In-Furrow For A Firm Foundation
Temple Rhodes started applying nutrients in-furrow at time of planting 12 years ago. He didn’t get everything right the first go-round but in the learning years since, he’s certainly become a believer. Last year one of Temple's experiments demonstrated a 2,500 to 3,000 corn plant emergence difference between in-furrow nutrition acres versus non in-furrow treatment. The difference, according to Temple is in the building of the foundation. “I’m building a factory within that plant and you can’t build a factory without a firm foundation." Temple and Adrian Boyd of AgXplore share lessons and thoughts on building a better plant beginning at time of planting.
Presented by AgXplore
00:00 Welcome to extreme AG's cutting the curve more than just a podcast. It's the place for insights and information. You can apply immediately to your farming operation for 00:09 increased success this episode of cutting the curve is brought to you by AG Explorer with Innovative products that improve fertilizer efficiency protect yield 00:18 potential and reduce stress. I explore helps Growers maximize field potential find out how AG Explorer can help you get more out of your crop at 00:27 And now here's your host Damien Mason. Hey there, thanks for joining us for another fantastic episode of extreme ass cutting the curve. We've got a good 00:39 topic for you. Today. We're talking about infer treatments the evolution to using more infero 00:45 treatments. We're talking about at time of planting. Obviously, we're talking about the journey as it seen from the eyes of 00:51 Temple roads Temple roads Eastern Shore, Maryland fantastic contributor here for extreme Ag and we got Adrian Boyd with ag Explorer one of our business 01:00 partners who's going to tell us some of the things he sees covering his territory in North Carolina and also some perspective on how you 01:09 can be more effective getting the most bang for your buck using nutrients and the resources that you put into your crop by putting it where it needs to be Temple. You 01:18 are not always in for a person none of us were telling about your journey to becoming more shall I say diligent about putting stuff in for 01:27 a time of planning. So I guess my and for our journey started probably about 12 years 01:35 ago and the reason that we started with it because we you know, we're in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed as we always talk about and it's all about efficiency. So 01:44 we're trying to get more efficient with things and we're trying to be proactive and we're trying to get ahead of that ahead of 01:50 the curve. It's all about, you know staging and you know, it's become about tissue sampling nowadays, but I don't use tissue samples 01:59 exactly the same as what normal people do I would say and I can explain that in a minute. But um, what drove me to it was 02:08 I couldn't get in front of things. Like I was always set felt like I was always chasing my tail. Um, so with being 02:17 infero I could get really efficient. I could build better root structure. I could drive a little bit of phosphorus into the plan nowadays. We 02:26 have PG yours to help with that root system. So it goes back to what we what we talk about, you know, we talk about building this Factory, 02:35 you know, and we can't build a factory without a foundation and it is the foundation to the whole year for me. 02:45 It's interesting way of looking at it the foundation and we talk a lot about the important stuff that has to happen at time of planting having your plantar 02:54 set up right your soil conditions, etc, etc. And you know as only a couple years ago then candidate Michael Bloomberg stepped 03:03 on his foot when he went on TV and said, you know, look at air cultures pretty simple. You just dig a hole through some seed in there and you know why you got a crop and we 03:12 all know that there's a heck of a lot more to that so Adrian I guess a question is Did we just not know? This is 03:22 an evolution that we just didn't get it like that. There are simple things we could have done. We always were all about you know cultivation or 03:28 seed bed and all that kind of stuff. So he'd soil to seed seed the soil. Contact Etc. We were still like only part way into the game in terms 03:37 of knowing what we now know. Well, I thank you. I mean, I think you own us something there and something that Temple just said about 03:45 You know the foundational part of that, you know, we definitely break down products and look at them at what stage that crop is where we're gonna get the most benefit 03:54 but that really hit me thinking about an old farmer that we had the community