:30 I suggest f yi we got this and I had forgotten that we'd done this part of the policy or that part of the policy and like, oh, we can get a check for that. So, 04:37 So do you have wind and hail I hope Crop? What's that? You Have wind and hale clause. 04:42 Yeah, we carry wind and hail. It's like I said, it's a separate policy, but yeah. 04:45 Okay. So then the answer is what are you gonna get? And so is it just like any other crop insurance thing? Yeah. Based on actual proven yield for the last, or what do they call it? Actual? 04:58 Well, yeah, it's a p h actual production history. Yeah. Um, and it's, and they're gonna adjust it based on that and that's probably a question better 05:04 for somebody else. Um, cuz that's mass sometimes just seems a little wizard like to me. But, um, a little they're gonna come out and evaluate potential. You lost 05:14 A little wizard like math. All right, so they're gonna tell you, okay, actual proven harvest or actual proven what does it again, actual proven, 05:21 proven what Actual production history I think is actual Production history, then with a p h then they don't take it times a multiple, like times 0.85 or something. And, and yeah, okay. 05:33 It works the same way as far as the the check calculation. Basically they're gonna figure out what do we estimate your yield loss to be 05:39 based on this event? And then we'll write you check for that and then I think you actually wait for the actual harvest of it if it's able to be harvested and then they adjust it 05:49 from there. Are you going to then take like what's the assessment now? What's it look like? Uh, here you are a couple weeks removed from, from the hailstorm. What's the, 05:58 what are they saying? Yes, some of those beans. Um, the complicating factor here right, is it hasn't been raining. Um, if it had been raining, 06:08 that replant decision is a lot easier because you can work it, not have to worry about soil moisture conditions and replant it. That's not, uh, 06:15 what we can do right now. Yeah. Cause it's very dry. Um, so the response has been, 06:22 depending on the field and what it looks like has been anywhere from replant in between or across the old roles, depending on, 06:30 depending on how the field's shaped to just leaving it as it is and see how it comes out of it because we can't tilling it up is not an 06:39 option right now. No. So that's the thing on soybeans, if you were, if you were just an idea here, if so soybeans will go to corn on soybeans. Here it is. 06:48 You and I are recording this on June 15th. Yep. You could still make soybeans work and Yeah, if you, if, if, if you've got a plant in soybeans, especially earlier, 06:58 are very sensitive to being destroyed by hail. Um, because there's, once you get branches and stuff and you get auxiliary growing points, it's not, 07:07 that's a, not, not that a big deal, but when they're smaller, if you break that plant off below the cota leadin, 07:13 essentially that plan is your toast. You're done. Right. Um, so in a normal year you just work it or maybe not even work it, 07:21 just plan it again anyway. It's not a big deal By the way. Sponsor the person, the person that wants to know what a cota leadin is, but was afraid to ask. 07:29 Isn't that the base where the base hits the root, the top of the roots or it base hits the ground, isn't it? Cottin, like down at the bottom? 07:37 So on soybeans it's actually the, the two halves of the seed, those are the co leaves. They, or not the two halve the seed, but they, 07:43 they come out, it's the very, the two funny looking leaves at the very base of the soybean plant before they fall off, um, on corn. It's just essentially, 07:53 it's just a growing point. The coline is just the, uh, what's the word I want? Use the very initial port of the plant maybe is the way you said that. 08:01 I think that's what I said. Okay. Very initial anyway. All right. Answer me this. If you had a soybean field, uh, and you're, you're looking at it, you know, and you had some moisture instead of even, uh, 08:13 tearing it up, could you just go out with like a half population and say, I think I need about, I think there's still some existing plants here. 08:21 Could you just go through it like that? Or does that not work? I don't know. No, it, it's the same, 08:25 it's the same principle and it doesn't even at this point, at that point, it doesn't even really matter if it got hailed on if it's water damaged or 08:31 whatever. Um, essentially what we do, what we've done in the past with soybeans that were really planted really early and then got frost and coal damage to 'em is we planted down the old, 08:44 down the old row, um, to crack the seed trench