Factoring Fungicide Decisions
Matt Miles typically has a difficult time getting much return on fungicide investment on his corn. This runs counter to what you’d think for an Arkansas delta farmer where heat and humidity are off the charts. But, Matt typically beats the late summer fungus onslaught by planting early and being near harvest time before fungus robs yield. Not so this year which is why he is factoring fungicide decisions — should he go cheap or go premium based on his risk assessment? XA affiliate Caleb Traugh joins Matt and Damian to explain how they make fungicide decisions.
Presented by Loveland Products
00:00 Well, it's gonna be fungus season. The fungus is among us and we're gonna be talking about fungicide treatments. Well, guess what? We're not talking about any old fungicide treatment. 00:09 We're talking about what Matt Miles thinks the fungicide treatment he's gonna use is, and he's going to Caleb trial. Caleb trial one of our new affiliates, 00:16 gave him some great advice and I thought we should share it with you. We're talking about fungicides, we're talking about it here at Extreme Ag. 00:24 Welcome to Extreme ags Cutting the Curve podcast, where we cut your learning curve with insights you can apply immediately to your farming operation. This episode is presented by Loveland products. 00:35 When it comes to crop inputs, you need products that are feel proven to deliver both results and value. For more than 50 years, 00:43 Loveland products has been providing farmers with high performance value-driven product solutions designed to maximize productivity on every acre. 00:51 Visit loveland products.com to see how their innovative products can help you farm more profitably. And now here's your host, Damien Mason. 01:00 Hey there. Welcome to Extreme Acts. Cutting the curve. It's me, your host, Damien Mason. Got Caleb trial. 01:04 He is like the crop scouting it agronomist guy you've ever seen in your entire life. 01:09 This dude is like straight out of central casting when it comes to find me a southern gentleman who knows about crops and could talk about products. 01:17 He's him. Okay, we're lucky to have him. Also, I've got Matt Miles, one of my favorites of course from the Delta region of Arkansas. This week. 01:25 Matt sent out a text to the extreme mag crowd and said, I'm thinking about doing a fungicide treatment and I think it just needs to be using some generics. Oh yes, sometimes you would tune in here. 01:36 And we talk about the products from the companies that we do trials with. Well, he was actually looking about using a company's products that's not one of our 01:44 sponsors. Just a cheap old fungicide. And he says, what do you think? Should I do? What should I use? And you know what? Caleb gave great advice. 01:51 He says, let's tell our listeners about this. So Caleb, you got a question from Matt? Matt's gonna give the audience the question, then you're gonna answer it. Matt, what did you ask? Yeah, my question was, and, 02:01 and I, and I didn't go back to look to see exactly how I worded it, but my question was, waiting to brown silk. You know, did I need to run? 02:08 Could I run just a cheaper generic fungicide on my corn or did I need to go ahead and run, uh, the premium fungicide? You know, 02:18 cause it's longer lasting. And you know, I, and we had talked about this earlier before the podcast. You know, I'm not a huge fungicide guy when it comes to corn. 02:26 I can barely squeak out that ROI based on disease pressure, you know. So my thinking in my mind was, could I take a cheaper product and be able to do what I was gonna do? 02:40 And Caleb was able to come in there and tell me what they're doing, which enabled me to be able to make a decision. Maybe I premium. 02:49 All right, so basically the question was put out there, do I use a less expensive generic fungicide because I really don't have that much of a risk, which is interesting to me. He's in the Delta region, 03:00 he calls it little Vietnam because of the type of climate they have. And somehow he doesn't have a fungicide, uh, he doesn't have a fungus problem. 03:07 Whereas, you know, you'd think of that part of the world, it'd be fungus all the time. What's the deal, Caleb? 