who always said you got one shot to get it right? And I think we focused on 04:03 that a lot in the past, you know, you think about how many planner clinics we put on how many times we're talking about seed the 04:09 soil contact. And now as we move in Furrow, I think we really got some products out there with what we're seeing, you know 04:18 in in I keep saying a fish it see but definitely in driving that product that we're we're spending dollars in to get 04:27 it into the plant and just seeing that plant, you know, take off stand establishment root system throughout a year 04:36 and seeing that with some of these humics and sugars and and different technology. We've got any products are enhance and you know where we've 04:45 we've got to with the infer. I just wrote down a note. That's how my mind works. She started going Adrian about this. She said we only got one chance to get this right 04:54 and I started thinking about how many times in Northern Indiana where I'm from where people want to jump the gun to 05:00 get really excited about planting and then they're also the first to replant and you know, when you're doing this much stuff, it's 05:06 not like you just went out there and put a seat in the ground you put a seat Temple has probably a dozen things that are going in at time of planting. Am I am 05:15 I am I overestimating? Okay half a dozen now, you're you're probably spot on it's a lot it's a lot and so if you've got a replant, I 05:24 mean this is a different topic all together, but the reality is you if you say only one chance to get it right? 05:30 Well, it's kind of becomes a very costly Endeavor when you say I'm gonna go out early enough. I have to replant what the hell I don't know if you can think that way anymore with the amount 05:39 of stuff you're putting in. Well, you really can't you know demons going back to what you're talking about and Adrian hit 05:46 on it a minute ago when we talk about plants that stands and and bettering your ability to get a better stand. I've done tests where 05:55 we turn the info off and we just run, you know, an insecticide in a Fungicide and we don't run all the other products. I'll get 06:04 2500 to 3,000 more plants per acre where I've running all these products. So, I mean that to me alone, I mean 06:14 that can save your stand, you know, because if I'm planting if I'm dropping 31,000 and you 06:20 know, and it drops to 26,000, I'm at the point. I'm scratching my head. I'm like, well, you know, I think I might have to replant. So 06:29 you're talking about taking that stand all the way out versus coming up with 29,000 and in 06:35 a bad situation, you're like, hey I can deal with that, you know in my area and my environment and dry land situation. I can grow a year 06:44 with that. So I'll leave that alone and that infero, um, you know my situation and Furrow it 06:51 saved the day for me more than one time and that's I don't think people think about that. But that's a big 07:00 deal. I just did a fun thing. I'm going with what Kelly Garrett, you know, one of our dream man guys says because I actually until I start work with these guys Adrian. I 07:09 never thought about yield per stock so Kelly said if I want to be out here ringing the bell, I want six tenths of a 07:19 pound of corn off of each plant. You know, I hadn't thought of that he's talking about, you know one shell ear, right and I just ran that 07:28 number temple just used a number three thousand more plants. If you're in Furrow setup is done correctly. 3,000 more stocks actually mature right 07:37 to take you to harvest. So then run that on point six pounds that's ends up being 32 bushels. So what you just told me there and let's 07:46 call it six bucks a bushel. I just made 192 dollars right at six bucks and by having the infer right and that's not 07:55 just some number you pulled out of thin air. That's because you actually said if I get it right, I experienced 08:01 3,000 more live working plants and take it time to point and maybe you're saying oh point six a little bit optimistically take it times a 08:10 little less than that. You're still talking 30 bushels and six bucks. It's interesting Damien because I've got a real life example 08:18 from last year to back up your number. So we took three of our products we took our humic acid, which is Inferno. We took our carbon and sugar product 08:28 Octane and prevent NXT, which is our phosphorous solubilizer. We we put those three in with the 08:37 Growers starter fertilizer program. The only change we made we had a 16 row planter. We race tracked it across the field. 