back open, try to give those ones that were still viable, the seed that was still viable, 08:52 a chance to get outta the ground. And then we planted, I think a three quarter rate down the row and we actually ended up, you know, between a hundred and 125% of our intended stand doing that. 09:03 Okay, so you would've, you could have even backed off maybe you said a three quarter could have gone. Yeah, you could have gone half. It's gonna depend on, 09:09 really it's the replant decision, whether it's hale or anything else, is, is heavily based on how is it spotty or is it consistent and what is 09:17 the percentage of the standard you wanted. Got it. Okay. So what's the decision right now, June 15th on the soybeans? Yeah, we left, we left all of them. We didn't tear anything up because of, 09:28 you know, at least in part because of the moisture conditions. Um, And you didn't go through, you didn't go through and replant 09:33 Some of the, depending on the field, some of them were planted at an angle to the existing row with additional seed Just based on just by, based on going out and walking around is how you made it. 09:44 Yeah. See how many, how many viable plants do we have left? What are we shooting for? What's the planning date? 09:50 Do you actually measure it or did you just eyeball it? Uh, no, you just measured it. Yeah. How you walked walk, walked a hundred, 09:57 walked a hundred paces and did something like that. Walk Different spots. This, you know, this spot looks the worst. 10:02 What's our stand here? This spot looks the best. What's the stand here? And kind of figure it out in between. 10:06 There's a way you can walk a certain distance, count the number of plants, then take it times a multiple, right? 10:11 Uh, yeah, yeah, I would have to, and in corn it's a lot easier. Beans I don't always remember, but in the 30 inch row it's 17 and a half feet. 10:20 You count the number of plants in a 17 and a half foot row, take it times a thousand and that should be your population. 10:25 Got it. All right, so let's talk about corn. You got hail damage on corn. Did you have corn that was up, you had corn that got damaged? 10:31 What's going on with that? Yeah, so the, the, the emerged corn or the bigger corn stripped all the leaves off of it. Um, the corn, I don't get too worried about. It's the, the small, again, 10:42 it's the small corn that's the problem. Right? So we're in the tweener stage between when the corn's small, when it's really susceptible to hamil damage. 10:49 We're in the vegetative growth stage when this happened. So that's not a hu well the early vegetative growth stage, 10:56 so like V3 to V seven, we'll call it where the hail damage doesn't do as much yield damage once you get past V seven to R one, 11:08 that's where your hail damage really can cause some problems. Okay. So you, you, your corn obviously got stripped, 11:16 didn't it? Yeah, we left all of it. You're not gonna replant it. No. Uh, 11:21 And a plant, a corn plant and And part of that is because, you know, most of the time when you replant corn, there's gonna be a, a fair amount, 11:29 most of that corn's gonna survive if you don't tear it out or spray it or spray it and kill it. 11:34 And with the soil moisture conditions we have right now that tearing out an old stand, a viable stand is not a is 11:40 Matt, how does it survive when there's no leaves? Uh, they need photosynthesis. Doesn't the hail just, 11:46 I mean you still have green tissue, it's still gonna, it's not gonna, it's not gonna be very efficient. Right? But as it starts to put out new leaves, 11:52 you're gonna rebuild that factory and that's how it's gonna go. So you did not replant or tear up any of the corn, but then no, 12:00 if there was no crop insurance, if you had no hail policy, it'd be a different story. Are you saying Nope, 12:05 Same. Nope, same thing. Um, because really it's that corn has to be V seven on before, it's, before the leaf damage gets really serious. I mean, 12:20 it's not helpful. I mean, don't get me wrong, I would rather we have all the leaves on it, but with the soil moisture conditions and all of that stuff that we have right 12:29 now Yep. Airing out and replanting it a stand is wasn't wasn't a buying wash. Alright, so you're telling me that even if it wasn't for the insurance policy, 12:38 cuz it is easy to say, well we're just gonna let it go because you got the, you know, 12:42 you got the safety net of the insurance even without the safety net of the insurance, 12:46 you're telling me you still wouldn't replant that corn even if it was riddled down to where the stalk looked like my pin right here with no leaves on it, 12:53 you're saying nah, we're gonna still