Building a Fortress of a Plant — Temple’s Focus in 2023
Kelly Garrett devoted much of his attention in 2022 to reducing stress on his crops. Temple Rhodes learned from what he saw his Iowa friend do and is now taking it to the next level. “I want to build a factory that can withstand a tornado,” Temple says, as he describes steps he’s taking this season to maximize returns and protect his yield in a year that’s predicted to be a rough one, weather wise. Some steps Temple is taking: reducing planted population, changing up plant growth regulators, and holding back late season passes if weather problems reduce the payoff. What is your 2023 farming focus? Listen to this for inspiration!
Presented by Loveland Products
00:00 Calm one of the send it twins as in a prior episode. He said I'm really send it Junior. Let's face it Chad and send a senior. So you're talking about a guy that he's certainly 00:09 not loose can that just means he's willing to throw a lot of stuff out there and try new things and that's why I thought be interesting of 00:15 all the stuff he tried last year. What did he decide is worth doing a better job of focusing on in 2023, welcome to 00:24 extreme acts cutting the curve podcast where we cut your learning curve with insights. You can apply immediately to your farming operation. This episode is presented by 00:34 Loveland products. When it comes to crop inputs, you need products that are field proven to deliver both results and value for more 00:42 than 50 years. Loveland products has been providing Farmers with high performance value-driven product Solutions designed to 00:49 maximize productivity on every acre visit to see how their Innovative products 00:55 can help you farm more profitably and now here's your host Damien Mason. Hey there thanks for joining us on another episode of Extreme as cutting the curve. We're talking about 01:04 Buddy Temple roads, Centerville, Maryland, he's always a wealth of information and I like the fact he's an open book. So we're 01:10 talking we're recording this right now and spring of 23 and that's the temple. What's your focus what what thing? Are 01:17 you going to vote energy and more Devotion to in 2023 because of all the stuff you did last year you decided there's a big opportunity for Returns on 01:27 this because that's really what we're talking about. It's it's not like you were letting you know everything fall through the cracks last 01:33 year. So you discovered one thing. Like you know what? I think there's a real opportunity to focus more on this and get a bigger return. What's that one thing? 01:42 So for us out here, you know, we've had numerous really really good years. 01:48 But according to a lot of forecast, you know and and learning what I've learned in the extreme AG, you know, Kelly talked 01:55 about it last year and it made out he made really good with it. So his Focus was on stressmanification and according to 02:05 Forecast for our region we could be the hottest driest that we've been in 50 or 60 years could be that doesn't mean that it is going to be that could 02:14 mean that we just stem a lot of thunderstorms and it could actually be a great year. I don't want to take any Focus away from high yield because I'm not going to 02:24 take photos away from high yield but we're gonna focus on a couple different things. We're gonna turn down the population a little bit and let that 02:33 let that feel breathe a little bit. So we're gonna we've turned down the population, but the other 02:39 thing that we're gonna do is we're gonna rely a little bit more on stress mitigation. I mean 02:45 when I talk about stress mitigation I'm talking about from the beginning to the end. I'm talking about pgr in 02:52 Furrow that would Stimulate more root growth I'm talking about making sure that my plants are in extreme 03:02 balance all the way through because there's no bigger stress reliever or mitigation than making sure that you have a balanced 03:12 plant. We're gonna focus on that and every tank load that we go out there. I am going to focus on heat stress drought 03:21 stress because I think that's what might be coming. But that's kind of some of our key points and we're going to take that to the next level. So what's interesting 03:32 is so your focus. Your focus kind of got dialed in. You won't do it a bad job before but you said all right. I challenge you what's your focus in 2023. He said 03:46 my focus getting dialed in here because of these weather predictions of pretty dire heat and dry situation in your part of the world. First off 03:57 that just happened most everywhere west of the Mississippi last year. And so those guys probably are wishing that they had made a focus and then somebody 04:06 will say what the hell are you gonna do? You can't change the weather if it's gonna be hot and dressing behind right? No you already did let's start 04:13 with population decreasing you backed off on population and there's gonna be someone says he's gonna look like a dumb dumb 04:19 if he has a great year of weather and he doesn't have the plants out there respond. So for every 10,000 plans, you know, 04:29 like let's say, you know, 29,000, you know that it's potential you can make 290 Bush right for 30,000. 