Chad Answers Questions About His Planter

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5 Jan 244 min 18 secPremium Content

Chad answers MEMBER questions about planter speed, 2x2x2 systems and closing wheels.

Hey y'all, this is Chad Henderson with Extreme Ag and we had the questions so we don't usually see this kind of question come up and I kinda like it. I like it a lot. I like it so much. I had to make a note of what all the question was to get it all answered in my opinion. And it's on the back of a note of, of everything else we was putting out. So anyway, here we go. First question in the list of questions that was sent as one question get that is the Yetter Tubby two deal. Okay. A lot of people wanna say and they have, Becks has stuff on Yetter Twoit two. We had the Yetter Twoit two that you put on the attachment had it when it was on one side, then I put it on where it had two sides and the thing worked great, like it worked good. It lengthened my planter out a little bit and I didn't like that 'cause I have terraces. When I rolled over a terrace it, it was a longer spot that didn't get covered with the closing wheels. So I didn't like that as much. And the next thing I didn't like is it's a pressure set up. So when you have a pressure set up, if you will like that with a jet all the way on the end, it's splatter. It's not so bad when you run on a lot of ground that's real loose and worked up and the question was that he had it in work soil, it won't be so bad. But it was a lot of splatter on my planter unit up to the gauge wheels, you know, and it's just, you know where when you set it down and let's say you try to run it in no-till condition sometimes and the wheel don't get all the way in the ground. Um, I just had a good bit of splatter so I like, that's when I went to conceal, uh, keeping it running. Now I'm just putting it out the back. Maybe not everything that everybody wants to do, but I'm putting it right out the back and guess what? I don't have no trouble with it 'cause I gotta plant a crop plant 3000 acres with one planter. I can't be working on tubby two all time time. That's my goal on the Yetter Tubby two. Alright, the closing wheel, if you're in loose dirt, this is the exact emerge planter. If you're in loose dirt, the closing wheel, you don't need that steel wheel. It's the steel wheel was on there, a lot of it for weight and because that thing's got the speed to it. Um, so on my planter on, let's see, two or three of the two out of the three, we have one spike wheel on one side, one heavy closing wheel on the other side also on four rows. I have two spike wheels from uh, integrated ag that I put on and they've worked great because I'm planted a lot of loose dirt, you know, worked up dirt behind a do all field cultivator, et cetera. So if you're in lighter soil conditions or worked up dirt, it you can get away from that steel gauge wheel and the no-till situation. Uh, you, I mean most of the time it'll go in the ground, everything's fine, but it's according to the speed you wanna plant. But I would start testing that on my planter. I'd put me four or five rows with both of 'em on it, three or four rows with this one on it and just start testing it in your soil conditions. Alright, last one. Speed of the planter. Oh lord. I mean you put this out there on the internet and it's gonna go stupid. So, um, I don't care how fast you plant, you can plant fast. You wanna plant as long as you can maintain Good ride and good seed simulation, let her eat. The problem is when you start letting her eat, all that's gonna go away. So you can get in certain spots in the field where they've done a good job working it. The soil is stale. Seed bed type situations or either run a couple of times with a finishing to it, it's packed where it's firm. Oh you can let her eat in. You get in looser soil conditions. Little bit of ripple to it. Run it over some tracks where they didn't work 'em back up. You gonna have to cut that thing down. It's got to go slow. So the speed, I hate to say, oh I don't plant four mile an hour. Oh I don't plant five mile hour plant. What your ground allows you to plant. With that being said, keep an eye on your monitor. It'll tell you, the planter will tell you how fast it wants to run. You know, as long as you can keep it up there in the high percentages, you know, I'm not gonna say, oh it's gotta be 99% all the time. You don't say really put a number on it. You know what's tolerable for the acres you need to plant that day. You gotta a big rain coming, you try to finish. You may settle with 92 or 3%. You may say, okay, I'm gonna give that up. But if you know, but if not, and you got good conditions, man that thing needs to plant to the best of its ability. So that means slowing down in a lot of cases. So you be the judge of that. A question of the question. That's terrible. Ann, here we go. 2024, hang on.

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