Disease Pressure In 2022 — Preventing Profit Loss
28 Jun 2253 min 0 sec

Crop diseases — and we’re mostly talking about fungal problems — cost you yield and money. The worst part: By the time you know you have a problem, much of the damage is already done. That’s why, in general, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Kim Tutor, Technical Marketing Manager with BASF explains disease issues to lookout for this year — from Tar Spot in corn, to Pythium in soybeans, and DON (that’s an abbreviation!) in wheat. A good looking crop means nothing if you have unseen problems lurking in your fields! 

Presented by Advanced Drainage Systems with support from Agricen.

00:00 You know, let's face it. We're recording this and releasing this about mid-season 2022 and that's where 00:06 stuff's in the ground depending on where you are geographically your stuff might be thriving it might be, you know, 00:12 looking ahead to harvest it might be like boy. It's just emerging now because we're in the in the Northern Plains or what have you 00:18 but either way diseases can make you or break. You mostly break you right? It's the mitigation and the management of those disease pressures that will help 00:27 you actually get a yield that you can obviously profit from that's what we're talking about. What diseases we're going to see what diseases we're 00:36 going to have to look out for what pressures and pathogens. We're not even aware of 00:42 Welcome to extremeags cutting the curved podcast where you get a guaranteed return on investment of your time as we cut 00:51 your learning curve with the information. You can apply to your farming operation immediately extreme AG, 00:57 we've already made the mistakes so you don't have to managing. Your Farm's Water Resources is a critical component to a successful 01:06 and sustainable farming operation Advanced Drainage Systems helps Farmers, just like you increase their yields up to 30% with their 01:15 technologically advanced Water Management products visit ads pipe.com to 01:21 see how they can keep your business flowing. Now, here's your host Damien Mason. Hey, welcome to cutting the curve. We've got a great episode 01:30 today. We're talking about disease pressure to be expected to be looked out for and to be monitoring in 01:36 2022. I've got an expert with BASF. Her name is Kim Tudor. She's the technical marketing director for the company. We're 01:45 gonna stick a lot with wheat and corn because that's your area of expertise. We're also going to cover some other crops Kim. Thanks for being here. 01:53 Damien thank you for the opportunity. Again. My name is Kim Tudor. I'm a technical Marketing Manager for plant health and focus specifically on our 02:02 corn and wheat portfolios. So Yeah, happy to be here today and for the opportunity. All right. Well, let's go ahead and write with your strength because I'll tell 02:11 our listener. Tim was concerned. She's like are you gonna make me look bad, I mostly focusing, you know corn and we like we can spend this whole entire podcast talking about 02:20 corn and wheat trust me there's all kinds of let's face. There's all kinds of stuff right there. But 02:26 yeah, we don't need to get out of your wheelhouse corn. It's my understanding this thing called tarspot. I was raised in Indiana. I have a farm in Indiana. I'm 02:35 sitting in my office in my farmhouse in Indiana. We had not have a thing called Char spot when I was a kid now granted. I was a Dairy Farmer. So agronomic Excellence 02:45 usually has lost on Dairy Producers. They mostly are cow people that also grow crops were we just not seeing it did we have 02:54 it in not know about it in 1986, or is it just that the thing invented itself and all the sudden harsh spots a new thing. Let's just start with that because power spot 03:03 was never a thing until what the last six five ten years, right? Exactly. So it wasn't identified in the US until 2015, you 03:12 know, as of last year. The really interesting thing about this disease is the spread has been so rampant, right? So as of 2021 it's 03:21 been documented and over 14 States and I would not be surprised if that number increases in in 2020 to you know, 03:29 Tar spot just like most other diseases it overwinters in the corn residue, but it can also be blown in 03:38 from surrounding areas and wind currents as well. And one thing that's particularly interesting. I consider it like a fun fact. 03:48 If you can't have fun facts about disease, you know tar spot is basically an ascomy seat and and another crazy well and as though what and 03:57 ask oh my seat, so I'm gonna give you an easier term to remember it's it's also known as a sports shooter. So what's really interesting is when you get these little 04:07 tar spot sacks that form on the leaves Farm progress actually put out an article. I think it was last year when those facts burst 04:16 those spores have been documented to shoot up to 80 yards or 240 feet in the air. So you want to talk about a disease 04:25 that has the propensity to spread. I mean when it bursts those spores go everywhere. It's gonna infect your field as well as your neighbors 04:34 Fields as well. Yeah. Well like you just said there once you've got so you got a particularly windy day in this thing 04:40 is happening. So something is able to shoot spores 80 yards and then you you pick up a wind and that gives you another 200 300 yards. 