04:39 You can make 300 bushel. So the potential is still there. I'm not talking about dramatic decreases. I 04:49 went from my average stands are probably 32 to 33,000. I dropped them down to 295 because I 04:58 feel like that they can breathe better. Now. I'm not gonna drop all the way down to 22 or 2000. I'm obviously not going to do that. You backed off by me roughly 05:08 10% you roughly backed off by roughly Timber right back off on soybeans about 10% I backed off on soybeans a little bit not not quite as much maybe 05:18 five to seven percent. I didn't go quite as far on them, but we did it on corn because we really are worried about if we are going to get that kind 05:28 of heat, you know, Matt miles got extremely he got the hottest summer last year that he had that they had an Arkansas in 50 years. So learning from 05:37 him and learning from Kelly going through a drought stress up there. I think that we can plug and play and put some of 05:44 these things into place and we can get some serious results. so 05:50 a focus for so we're calling this episode temples Focus 23 some buy might be saying what's undo 05:56 me good. I mean, I'm already I'm already Full Tilt into this year. No in 2024, you can decide what you're gonna focus on based on what you saw in 2023, 06:06 but the heck of it is it ain't too late to change if you're listening this episode in May you can still start focus on something 06:12 by June of a crop year and still make a difference. I would think if you if you have to if you have to make an adjustment you'll make 06:22 an adjustment, right? That's right. So I'll make an adjustment. I'm not saying that I'm pulling back. I mean we we're gonna pull back some things 06:30 but we're gonna we're gonna do is we're gonna focus on You can save a lot of money and you can have some stress mitigation in there. But you also can save some of this stuff for 06:42 the end. So if you get a rain event, you can make another pass because you know, you're going to make it to the to the 06:48 next point, you know, so you can add that in later. I'm not talking about, you know, pull pull the range completely back. I'm just saying baby steps and 06:58 some of the things that we're doing, you know with some of the different, you know, accomplishments, you know, all these 07:05 different things. They are stressed mitigation tools and being able to utilize them trying to force some of that stuff into the plant. We're gonna 07:14 do a better job, you know from the beginning to the end, you know, we're gonna stress on infero grow 07:23 better Roots. We're gonna put a little more phosphorus in there Roots make you know energy, we're gonna drive some 07:30 energy in there. We're gonna stimulate these things and then we're going to continue that we're gonna continue that 07:35 That ride and I don't think that I'll decrease yield. I think that I'm going to increase yield but I think that in a bad scenario. 07:45 I'll be able to save a little bit of money and still obtain a decent yield experience. This over said temples Focus 2023 is about stress mitigation as 07:54 it was for Kelly last year. It's really more than that. You're you're looking at you're I'm trying to get my hands around 08:01 what you would say your focus is we will struggle you and I focusing sometimes is a stressman again or is it whether or is it weather adaptation? 08:11 I think it's let's call it this my my focus is is to build a factory that can withstand. 08:19 A tornado, you know, so let's think about it like that like from the beginning to the end. I'm gonna keep making it stronger so 08:29 we can withstand a tornado. That's my phone. The focus is extra a plant so strong it can just it's 08:38 a fortress building a plant. That's right. So plant. All right. I'm temples folks 23 building a fortress of 08:45 a plant. There you go. All right, so You're to accomplish that you decrease population based on the year you were concerned about and then 08:56 you start putting products in Furrow in the ditches. You send it twin calls it. Yeah. Those are pgr's playing 09:03 with Regulators as well as stress mitigation products. That's right. So we're gonna do the same thing with foliar. So when we make each one of those Fuller passes, if we're 09:13 not on there too much stress, we're going to add some of these other stuff, you know, so we may use some foliers 09:20 with the pgr. But sometimes you got to be very careful when we're talking about stress mitigation you use the wrong pgr at the wrong time, 09:29 when you're under stress, you can go adverse you can have an adverse reaction. So again being careful of some of these things knowing what 09:38 your weather is knowing what your future weather is looking at the temperature of the day, you know, you don't want to put on like let's 09:45 go all the way out for reproduction. So in a reproductive periods, you don't want to put on certain pcrs and every production period because 09:54 you're gonna stimulate basically kick that plane in the ass, you know for lack of better terms and make it go what's gonna drive all of 10:03 its energy into that plant into go. Will go well when you don't have any water. It can have a bad reaction. So again being 10:13 careful of that. So it is it's weather-related. It's going to be all these things. It's a big Focus point. 