Farming Practices That Could Make You Money In Other Marketplaces
19 Sep 228 min 35 sec

Kelly talks about the practices he is doing on his farm that make him money in the carbon marketplace. He also talks with Mariah from Truterra about the other marketplace opportunities besides carbon credits that are coming down the pike soon. 

00:00 Hey there, we're talking today about practices to keep you compliant with ecosystems marketing and one of my talking about 00:06 when I say that we're talking about things like tillage no-till cover crops and other practices that 00:12 you might be doing already on your farm that will help you get money from other marketplaces specifically things like carbon, you've been hearing about carbon markets. 00:21 She is going to tell you more about that. Her name is Mariah Murphy with true Tara. His name is Kelly Garrett. He is one of the first people in the United States of America to get 00:30 money on his farm for selling carbon credits, but it's not just carbon. Right? Right. What else can we make money on going down 00:36 the road? We're gonna be getting money for carbon possibly. And yeah, so we're into the carbon markets. We have the nitrous oxide markets 00:42 that are coming down. The pipeline troutier is also exploring some things with water quality credits. So there's 00:48 many other things other than just carbon. All right, and the main thing here Kelly is anybody that ever approaches me 00:54 and says, hey you've done a bunch of podcasts. You're gonna extreme AG about carbon credits, but I don't want this company. 01:00 Tell me how to run my operation you didn't really have that experience. You already were transitioning to more of a no-till practices. Anyhow, 01:10 because of your slopes tell me about the transition when it started and then how it really kind of all jelled together. 01:17 We have been playing around or experimenting with some form of no-till most of my life and I just really believe you know, it's part of extreme egg. 01:27 You really need to have five or ten percent of your Acres be experimental acres and that's how it worked for us, you know, experimenting with 01:33 cover crops experimenting with no-till experimenting with winter wheat experimenting with corn on corn no till you know, which is a little radical in 01:42 some people's eyes. But if you play around with it, get your feet wet in it then it's okay to make it become a practice 01:48 after you after you become secure. You said that we're at your farm the other day about always making sure that 5% of your acres 01:54 are in some low level of new trial new experiment whatever and no tells not 02:00 new. I mean, I remember the soil Water Conservation District bought a no-till planter and Huntington Indiana like in 02:06 1982 or something and then would drag it around and you plant it you've been doing no till for a long time. 02:12 Yes, in some faster another or partially no tell our minimal tillage whatever whatever and then it's kind of the chair 02:18 of the top that now you're getting money for carbon. But did you have to change your practices radically to get compliant for carbon? 02:24 You know, we went 100% no-till in 2012. That was the practice change that we made at that time. Then in 2016 after we started 02:33 with drip irrigation and winter wheat, that's when we started transitioning into cover crops, but I didn't change those practices because of a carbon Market I change 02:42 those practices because we had determined the more carbon we could put in the soil the better. Our yields are gonna be well no till 02:48 means you're not busting up soil structures tillage, especially excessive tillage bust up soil structure. You're not doing that cover crops. When did you start really doing 02:57 cover crops to more scale 2016 we started with them and they ramped up every year, okay. Your big Point Mariah is hey, we want 03:07 you to be in the ecosystem Market. We want to sell your carbon credits we want to do what's the other nitrous oxide and the other one was water quality credit. Alright, and your 03:16 big message here is you don't have to do these radical changes and no we're not going to come out there and and put the 03:22 thumb on you and make you do stuff. Right? Yeah. I mean for us it's really about exactly what Kelly said. I mean, the ideal situation is 03:28 that you take five or ten percent of your Acres you start that really transition and we at church here are working on 03:34 many financial assistance opportunities that will allow Farmers to completely de-risk and mitigate any of those risks that are associated with transitioning to a no-till 03:43 or a strip till or incorporating cover crops. Just like Kelly said Kelly was definitely kind of above the curve whenever you're ahead of the curve whenever you're talking about how he 03:52 transitioned and he really explored and did it on his own but we know that not every farmer is is going to do that. And so we're working really hard to 04:01 find ways to incorporate Financial. For for those transitions person calls you up and says hey, you know what? I farm a couple thousand acres out here in whatever 04:10 the state and they say I'd like to get on these ecosystem markets, but I don't know that much about it. I'm hearing a lot of noise. 