04:49 You just covered a lot of country and then you get the neighbors field and then it went to the neighbors field the neighbor field. So since we're kind 04:58 of talking specifically about disease pressure 2022, and we brought up to our spot as our first one because it plays 05:04 To something that we didn't so here's the first question when I said we didn't have this when I was a kid did we have it and we didn't know 05:10 it or truly did we not have it? I don't I don't think so. Um because the disease now I'm not here to say that it wasn't here before 2015. So 05:19 a lot of that information it being documented first in 2015 can actually be found on IPM pipe.org. But the important thing to 05:28 note is that I PM what IPM pipe pipe.org welcome actually go on there and and track various corn 05:37 diseases as well as some other diseases throughout the season, but the important thing to note is that that website is is 05:46 It's it's an effect of us. It's humans. It's whether or not somebody decided to report it. So I definitely think 05:52 there's a likelihood that it was here prior to 2015. I don't know how long it was here prior to 2015, but the disease is so 06:01 Progressive and just so devastating. It's hard for me to to rationalize in my mind if it was here much sooner 06:10 than that, you know that people wouldn't have been talking about it already. So let's let's go into because a lot of what we're talking about is, you know, here we are 06:19 2022 and you said that now we're finding this tar spot in corn in about what 14 States that's right. And of course, let's face it start. We found 06:28 it first in Indiana one of the five biggest corn producing states five corn producing states. I should say it's not the biggest. But 06:34 anyway 14 States pretty much gets what we call the traditional Corn Belt, right? I mean, so if it's in 14 06:43 States, it's in the it's in the 14 states that make up. 90% of corn production. Let's assume right. Yeah, that's exactly right. And how do 06:52 you go ahead? No, I'm sorry. Go ahead. How how did we find it? And then how do we detect it now? 07:01 So tar spot is one of those diseases and and folks don't don't like to hear this. But if you wait until you see symptomology on 07:10 the plant if you wait until those little dark spots that start showing up on the leaves that look like tar if you 07:17 wait until you see those symptoms. Unfortunately, you're you're really really late and again not to 07:23 get to Scientific on you. But but there is every disease has something called a latent period period okay, I'll wait 07:32 and period right and that basically the time between when that disease initially infects that plant and reproduction. 07:41 And the interesting thing is, you know with with a lot of diseases like and we're talking corn. So Southern rust has a latent period 07:50 of 7 to 10 days, you know Target spot for talking about soybeans eight days, but parse spot actually has one of the longest latent periods. 07:59 It takes anywhere from 14 to 20 days for that disease to go into reproduction and for Growers to actually start seeing a lesion 08:08 present on the leaves. So you're talking two weeks or more. It's a really really long time and what's 08:17 actually going on inside of that plant that we can't see with the naked eye is it's basically it's starting to invade that that leaf and 08:26 that plant and just produce toxins that ultimately are impacting the the photosynthetic capability and 08:35 just the overall plants ability to produce and to yield so unfortunately, you know, I think I think 08:44 historically speaking it's and this is a generalization, you know, a lot of folks may wait until they 08:50 start to see symptoms, right? Okay. Hey, I've got it at 10% Hold on my field or 15% Whatever the threshold 08:58 is that they're comfortable with. I'm going to spray with tar spot. Unfortunately, once you see 09:04 symptomology, once you start to see lesions, it can basically make that corn crop almost look like it was hit by a frost in a week 09:13 or so or up to two weeks after that first lesion appears. So it really is a disease where Growers need to be. 09:22 Proactive they need to plan for it and also need to select a quality product as well. Okay, before we talk about planning for 09:31 it and products just because I want to talk about what the potential bad outcome is. I've got 09:37 to our spot hypothetically and I do nothing. What am I talking about? Am I talking about losing 20% of my yield? 09:44 Yeah, so we actually had several trials in in Michigan last year and the images from from those 09:53 trousers absolutely devastating. We've seen internally here at BASF anywhere from 38 to 100 bushel 10:02 and acre yield loss 38 to 100 and to a hundred bushel per acre yield loss over the country here. 10:14 Well and you think about that you think about commodity prices today? Right losing one bushel, you 10:20 know can cost you a significant amount. So one of my seven bucks right now, roughly. Yeah, and you know, if you said let's just put you 10:29 said 38 to 100 bushel also go right in the middle of that. Let's just say the average then once you have tar spot looks like it's gonna be around 75 72 75 is 10:38 about the midpoint of those two numbers right there. That's that's 70 times 10:44 490 right? It's 500 bucks and you just lost money. Okay, so I just brought that up as an example of disease pressure. And this is 10:57 something that we didn't even know about until the year 2015 and now you're just pointed out that 11:03 if you wait until it's symptomatic. Mm-hmm. It's too late damages and maybe we can still Salvage a thing. But if so 11:13 untreated it's 100 bushels, possibly 7300 treated after you see it is what 20 bushel laws? 11:22 think it You know, I think we've seen in a lot of areas. Like if tar spot is just starting to move into your surrounding area just starting to move into your county, you 11:32 know, it can depending on how it comes into that field. Maybe you just have pressure along the edges of the field. Maybe it's it's not pressure everywhere. But 11:41 the one thing that is certain is that if you have had it In your Fields before if your neighbors have had it and 11:50 their fields in the previous season, you can count on having significant pressure this upcoming season. Okay. 11:56 So if you've seen it, you know, I have a house in Arizona. I spend in the winter and they say about termites either got them. 12:05 You had them you're sure as hell gonna get them. Is that what we can assume now with tarspot and one of the Corn States? 