10:21 When you said temple, you said the word balanced the words balanced plans. Kelly talks about balanced soils. Chad talks a lot about you know. 10:31 Micronutrients that we never really realized how valuable they were. I mean I can go through the whole discussion about these kinds of things 10:37 but I haven't heard about balanced plants. What do you mean a balanced plant? That's getting the right take this doing is what's why would 10:47 it be imbalanced? So imbalance plan go back to what we've talked about before, you know, like if I have cold wet soil when my plant emerges at 10:56 the very early stages and it's lacking in phosphorus and manganese and magnesium that's in Balance plant. So 11:06 I'm gonna try to fix all those things be proactive not reactive. So I'm trying to get in front of those trigger points not behind them. So 11:16 that's what I'm trying to say is there's certain points. Like let's also use like there's a bill curve when you want to talk about potassium. So 11:26 potassium is taking up through the plant all along the season, but there's a huge Take for that thing when it gets into the reproduction because it's 11:35 driving that into the kernel, right so we know that that curve is coming. So I'm going to try to balance that before it starts to 11:44 make that curve downward. I'm going to use that trigger point and go in there and put something in there. So I'm gonna focus a 11:51 little more on that what you mean when you say balance plant we kind of just we had our panel at come out of the classic with 11:57 Natures. We we had a big thing about targeting periods of influence meaning putting the right amount nutrient in 12:08 to that plant right before it's going to need it. And that's kind of what you're talking about. A balance plan means it didn't get deficient. You you got you got you 12:18 took care of it before it got deficient. Is that kind of the right? So if you so, that's exactly right. So if you can have a 12:24 balanced plant where it is a strong plant, it can figure all that out. And then it has some stress that it's going to go through it can get through 12:34 the stress a lot easier than it can if you were sick, you know, you're not gonna run America Damian if you're sick if you're sick and you don't feel well, you're not 12:44 gonna race well, but if you are a balanced you're gonna race well, all right, you decrease population of Planning by as much as 10% you putting stress mitigation products 12:54 and at time of planting you're also putting in plant growth Regulators, then you're coming over the top somewhere. What six weeks after it emerges somewhere in that 13:05 time frame? Oh, yeah. V for when we make our herbicide treatment, we'll put a pgr in there if the weather allows us 13:14 and then we're going to put a bunch of products in there that I know from my last year's tissue samples that I need. I kind 13:21 of know what I need there. We're gonna go back and we're gonna try to wake the wake it up again around the forward 13:27 of V6. When we do our side dress treatment or why drop treatment, we're gonna front load a bunch of stuff in there to try to get it through. So 13:36 we're gonna try to get ahead of when that plant needs something. We're gonna jump ahead of it. So we're gonna spend a little more time on that because they healthy 13:46 plant can get through stress way better than one that is on healthy plant. Yeah, that's a big thing right there. So within that Focus for Fortress 13:56 of a plant as a focus for you and 23, you didn't mention fertile. You didn't mention bulk fertilizer. Same thing. We always talk about your herbicide 14:05 program. You don't have a concern about that so that I mean in other words making this a focus didn't require you going to the shed and redoing everything 14:14 it involved you really tweaking. a little bit of stuff at planting time and a little bit of stuff at first or second treatment that it 14:24 Yeah, well and then according to the year, you know, if we end up getting some thunderstorms and we start getting some weather and the plants are healthy and they look good we'll start 14:33 to put we'll move more into the end, you know, and we'll continue to keep this up to go around through but 14:40 if we get to a period where there's just no fighting it like if it's extreme drought there's not calling for anything in the future. You know, I'm not gonna make 14:49 an application of something of a big micronutrient load or a big fertilizer alone. Obviously if we are under extreme stress of here and drought 14:59 and that's really is that just because you're saying this is kind of what we thought that's coming and now there's no reason so good money after bad 15:06 this this crap just about as good as it's going to get. Yeah, that's one of those days. It's a decision making that you're going to be making in the office down in 15:16 the video and you're going making it based on whether come what sometime in early August. Yeah, August. Yeah, and so 15:23 you're looking at it you're saying If I go over here one more time, it's a 48 dollar pass or whatever that should be and I don't think there's gonna be forty 15:32 eight dollars of return on it because I think there's not adequate temperature or or moisture. 