PODCAST: Grain Safe - Avoiding Pitfalls & Adopting Best Practices for Grain Storage
19 Mar 2444m 32s

If you have grain stored in on-farm bins, there’s a good chance you’re losing money to grain quality loss. There’s also an elevated safety risk — when / if your grain goes out of condition and you’re forced to enter the bin, there’s a high likelihood of an accident. (According to recently released data from Purdue University, grain entrapments in grain bins increased 40% year over year!). The good news: Accidents are preventable and it’s entirely possible to prevent grain condition deterioration. Kelly Garrett and Matt Miles discuss the ROI and safety reasons for installing a grain management and monitoring system. They’re joined by Adam Weiss, CEO of OPI Systems and Iowa OPI Systems dealer, Adam Gittins. 


This Episode is presented by CLAAS

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