04:16 I've heard a couple of podcasts on Extreme AG with Kelly and Damien talking but I'm not sure my eligible. What do they do? Yeah, of course great question. So 04:25 the first thing you can go to there. We have a lot of information. We have some connect us opportunities. You can take a quick survey to 04:34 see if you're eligible. The other opportunity is to reach out to Kelly or anyone at extreme AG they can get they can get they can 04:40 get you in touch with the right person. And then thirdly we have a really strong retailer network of about 50 owners through the Land O'Lakes 04:46 Network and and you can go through that route to Kelly and give me the encouragement because I'm with you some of 04:52 these practices you should be doing. Anyhow. You should be minimizing tillage in certain situations. You should be capturing carbon 05:00 because it's better for your ground walk me through your recommendation. If a person calls you up. What are you gonna tell them I'm gonna 05:06 tell them to start with some no-till corn following beans beans following corn, you know, maybe we we experiment 05:12 with some cover crops and some Bean stubble, you know, then we're gonna start and move down that path even further. I'm gonna talk to him about reducing their nitrogen. You know, I believe that we 05:22 we are most farmers are putting on too much nitrogen. We need to pay attention to the other nutrients more. I think there'll be surprised what they would learn if they would reduce that nutrients down 05:31 it and then the person that says man, they're gonna make me do all these kind of crazy changes you are already there. You would already made the transition. So you're you're 05:40 nobody came out and said you've got to do this this and this to remain compliant, right? No, we we change what 05:46 we were doing because that's what our research and education led us to believe what's best for our financial income our 05:52 yields. However, you want to turn To do with what true territor told us to do. We were led to this destination on our own you and I both agree on 06:00 this but go ahead and while we're on camera here is this going to be something that's more commonplace five years from now than this right 06:06 now. I absolutely believe so it truly to me is the correct way to farm and I believe with the way the world's changing. I think there's probably some regulatory 06:15 coming down the pipe that's gonna force you to do this you just as well research it find out what's best for you and be ahead of the curve. You're 06:21 gonna put it out there as a it's a it's a means of Revenue diversification for you. Absolutely this got it. All right. 06:27 What else do I need to know that we did not cover we're talking about these very practices and the things you're doing to be 06:33 eligible for ecosystem marketing. Yeah. I mean for me, you know, the last thing that I would just add is there's a lot of new opportunities coming down the pipeline and so while you know, we've spent 06:42 time talking about carbon Kelly is gonna begin exploring some of these nitrous oxide credit opportunities in 2022 06:48 and 2023, and we're really excited to bring him along that Journey as well. Just like he was one of 06:54 First ones to sell carbon in the US actual carbon offsets. We're excited to have him joining us in the nitrogen reduction piece. Is it nitrous oxide laughing 07:03 gas? Oh, yeah it is. So is it then Kelly basically saying I'm gonna go ahead and be available for this program and I'm gonna laugh my 07:12 way all the bank. The guy is gonna be getting out oxide money. Yeah. I mean the joy of this Marketplace is 07:18 he's gonna be able to work with the carbon credits. He's gonna be able to utilize the same acres and get paid for nitrous oxide. It's 07:24 really a true stacking opportunity, which is where we wanted to get in the industry. I like the true stacking opportunity 07:30 because essentially it's just taking the Acres you already have and figuring out where to make another dollar off of them. Absolutely. It's Revenue just diversification. Yes, and you're gonna keep doing it. Yes. All 07:39 right, if they want to learn more about this again. Yes to or reach out to Kelly or anybody. Obviously you've 07:45 been here as the champion of this forever you recommend it because you say I made money and I'm doing the right by my soil and 07:51 it didn't burn me any yield loss. Right? No, you actually think we're 07:54 Moving our yields so you get paid you're doing better stuff for the soil and you're getting more yield. So there's there's no it's 08:00 not a win-lose. It's not it's a triple win kind of a no-brainer triple win. I'm Damien Mason. He's Kelly Garrett with 08:06 extreme AG. She's Mariah Murphy with true Tara. We're coming at you from baltics South Dakota. You know, what if you want to learn more about this, 08:12 we have recorded multiple different episodes about the carbon how to be eligible for carbon what you can do. We even shot a 08:18 webinar. So if you want to join extreme Ag and watch that webinar, we can make all this happen go and check out all the other stuff. If you want 08:24 to learn more reach out to us directly until next time extreme AG dot Farms where you can find all this great information.

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