let it go. Yeah, we're gonna to a Well, essentially yes, because once it gets to a certain point, like, you know, 13:00 like V8 where your yield, where your yield damage really starts coming in. Yep. Most of the most years that's gonna be too late to replant a new 13:09 Yeah, well that's the thing. All of a sudden, if you're, if you're a month in, if if if you're 5, 6, 7 weeks off of ideal planting time or six or eight weeks 13:17 off, then yeah, then what are you planting for? You're just gonna have to deal with what you got. So what is your expectation of what you're gonna got? 13:24 Um, that that corn's was V3 V4 V five, you know, we may see 10% yield reduction on some of that stuff. Um, 13:33 Is that enough to then take an insurance claim? Uh, no, because if it's, you know, if your a p h is let's say 200 and you have 75% insurance, 13:44 you're still gonna get a hail claim regardless. Okay. You'll have a hail check, but again, that's a separate policy. Um, 13:51 Yes. So you won't get crop insurance. You won't get crop insurance because the, you're, you're, if you're 10% off of yield, you are insuring to 80% or 14:00 Something like that. That's right. Well it's 10%. Its off of revenue. It's revenue based, but yeah. 14:04 Okay. So you're not too concerned About, so you may or may not get a revenue, you know what, what people, when they think crop insurance, what they think is the revenue portion, 14:12 you may or may not get a claim on the revenue, but you, if you have the hail endorsement, you will get a check for the hail endorsement. Yeah. 14:20 So you're gonna get a little check for the hail endorsement and that might cover the 10% deduct. If, 14:25 if if we have the right kind of year from here on you get adequate moisture and sun and growing degree units, you're going to end up okay. 14:31 Yeah. And, and if you have, I mean if you have really great weather conditions after that you may get your hail check and not see much of a yield reduction versus a p h at all. 14:39 Yeah. Um, now the potential might have been higher. Yeah. But she may turn out okay on it, depending on, 14:45 So the person that's, that's, uh, farming that's never had a hail event, your, your advice to them is, I'm, I'm thinking I'm getting it here. Uh, first off, 14:53 obviously assess the damage immediately. Yes. And then if you gotta replant, which thing are you looking at replanting first? 14:59 Probably the corn because of the timing? Yes. Uh, yeah, because usually by this time it's big enough to damage it. The, the corn's gonna have to go in first. 15:07 Yeah. And then if you were gonna replant, if you were gonna replant the corn, does it tear up or is it just going in spot in? 15:14 Uh, for us, Chemicals are already there, fertilizer's There for us it's a no in a no-till situation, we're gonna, we're gonna spray it with something that'll just kill the, 15:21 well we'll kill the corn for sure. Um, and then we're gonna probably set the planter over to the, you know, half, half a row over and plan in between the old rows. Yeah. 15:33 Which one? Knock, I mean that's gonna knock a fair amount of what's stand, what's left standing over. 15:37 Yeah. But it's, and then you're gonna, you do full pass again with the fertility, the two by two the Yes. Um, and actually Kevin talks, Kevin talked about this recently, 15:47 another podcast. It's, yeah, you're gonna have to reset that cuz most of that in furrow place fertility and two by two place fertility is now it's not gone, 15:56 but it's not where the seed is. So that doesn't, It's Yeah, it's gonna be, in your case on 20 inch rows, it's 10 inches off of where you want it to be. 16:02 It's not, where it's not gonna be any good. Right. Okay. Then on soybeans, if you opted to do a replant on soybeans, you did it, uh, 16:10 75% population and you did it. And that's gonna be based purely on what's, what the stand is. You know, if you've got 25% of a stand left, 16:18 then we're gonna go with 75 or 80% of the original population. We may bump that depending on what the date is. You know, 16:25 if those beans were planted originally April 8th and they get hailed on May 20th, we may say, okay, 16:32 now I want my final stand instead of being 80,000, I want my final stand to be a hundred thousand. In which case we're gonna have to a adjust for that. 16:39 Would it make sense to go lesser? I mean obviously the hail already knocked back a bunch of it, you know, Kelly has talked about reduction of population studies that he did. 16:50 Yeah. And he got tremendous yield at like 60,000 populations. But is that because they got in so early and were able to establish themselves? 