12:12 That's exactly right you had it you have it you've had it or you're going to get it. Exactly and believe it or not. We've actually I think 12:21 it was first documented down in Georgia last year. So the disease is spreading it's not just something that's that's Centric to 12:30 the Midwest. I think the Midwest is kind of the epicenter right of where it was documented, but it's starting 12:36 to spread and it's going to continue to be a problem. We unfortunately, you know, it takes time for for genetic companies to to 12:45 develop hybrids that have resistance to date. We do not have any hybrids on the market that offer complete resistance to this. It's just 12:54 gonna take time and so again hence the importance of Of planned and preventative fungicides preventives, but I want to prevent our spot. What do I do? 13:05 So if you want to prevent tarspot. And and I'll go back kind of to the pillars of integrated Pest Management, right? So crop rotation. 13:14 If you've had it before crop rotation is key because it does overwinter in the corn residue incorporation of that residue is 13:23 is often an option, but it's not an option for everybody right? You may be a part your operation may have conservation tillage or no till which 13:32 has a bunch of other added benefits in terms of water conservation as well as quality, but Really and truly it's picking a quality fungicide 13:43 product and one that has a long residual control as well about proper rotation. I got up my field. It's in my crop residue it 13:55 can it is possible that it overwinters. I do a soybean rotation or any other crop but generally obviously it's usually corn soybean that'll get 14:04 rid of it. If I come back to corn and my two year rotation. No, I don't think that's quite long enough. I think 14:11 we're still learning exactly how long you would need to rotate away from it. And here's the other challenge just because you rotate away from corn doesn't mean that your 14:20 neighbor's gonna rotate away for corn. Right? And so regardless, you know, this disease is opportunistic. It's 14:26 gonna find ways to survive. So yeah, unfortunately, I don't think as with a lot of diseases that one season or one 14:35 crop rotation away is enough, but I think if we take sort of a holistic agronomic approach, it's gonna set Folks up 14:44 better for Success. Okay, so fungicide wax hard spot. So fungicides, obviously, I we are huge Advocates of fungicides that 14:57 have both preventative and Curative control, you know any fungicide that's worth its weight is is gonna help control disease, 15:07 right but not all products on the market today actually have that long of a residual control. So I'm particular we would recommend ones that have that revosol 15:16 ingredients. So Bill Tema for corn and Revy tech for soybeans. It's got a proven record of longer 15:25 residual control. What's a longer is it? What's a longer Kim? What's a longer? Residual we talk? Is it stick around for 30 days? Yeah during this 15:34 is about right so that's tar spot and I know we spend a lot of time on that but that's a great example. Now here we are as 2022. It's mid-season. What's 15:44 the next har spot? Do you know are you hear anything? You've got you've got feelers your B. If you're a global company, you've got feelers all 15:52 over the globe. You certainly got feelers all over the Corn Belt and then you're said you specialize in corn and wheat, what are we hearing about? What's a disease? That is the 16:01 new guitar spot. Is there one not that I'm aware of today. If I'm if I'm being completely honest there has been so much conversation. You 16:10 know, I was out at a grower meeting and Arizona back in in January and that's the question. They want 16:19 to know what products can I use for tarspot and corn and what do you have for frog? I leave spot soybeans those 16:28 I think are the two are two that are very top of mind, but that's the problem when I hear about but I don't know anything about us go ahead and 16:37 help me out with that. Yeah, so and I'll be honest here. You know soybeans are soybean fungicide portfolio is is not within my wheelhouse, 16:46 but I will say We speaking frog eye leaf spot septoria brown spot and thrognose. Those are all diseases that are really prominent 16:58 sort of in that southern geography but generally speaking or starting to make their way northward. So it is something that folks need to 17:07 be aware of for sure. We're going to ask you about the prevention and scouting here in a minute. But before we do that, we're gonna 17:17 take a moment here from our sponsor. Hey Farmers want to save money on fertility without sacrificing yield. Harvest last season's nutrients for this season's crop 17:27 with extract powered by accomplish. I'm Damien Mason. I'm host of Extreme Ice Kevin and curve and every day we talk about ways to be 17:36 more profitable and do better by your soils and I'm telling you this might be the answer extract powered by accomplish is 17:42 exclusively available from a nutrient AG Solutions. So contact your local nutrient AG Solutions crop consultant to learn more. 17:51 All right. So Kim tutor technical marketing director. That's the title of their BASF you obviously have a portfolio of fungicides revitec and 18:01 Val team are to your big ones and to your most most current ones Etc. And we talked about using those for tarspot. Let's talk about 18:10 whether we care whether this is the product that we're even talking about whether a product what disease do 18:16 we need to be looking for? That's completely agnostic for many product. What disease should we be looking for? I'm a farmer. You told 18:25 me that if it's tar spot and by the time I see it, I better get on it very fast because I'm already losing yield by the time I see it. What 18:31 else should be looking for when I go out and look at my fields. Absolutely, I think 18:38 is very geographically dependent right? It's all dependent on your local weather conditions. It's it's dependent on what 18:44 you're you're local disease models are saying as well as your own field history, you know Growers know best as well as their crop Consultants 18:53 what what the the history has been on those fields and kind of what what to expect if we're talking corn country, you know, 19:02 keep your eye out for word of tar spot. Other things to consider great leaf spot Northern corn Leaf blight those can also be devastating one in 19:12 particular that I've heard that's actually started to come in in the South as Southern rest. So Southern 19:18 rust actually blows in and can be heavily influenced based on our hurricane patterns. So coming 19:27 in coming in out of the gulf. Oh, yeah, you named two kinds of spot. I think you call them a gray and a green. Is that what I just heard so greatly spot 19:36 and Northern corn Leaf blight. And Northern corn Leaf blight, let's go back to those then we'll get to the southern rust thing. 