08:46 And I followed it all throughout the season so early on we had a cool damp event that came 08:52 right after planting. About 4,000 plants better. Um right there whenever you know Final Stand, you know 09:00 the plants beside it called up, you know, did it look um, you know, not quite as Extreme as 09:06 it did to begin with but whenever I pull those ears back later on in at Harvest time, you could shoot an arrow 09:14 down the years there just to consistency versus right beside it when we were just running a standard infaro program where you 09:23 were seeing a lot of up and down. And and just because of the this energy we saw from that, you know, we created a new 09:31 product this year. It's got all three of those that I just named in one container and it gives me back to you know, 09:40 something Chad Chad Henderson said a long time ago. I was listening what it extreme AG podcast. He said we see a lot of synergy in these 09:49 products and that's what we're seeing there and and trying to bring something that makes a little easier to grow, 09:55 you know would having a synergistic effect, but a little bit more of an ease the application so he's not having a mix three products, 10:04 but at the end of day we saw, you know, right at a 30 bushel yield to increase because of a better stand establishment, you 10:13 know, better root system kind of carry us through some drought a little bit better and you know, I weren't expecting to see that one when we Harvest today and 10:22 talk about the synergies gained based on temples experiment. Nation but before I do I gotta throw this out 10:28 there Temple said 2500 to 3,000 more plants emerge and become productive plants and I took that number and did you notice what Adrienne had 10:37 to do he had doubt do you because he's a farm guy deep at heart. He had to do 4,000 plants. You know, what if we had that I 10:43 give 5,000 plants. It's kind of like with a farmers do the wake up. I wake up every day six am and get to work. Well the next guy you get to a 5:30. Then this 10:52 guy he's up at five, you know, the last guy to talk. He stays up all night. I don't even go to bed. So he had outdo you Adrian. 10:58 You just had to go out and do Temple. Didn't you? We just have to have a few more plants because we can't grow years as big as 11:04 well Temple and Kelly day. Well, you know what I did though because I was working on running about that like, okay, let's not say point six pounds. Let's call half 11:13 a pound. I still ran your numbers and that puts me at 35.7 or bushels on 56 pound bushels. It's nothing 11:19 to sneeze at. All. Right. So I usually wait till the end to go to the money thing and then we'll go to the synergies real quickly Adrian or 11:25 temp. Both of you somebody listen. This is a skeptic says all right, they put all this fancy stuff in their time planning out do any of that. But you know what, maybe 11:34 I don't get that 35 bushels, but I also don't have the expense. Well 35 bushels or 32 bushels. We said 11:40 that's 180 $200. Sure that God, I'm not spending 200 more dollars on these products. Am I? 11:47 No, you're not you're you know, a lot of these products, you know, of course you get tired of hearing and 11:53 you soon as you ask a guy you like. You know, how much is this product Oh, it's five dollars an acre. Oh that's five dollars an 11:59 acre and all of that can add up but you know that five dollars an acre here and a $5 an acre there. And I mean the total cost of my infer program 12:09 is probably 25 dollars at Max, you know, when when I hit them all together, um, and that 25 dollars goes a long way when you planted 12:18 a 500 acre field or you know, you playing 300 acres or a hundred acres and then all of a sudden you don't have to replant what's it called you to replant 12:27 because when you go back and replant, yeah, the seed companies gonna give you some see yeah, you're gonna try to make an insurance claim against it 12:36 but you lost so much you because you lost all that time. Nobody thought about that. No, there's another couple let's let's not stop there. Maybe you 12:45 got enough Acres you have to hire. By to help you you got The Hired Hands time. You got the worker on the Machinery diesel. Last I looked is heading around what 370 12:53 of 370 a gallon? Yeah, those tractors Don't Run for free that we don't have solar powered tractors yet. And so and and then frankly you might have one 13:02 more trip across the field that was unnecessary. So you got maybe a compaction issue or you just got the fact that you you're burning up time and you're 13:11 up against the clock. So I'm well, I'll give you something. So let's just go through. I guess my 13:20 inferrer program and why I do each one of them is it that is that fair to