16:58 Well, so I mean, here's the best example I can give of this. So the, the field we've, we've had in the past, 17:03 we've planted fields the first week of April had a frost event or just a, a sa a moisture saturated environment Right. 17:12 And then had a very inconsistent stand and we've had places where you'd have, you know, 17:16 close to a hundred percent stand and the places where you have 25 or no stand cuz standing water or something like that. 17:23 And we've replanted those in the second or third week of May based on weather or whatever timing or we got to it at that point. And I, 17:33 and in the places where we had good stands and we planted a full, in this case, we planted a full population or a full seating rate for the time of the year 17:42 that we are. Okay. So we're gonna adjust our seating rate based on the time of the year. So when we replanted those, 17:50 we planted a full seating rate for the time of the year because we had places with nothing Yep. And places with decent stands. Alright. 17:57 What we found is the places that had a decent stand, they kind of choked the new beans out for the most part. But we had phenomenal beans in those areas because you had the old stand plus the new 18:09 stand. Right. The old stand benefiting from the early flower production, all that stuff. And the places where we had nothing, 18:15 they were still good because we planted the full seed. Uh, talk about the money. Do you get made whole, does your, is your hail check, I mean, do you have to rebuy the seed or is replanting seed free even on hand? 18:28 So the replant insurance covers seed and the actual pass itself. So whatever they build in it, yeah, 18:38 They hours Diesel time equipment and it's Not something where you turn in an amount, you take up a certain amount of replant insurance, a certain dollar amount, 18:47 and that's what you get if you have to replant it, you get that. Ok. So the point is you look at it as your cost, uh, was covered, 18:54 your time was not No, the time was covered too. I mean there, the, the insurance, depending on what you took, is generally covered. Yeah. Okay. 19:02 You're gonna have to do it again. Yeah. Like you can't physically add more hours to the day, but other than that you made not. Yeah. 19:09 How many acres did you have to replant ma'am? Uh, I mean, how many, uh, of your, uh, what of your mix were half of your acres damaged? 19:17 No. Um, One third, one fourth, One 10. 10, 10%. Okay. And of that we probably replanted half-ish Person that's gonna go through their first ever hail damage. 19:30 I want you to tell me what your recommendation to them is while you're thinking about your advice to somebody that walks out tomorrow and says, oh s**t. My, 19:39 my, well I wanna, before you think about that, I want to tell our listeners, uh, something that I think was gonna help them out and it's about fertility. 19:48 If you wanna squeeze every penny's worth of available nutrients out of every acre, you farm tighten XC from Loveland products improve nutrient availability, 19:56 increases plant uptake so you can get the most from your dry fertilizer investment. Visit loveland products.com to learn more. 20:02 One more thing I want you to think about is how you can save money and reduce stress. Some cool stuff that I learned when we were at Commodity Classic. 20:12 We went to a Loveland little, uh, luncheon. We talked about teramar all about stress reduction. So if you have stressful product, uh, 20:20 production situation like Matt has right now, very, very dry, we're probably gonna move into the hot part of the season. 20:26 He just had hail for God's sakes. Locusts are coming. I mean, let's face it, what's more stressful than that? Terramar is a stress reduction product. 20:33 If you wanna learn more about it, it is exclusively available from nutrient ag solutions. You can find out more about all this stuff@lovelandproducts.com All right? 20:42 Your advice to somebody that walks out tomorrow and hail hits them. So managing a hail damaged crop is, is a, is almost, 20:50 could be a whole nother podcast, but we'll hit the highlights, right? So once you've got a a hail damaged crop, you have to realize several things. 20:58 One, your yield potential may or may not be lower. That's completely dependent on what your situation is and what you got left, right? 