19:47 If I see it again, has it already cost me money by the time I see it. Any of these diseases are gonna cost you money. How 19:56 do I know? How do I know what I'm seeing when I see? Yep, so that's that's actually a really good question. So tar spot in particular those 20:06 little black lesions that that form on the leaf surface. Sometimes can resemble rest symptomology, right? 20:15 The primary difference differences. Is that tar spot those little black lesions they will not rub off of the leaves. 20:25 you know if and back to your question about you know, what do I do? What should I be looking for? In particular as we think about tarspot, and 20:37 I think I mentioned earlier that it's an opportunistic disease. If situation if environmental 20:43 conditions are right for tar spot, they're also right for a lot of these other diseases. So Southern rest gray leaf spot North Dakota Leaf by 20:52 all of these diseases love warm wet humid conditions and I think one thing that folks often don't consider right 21:01 because most people are usually asleep at night but Leaf witness is actually important for disease development. So 21:10 several consecutive hours of basically damp leaves and oftentimes depending on your geography that can happen at night. So a lot of these infections can start 21:19 when when everybody's in bed, once you set table for one disease the tables pretty much for all the diseases they all like it hot 21:28 where it's Margie no Breeze. I humidity what else I mean, it's about the same stuff right? No, you got it. That's Absol. 21:40 We they all kind of like the same things that the primary difference kind of goes back to that latent period is it's how long from initial disease infection 21:49 does it take before that disease goes into its reproductive phase and you actually start to see a symptom. So you'll see it's 21:57 you'll see it sooner with some diseases and you will with others so we want to see the tar spots as black things gray leaf. 22:03 I mean, you know, I look at corn and first off of color blind. Am I trying to find am I trying to find color as I can see it when it starts to get yellow usually this 22:12 too late. Also, what else my looking for when I go look at this when I Scout a cornfield. No, I mean, 22:18 I think you've got it right I think. First of all, it's not just scouting the edges of your field right? Like nobody loves walking through head high corn. 22:28 It's not exactly a fun fun experience, but it isn't most effective scouting Kim happens. When you you're done, you know for the 22:37 day and you pack a little six pack cooler and you drive around and you just look at stuff and drink beer and talk to your buddies. Isn't that 22:46 effective scouting? I mean, you can see it you can you can cover more ground that way, right? 22:52 Play more enjoyable for people that way, you know, I guess there and there's power in numbers. Right? So I guess if there's a group of you out there are always 23:03 so what about look at these fields? Can I see this on a drone or do I need to get out there and touch it? 23:10 Well, you know. With some of the rusts you can have symptomology both on top of leaf of the leaves as well as underneath the leaves I 23:19 would say. You know drones are incredible tools and and I'm not here to dismiss them because you have the ability to zoom in super tight. But I I'm hard-pressed to 23:31 to believe that it that they can take the place of an actual human laying their hands on the plants and walking through 23:40 the fields again. I think they're an incredible tool a support tool can be used for a lot of different things. But 23:46 but in particular if you're trying to catch a lot of these diseases early, so before the leaves have really started to turn yellow before you 23:55 start to see any tip die back anything like that. It's important to actually be out in your Fields. So I talk to you about prevention. It sounds like essentially it's they 24:04 are diseases and weather has a lot to do with it. You can do crop rotation, but there's not a lot you can do in terms of prevention. Then it 24:14 comes down to treatment prevention is treatment is in preventative treatment because I can't change the weather. I 24:22 Do crop rotation my neighbors might not do crop rotation. Some of the stuff can move sounds like can move a mile pretty easily. It can move 10 miles pretty there's a 24:31 reason it went from Indiana to Georgia a few years, right? It can move exactly oh preventive treatment 24:37 sounds like it's what we're talking about and this again, we're most of my corn stuff, but that's okay. We grow 93 million 24:43 Acres corn in this country. So a lot of people listening or corn producers. What are we doing for preventative treatment Kim? 24:50 So to be preventative and I think it goes back to with a lot of these diseases then it's about being proactive instead of 24:59 reactive. Right? So sitting down having the conversation with your Consultants having the conversations with your retailers ideally in my 25:08 opinion. It's picking up quality product. Again, we talked about Bill Tema and revitec so long residual control. They've got some of 25:18 the best modes of action to combat these diseases and the other thing that's that I think a lot of people often forget 25:24 because they can become hyper focused on the disease or an even better analogies like with herbicides if you pick a quality herbicide you 25:34 go out you make a timely application. Either the weeds die or they don't die, right but with fungicides, you know in particular 25:43 with with our BASF portfolio, you know, we have proven plant health benefits. So even if you're not in in a disease heavy area, 25:52 there are still other components of plant health of these products help support So mitigating environmental stress, whether it's drought 26:01 hail or heat as well as improved growth efficiencies. So we've been able to actually document and show how our products increase nitrogen assimilation which 26:10 is a fancy way of saying, you know nitrogen is really important for photosynthesis and basically keeping that machine inside that 26:19 plant running to ultimately drive to drive more yield. Uhm preventive treatment and then you obviously talked about and you would be a minute remiss if you 26:30 didn't mention your own products because you do work for BASF and you said that those two fungicides Revy tech 26:36 and and they'll teema one is for corners for soybeans, right? They'll team is for the corn side. Yeah, that's exactly right. He said they have a the active 26:44 ingredient that gives the residual that means it it has residual in that plant for up to a month is revosol is what you said. That's correct is 26:53 the revosol component exactly. I'm not being mean by any means, but I do have to serve the listener. 