do that? And because it gives you a better idea why I do 13:29 absolutely so, um, first of all, I always use try to use a you know, a fertilizer efficiency product, you know with like preventing NXT 13:40 for the For AG X is that is that helps with the phosphorus to getting into the plant? So I'm going to use a efficiency product 13:53 there. And by the way fertilizer efficiency product again something we never Okay, what 40 years ago we talked about nitrogen stabilizers 14:01 inser was the big one back, you know 40, right whatever. So we're talking about basically we took that idea and brought it 14:10 to modern day. When you say fertilizer efficiency. It's not just stabilizing nitrogen. It's much more than that explained. It's much more than that. It's it's about phosphorus 14:19 this time in my area phosphorus is a big deal and Foster should be a big deal to everybody because you know, what are we 14:28 all doing as large or farmers will pushing them envelope even the smaller farmers are pushing envelope. We're getting out there 14:34 earlier. We're trying to play in cold wet. So sometimes well, if we're gonna plant in cold with Souls first thing that's going to be the problem. We're gonna have a phosphorus problem. So 14:43 if I can make a product that I can make that fossils more efficient driving to plan. I've already got a healthier plant because phosphorus drives energy. So 14:52 that's the first thing the second thing is is I want to use a pgr of some sort. I want to build my roots. Remember, I'm building the foundation 15:01 for my factory. Then I'm going to protect it with a fungicide insecticide the fungicide that I use I use a fungicide that that protects me against 15:10 pythm to your cerium rise Iconia. That's all stuff that comes with cool wet soils and that's what all of us are going to be doing at the 15:19 beginning Edge. We're trying to protect everything. So then I'm gonna follow it. I'm going to use a humic fallback blend with sugar. Um 15:28 why I'm doing that is because I'm trying to feed the biology of my soul to capture more micro nutrients more fertilizer get more 15:37 into it and then I'm gonna add a micro pack. Okay, so that's me. This is me specifically. I'm not going to use a fertilizer. I 15:46 don't like fertilizer fertilizer in my Furrow. This is just me personally. I know a lot of other people do but I don't 15:54 I'm going to use micropax that I know are high in certain products that I need certain micros that I need because my tool 16:03 is a very different than the neighbor soil because of how I set it up in the beginning. So I'm going 16:09 to be looking at products that have a high concentration of manganese in it high concentration of 16:15 my home magnesium in it another you know, I want to high phosphorus plan. The reason I want all these things because one drives energy and the 16:24 other two feed on food or synthesis. So I'm looking at that part of the year not getting enough days of sunlight maybe being 16:33 a little bit cool all these things they play Synergy. So that's why when I talk about the Synergy and you know, Adrian 16:42 talks about it all these things working Unison together, and that's what we found. You know, I'll give 16:48 you a for instance a couple years ago. You just said something about compaction. Our body mind came out. There's a farmer friend of mine from the 16:57 area. We talk about all kinds of stuff and he comes out and helps me out a lot and he's he's taking a pin knife. I was telling Adrian about this and he's going 17:06 through the field and he's sticking this knife down in the ground and and it gets right there. You know where my inferior treatment 17:12 wasn't this is that Harvest time now and he's like me and there's pin knife sinks right in the ground. He's like, so he calls me. He's like man, what is going on like everywhere? I 17:21 went wherever your root zone is like it's like really soft and super mellow in that Soul. That's the humics and the sugars. They're helping 17:30 break that compaction. They're feeding that biology. It's a really healthy system. It's a really healthy roots. And so all these things they really 17:39 work and you listen or you know synergistic very together. It's it's a lot more than you realize now. 17:48 I just found out that you know this year Adrian's company. Come out with this new product called upward were it's 17:57 the fertilizer efficiency product. The sugar product that I always use anyway and the humic phobic source that we use and that's coming 18:07 in one jug and what that does for somebody like me instead of having three totes that are 18:13 sitting on my sprayer trailer or on my planter trailer now, I've