03:13 Yeah, so one thing that I like to focus on is that roi. If, if we have a year that we don't have a lot of disease pressure, 03:23 we can certainly, uh, think of backing down on our program a little bit. So that's why I kinda ask them, okay, 03:29 what are your options and how much are we spending for each of those options? And I think the biggest takeaway that I would say is don't 03:37 skip a fungicide because it's not like a weed or an insect. Something that we can go out there in our field scout form, look at 'em, okay, 03:47 we've got 'em. Let's put out a treatment. Good job. We did what we needed to do. No, if fungicides, 03:53 we have to be proactive because once we see something in the field, we're already too late. So it's really hard to, well, 04:02 it can be challenging to make these fungicide decisions because we have to go on past knowledge. We can't just go out there, 04:10 look in the field and see what we have. So my recommendation was let's make sure we go out with something. If we do need to trim back, uh, 04:18 we have a couple different programs that we use here in this area, depending on our yield goals and our yield environments there as to do we 04:26 want to go out with a cheaper product that still helps us to achieve good control of the diseases that we face? 04:33 Or is it something where we do wanna push the envelope with a more expensive fungicide? 04:38 Well, your advice to Matt was, and this is interesting, you said, go ahead and spend more money. You're one of those guys that likes to spend other people's money. 04:47 My advice would've been, Matt, you already said that you almost don't even have a fungus issue because your corn gets in front of it and you don't have, uh, aerial irrigation. 04:57 And Caleb thinks that's one of the reasons. So if, if it's less prone to fungus issues because of the in furrow irrigation, and if it's less prone to fungus because you haven't had it, 05:07 cuz your corn gets sealed up before it's an issue, why even do it at all? He's saying, go Cadillac. I'm saying go none. And you're asking, what? 05:21 Why did you do it at all? Why do I do it at all? You know, I I I guess cause it's an insurance. Okay, 05:31 so when we're planting early, when we get our corn in early, uh, we, we don't, we outrun southern rust. Southern rust is our, our, 05:40 basically our only real concern is southern rust. Now I've planted my corn in in mid to late April before and, and did a, a trial with two premiums and a and a check and lost 20 bushels. 05:52 So I know that there's a window there that, that I have to put out fungicide. So what I've done in the past is I would do, you know, 06:00 I've done checks before on my earlier corn and I'd put out four different companies products and a check. And over 50, 06:10 no, I wouldn't say over 50% of the time, 50% of the time the check will be just as good. There will be zero positive roi. Now when we get into the later planting, 06:20 then that becomes a negative, the check becomes a negative. So if I don't feel like, 06:25 so I'm always gonna put out some fungicide because I don't plant all my crop on the same day. So I know my later half planted crop is gonna manly, 06:34 get a fungicide. I start trying to change or, or, or look at the ROI on the earlier planted crop, you know, to see is it really worth doing it or not? There is a plant health, uh, benefit, 06:46 no question. Uh, it will give you more sustainability in the plant. Uh, we've got a dry, so we're gonna be harvesting this corn around at 24%. 06:55 We've got ample amount of combines. So we're not ever gonna be, that's another thing you have to plan. Are you, 07:00 is your corn gonna be in the field longer? Is it gonna cannibalize itself because it's getting down to 13% moisture? It's gonna get, uh, it's gonna be a lot more susceptive to lodging. You know, 07:11 so, so all those different factors come into the, into my decision of whether I use a fungicide or not. So I was going later and, and I just, you know, 07:21 I'm always thinking all the time, could I take a chief of product and do the same thing? And you know, Caleb and I talked about that on, you know, 07:29 at texture ed you're gonna use a cheaper product, use it early, but always put your premium product to get lasting. It's, 07:36 it's just like a scope for a rifle. You know, you can buy a premium scope and you can see 15 minutes after dark or you can buy one from the dollar store and, and, and you'll see 15 minutes before dark. 07:47 So you always get what you pay for, in my opinion in most things, you know, when you're looking at like a premium fungicide versus a, a generic. 