27:00 Is that a prop is that active ingredient found in competitive products as well? Or is it proprietary to BASF? No, that's completely proprietary to 27:09 be ASF. Okay, the stuff that I might hear as a farmer and I I know that I can't prevent stuff that's just gonna blow in from you know 27:18 the next County over. So we talked about prevention other than crop rotation. There's not a lot I can do and and I can't change the weather. 27:27 Preventive and you said proactive versus reactive and we have treatment I use fungicide this fungicide take care of all we've 27:34 always thought about stuff that fungicide Treats but there are other diseases that are not just fungicide treatable. Am 27:41 I right? Oh, absolutely. So for example in the midwest right now and I'm gonna shift focus a little bit and talk a little bit out of my wheelhouse. So bear with me about soybeans 27:52 but you know with a slightly wetter wetter planting season in certain parts of the Midwest and in particular up into 28:01 some of the northern geographies, they've actually been battling a lot of seedling diseases as of late and and 28:07 truly the best way to mitigate some of those seedling diseases is actually with a quality seed treatment product. That's 28:16 that's where I was really hoping you're gonna go and you know, you were concerned that we're gonna show a cheek in your armor because you're not a soybean girl, but that's 28:25 what I've been here a little bit about you know is that we went into some Colder Weather soils and and so there's gonna 28:34 be this issue seed treatment. So that's gonna prevent and what diseases are we talking about? That's not a fungus. 28:41 so primarily the one that I've heard the most about and again, you know, not not my wheelhouse but pythium in particular has been a really bad one this 28:50 season and in terms of product recommendations relania, which is a fun name to say and Poncho 29:00 XC or two treatments for soybeans. Yes that have been recommended this year in particular. Then we talked about prevention. Just stay the 29:13 hell out of cold wet soil, right? Well, but sometimes you don't have a choice, right? I mean it's either get it planted or 29:21 or I run the risk of having to do prevent plant. And and when you're in a season like this where commodity prices are really doing. Well, you know 29:30 that can be a little bit of a difficult pill to swallow. I think we do have some great sea treatment products available 29:36 that you know in a lot of times and the weather's fickle, right the weather could change we could we could start out having really cold really 29:45 wet basically early spring right into planting season and then be dry, you know for the next two months. It's just unpredictable clearly 29:54 The Devil's Advocate there, you know, I'm a fan of the farmer. I think you should stay out of cold wet if it's gonna compact your soil and it's gonna cause you a problem but the 30:04 other issue is Franklin's face it not only the things you talked about but sometimes you go into what seems 30:10 like is trending perfectly well and then it turns cold and wet. I mean, I'm from Northeast Indiana and we Had that happen plenty of times April 20th looks 30:18 a hell of a lot better than and May 7th, you know that's happened plenty of times here where I live diseases that are on the horizon. Is there anything that's 30:28 looming is there? Is there a boogeyman out there? I mean you got to sell chemistry. So if you guys sell chemistry, you've got to make sure you do a little dual scare Factor here 30:37 Kim. Tell them that there's something terrible coming and you better just load up on our products because bad golly. This 30:43 thing's gonna be the arm again. Am I right? No, I I hear what you're saying and truly all of our 30:52 tech service reps. All of our sales reps. We haven't heard of anything new or scary that's 30:58 coming again. I think it most people particularly in corn country have been really concerned about tar spot up in the 31:07 the northern geography. Even if we haven't really talked much about wheat, but those guys are just desperate to get seed in the ground. So, you 31:16 know this before we talk about spring wheat, I want to get to that the minute so you're saying that there's nothing new that's 31:22 on Horizon that is being found in the panhandle of Oklahoma. That's gonna hit all of us. There's nothing that we need to be scared about 31:31 like that. But there are still the very real existences of Tire spot. Great Leaf Northern Leaf blight Etc. 31:40 And then you mentioned a southern phenomenon some more product. I'll see up here and Northern nor 31:46 Indiana but it's something you said hurricane-induced and you called it something rust as a Southern Restaurant Southern rest of 31:53 the rest absolutely affects just corn. Yep. So Southern rest is is a disease in corn. It is very much 32:02 influenced in terms of when the South will see it based on wind currents as a function of our hurricane season, you know, 32:11 we have heard reports. It has already shown up in the South Alabama, Georgia that area has already seen it. 32:20 Because it's usually warmer in the South they can plant a little sooner oftentimes that disease from a corn growth stage perspective comes 32:29 in a little bit later season. Word on the street is those applications a lot of that corn is starting to reach that 32:37 VT or that tassel timing. Now, of