A Nitrogen Punch
Kelly Garrett had a plan to go heavy on soybean acres in 2022. But that changed in a matter of days when he made the decision to switch 500 acres from beans to corn just a few weeks before the season. This presented a problem since these fields had no fall applied nitrogen on them. Mike Evans turned to a new product from SoundAg that is designed to pull more plant available nitrogen out of the soil.
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00:00 Hey, we're talking about what happens when you make a late preseason switch to your 00:06 cropping plan stand here Kelly Garrett and Mike Evans. He has a joint venture with Kelly integrated AG Solutions and Chad siebold from sound AG, 00:15 you know what your fertility changed because you had 500 Acres that you were going to go with soybeans and was about somewhere in March and you made a decision Kelly 00:24 to not do soybeans to go ahead and do corn. We thought here in early 2022. Oh man soybeans are way to go because we have too much input price on on 00:33 the corn and then you said no wait a minute. I think pencils out better and then you got to make a big change right there 00:39 at the preseason. Talk to me. Even with the higher input price of corn at the end of March with the way the corn Market was relative to the soybean Market 00:47 corn was $280 net money better. So we made this decision at that time to switch those 500 Acres from Beans to Corn. 00:56 All right, it's not that you didn't plant beans. You didn't go continuous corn on all acres here at Garrett Landing Cattle, but those Acres specifically 01:02 you made that decision why those Acres we were gonna have about 3,000 Acres of beans we backed up to 2500, you know in that area just 01:11 to capitalize on that 280 dollars now an argument could be made that you should have gone 100% corn but logistically mechanically that's just hard 01:20 to accomplish, right? Yeah more more stuff to haul yeah or bushels. You got equipment all that timing right Evans you 01:26 went out there and look at these fields probably right up until March and said, yep. These are gonna be soybean fields and all of a sudden you get the boss from 01:35 your partner slash boss here and he says, oh hey by the way, Mike, we're not doing that. And now what? Yeah, he goes. What about 500 more 01:44 Acres corn I go where we're gonna do it at and we had the conversation and then we had to figure out a plan how we're gonna get it because we had no nitrogen on right, 01:53 you know base fertility around here for corn soybeans pretty similar with Kelly's plant food products. So we get that out but nitrogen's always kind of so there's certain stuff you do in the fall. I 02:02 don't matter what's going into it come spraying your certain practices, you're gonna do in terms of the products that we use like to meltdown 02:08 residue or whatever. They're surprises that don't change but obviously fertility you like to put nitrogen out there 02:14 and November. Yeah. We big Fallen hydrous Kelly likes that I like it. We don't like a lot of spring height. No, I just the chance of burn. Okay, so you didn't have any hydros on 02:23 there. So you're saying okay. We got a nitrogen problem. What else did you look at when that 500 acre was made the switch there late March. And you said now 02:29 what are we going to do? Ah was nitrogen corn the seed corn and so you need the seed. Yeah nitrogen. What else? 02:38 and the chemicals and and Late season application you got that stuff lined up. One thing that you did. This is reason Chad is here with us sound AG 02:46 you're going to use some of their products. Anyhow, their product called Source your product called Source corns, one of your main applications for this 02:52 tell me about the product and why you help them on those 500 Acres chat. Absolutely. Well the cool things about our product 02:58 as you guys know is being able to fit in multiple different programs that are out there whether it's a last-minute change in 03:04 a program or program that exists from the fall but to be able to supplement what's going in the field sources a great opportunity to be able to pull up 15 to 50 pounds of nitrogen. 03:13 So didn't get that fall applied nitrogen in no, no worries, right that extra 15 to 50 pounds. Is there in form of a fall fully applied 03:22 in the spring? Okay. So the idea was you the promise of your product source is that it reduces my need for narration. It helps me get more nitrogen. It makes nitrogen 03:32 not go away. It's a natural stabilizer. What is source? And why do I need it? Yeah, so most relationship. Yeah, absolutely. So 03:38 it fits in that operation, right? So it's not a Logical it's a chemistry. So the fact that it's a chemistry it rides with what you're doing in the field today, which is a super nice, 03:46 right? So now your V4 through V6 application timing when corn is coming out of the ground, you've got that post-emergent application low application rate what that does 03:55 hits the plants translocates and helps make that nitrogen more available to the plant. Okay. That's all cool. And you start a 04:01 lot about these four V6 Etc post. He's talking about March. I know the corn wasn't there in March. What did you do in March as it relates to their product to go to make 04:10 that switch from quartz planned beans to plan corn the switches you made fertilizer wise and fertility and then planning wise Evans. His name is 04:19 Mike Evans, by the way, I feel bad, but, you know his partner here just always calls him Evans Mike. 04:25 You know, we usually vibrate or hydrous here for Kelly you what bearable rate than hydros variable rate. Yes. I thought you said reverberate and I'm like, what was that 04:34 mean? What purpose would be Reverb right based on you'll goals and stuff throughout the future and we usually average about 180 pounds. Typically what we're averaging in 04:45 the Fallen hydrous. And we wanted to back that down especially with spraying for concerns of burn and everything else with the corn seed. So we went back to down between 04:53 120 hundred and thirty. Okay, you're two thirds of normal, but you're also doing it within a month of planting roughly right as opposed to 05:03 five months in front of planning. Okay, and we looked at soil samples and felt the soil can generate some nitrogen and we look to what 05:09 source Provided us figured that would be our late season application kind of a side dress. We really can't side dress around here. 05:16 It's too much iron blade as Kelly talks about a lot. We can't run a rig through here. So that's we're hoping that maybe 05:22 we'll see the results and we can use that as a side dress up Kelly. Take away from this you like to talk about money and I like talking 