07:55 So that was kind of the, what I was batting around is, can I take the generic, which I already knew the answer to, 08:01 and do what I want to do in place of a premium. And and Caleb basically told me no. And by the way, if you've never been to the Miles Farms office in McGee, 08:11 Arkansas, he's over here talking about scopes on rifles. One of his proudest things is he likes to tell everybody that he's shot big, 08:18 beautiful deer with an arrow. He doesn't even need a scope, he just uses bow and arrow. He's old school man. Alright, so Caleb, 08:26 my question to you is you recommended go ahead to the, the, the higher quality, the more expensive fungicide. My point is, what, 08:33 how much difference can there be? I get Matt's point that okay, it's like a higher end rifle scope versus a lower end rifle scope and all that. 08:40 But does the low end stuff, is it that it doesn't work or it doesn't work as long or it doesn't work on as much stuff? 08:48 Well, one of the issues that he was having, like he mentioned, was southern rust. 08:52 And one of the products that he had mentioned on using one of the more premium products was the best product, 09:00 the best fungicide that we have in terms of control of southern rust. It's very effective and it gives us a long lasting residual. 09:08 So the price difference in my mind was not large enough for us to back off to our generic products. The, 09:16 the premium product that he was talking about, it was cheap enough that he wouldn't have to go out and spend a whole lot of bushels and he could have a really good product. 09:25 Now if it's a year like we've had in the last couple years where some of these premium fungicides, they can break the bank sometimes. 09:33 I mean there's, let's be honest about it. So in those situations, that's when we look, Hey, can we make a product that's similar, 09:41 even if it involves taking a couple fungicides, putting them together, do a tank mix to still give us effective control but a lot cheaper. 09:50 So those are some of the kind of things that we think about. But then in his situation, the, 09:55 the ROI from what I know of those products would be really good. All right. So what did you opt to do and have you done it yet, 10:05 Matt? Well, I haven't, I'm just, I'll, I'll do it next week. We've been in so many storms the last few days and I've got some products that 10:13 I'm gonna add. I'm gonna add some products to that, you know, to that fungicide I've learned through being part of extreme ag. Uh, 10:20 there's some, there's some yield I'm leaving on the table, not just with the fungicide, 10:25 but some other fertility products and products I can put out there to make a difference. So I've gotta get those products in and we'll, we'll, 10:32 we'll do it next week, but I will go with the premium fungicide, which is what I've done in the past. 10:38 I was just looking for the easy button and was basically looking for somebody to tell me that I couldn't do it. 10:45 You were, you wanted. And one thing, affirmation, um, you want a negative affirmation as opposed to positive affirmation. Okay. Caleb, is there a time when he can use the cheap stuff? Is Southern rust the issue? 10:56 Is it because the, the what Southern rust is or is it because the longevity, a timing that he needs it for? Is it the, 11:02 is it the fungus or the timeframe? I would say a little bit of both. I mean, we're dealing with a product that is very, very effective on Southern, I, 11:14 I really hate to say gives us control all the way out the end season, but it gets us really close. If it's something where, you know, 11:20 grower just wanting to go out one time, that may be a situation where he would spend a little bit more money on one product versus maybe using a cheaper fungicide that could 11:32 give us a little bit shorter time of control and then we would come back in later if we think we needed to. 11:39 That's something that we think about here locally in terms of dry land corn production. 11:45 Even right now we don't know what our yield potential is cause it's so dependent on the weather. 11:50 So we aren't gonna go out and spend a whole bunch of money on a crop today, when a week from now the rain could shut off and we, 11:59 we could not even harvest the field. So we put out a little bit, keep it healthy, keep it going these next couple weeks and say, Hey, 12:06 if yield potential's really good, the weather's favorable, let's go out with a little bit something else in another few weeks. 12:13 So that's one situation where we will use a, a cheaper product if we're just kind of taking each couple weeks at a time. Or if it's a situation where our yield potential is, 12:25 is not as high as it is in other fields, if we have limited irrigation, that would be another situation that we might opt to use a cheaper product. 