course, there's there's a range based on planting date. But the most of those applications have gone out and then 32:47 is that disease kind of blows its way northward, you know, you think about basically planting date 32:53 being a little bit later a little bit later as you kind of move up and and latitude 32:58 It can come in a little bit earlier in the season as you start to approach the Midwest. But again, that's that's the beauty of a product 33:08 like veltima is because we do have that expanded application window where you can take those applications as early as V10. So really, you know, 33:18 I'm just a guy that was gonna try to be an agronomist and there's too much science. So it became an agriculturally economics major. You said Southern rust and 33:27 there's about treated with the fungicide is rust a fungus. Yes, it is 33:34 the name specifically now you are testing me. Well, there you go. I've tested me on my last or listeners 33:43 to realize that we're not pulling punches here that we're actually getting the bomb, but because I didn't think that 33:49 I honestly didn't know that rust was this. I thought it was kind of like a cousin, but I don't know. petunia Thor guy 33:58 Is the Latin name? Yeah, don't ask me to spell that. Okay, Patronus or guy is what that's the southern rust. 34:06 And that is a focus. Well technically puccinia polysora. If you want to be real technical, well, I appreciate your technicality. So 34:14 that's so that is what we call Southern rust and Southern rust is then a fungus. Yes. Okay, I'm sorry 34:20 a fungicide of fungicide treatment will do it. Do we whack these things once or we really talk about we need to we need to hit this stuff. Even with 30 days 34:31 residual is our window Kim is our window such that we can take care of it with one pass or are we really needing to whack this stuff twice? 34:41 Well, I think again every situation is unique right depending on the geography depending on you as a grower, which you're practices are, 34:50 you know, how aggressively you're chasing yield. I would say broad brush stroke. If we if we looked at 34:59 all the data collected over the years, you know Sans geography. Generally speaking. The Sweet Spot if you will for making 35:10 if you're just gonna make one fungicide application generally speaking is around that vtr1 timeframe 35:16 that consistently that you are one for the person that's listening to this that's kind of maybe like still new to this thing means full tassel 35:25 full tassel and the corns just starting to enter its reproductive phases. So it Consistently has shown the best bang for your buck. 35:37 If you're going to go out with one shot now if you're in a situation. where 35:45 Maybe your entire spot country. Maybe you had some different heavy disease pressure last year. 35:53 Those are gonna be situations where we would recommend sequential applications. Generally speaking. We're gonna try and keep those applications between 20 36:02 and 28 days apart again that kind of that 30 day residual window. We want to make sure that we have coverage so for growth 36:11 stages for two applications in corn we're going to be talking about V14 and then that R2 to 36:20 R3 timing so a little bit later reproductive phase again, the primary focus e14 for guy like me that that dropped out 36:29 of a ground I mean is we're talking that corn is is two weeks away from tasseling three weeks away from tasseling. It's that's 36:38 about right my part of Indiana. I'd call that somewhere around probably early July. Yeah. 36:47 Yeah, depending on planting date of course, but on average, okay? disease 36:56 pressure 2022 what we're talking about here. And then you want to bring up wheat? I know we're going a little long but this is a this is a great segment to cover anyway, because we 37:05 just have to what are we hear about wheat? It's like you said it's bringing. We it's June we're recording this now on June 8th, and there's still spring wheat in the upper planes that 37:15 hasn't even been planted and that seems like that's about a month and a half too late. Doesn't it? Yeah, so you're 37:21 exactly right you hit the nail right on the head and we spring we particularly up like in the The Dakotas there anywhere 37:30 from several weeks up to a month late on planting there again, planting kind of in cold wet soils, you know, 37:39 anytime you delay planting anytime you're planting on in not ideal conditions. You run the risk for higher disease pressure. So 37:48 I think a lot of of our week Growers have taken advantage of see treatments. 37:56 Right to help get a good stand to help get that seed out of the ground. They're going to be looking out for leaf rust 38:03 pressure a little bit earlier in the season, but what's been on a lot of people's minds and again, it actually came up with that that meeting 38:12 that I was at in Arizona a while back is this idea of head scab or fusarian headlight, which is another fungal pathogen. 38:22 And wheat and the reason that fusarium head blight or head scab is a problem is because it actually produces again. We'll 38:32 throw another term at you call it a vomitoxin. Here's what you need to know about vomitoxins. FDA has regulated the level 38:42 of vomitoxin that can be present in cereals that are going to be used for for baking and and malting and that 38:51 threshold level is actually really low. It's actually problem Kim. We had this problem like maybe I want to say 10 years ago here in Indiana where the court we had. 39:00 Some of the Corn couldn't even be ground for livestock feed because there was too much of Obama talks and I believe 39:07 and so now you're talking about wheat, which mostly doesn't go to hog feet. It mosa goes to human consumption. So exact level the levels 39:16 that are tolerable or even less, right? Yeah. So you're talking one to two part for million and just think about that. That's one two Colonels and a 39:25 million kernels it can cause this vomitoxin in particular that fuse area had like produces. It's abbreviated Dawn 39:34 d o n because it's a really long complicated name and nobody likes to say it so Dawn 39:44 can come in and cause both acute as well as long-term kind of toxic effects. So again, that's why those regulations are in 39:53 place. And the thing that's really so this is a quality problem. Right? So folks need to keep in mind, you know, look that's a really low threshold. 