got one too and Adrian to me. That's a that's a huge deal. You know, how hard is 18:23 it? You going up? Somebody's Lane and trying to sell them three products versus one. 18:28 Oh, yeah, I mean he's always gonna ask me. All right, you got three here, which one, you know, if you had to pick one. Which one are you gonna go with it? 18:37 It's hard to it's hard to single out one of those products to like you say, I think they play very well together and play off of each other. So, you 18:46 know, you talk about costs you're looking at, you know, a couple bushels of corn and you know, definitely I don't think it you know, 18:55 a guy needs to go out there expecting he's gonna see a 30 bushel yield increase every time I definitely think in that 19:01 situation we had that was a year where just a lot of things played, you know play into his favor, but you know, I think you talk about 19:11 What you're looking at it for paying somebody's Ortho phosphate fertilizers, you know your prices and per gallon. You're 19:17 you're making a huge investment in them. You know, are you getting 60% of your investment into the plant? Are you getting 80% you know, if we can take 19:26 a product or a couple bushels that really drive it in there get it out of ground get you a uniform stand. We've been talking that forever. I think 19:35 it's a it's a great return on your money. I'm convinced that the whole thing is going and it's a little bit because of environmental ISM, which 19:44 a lot of times has worked counter to what we're doing. Well so and temples the one that we talked with this all the time. He was 19:50 at the very front end of the spear on this one because he's in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed and I'm glad to see that about every other one of these recordings to do 19:59 with extreme egg. We talk about we might have been putting on more nutrients than we ever needed. It was bad for Lake Erie. Look at the the algae bloom 20:08 starting 20 years ago. It was bad for the resources and also as wasteful so I like that we're talking about 20:16 wouldn't the right amount to get huge benefit because it wasn't that we didn't have enough before us we didn't have it the right place, which I 20:24 think drives this in Furrow thing. My right I think Adrian. Yeah, I think so. And and another piece of the puzzle 20:32 was I mean you you were at commodity classic how many biological companies were there this year? You know you 40 times more than there 20:41 were 20 years ago as oh, yeah. And you you know temples Temple made a good point a minute ago about you know, feeding the biology, you know microbes in 20:50 the soil. But if you're looking at investing in a a biological type product to do a specific job in that crop, 20:59 you take like our sugar product, you know, you take that as a good food source for that investment that you're putting in the ground already. You're trying to ramp that 21:08 biology up and get it start working colonizing. I mean, there's a there's a whole nother effect there as you're starting to look at some of 21:17 these new things coming on the market. I think we don't even know for sure. I mean, I think that we know more about Mars right 21:25 now than we know about soil biology. And I think it's the new frontier for agriculture and we're gonna look and I've said this about over 21:31 tillage and I'm gonna say it about over application of some of the stuff we've used it, you know, and I was an intern for Dupont back in 1991. I mean, I was 21:40 supposed to be out there. I knew seiba gagee and lasso. I mean all those I'm just I'm not certainly we're not 21:46 anti-chemistry. I just think that we over applied this stuff and we're starting to realize now looking back. It's kind 21:52 of like hey at one point they used leeches for medical treatment and we're like, yeah that wasn't the right thing to do. I think we're gonna look back at over usage of products 40 years 22:01 ago and say man. Look what we know now my right Temple I think you're exactly right and that's what we're finding out right here. And and the Watershed that I have to farm in 22:11 all the farmers here. We've had to learn to to do this. We've had to learn to adapt because those first, you know, 22:19 Five six years of the nutrient management plan. We all struggle. I mean we absolutely struggled now, we've got a lot 22:28 of new technology. We've got a lot of new data. We've got a ton of Trials and we're finding out more and more every day and it's all about learning 22:37 what that plant needs when it needs it and we can grow more with less. But again, it's not only growing more with less. It's making every animals 22:46 count and