12:35 By the weird dear listener, uh, we, uh, we had to stop and restart this recording because Caleb was coming to us from his truck in the field and we kept having field feedback that Matt said sounded 12:46 like a chicken. So Caleb got out and is in a corner of a field somewhere in southern Georgia and now we don't have chickens, we have songbirds. So anyway, 12:53 we're bringing you information from this, from the guys that are here in the, in the trenches. Uh, so we apologize for various, uh, bird noises. 13:02 Anyway, let's go about this. How many treatments you go and do you usually just do one Matt? On corn? Yeah, I just do one on corn. I I just, 13:12 what's interesting is before we hit record peanuts, Caleb does peanuts and you said, good god, you gotta throw like a fungicide treatment every other day at peanuts. 13:21 So you're talking about two completely different mindsets on peanuts when you're hitting them every couple of days. Do you use the cheap stuff then? 13:30 There are a few special timings and peanut when we know that we, our plants are under a lot of pressure from certain diseases. 13:39 So certain applications we will spend a little bit more money, but on the early applications and the applications there at the tail end, 13:48 we will cheapen things up. And I'll say as far as deciding when to go out, it's easy on peanuts because we know we have to, we actually follow a, uh, 13:58 time interval where we know every 14 to 15 days we're going out there in the field. 14:04 So it kind of makes our decisions a little bit easier because we know it's just gonna be standard practice for us. 14:11 What about then, uh, if, if he was going to do two treatments, if Matt decided this is late season, like he didn't get it out as early, 14:20 he's not gonna be at black layer early enough, does he then switch to two cheaper treatments versus one premium treatment? Is that the recommendation that you would give if his, 14:29 if the corn had been planted three weeks later, You could or you could still go with your normal what's call it a little bit more expensive option upfront and then if you think you do need to come 14:42 back, then that would be something where, uh, we could opt for a cheaper fungicide, something to just kind of carry us through those last couple weeks. 14:50 So if you say, Hey, I bought, you know, the, these generic products in bulk, this is what I'm going to use, then sure, put it out and then come back a few weeks later again, Hey, 15:01 Are you not listening? This is Matt Miles the king of roi, you're out here just nilly willy throwing chemical around. He said, 15:07 I'm the king of roi. I'm gonna go out there and treat it once only because I I really think maybe is, is you don't get a beach house on the Gulf of Mexico by being 15:17 nilly willy with your treatments. Man, miles is, miles Farms doesn't just do that. He wants to one treatment, right Man, well, well corn went up 25 cents today, so hey, 15:26 that makes us all wanna go out there and and give it a little extra tlc. Yeah, but Matt's not gonna, 15:32 you're still gonna stick with one sp one treatment of the better stuff, whether it's 25 cent more corn or not, right? 15:38 Well, yeah, and, and what Caleb said earlier, you know, if I go out there with a cheap fungicide and then I get, I get southern rust, just what he said, it's, it's, 15:50 you really waited too late. Yeah. So, you know, being able to guarantee this with a longer lasting control product, I'm looking at the longest lasting control product I can get to get it in the 16:00 best timing for the most positive roi. Now I will say on some of our, on some of this corn, we're really trying to push, 16:08 we went with the cheap fungicide early, you know, pretest and then we're coming back with the, with the brown seal, you know, silk application. Another thing with me, barring weather, 16:19 tornadoes, wind, whatever, I'm a hundred percent irrigated. So Caleb's got a really hard decision. Chad does, temple does, you know, 16:29 what do I do with my dry land acres versus my irrigated acres? You know, that's where you really gotta stop and say, 16:35 is there enough bang in the buck to put this premium out even if I get a little rust, you know, on the tail end, 16:41 maybe I'm better off if I'm looking at a subpar crop because I didn't get the rain where I know it. 16:47 I know I'm gonna get a rain every week unless my wells go dry. Yeah. You know, Kevin's out there looking at a lot of dry land corn that yeah, 16:53 it looks good today. He's wet today, but 15 days from now their soil's a lot like ours. We're always two