05:28 about money and you and I both like talking about money. So here's the deal. Do you see a future where you instead of 05:34 fall applications of nitrogen you do some spring application at lesser rates at lesser variable rates 05:40 or reverberates. It doesn't really matter and then you you use products like source to make that nice you're more available. In other words. Is this a 05:49 chance to reduce nitrogen which we're going to have to do probably environmentally. Anyway, I believe that we will still use fall applied 05:55 anhydrous, but at a reduced rate for continued soil health and then we'll use Chad's product. We'll use Source at at tassel time. We chose 06:04 not to use it at the V3 V6 because we've got nitrogen we've got some nitrogen in our two. 06:10 Two system for so that's available to the corn there, but we need that late season push because again, we can't 06:16 why drop with our Hills and our elevation challenges. This is a product that is really made for us in the hills and I'm excited 06:22 about and as the big part you obviously made the decision. You're the fertilizer either Agronomy guy Mike and you looked around and said, we're not 06:28 gonna we're using less nitrogen in March and April going in Spring planning, but we're not putting this 06:34 Source on now, it did not go out in March It came it went in when so really two different application Windows right up front with a 06:43 post-emergence, which you're not using in this particular case for the 500 Acres they've transition but late season on all 06:49 your Acres the ability to have that late season VT our three application paired with the fungicide. 06:55 And they don't do eye drops for all the reasons of fitting their thing. This goes out through the drip. This goes out through our fungicide. This 07:04 goes out through your fungicide. Okay, so ground rig or it can be aerial applied. Okay. 07:09 What is your hope Mike you've been around you look at stuff a lot. You're very geeky about inputs and all this, you know a lot more about than certainly I do and 07:18 maybe even then the other people standing here do what's your hope about a product like this and how it 07:24 fits into the system for the future. I hope it works really well because if we can reduce or front loading nitrogen, yeah our fall 07:33 plate hydrants. Yeah, just operationally it's big deal less tanks less time in the field. We're applying in stuff done and we can put this in late season, 07:42 you know the work with Kelly for years in the late season nitrogen. We need it around here. It's just the soil doesn't produce it as well because 07:50 Of what it is and if we can get that late season punch, I think we'll see a great great yield of response. You see any potential pet falls down downside to 07:59 this idea? No, I do not and you know you had asked earlier about the ROI and he Mike is talking about the variable rate might Geeks 08:08 out on the fertility I geek out on the numbers and then we come to some sort of compromise and that's where the plan comes from. Right and you 08:14 bring in the guys like Chad and you kind of you kind of see saw the hell out of here. Yes. Absolutely. So from an Roi standpoint when we look at 08:23 our variable rate fertility and in the high yield areas 120 to 140 pounds of anhydrous going on there. We have done late season stock tests 08:32 before we're still high in nitrates because of that. So I think we could turn that down even further and then if we can stimulate that ground, especially in those high 08:41 yield areas stimulate that ground with Source. The ROI here is pretty exciting the potential Roi we're gonna prove that out this year, but I'm excited about that interest. 08:50 Work for this company, but I believe in the future we're going to use less nitrogen per bushel produced than we do now just because we 08:56 already are here because the environmental pressure is going to be there from political and what have you does this product get you excited about what that 09:05 future looks like so we can still make the bushels out here in these fields and useless nitrogen or do you think we still have a little bit of are we 09:11 still one iteration away from being able to do that? I think we're here and here's why right. So as a producer myself, right? I do 09:17 work for the company. But as a farmer myself, I see that we as as producers over applying nitrogen. Yeah, and it just so 09:23 happens when price of nitrogen goes up. We get a little more concerned right? So if you start looking at the what we're doing to the soil right kind 09:29 of putting what exists in that dirt today, so talk about sustainability. You see what we do to that dirt today. That's the future of 09:35 the Next Generation the generation after that. So how do we take care of that nitrogen is one of those things where we can actually pull back 09:41 a little bit use products like source to be able to make more or at least to get back to where we are by reducing in. 09:47 Yeah. That's I think that's gonna be the future Mike. Is that what 09:50 Usually looks like that's where I hope we end up. Yeah, I think it makes a lot of sense last words. It's your field. 09:56 It's a it's the results are coming in a couple of weeks for sure, right or a couple of months for sure when we run the combine out here. What do you hope to see? What's gonna what's gonna be the big 10:05 thing. What's gonna be the surprise? I hope to see you know, 15 or 20 bushel. This is a contest field. Typically. We 10:11 have a hard time keeping our late season and up in our tissues where we want it to be. I'm hopeful that Source helps us do that. I'm excited about it. Got it. He's Chad siebold if they 10:20 want to learn more about this. Where do we go? Sound.ag or reach out to us on Twitter on our social media where everywhere it's kind 10:26 of fun to see the root digs. See these fibrous root systems healthier plant check them out. Yeah and do stay 10:32 tuned because we're gonna be very very 100% honest about what we see out here on the transition Acres the ones that we made the swap on and also 10:42 all of the Acres we're gonna be giving you results within a few weeks and certainly when the combines around right right stay tuned 10:48 right here at extreme AG will be giving you all the results. Do that every year with every product we do we give you 10:53 the trial results and we give you on varnished truth about what our experiences were in the field from all of the Farms that participate in the trials. I'm Damian Mason, he's Kelly Garrett. 11:03 He's Mike Evans and he's Chad siebold with sound dot AG go there and check out more their stuff and stay tuned here at extreme AG dot Farm.
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Arion, IA