putting it into that plant keeps it out of out of the bay keeps it out of the Lakes keeps it, you know, I mean, we're being environmentally friendly. We are 22:55 the stewards of this land. Hey, I want to throw this out there. Adrian said he's been asked by producers. Well, wait a minute. You got three things. You're telling me 23:05 put in there which one's your favorite which one should I go without that's a little bit like what people say you can't do that. 23:11 That's like saying, you know, which one of my kids is my favorite that is crap because you know, what parents 23:17 will say I could never tell you Of my kids is my favorite simple has five kids trust me. He knows which one's his favorite. He knows which ones 23:26 he knows which ones he would go without. Look when in doubt send them all that's all I can say. 23:35 All right, let's talk then. We'll talk about you know, we put in the journey to infer and all that. How do you think you're better at today Temple than 23:44 you were just two years ago? Is it just about put all? No, it's not about putting more stuff in furrow. Again, I'll go back to I'm gonna go back 23:56 to this. It's the relationships that that I've gotten in extreme act to be to be completely 24:02 honest, you know with the relationships that I've gotten with the people that I know and the things 24:08 that I'm bringing forward every year. Um, my my aph, you know, my average production history is coming up and up and up 24:17 in every crop. It's not just corn. It's it's corn wheat and beans and learning all these things and being able to pinpoint, you 24:26 know, these growing stages, you know, Kevin talks, Kevin Matthews talks about all the time, you know pinpoint trigger 24:32 points pgr's huge deal, but Learning and being in a group like this learning the trigger points one learning that when you 24:44 hit them with a pgr you're gonna get a you're gonna get a reaction and it's your reaction to that 24:50 action. You you have to be ahead of that. And this is all stuff that we're learning and we're growing so fast and we're learning so much. I just 24:59 I can't pinpoint anyone thing. It's it's everything it's every stage of the crop and 25:08 I think more than anything. With you know, Adrian working with Adrian. I spent a bunch of time with Adrian dinner in the field in North Carolina and Northern or 25:17 Southern Virginia Northern North Carolina and looking at things, you know, we're learning together all of us are partners and 25:26 us as well as well at extreme egg and we're learning what all these points are what the next step is what we're falling low 25:35 on and what soul type not just what soul type what where does that farmers background? How did he set that plan up? 25:44 What was the foundation like all those play a big key role, you know, I can't grow grow a crop down there where Adrian is 25:53 um, but we'll him and I can do together is find out where the fundamentals are and what we're lacking in and how 26:02 to get in front of that. That's what's important. It's good. He said he can't get five or six tenths of 26:09 a pound of corn. the stock where he is Everything's giving when I'm traveling around and I see those little itty-bitty Indian corn ears. I now know 26:19 where they come from Adrian. Is that your backyard? Is that where that stuff comes from? Yes. Yes. That's like 26:25 it's like blue it's blue and it's really small. Is it that stuff? You're probably worth nothing. That's just coming out as sure some of that water s*** going. 26:34 Listen don't don't tease him too much Damian, you know, one of his customers is Heath kutral, he grows a bigger corn crop than all of us 394 bushels 26:44 dry land. Okay answer me this then we're gonna get out of here. What's going in this year in 26:50 any way that you're in fro is change even just this year from last year based on what you've learned in. Okay, when you go across the field, you've got a dozen 26:59 things going on not all over and Furrow summer and two by two, whatever just go ahead. Just tell me what you're gonna do this year. 27:07 So what I'll do this year is I'll take this year. I'll take last year's data that I pulled off my tissue samples. I'm not going to change my fertilizer recommendation 27:16 because my fertilizer Rex and my what I'm gonna what I'm going to initiate this year is the same as last year. 27:25 My fertilizer is the same. So I'll take my first tissue samples at early growth and I'll find out on the bulk of all of my ground and I'll I'll key in 27:34 on certain things that I'm low in and I'll find the micronutrient packed at Adrian has and I'll put that in my in my in Furrow and 27:43 I'll get in front of