weeks from a drought no matter how much rain we get. So, 17:03 you know, he's gonna start seeing damage in two weeks if he don't get a rain from today. Yeah. So the, the decision I guess to wrap it up here, or Caleb you can, 17:12 you can help us start wrapping this up here, is there's a, there's, there's a bunch of different answers and it's not based 17:21 on this product is better than all the other products. You can use an inexpensive generic fungicide. But based on the things you said, you don't know for sure what, 17:31 what things are gonna look like. Why put too much money out there? Uh, your risk factor isn't that much. 17:37 What if you're in a different climatological zone? Like if you're up here where I am, you know, we don't have southern rust. I don't even know what, I know what that means, but we don't have that water. 17:47 Water are we using, you know, you talked to a lot of people that do what you do, Caleb, what's the difference? Geologic geographically? 17:55 Yeah, so it really depends on your area when the diseases come in and which diseases that we're talking about. I mean, 18:02 you get into Tar spot country and they're, they become just like us for Southern Russ, they gotta hit it hard and and be proactive where you get up into the, you know, 18:12 the Northern Co corn belt or the Western Corn Belt to where sometimes their later season in applications, 18:19 their task applications in corn may not give them the best r oi and they've seen how and an earlier application, 18:27 whether at herbicide timing or when the corn is around V12 yearly five foot high, something like that, 18:34 they've shown to give them a lot better ROI than a tassel application. So it's, it's, it's can be g geographically different. 18:43 So you could just kind of have to know what diseases that you're facing when they're coming in. 18:49 And the number thing that number one thing that I would like to leave with is just the need to be proactive. 18:55 We can put out a cheap fungicide a day before we need to, a day before a disease comes in and we'll have a lot better ROI than waiting 19:06 until we're a couple days too late and then we try to hit it with the most expensive product that we can find. We're not gonna be able to, uh, 19:16 recoup that loss potential. Well That is an excellent, by the way, I'm gonna point out that is an excellent, you can put out a generic, the cheapest fungicide on the market, the, 19:28 if your timing is impeccable and boom, you can buy the Cadillac the best stuff that's going, the best chemistry available and if it's too late, you just screwed yourself. 19:37 That is a very, very good takeaway. I'm gonna write that up in the write up. Sorry about that Matt, go ahead. 19:43 Oh no, that's fine. Caleb, explain to him or to the, to the listeners, you're, 19:48 you're tracking these diseases from south to north so you've got a pretty good idea as these diseases are moving up into the, into other farms, correct? 19:57 Right. And especially with southern rust, like we've mentioned over and over, that is the number one disease for us in south, 20:03 in the south with corn production. And one thing that sets southern rust different than other diseases is that it does not over winter in previous years crop residue. 20:13 So it has to enter into the United States and move up through the United States every year. So since we know that's, 20:22 that's the situation that we're facing, we can look basically into the future or for us down south and see where has southern rust been confirmed at. 20:32 And then we know if we get a hurricane that's coming right through there and it's coming right up to us, 20:38 well we know what we're going to be facing in the upcoming days. So that's what last week they just confirmed southern rust down in the 20:46 panhandle of Florida. So it is a call to action to us now here just a little bit north that we know in the next couple weeks it's going to be here. 20:55 So we need to be proactive. We're lining up the drones, the planes, whatever we need to do to get our corn protected because we know what the 21:05 future's gonna hold for us. Hey Matt, we call this the episode factoring fungicide decision since you're the math guy and you talk about ROI et cetera, 21:15 do you have a horror story because did you used to be we used more fungicide now the guys at Extreme Ag probably did 20 years ago. 21:23 Cause it used to be more reactive back then than proactive. Am I right? Are you, you're asking me? Yeah, were 21:31 You, were you more ma of a reactive 20 years ago and then it became