21:04 Almost like timing. And what also when it comes, hell Comes, The jail comes me 15, 21:09 Do I have left? It's all these things, right? But you've gotta make a call on what do I think this is what my original yield potential was and this is what my new yield potential is. Okay? So that changes, 21:21 your fertility changes several things. Okay? Or if, if you, if you've already applied all your nutrients, then you're kind of all in at that point, right? Yep. Um, if you haven't, 21:31 you have the ability to pull back like we do and say, okay, well our new yield potential is this, 21:37 so we're gonna adjust what our yield goal is, that's gonna bring our fertility cost down because we're gonna pull it back. Um, but what you do have to realize is you now have openings in the 21:48 armor of that plant all over, right? So you've gotta worry about the water's gonna have splashed dirt up on your plants. 21:57 So any disease that was on the soil is now on your plants and it's now covered in open source essentially. Right? 22:06 And you're gonna have, it's not Really that big of a deal cause okay, that's like the meteor effect. Uh, it is like the meteorite effect, right? It is. But is that that big of a deal? 22:14 I mean, that would seem to me like that would be probably, I mean obviously the, the crop being stripped or just absolutely pounded to where it doesn't exist is 22:22 the biggest thing. The fact that it splashes dirt up there, how big of a risk factor do you think that is? 22:27 Uh, it's, it's a factor. It's not the only factor for disease, certainly, right? I mean, you have windborn diseases and things like that, 22:34 but any soilborne diseases, especially if you're like in a corn on corn environment or things like that, especially a no-till corn, 22:41 the corn environment where you have lots of residue with disease present and that splashes it up on a plant, typically not as big of an issue because you, 22:50 the plant's got its full armor on, right? Mm-hmm. When you strip the leafs off, you open all those wounds, it doesn't have that anymore. 22:56 Okay? So for us, our response is gonna be, and you, okay, well before we get to that, so you've got the open wounds issue, we'll call it, 23:05 and you've got a lack of photosynthetic ability, especially before it puts the new leaves out. So you've got two issues essentially that you have to address. 23:14 And both of those are gonna be, it's gonna be a combination, but both of those can be addressed at least in part foliar, right? 23:21 So on the fungicide side, obviously that's a hundred percent foliar. Mm-hmm. You're, 23:24 we're gonna go out with the fungicide and depending on the timing of the, of the season, how much money we've spent, 23:30 we may move our high quality fungicide, we may move that up to our hail damage timing, right? Mm-hmm. Okay. Go out with our, our high quality fungicide. 23:41 You've got a plant that's leaking a bunch of juice, essentially, right? That's gonna attract insects. So you need to go out with an insecticide at 23:49 The same time. How soon after, I mean, are we talking, try and do this all within a few days? Uh, within the three to five day window is it would be my recommendation. 23:57 So all of a sudden you're thinking, I I never thought of this. Okay. Yeah, there's gonna be insecticide, insect issues because like you said, 24:04 you just busted up in a bunch of plants. So there's, there's juice and open vegetation everywhere. Okay? Right. And, and, uh, and people will sometimes fight me on this, but 24:16 I, I would tell you nine times out of 10 that if you have that, if an insect or disease has the choice between attacking a healthy plant, 24:24 especially insects and attacking a, a damaged plant, I can tell you which one they're gonna go to first. It's always gonna be the damage, right? So the fungicide, 24:33 you've got an insecticide and then you've gotta address fo at least start to address foliarly replacing some of that photosynthetic ability with 24:42 something else. Okay? So for us, typically with the fungicide insecticide, we're gonna run something like Seacat from Tiva. We're gonna run a sugar source. 24:53 Again, we like the, I like the MMTs from Tiva, but there are other options. Um, and then we're gonna say, okay, 25:00 what portion of the growing season are we in and what nutrients are in high demand? And we're gonna address those things because we're going to lose, 25:09 you've basically damaged your pump mm-hmm. By damaging the photosynthetic ability of the plant. So now you need to replace what that pump would've brought up essentially. 25:20 By the way, um, you talked about going out there and spraying it, but you replanted did you do your replant first and then you went across to the 25:27 sprayer? Yeah, I, yeah, I mean it's, as soon it's gonna depend on how much rain you got. Like in this case we did get a whole lot of rain. 25:34 So ideally you can do both at once. If you can't, um, you're probably gonna do actually, honestly to me, if I have to do both, I'd probably spray first. Mm-hmm. Because that's gonna be faster. Yep. Uh, 25:49 and then get, unless it's gonna be several days and then get the re refund. You just talked about how to manage a hail, a hail crop. 25:59 Does this happen more in western Illinois? Is this the re is this the reason that when I think of Illinois, I think of the good part like somehow champagne, 26:06 whereas over there where you are, you're in the hail band. Um, we're not in the derecho band, which is seems to be north of us slightly. 