that. That's one of the things that I'm going to do. One of the things I'm really interested in is this new product that that he has because 27:52 he just cut out three things so I can make just put one coat on my truck versus three two, so that's you 28:01 know, that's a big some of their your body chat Henderson. That's the send it twins, you know. Adrian if you ask if you put Chad Henderson, 28:10 you know like in every card game there's the person that's the like almost Reckless and then 28:16 there's the person like holds her car really conservative. If you're the partner to one of them you need to 28:22 play the conservative cards because they are going to go Full Tilt every single time. They're gonna push their stack 28:28 in and be all in it's kind of funny reasons. We've got to be the voice of reason I'm here. Anyway, yeah, but the send 28:36 it twins Chad more more than Temple talks a lot about compatibility and ease of use, you know, he's he's mentioned that about a couple of companies where 28:45 he uses their stuff brakes. One of the examples. He's used. He's like, hey, man, they make it. So there's this jug boom. It goes like this what you're 28:51 telling me right now is agriculture made it easier on you because one shuttle one one tote one one thing on the trailer because 28:59 you got a lot of different stuff to could possibly get confused. Yeah, I mean guys can make mistakes, you know, we all have 29:07 other guys running planners, you know, my son runs one planner. I run one planter and my nephew he runs his own planner, 29:13 um and things can get confusion and when you're all pulling off the same trailer somebody can make a mistake. So mistakes aren't made as 29:22 much if they put all three of those products into one jug basically that he's gonna be a big deal for me Adrian speaking of mistakes. What what mistake 29:31 do you think you see when it comes to infer somebody might be listening saying you know, what I've been listening extreme Ang. I'm gonna start doing more stuff in Furrow. I mean, you've sold me on 29:41 it. You start talking 32 bushels 3000 plants per acre or an Adrian's case. You were 3000. He said he was 12,000, right he four times. Okay. Anyway, yeah exactly 29:50 what they want to get in on they want to get on this because they absolutely say, I think there's some real Merit to this we're putting resources really need 29:59 to be we can use less stuff per acre, but get bigger output feed the plant, you know talk 30:04 All those things what's a mistake that you want to advise folks against Adrian? 30:09 I'd say you know, just think about what we talked about here on the podcast don't think that this is just for corn. You 30:15 know, we've talked a lot about corn but don't make a mistake of thinking that there is not other opportunities with other crops, even if you're not running a starter 30:24 fertilizer to run something such as these buyer stimulants. We saw good results and soybeans in 2022, you know looking at 30:33 other crops, even if you're in a specialty Market, you know with your transplant water things like 30:39 that just don't get wrapped around the axle that oh, they're talking about corn or you know, I'm in Kansas we've got dry land corn and you know, we can't 30:48 do those sort of things. Don't don't get caught up in that, you know think about it from other crops perspective as well. 30:57 I got something for you, Damian. Um Adrian's exactly right my infer treatment on my soybeans both Planters. Well 31:06 all three Planters every row on that thing. We do we put in Furrow on all 31 rows. We got 1631 planners. We put 31:15 we have it on every row my inferior treatment on my soybeans is heavier packed and my corn is 31:23 By the way, I'm glad that Adrian brought that up. I think we've only visited that subject once and all the recordings in I've done with extreme AG where people are 31:32 we treating soybeans like the red-headed stepchild? I don't know if you're allowed to say that name. Yes. But anyway, we usually do it's like because American farming and North American farming 31:41 is like hey corn more corn more corn. And so, you know, Kelly Garrett says that the Holy Grail of American Air culture grow more corn. And the thing is you can 31:50 make a lot of money on soybeans. If you don't treat them like they're just a in every other 31:56 as treating it like a breather between corn. That that's exactly right. You know you look at what Matt miles is doing. You know, Matt has got a 32:06 great heat now. He's he's got all irrigated beans but his average production is is it's awesome. I mean it's in 32:15 it's absolutely incredible what he does with beans across to every