40:03 You take that grain to the elevator. We've seen dockage fees, you know anywhere from 25 cents a bushel up to over a 40:12 dollar a bushel. So again trying to optimize your return on investment that that is something that should I think be kept and is 40:21 top of mind for a lot of Wheat Growers this season, you know, we're talked about the the bread of tar spot. We actually 40:30 took a look at some data. It's something I think it's interesting is that Not only have we seen the intensity 40:39 of treatment for fusarium headlight increase within its current geography, but it's also spreading to new geographies. It's learned how to be more prevalent 40:51 more places. Well, exactly. So all of these diseases are. optimistic and I think what's really interesting is if 40:59 take a look at some of the weather data and disease Trends again these places like warm. Humid and wet and as our weather 41:09 patterns just across the country continue to evolve. It's not a surprise to me that this continues to 41:15 pop up in new places. You know, but again. Don is one of those later season diseases. So in terms of treatment, we're going 41:28 to want You're Gonna Want to apply a fungicide at that early to mid flowering stage. So a 41:34 little bit later on in the season and our latest. Wheat fungicide development is a product called spirits. It is 41:44 proven to reduce Dawn better than you know, any of the competitors and ultimately it's critical for protecting your weak quality. 41:53 Can I spray wheat just once and be fine because really it's got a shorter season anyway, right? I think it depends. It depends on your starting 42:02 spring wheat or winter wheat? But no. It well, that's not really fair answer. You can process some people do get by with one application. Right? But 42:14 every Year's different every operation is different. I think it depends on if you're in an 42:20 area and you're lucky enough that you don't get fusarium headlight or Dawn pressure, you know, maybe you're just 42:27 dealing with a lot of these Leaf rust that can kind of come in earlier in the season. Yeah, you may be able to get by with one but Don 42:33 in particular it actually enters the plant the wheat plant through the answers, which is part of the flowers. And so that's why the timing of 42:42 this application is so critical. If you don't get enough of that protective fungicide to cover all of those flowers, you're you're leaving your 42:51 wheat susceptible to fusarium head scab. What have we not talked about in way of wheat the disease that I need to 43:02 know and everybody produces wheat needs to know we talked mostly about this Don stuff. Is there something else? Is there something out there that's new 43:08 or something out there. That's not new that people overlooking. No, I don't know that there's anything new 43:14 per se in terms of of what to look out for. I think it's the traditional things keep an eye on on your Leaf rusts, 43:23 you know, a lot of times those applications for us. It's gonna be a pre-ex or a next to core product. Those are gonna go out a little bit early in 43:33 the season and depending on the geography where you are a lot of people like to go out with a tank mix at the herbicide 43:39 timing. So earlier in the season, but for Don in particular again, just want to reiterate how important the 43:49 growth stages for that particular application and that product can be applied either by ground rig or by air. 43:58 Yeah, so for us to go over a wheat, and I know this is a an interesting question that probably the some of 44:04 these more advanced farmers and Damien for crying out loud. If I got drive over this stuff two times, I start to lose yield just from beating my crop up by driving over don't I? 44:14 Yeah, you know I've heard that before and and there's a there's a there's a cost benefit every time you run equipment over a field right it I think 44:24 it comes down to a Grower's tolerance level right in terms of disease pressure as well as potential crop 44:33 damage. I mean look every time you run a tractor across the field you're potentially compacting the soil or running 44:39 these crop which certainly in wheat, you're knocking down crop. Yeah, and and I know in a situation like that, I would consider an aerial application if 44:48 at all possible if you're really concerned about knocking down your wheat and arrow application is a great option. I know that has 44:54 a tendency to be a little bit more expensive but you know, you got to kind of way your options. It's either run 45:00 across it with a ground rig and protect that we quality save yourself some money. When when you take that green 45:06 to the the local elevator, you know, or you spend a few more sense an acre and put it on with an airplane you 45:14 you spoke about in a season like this and we're gonna get into the climate change debate any of that stuff, but 45:22 Most the diseases you all mentioned are of a fungal variety or in a or any soil the kind of stuff. We need seed treatments for they're all 45:32 enhanced. In fact. Proliferate worsened by wet humid hot right what human warm and those 45:43 are also conditions that we usually want. You know Greenhouse is wet humid and warm and that's why we gross stuff there. But are 45:49 we seeing Are we seeing worse disease stuff or we just better detecting it now. Is it worse now or we 45:57 just better at finding it and treating it? That's why we have record yields. So this 46:02 Is opinion it's an opinion of one. I want you to have opinions. I think I think it's a little bit of both. Honestly Damien. 