15:39 That's exactly right. and then if you don't turn dry and hot and the neighbors think and I'm gonna then I'm gonna turn up then 15:47 I'm gonna turn up the heat. I can turn up the heat. That's the beautiful thing about this fertility that we're putting on whether it's a foliar or 15:54 we can come back in at a wide drop. We can Aid where we want to add and we can bring that we can bring all that up. I'm not saying I'm gonna take 16:03 away. It's it's meal I'm not gonna take away. It's meal. I'm just gonna do a better job of watching what I can and can do. Yeah because 16:12 that's the thing, you know, you can you can actually really send it and and probably make up for some 16:19 of this if it turns out that you're kind of your weather conditions Merit it but you can't make up for that population and then there's gonna 16:25 be somebody down there says we see you don't even better if you had a bunch more plants out there, but that may not be true. You you 16:32 might be right that's a population. That's not necessarily true because you know, I've done some some trials and 16:38 from 27,000 of the 31,000 there's He not a lot of difference in there because a lot of these varieties out here nowadays. They've had a huge amount of flex 16:50 and what I mean Flex I'm talking about that ear can flex and can bring that that yield up. So I'm not scared of that at all. Now, obviously my irrigated 17:00 corn. I'm not gonna treat like that. You know, I'm gonna keep that the same population right because I can control some of that weather. It's well 17:10 as a rainbow well, look at what Kelly did and and the other guys are doing it now and they're changing their populations on soybeans you back an off on swimming population. You 17:19 might say all I did was save a little bit money on seed now, I'm gonna continue to back off on soybean population whether predictions or 17:25 not. Yeah, and I've done that and I've done that before, you know, I mean the best beans that I've ever grown were grown at 67,000 planes 17:34 per acre. So I I do know that I can we can back way down on that and you want to talk about a plant that can really Branch out and breathe and you can really sing 17:43 you like those plans, you know, if you're gonna plan 145,000 it's pretty hard to singulate that plant. But if at 67,000 17:51 you can singulate that one. What was your by the way, what was your reduced you reduced your soybean population to what? What was the number this year on average? So my 18:00 my GSP, you know what I usually plan. I'm somewhere on a 15 inch row. I'm somewhere between one fifteen to 18:10 one twenty-ish My my what I'm planning not my final stand, but that's my my planning and we dropped it down. I'm 18:21 100 to 105 and I'm hoping for a final Stan of the 85-90 ish because it seems like that is usually the sweet 18:31 spot in my soil type that I can consistently hit good yields and it still can it can still fight that drought, you know, 18:41 we need to cover up that ground but yet those plants need to breathe out there just like the cornfields do Temples focused 2023 building a 18:53 fortress of a plant based on he got motivated to this based on the weather prediction. He thought was coming being very trying. 19:01 hot dry especially mid to end of season so we'll see if that matters but we might find out is that whether it be damned he might 19:10 have just done a lot of things that are going to probably become grower standard practice and that's kind of what I'm hearing here that some of these things might be the thing to do 19:16 anyway, It could be or I could be making a mistake and if I've make a mistake, I still learn something right? Yeah, but also you can like 19:26 you said you can probably make up for some of this if it turns out you get a couple months down the road. You can actually still recover just 19:33 by a few new treatments. That's the best part of this being your focus. That's right. 19:38 You know, the focus really is about spoon feeding the entire crop from the beginning to end and if I need to pull back at some period I can if I need to go forward 19:47 sometimes I can. Big Vantage to not having all that stuff out there pre-season like we used to do because then if you have a bad season, you're screwed 19:56 and some cost of sunk cost, right? We've talked a lot about spoon feeding nutrients and Temple was there when we were commodity Classic on our panel. 20:06 His name is Temple Road, Sayreville, Maryland. He's got a field day coming up August 22nd and you can go there. If you're in the area. It's 20:12 gonna be with one of our business partners Agro liquid a couple of other business partners of temples are gonna be there and I'm gonna be there. So if you want to show up, we would love to have you we also 20:23 have webinars, you know, the first Thursday of every month. We have a webinar for extreme AG members. If you're not a member, 20:29 it's very very low cost to become member you get access to information that non-paying members do not get and so 20:35 for 750 bucks. You can be a part of the monthly webinars and you can also get direct access to the guys for in-person questions 20:41 to help you up your farming game and remind you that we talked about stress mitigation remember a plateful of food fed to 20:50 an unhealthy person who can't eat it as a waste of nutrition apply that same concept to your crops if your plants are stressed if they're 20:56 sick if they're unable to up take nutrients throwing more plates of food at them will not help. That's why 21:02 products like accomplish Max put in furrow. Stress mitigation can help you have healthier plants visit to learn more they have thanks for being here, Mr. Temple. 21:15 Thank you, buddy. All right. So next time Damian Mason Temple roads coming at you from a free marriage. Cousin Crew That's a 21:23 wrap stream ads cutting the Curve double by visiting extremeag dot farm for over 50 years Farmers have turned to The Proven lineup of crop 21:32 inputs offered by Loveland products from seed treatments Plant Nutrition at event and crop protection products 21:38 Loveland has the complete lineup to keep your farming operation productive and most importantly profitable check out Loveland to learn more.
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Centreville, MD