acre on his farm. Like there is 32:21 a lot of money hidden in the day to go and find the right. Products and you get the right people to point 32:31 you in the right direction to grow a big bean crowd and infero is the starting platform. I can't tell you how much bigger my root systems 32:40 get because of my infrar treatments on soybeans and if you can set up that original platform man, it's all big after that. So 32:49 the mistake that I asked for Adrian, by the way, it's good stuff. Yes, because again beans make your money also. 32:58 Unless you're selling soybean seed, you know, then it's all the money's on the corn, right? Anyway, Adrian. You said 33:04 a big mistake is thinking that infero only applies to Corn. I think that was a good one. Do you have anything any follow up on that as there any other mistakes 33:13 that a person needs to be cautious of because your point is you can use in Furrow anywhere for big results. 33:18 yeah, I mean, I think that just just being willing to trassle, you know, trash something different and not get hung up in that. This is 33:28 the way we've always done it. You know, it's gonna be too much of a hassle, you know. If you got questions, you know reached out 33:37 to you to your local expert or or you know, somebody in areas doing yeah, just pay attention what we're doing here at extreme AG trust me. These guys aren't afraid to experiment. Did 33:46 you you sit here when I said temple temples the guy that pushes his stack and he sometimes before they even deal the cards pushes his deck in the middle. He's out there. 33:55 Anyway, all right other thing closes out of here Temple infer treatment what you're doing this year. You said the big thing is you're going to use a micro 34:04 nutrient pack in addition to your other stuff. So in your end Furrow all Acres all Acres every acre we have in for 34:14 a treatment on every acre and I grew up there because And we'll have a micronutrient pack that specialized and again, you know, if there's any mistake that people can make is don't just 34:24 put any micronutrient pack in there. No exactly what your thoughts are on your ground if you know what they are. It's he that 34:33 micro pack will pay off big dividends. If you don't know what that fault is donate it in there because it doesn't make any sense to use it quite yet, 34:42 but the humic phobics the sugars insecticides the pgoers the product you sufficiency products all those stuff 34:51 that all pays off but only put the micro pack in if you know what at an early growth what you're usually lacking in 35:00 that's the only way to make that pay off and you know that from the tissue samples from a year ago when you say this is what was lacking at like in the first three weeks 35:09 of of immersive so I'll give you a for instance. So, you know when we were first playing with putting micro packs in for oh 35:18 We didn't know exactly what we were doing and years prior to that where we didn't put any in, you know, we looked at, you know, oh well to 35:27 a tissue sample. It said I was low in this and then you go and you go chase that dog and you can never catch it, you know, just chasing that 35:36 tail and never happens. Well when we started fine-tuned and what exactly we need and we get that product or that you know of micro 35:45 blend that has those products in it that we are low in all of a sudden or early growth. Oh we were just did even you know, 35:54 everything was balanced and this whole thing is all about balance. If you can keep everything balanced you it's a lot easier to keep 36:03 going. If you're in Balance, you know, you get your thoughts first way off or you get zinc way off when those things happen like you can't 36:12 catch up you can't get them back in Balance, but if you store it in Balance, it's easier. balanced 36:19 Yeah, I think you said it from we started off it's about the foundation, you know running out there, you 36:25 know mid-season and trying to play catch-up if you can get it all if you can get the things going right at the beginning you build a foundation author. I'll leave it right 36:34 there. His name is Adrian Boyd. He's with ag Explorer. Temple roads with extreme AG My name's Damian Mason. And this is Extreme Ice 36:43 cutting curve till next time. Thanks for listening to another edition of cutting the curve for more insights and information that you can apply to your farming operation. Visit extremeact.far. 36:52 Are your craft stressed out AG Explorer has you covered with a full line of products designed to reduce crop stress and improve yield 37:01 check out and start protecting your yields and profits.
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