46:08 I think we certainly do a lot better job scouting for these diseases now, I think there are better reporting tools available. There's certainly 46:17 better crop models available for sure. But I do also believe I mean if you take a look at the relative humidity the average 46:27 daily temperatures across the country. Yeah, it's nobody likes to talk about and I don't want to get into that debate either 46:36 but Our temperatures do change and they do vary year to year. So it is something to keep in mind and certainly another reason to kind of stay in 46:46 tune with with what folks are seeing locally. Kim Tudor she is given us a great deal of information about disease pressure 46:56 particularly as we look at wheat and corn do we need to do anything more on wheat? Because I want to do a general wrap up, but we kind of close here with wheeze or anything about wheat that we didn't cover you talked 47:06 about a product called sphere actually talked about a big problem called Don you talked about head scab you talk about the vomitoxin issue 47:12 the vomitoxin issue. It's pretty big because as you said, you can't take this and drop it off at the green. So when we take this to the elevator, 47:20 They're gonna be tested for vomitoxin on wheat this in 2022, right? Yeah exactly if it's got too much but they say no because all sudden 47:29 General Mills can't buy this make Wheaties out of it then watch your recourse. Okay, I'll grind it up for 47:35 cattle feed Well, it's not something you want to give your cattle. That's for sure. Right but you you don't have 47:43 a lot of options. Unfortunately, you know it. A lot of these Growers I think have have as this disease continues to expand and proliferate or just 47:56 feeling the effect affects financially a lot of times what these local elevators will do is they'll they'll 48:02 basically pay a grower or a lower price if they got a higher Dawn level and then they'll basically blend it. Right the solution 48:11 to pollution is dilution. Exactly. Right? Right that old adage. That's right. What have we not covered Ms. Kim about everything that 48:21 comes to okay, we talk about scouting for it. You said most these things by the time you see it. You're already losing yield. So 48:27 the best the best, you know, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure kind of thing. Right exactly. You nailed it. That's right. And if we 48:36 are too late is it should we just throw in the towel? I'd say no, you know, I think what's really 48:42 important is to remember with a lot of these fungicides. Particularly ones with with Curative activity. 48:51 You've got about 72 hours. Okay from from the time that infection starts where you can stop it. So wait 49:00 a minute. I'm sure glad I asked that question 36 hours. 72 you got about 72. Here's the thing if those if those infections if those lesions 49:10 started more than 72 hours. Prior to that application you can't stop those. So we're sort of going to cut off the bleeding where we 49:21 can but know that and I think that's that's been kind of an issue with a lot of folks that are battling tar spot. They'll say 49:30 why went out and I sprayed but I don't understand I've still got lesions in my field. Well, that's because you've got 72 hours 49:36 to stop those infection Invasion thing. And once once it's gone, there's no stop it after the third day. So you 49:45 need to be out here camping out in our field. Do I need to take a tent out there and stay in my field every day? What do I 49:51 need to do? No, I I don't know that well, I mean you can especially if you got your buddies and and your six 49:58 pack like you were talking about before and enjoy if I'm spending three days in a cornfield. I'm gonna need more than a six pack, right? 50:04 Okay. So what I'm really here here Kim is this again just points out prevention prevention prevention exactly plan plan have those conversations now 50:13 start having those conversations for next season as well with your local reps with your retailers. There's nothing better 50:22 than doing your best and planning ahead. Her name is Kim Tudor. I think that that wraps it up right there diseases were not going to get away from them. In fact, 50:32 they they might be a little worse and we also are just a little bit better detecting them. We talked a lot about the the ones that are hurting us recaping 50:38 them. It's Southern rust gray leaf is at it great leaf spot We're not gonna do the Latin names on these because we don't we don't 50:47 appreciate that. We'll speak a lot of land here at the cutting the curve podcast Northern Leaf blot and of course tarspot, and 50:53 and we it was head scab Don which is a shortcut for something and he talked about soy, which is not your wheelhouse. 51:03 Mostly that's an issue where we got to treat that with seed treatments is what our real problem. Is there. Her name 51:09 is Kim Tudor technical marketing director at BASF. If somebody has it more in-depth questions specifically about your area of expertise. How can they find you? 51:18 Sure. You're welcome to reach out to me directly Kimberly dot tutor at basf.com. That's k i 51:25 m b e r l e y dot tutor like you're going to tutor a student at BASF and by all means, please don't hesitate to reach out to your local BSF 51:35 field representatives and tech service Representatives. You're awesome. By the way, I think you're being here. And I think we're gonna probably have 51:44 to visit again about disease pressures because the whole thing was about disease pressure 2022 and we're recording this 51:50 early June. We know that there might even be another discussion to be had come August. So thanks for being here Kim. No, thank 51:56 you for the opportunity Damon and really appreciate it. All right. So next time thanks for being here share this with all your farming friends because you know what 52:06 this can make the money it can save the money. It also can stay them a lot of grief because again, it was 52:12 all about disease pressure 2022 check out all of our great stuff extreme agnot Farm till next time. I'm Damian Mason. Thanks for being here at cutting the curve where we promise 52:21 we will shorten your learning curve because we've made the mistakes and we bring in great experts that can help you learn by listening 52:27 to us. Thanks for being here till next time. That's a wrap for this. Code of cutting the curve but there's plenty more check out 52:34 extremead.farm where you can find past episodes instructional videos and articles to help you squeeze more profit out of 52:43 your farm cutting. The curve is brought to you by Advanced Drainage Systems the leader in agriculture 52:49 Water Management Solutions.