26:15 I'm, I'm making a crack. I don't think there is such thing as a hail band, although I, 26:18 it's my observation that it happens more in the plains states than it does where we're from. 26:22 Yeah, no, I certainly, yeah, I think the Kansas, Nebraska, western Iowa, Missouri type situation is, is probably more common. 26:29 They should probably, they should probably just leave crop production to people like in the United States. Don't you think 26:34 I'm completely okay with that? Uh, we're kidding. We're kidding. We're both I state guys, his name's Matt Watson. My name's Damien Mason. You know what, 26:43 we record cool stuff all the time. It's called Extrem Ice, cutting the Curve. We also produce videos onsite at events. We do panels, we do events, 26:51 we do field days for crying out loud. June 22nd. Next week we're gonna be at Kelly Garrett's in August we're gonna be at Ma Kevin Matthews and also at Temple Rhodes. This is what we do. 27:00 We're learning platform. Matt has one more thing, speaking of learning, he wants to share with you about Hale. 27:05 Yeah Damien. So essentially, you know, we talked about Hale, but this is essentially the same thing, 27:10 the same evaluation we're gonna do for wind damage as well. Uh, it's, it's really not basically any stand damage. It's the same evaluation. 27:18 So yeah, We Have a greens Snap issue with exception, with one exception. Um, those hail damaged corn plants you claim can come out of it. 27:29 A knocked down cornstalk never comes back. So it's, yeah, if it's Snapped, if it's screen snapped, it's done. Yeah. 27:35 Once it's snapped off, it never comes back. And there's probably in under hail more of that booger it up plant leaf that then invites insects than there would be under wind because 27:46 wind will more of a flattener, right? Yeah. I mean if you have bad wind it's gonna snap it off. So Yeah. So it's the same analysis looking at the plant, plant the population, 27:56 look at the stand, then look at your conditions and then judge the moisture and then get across with a sprayer. Cuz you can do 120, 160 feet of the time fast. Yep. 28:04 And go ahead and decide on your replant if you're going to replant and then what your population is and your point on corn is don't replant if it's still can 28:13 start leafing out again. Well, and on the soy, I mean even Yes and on the, in the corn it's a window, but on the soybeans, 28:19 I mean as Kelly has shown in his just straight planting trials, but also there's been a couple replant trials done. 28:26 I mean if you have a fairly even stand of 60,000 soybean plants and it's the end of May, I'm probably gonna leave it. Yeah. Because that's, 28:36 you know, you don't need a lot more than that and the data shows that uh, you're probably not gonna benefit. 28:42 I like it. We're talking about damage, talking about hail damage. Hail. No, we're talking about storm damage and you've heard all the ways to go ahead and, 28:50 and still cover, uh, get a crop. I wanna cover this topic again, come fall and see where you end up. So I want to do that then. 28:57 And your expectation right now, it's more about ongoing moisture cuz you're dry. Do you think the moisture's gonna be a bigger factor than the hail? 29:06 Uh, yes, I would say so. Yep. Oh, I think you're probably right. Cool. All right. He interrupted me the last time I tried to close out. Same story. 29:14 He's Matt Swanson. I'm David Mason. This extreme mag cutting the curve where you can get awesome information. Go to Extreme mag.farm for more information and remember you can become a paying 29:22 member and get exclusive content from the guys for a very, very small amount of money. But until then, 29:27 share this with someone that can learn from it. We are building a community of great agricultural education here to up your farming game and shorten your learning curve. 29:36 Hence the name of this podcast. Till next time, thanks for being, That's a wrap for this episode of Cutting the Curve, but there's plenty more. 29:42 Check out Extreme a.farm where you can find past episodes, instructional videos and articles to help you squeeze more profit outta 29:51 your farm. Cutting the curve is brought to you by Advanced Drainage Systems, the leader in agriculture, water management solutions.