like, wait a minute, I can't afford uh, to have it lost. 21:38 So I'm gonna go ahead and do the insurance policy as you said. So do you have an r o I example for us? 21:44 Well I mean, you know, you're looking at somewhere depending on the market of corn, just say average if we're looking at corn at $5, 21:53 you know you're looking at somewhere to three to four bushels an acre just to pay for that fungicide. You know, that's not counting, 21:59 if you're not putting anything else out there, you know, we're having to look at the airplane to do that. 22:03 So you're looking at another bushel for that. Yeah, so you know, you're looking at about four bushels just to pay for the, the fungicide. 22:11 I think 90% of the time, even with disease maybe not completely present, we're gonna get really close to at least paying for that application. 22:22 We may not make any money out of it but we'll flirt with paying for it, you know. But it's another risk, you know, putting out there, 22:31 if I'm planting the first part of March, I'm probably not gonna use the fungicide of any kind because I'm on a black layer before Southern rust gets here. Like Caleb said, 22:39 you know it don't over winter here it has to come here and we might not even get it this year, but I don't hope to have a fire at my house either, but I've got, 22:47 I've got fire. So you're of the camp that you're always going to use it and you're probably in on this situation always gonna use the more expensive. 22:58 And when have you justified not on corn? Do you, you justify using the less expensive stuff on other crops because there's gonna be a second treatment, you think it buys you time? What do you look at there? 23:08 I get more benefit out of a premium fungicide on, on R three soybeans than I do any other crop in any other time. Now peanuts is a different story but I if for me not to spray a premium 23:19 fungicide on R three beans, I've had to really get very shallow money. So I think we, 23:28 I'll add to, I'll add to that too. That's the same thing that we see here that R three applications. So, and that's one of these situations where those premium products now with the 23:40 disease pressure that we have in this area, we may stack on or we're probably already going across the field with something we got plenty of weeds and insects and other things that South Georgia brings 23:50 us. But we may throw in a generic fungicide on the front end and the back end. But the timing there on the soybeans, like Matt mentioned, is really, 23:59 really important. You've almost talked me out of generic low priced fungicides with the exception of the the one treatment on peanuts. 24:08 And that's cuz you're hitting them five times and or and uh, one time on soybeans. Really? Is that where, 24:14 is that the only place I'm using it? Well, I'll, uh, be honest and we're actually going, uh, be using a tank mix generic fungicide on corn this year. 24:24 But one thing that I did wanna mention, uh, something that also goes into this in our area that we've found is the use of fungicides at planting like XY from fmc. 24:35 I kind of look at it as a, a pre-emerge fungicide, like how we apply pre-emerge herbicides to help reduce our weed pressure throughout the season and it gives us a little bit of peace of mind if 24:47 we aren't able to be right on time with our post emergence applications. So something that we found is areas and fields that we treated with fungicide 24:57 at planting time with xy, we're able to relax just a little bit, maybe use a cheaper product there. We don't have to be as Ben on our timing because we know we've at least 25:10 got some level of control already there in the plant. Yeah. Matt, did you use the XY because the idea there was you get, you get fungicide prevent protection from the very time of planting, 25:21 so then you can all of a sudden cheapen up your down downstream, uh, uh, application. Is that the idea? 25:27 Yeah, that that's, he's right. And, and and what Caleb said, you know, well what we seen, we planted those February beans last year and, 25:35 and I have to give temple credit for this cause I wasn't gonna do it. And at the last minute he said, man, you need to do this. 25:41 We actually put a fungicide in furrow because when we're planting in really cold conditions, that seed may lay there. 25:47 Those beans sit there in February till for 30 days and we were actually building a factory under the ground and, and we'd dig those up, you know, 25:56 thinking there's no way they're gonna come up and, and that plant was producing underground even before it emerged. So there's something to that. I can't tell you the roi, uh, 26:06 but I can tell you that it opened my eyes to to, to looking at it again. I thought the 26:10 R the due, the rule was you weren't supposed to put XY in furrow. No, I we're, I'm just, I'm talking about a different product. Xy. Yeah, I, 26:19 I put XY in furrow and that didn't work out real good for me. Right. These be too, I too, we do have some more, uh, stuff we're doing with, uh, 26:27 fmc. We're doing tria, which is their new fungicide. We've got some, uh, some trials going on and some experimentations. 26:33 We'll keep you posted about that. Get me outta here. Kyle, Caleb, Matt looked you up for negative confirmation, 26:40 meaning it was like that thing, Hey, I'm just putting it out there. Uh, should I start heroin? And you said, no, no, no, no, don't take up heroin. You know, 26:53 you said should I use cheap fungicide? And you talked him off the ledge, you helped, he wanted to be cheap and you wouldn't let him. 26:59 And you're saving him money. You're making him money by not saving him money on the application. Get me outta here. What, what else do you, 27:06 what else do you wanna recommend your last recommendation for fungicide? Yeah, remember it's a program approach. 27:12 Fungicide helps us not only keep our planet's disease free, but also helps in terms of stress mitigation with, uh, 27:18 certain fungicides there to really part of a program program approach. So depending on what your area is like, what your climate is like, 27:26 what your disease pressure's like, work with agronomists and trusted growers in your area to see, uh, which products and timings have the best roi. Because as, 27:36 as much as I like going out there and keeping a plant 100% healthy and disease free, it's that ROI at the end of the day that we do need to consider. 27:45 What about heroin then? Do you have a recommendation on heroin? If I wanted to start a heroin, uh, habit, 27:52 Unfortunately I have nothing for you on that. You're more politically correct than me and Matt. We joke about stuff like this all the time. Hey, 28:00 I wanna remind you if you wanna stand up to weather induce crop stress. Caleb just talked about crop stress. What if you turn to terramar, 28:06 it's an innovative BIOS stimulant technology from Loveland products designed to help your corn and soybean crops thrive even under stressful conditions. 28:14 Try terramar exclusively available from nutrient ag solutions. That's the stuff that I think has seaweed in it. 28:20 And we've got some cool stuff going on with Terramar, uh, uh, research too. So stay tuned for all that. Matt Miles. Um, 28:27 I want you to tell us always about your return on investment as you always do, uh, one of the founders of extreme ag. 28:33 You got anything to contribute here on the fungicide discussion, factoring fungicide decisions? 28:38 Well, I mean, like I told you earlier, you get what you pay for most of the time. I think that's a really interesting thing. Uh, and, and we tell people that, 28:47 speaking of paying for it, if you wanna take your extreme ag relationship to the next level, if you're watching this and learning, you can become a paying member. 28:54 It's only 750 bucks a year and you'll get access to people like Matt and Caleb. You'll have webinars that are available once a month, 29:01 first Thursday of every month just for members. Also some other cool offerings. And so you can go to Extreme ag.farm to see that and, 29:10 and check out whether you wanna be a member. But otherwise, while you're at Extreme Mag Farm, literally hundreds of videos like this, 29:16 hundreds of podcasts that I've created with these guys, and it's all there for free for you to learn from. So Extreme mag.farm, his name's Matt Miles, his name's Caleb Trial. Thanks for being here, Caleb. 29:26 Thanks for stepping out from the field to talk to us. Glad to be here. Thanks for having me on. Birds and all. All right, till next time, this is cutting the curve. 29:35 That's a wrap for this episode of Extreme Eggs Cutting the Curve, but there is plenty more available by visiting Xtreme ag.farm. 29:44 For over 50 years, farmers have turned to the proven lineup of crop inputs offered by Loveland products, from seed treatments, plant nutrition, adjuvant, 29:52 and crop protection products. Loveland has the complete lineup to keep your farming operation productive and most importantly profitable. Check out loveland products.com to learn more.
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See All GrowersMatt Miles
McGehee, AR